'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const urlJoin = require('url-join'); const { fetchEndpointAsJson, fetchEndpoint } = require('../server/lib/fetch-endpoint'); const config = require('../server/lib/config'); const matrixAccessToken = config.get('matrixAccessToken'); assert(matrixAccessToken); const testMatrixServerUrl1 = config.get('testMatrixServerUrl1'); assert(testMatrixServerUrl1); let txnCount = 0; function getTxnId() { txnCount++; return `${new Date().getTime()}--${txnCount}`; } // Basic slugify function, plenty of edge cases and should not be used for // production. function slugify(inputText) { return ( inputText .toLowerCase() // Replace whitespace with hyphens .replace(/\s+/g, '-') // Remove anything not alpha-numeric or hypen .replace(/[^a-z0-9-]+/g, '') ); } async function ensureUserRegistered({ matrixServerUrl, username }) { const registerResponse = await fetchEndpointAsJson( urlJoin(matrixServerUrl, '/_matrix/client/v3/register'), { method: 'POST', body: { type: 'm.login.dummy', username, }, } ); const userId = registerResponse['user_id']; assert(userId); } async function getTestClientForAs() { return { homeserverUrl: testMatrixServerUrl1, accessToken: matrixAccessToken, userId: '@archiver:hs1', }; } // Get client to act with for all of the client methods. This will use the // application service access token and client methods will append `?user_id` // for the specific user to act upon so we can use the `?ts` message timestamp // massaging when sending. async function getTestClientForHs(testMatrixServerUrl) { // Register the virtual user const username = `user-t${new Date().getTime()}-r${Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000)}`; const registerResponse = await fetchEndpointAsJson( urlJoin(testMatrixServerUrl, '/_matrix/client/v3/register'), { method: 'POST', body: { type: 'm.login.application_service', username, }, accessToken: matrixAccessToken, } ); const applicationServiceUserIdOverride = registerResponse['user_id']; assert(applicationServiceUserIdOverride); return { homeserverUrl: testMatrixServerUrl, // We use the application service AS token because we need to be able to use // the `?ts` timestamp massaging when sending events accessToken: matrixAccessToken, userId: applicationServiceUserIdOverride, applicationServiceUserIdOverride, }; } // Create a public room to test in async function createTestRoom(client, overrideCreateOptions = {}) { let qs = new URLSearchParams(); if (client.applicationServiceUserIdOverride) { qs.append('user_id', client.applicationServiceUserIdOverride); } const roomName = overrideCreateOptions.name || 'the hangout spot'; const roomAlias = slugify(roomName + getTxnId()); const createRoomResponse = await fetchEndpointAsJson( urlJoin(client.homeserverUrl, `/_matrix/client/v3/createRoom?${qs.toString()}`), { method: 'POST', body: { preset: 'public_chat', name: roomName, room_alias_name: roomAlias, initial_state: [ { type: 'm.room.history_visibility', state_key: '', content: { history_visibility: 'world_readable', }, }, ], visibility: 'public', ...overrideCreateOptions, }, accessToken: client.accessToken, } ); const roomId = createRoomResponse['room_id']; assert(roomId); return roomId; } async function joinRoom({ client, roomId, viaServers }) { let qs = new URLSearchParams(); if (viaServers) { [].concat(viaServers).forEach((viaServer) => { qs.append('server_name', viaServer); }); } if (client.applicationServiceUserIdOverride) { qs.append('user_id', client.applicationServiceUserIdOverride); } const joinRoomUrl = urlJoin( client.homeserverUrl, `/_matrix/client/v3/join/${roomId}?${qs.toString()}` ); const joinRoomResponse = await fetchEndpointAsJson(joinRoomUrl, { method: 'POST', accessToken: client.accessToken, }); const joinedRoomId = joinRoomResponse['room_id']; assert(joinedRoomId); return joinedRoomId; } async function sendEvent({ client, roomId, eventType, stateKey, content, timestamp }) { assert(client); assert(roomId); assert(content); let qs = new URLSearchParams(); if (timestamp) { assert( timestamp && client.applicationServiceUserIdOverride, 'We can only do `?ts` massaging from an application service access token. ' + 'Expected `client.applicationServiceUserIdOverride` to be defined so we can act on behalf of that user' ); qs.append('ts', timestamp); } if (client.applicationServiceUserIdOverride) { qs.append('user_id', client.applicationServiceUserIdOverride); } let url; if (stateKey) { url = urlJoin( client.homeserverUrl, `/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/${roomId}/state/${eventType}/${stateKey}?${qs.toString()}` ); } else { url = urlJoin( client.homeserverUrl, `/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/${roomId}/send/${eventType}/${getTxnId()}?${qs.toString()}` ); } const sendResponse = await fetchEndpointAsJson(url, { method: 'PUT', body: content, accessToken: client.accessToken, }); const eventId = sendResponse['event_id']; assert(eventId); return eventId; } async function sendMessage({ client, roomId, content, timestamp }) { return sendEvent({ client, roomId, eventType: 'm.room.message', content, timestamp }); } // Create a number of messages in the given room async function createMessagesInRoom({ client, roomId, numMessages, prefix, timestamp }) { let eventIds = []; for (let i = 0; i < numMessages; i++) { const eventId = await sendMessage({ client, roomId, content: { msgtype: 'm.text', body: `${prefix} - message${i}`, }, // The timestamp doesn't matter if it's the same anymore (since // https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/pull/13658) but it still seems // like a good idea to make the tests more clear. timestamp: timestamp + i, }); eventIds.push(eventId); } // Sanity check that we actually sent some messages assert.strictEqual(eventIds.length, numMessages); return eventIds; } async function updateProfile({ client, displayName, avatarUrl }) { let qs = new URLSearchParams(); if (client.applicationServiceUserIdOverride) { qs.append('user_id', client.applicationServiceUserIdOverride); } let updateDisplayNamePromise = Promise.resolve(); if (displayName) { updateDisplayNamePromise = fetchEndpointAsJson( urlJoin( client.homeserverUrl, `/_matrix/client/v3/profile/${client.userId}/displayname?${qs.toString()}` ), { method: 'PUT', body: { displayname: displayName, }, accessToken: client.accessToken, } ); } let updateAvatarUrlPromise = Promise.resolve(); if (avatarUrl) { updateAvatarUrlPromise = fetchEndpointAsJson( urlJoin( client.homeserverUrl, `/_matrix/client/v3/profile/${client.userId}/avatar_url?${qs.toString()}` ), { method: 'PUT', body: { avatar_url: avatarUrl, }, accessToken: client.accessToken, } ); } await Promise.all([updateDisplayNamePromise, updateAvatarUrlPromise]); return null; } // Uploads the given data Buffer and returns the MXC URI of the uploaded content async function uploadContent({ client, roomId, data, fileName, contentType }) { assert(client); assert(roomId); assert(data); let qs = new URLSearchParams(); if (client.applicationServiceUserIdOverride) { qs.append('user_id', client.applicationServiceUserIdOverride); } if (fileName) { qs.append('filename', fileName); } // We don't want to use `fetchEndpointAsJson` here because it will // `JSON.stringify(...)` the body data const uploadResponse = await fetchEndpoint( urlJoin(client.homeserverUrl, `/_matrix/media/v3/upload`), { method: 'POST', body: data, headers: { 'Content-Type': contentType || 'application/octet-stream', }, accessToken: client.accessToken, } ); const uploadResponseData = await uploadResponse.json(); const mxcUri = uploadResponseData['content_uri']; assert(mxcUri); return mxcUri; } module.exports = { ensureUserRegistered, getTestClientForAs, getTestClientForHs, createTestRoom, joinRoom, sendEvent, sendMessage, createMessagesInRoom, updateProfile, uploadContent, };