// vite.config.js 'use strict'; const path = require('path'); const { defineConfig, //splitVendorChunkPlugin } = require('vite'); module.exports = defineConfig({ // We have to specify this otherwise Vite will override NODE_ENV as // `production` when we start the server and watch build in our `start-dev.js`. mode: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'dev', plugins: [ // Alternatively, we can manually configure chunks via // `build.rollupOptions.output.manualChunks`. // Docs: https://vitejs.dev/guide/build.html#chunking-strategy // // This didn't seem to work for me though, so I've done the manual config way. // splitVendorChunkPlugin(), ], optimizeDeps: { include: [ // This doesn't seem to be necessary for the this package to work (ref // https://vitejs.dev/guide/dep-pre-bundling.html#monorepos-and-linked-dependencies) // //'matrix-public-archive-shared' ], }, resolve: { alias: { // The `file:` packages don't seem resolve correctly so let's add an alias as well // See https://css-tricks.com/adding-vite-to-your-existing-web-app/#aa-aliases 'matrix-public-archive-shared': path.resolve(__dirname, '../shared'), }, // This will make sure Vite/Rollup matches the original file path (i.e. the path // without following symlinks) instead of the real file path (i.e. the path after // following symlinks). This is useful when symlinking `hydrogen-view-sdk`, so it // still matches our `/node_modules/` pattern in the `build.commonjsOptions.include` // config below and gets converted from CommonJS to ESM as expected. preserveSymlinks: true, }, build: { outDir: './dist', rollupOptions: { // Overwrite default `index.html` entry // (https://vitejs.dev/guide/backend-integration.html#backend-integration) input: [ path.resolve(__dirname, '../client/js/entry-client-hydrogen.js'), path.resolve(__dirname, '../client/js/entry-client-room-directory.js'), path.resolve(__dirname, '../client/js/entry-client-room-alias-hash-redirect.js'), ], output: { assetFileNames: (chunkInfo) => { const { name } = path.parse(chunkInfo.name); // Some of the Hydrogen assets already have hashes in the name so let's remove // that in favor of our new hash. const nameWithoutHash = name.replace(/-[a-z0-9]+$/, ''); return `assets/${nameWithoutHash}-[hash][extname]`; }, }, }, // We want to know how the transformed source relates back to the original source // for easier debugging sourcemap: true, // Generate `dist/manifest.json` that we can use to map a given file to it's built // hashed file name and any dependencies it has. manifest: true, // We don't want to use the `ssrManifest` option. It's supposedly "for determining // style links and asset preload directives in production" // (https://vitejs.dev/config/build-options.html#build-ssrmanifest) (also see // https://vitejs.dev/guide/ssr.html#generating-preload-directives) but doesn't seem // very useful or what we want. // // ssrManifest: true, // Copy things like the version files from `public/` to `dist/`. Things in `public/` // are copied as-is with no transformations. copyPublicDir: true, commonjsOptions: { include: [ // Fix `Error: 'default' is not exported by ...` when importing CommonJS files, see // https://github.com/vitejs/vite/issues/2679 and docs: // https://vitejs.dev/guide/dep-pre-bundling.html#monorepos-and-linked-dependencies /shared\//, // Make all of our `require()` CommonJS calls compatible in the ESM client build. // See https://vitejs.dev/guide/dep-pre-bundling.html#monorepos-and-linked-dependencies /node_modules/, ], }, }, });