'use strict'; const { TemplateView } = require('hydrogen-view-sdk'); class DeveloperOptionsView extends TemplateView { render(t, vm) { return t.div( { className: { DeveloperOptionsView: true, }, href: vm.closeUrl, }, [ t.a({ className: { DeveloperOptionsView_backdrop: true, }, href: vm.closeUrl, }), t.div( { className: { DeveloperOptionsView_modal: true, }, }, [ t.header({ className: 'DeveloperOptionsView_modalHeader' }, [ t.h3('Developer options'), t.a( { className: 'DeveloperOptionsView_modalDismissButton', href: vm.closeUrl, }, [ t.svg( { width: '16', height: '16', viewBox: '0 0 8 8', fill: 'none', xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', }, [ t.path({ d: 'M1.33313 1.33313L6.66646 6.66646', stroke: 'currentColor', 'stroke-width': '1.5', 'stroke-linecap': 'round', }), t.path({ d: 'M6.66699 1.33313L1.33366 6.66646', stroke: 'currentColor', 'stroke-width': '1.5', 'stroke-linecap': 'round', }), ] ), ] ), ]), t.section([ t.h4(['Toggles']), t.div({ className: 'DeveloperOptionsView_settingsFlag' }, [ t.label({ for: 'debugActiveDateIntersectionObserver' }, [ t.div({ className: 'DeveloperOptionsView_labelText' }, [ 'Show active date borders (debug ', t.code('IntersectionObserver'), ')', ]), t.div( { className: 'DeveloperOptionsView_microcopy' }, 'Show red border and yellow background trail around the event that is driving the active date as you scroll around.' ), ]), t.input({ id: 'debugActiveDateIntersectionObserver', type: 'checkbox', checked: (vm) => vm.debugActiveDateIntersectionObserver, onInput: (event) => vm.toggleDebugActiveDateIntersectionObserver(event.target.checked), }), ]), ]), t.section([t.h4('Backend timing'), 'todo: window.tracingSpansForRequest']), ] ), ] ); } } module.exports = DeveloperOptionsView;