'use strict'; process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test'; const assert = require('assert'); const path = require('path'); const urlJoin = require('url-join'); const escapeStringRegexp = require('escape-string-regexp'); const { parseHTML } = require('linkedom'); const { readFile } = require('fs').promises; const MatrixPublicArchiveURLCreator = require('matrix-public-archive-shared/lib/url-creator'); const { fetchEndpointAsText, fetchEndpointAsJson } = require('../server/lib/fetch-endpoint'); const config = require('../server/lib/config'); const { getTestClientForHs, createTestRoom, joinRoom, sendEvent, sendMessage, createMessagesInRoom, updateProfile, uploadContent, } = require('./client-utils'); const testMatrixServerUrl1 = config.get('testMatrixServerUrl1'); const testMatrixServerUrl2 = config.get('testMatrixServerUrl2'); assert(testMatrixServerUrl1); assert(testMatrixServerUrl2); const basePath = config.get('basePath'); assert(basePath); const interactive = config.get('interactive'); const matrixPublicArchiveURLCreator = new MatrixPublicArchiveURLCreator(basePath); const HOMESERVER_URL_TO_PRETTY_NAME_MAP = { [testMatrixServerUrl1]: 'hs1', [testMatrixServerUrl2]: 'hs2', }; describe('matrix-public-archive', () => { let server; before(() => { // Start the archive server server = require('../server/server'); }); after(() => { if (!interactive) { server.close(); } }); describe('Test fixture homeservers', () => { // Sanity check that our test homeservers can actually federate with each // other. The rest of the tests won't work properly if this isn't working. it('Test federation between fixture homeservers', async () => { const hs1Client = await getTestClientForHs(testMatrixServerUrl1); const hs2Client = await getTestClientForHs(testMatrixServerUrl2); // Create a room on hs2 const hs2RoomId = await createTestRoom(hs2Client); const room2EventIds = await createMessagesInRoom({ client: hs2Client, roomId: hs2RoomId, numMessages: 10, prefix: HOMESERVER_URL_TO_PRETTY_NAME_MAP[hs2Client.homeserverUrl], }); // Join hs1 to a room on hs2 (federation) await joinRoom({ client: hs1Client, roomId: hs2RoomId, viaServers: 'hs2', }); // From, hs1, make sure we can fetch messages from hs2 const messagesEndpoint = urlJoin( hs1Client.homeserverUrl, `_matrix/client/r0/rooms/${hs2RoomId}/messages?limit=5&dir=b&filter={"types":["m.room.message"]}` ); const messageResData = await fetchEndpointAsJson(messagesEndpoint, { accessToken: hs1Client.accessToken, }); // Make sure it returned some messages assert.strictEqual(messageResData.chunk.length, 5); // Make sure all of the messages belong to the room messageResData.chunk.map((event) => { const isEventInRoomFromHs2 = room2EventIds.some((room2EventId) => { return room2EventId === event.event_id; }); // Make sure the message belongs to the room on hs2 assert.strictEqual( isEventInRoomFromHs2, true, `Expected ${event.event_id} (${event.type}: "${ event.content.body }") to be in room on hs2=${JSON.stringify(room2EventIds)}` ); }); }); }); describe('Archive', () => { // Use a fixed date at the start of the UTC day so that the tests are // consistent. Otherwise, the tests could fail when they start close to // midnight and it rolls over to the next day. const archiveDate = new Date(Date.UTC(2022, 0, 3)); let archiveUrl; let numMessagesSent = 0; afterEach(() => { if (interactive) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log('Interactive URL for test', archiveUrl); } // Reset `numMessagesSent` between tests so each test starts from the // beginning of the day and we don't run out of minutes in the day to send // messages in (we space messages out by a minute so the timestamp visibly // changes in the UI). numMessagesSent = 0; // Reset any custom modifications made for a particular test config.reset(); }); // Sends a message and makes sure that a timestamp was provided async function sendMessageOnArchiveDate(options) { const minute = 1000 * 60; // Adjust the timestamp by a minute each time so there is some visual difference. options.timestamp = archiveDate.getTime() + minute * numMessagesSent; numMessagesSent++; return sendMessage(options); } // Sends a message and makes sure that a timestamp was provided async function sendEventOnArchiveDate(options) { const minute = 1000 * 60; // Adjust the timestamp by a minute each time so there is some visual difference. options.timestamp = archiveDate.getTime() + minute * numMessagesSent; numMessagesSent++; return sendEvent(options); } describe('Archive room view', () => { it('shows all events in a given day', async () => { const client = await getTestClientForHs(testMatrixServerUrl1); const roomId = await createTestRoom(client); // Just render the page initially so that the archiver user is already // joined to the page. We don't want their join event masking the one-off // problem where we're missing the latest message in the room. We just use the date now // because it will find whatever events backwards no matter when they were sent. await fetchEndpointAsText( matrixPublicArchiveURLCreator.archiveUrlForDate(roomId, new Date()) ); const messageTextList = [ `Amontons' First Law: The force of friction is directly proportional to the applied load.`, `Amontons' Second Law: The force of friction is independent of the apparent area of contact.`, // We're aiming for this to be the last message in the room `Coulomb's Law of Friction: Kinetic friction is independent of the sliding velocity.`, ]; // TODO: Can we use `createMessagesInRoom` here instead? const eventIds = []; for (const messageText of messageTextList) { const eventId = await sendMessageOnArchiveDate({ client, roomId, content: { msgtype: 'm.text', body: messageText, }, }); eventIds.push(eventId); } // Sanity check that we actually sent some messages assert.strictEqual(eventIds.length, 3); archiveUrl = matrixPublicArchiveURLCreator.archiveUrlForDate(roomId, archiveDate); const archivePageHtml = await fetchEndpointAsText(archiveUrl); const dom = parseHTML(archivePageHtml); // Make sure the messages are visible for (let i = 0; i < eventIds.length; i++) { const eventId = eventIds[i]; const eventText = messageTextList[i]; assert.match( dom.document.querySelector(`[data-event-id="${eventId}"]`).outerHTML, new RegExp(`.*${escapeStringRegexp(eventText)}.*`) ); } }); // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements it('can render diverse messages', async () => { const client = await getTestClientForHs(testMatrixServerUrl1); const roomId = await createTestRoom(client); const userAvatarBuffer = Buffer.from( // Purple PNG pixel 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABCAYAAAAfFcSJAAAADUlEQVR42mPsD9j0HwAFmQKScbjOAwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==', 'base64' ); const userAvatarMxcUri = await uploadContent({ client, roomId, data: userAvatarBuffer, fileName: 'client user avatar', }); const displayName = `${client.userId}-some-display-name`; await updateProfile({ client, displayName, avatarUrl: userAvatarMxcUri, }); // TODO: Set avatar of room // Test image // via https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friction#/media/File:Friction_between_surfaces.jpg (CaoHao) const imageBuffer = await readFile( path.resolve(__dirname, './fixtures/friction_between_surfaces.jpg') ); const imageFileName = 'friction_between_surfaces.jpg'; const mxcUri = await uploadContent({ client, roomId, data: imageBuffer, fileName: imageFileName, }); const imageEventId = await sendMessageOnArchiveDate({ client, roomId, content: { body: imageFileName, info: { size: 17471, mimetype: 'image/jpeg', w: 640, h: 312, 'xyz.amorgan.blurhash': 'LkR3G|IU?w%NbxbIemae_NxuD$M{', }, msgtype: 'm.image', url: mxcUri, }, }); // A normal text message const normalMessageText1 = '^ Figure 1: Simulated blocks with fractal rough surfaces, exhibiting static frictional interactions'; const normalMessageEventId1 = await sendMessageOnArchiveDate({ client, roomId, content: { msgtype: 'm.text', body: normalMessageText1, }, }); // Another normal text message const normalMessageText2 = 'The topography of the Moon has been measured with laser altimetry and stereo image analysis.'; const normalMessageEventId2 = await sendMessageOnArchiveDate({ client, roomId, content: { msgtype: 'm.text', body: normalMessageText2, }, }); // Test replies const replyMessageText = `The concentration of maria on the near side likely reflects the substantially thicker crust of the highlands of the Far Side, which may have formed in a slow-velocity impact of a second moon of Earth a few tens of millions of years after the Moon's formation.`; const replyMessageEventId = await sendMessageOnArchiveDate({ client, roomId, content: { 'org.matrix.msc1767.message': [ { body: '> <@ericgittertester:my.synapse.server> ${normalMessageText2}', mimetype: 'text/plain', }, { body: `
In reply to @ericgittertester:my.synapse.server
${replyMessageText}`, mimetype: 'text/html', }, ], body: `> <@ericgittertester:my.synapse.server> ${normalMessageText2}\n\n${replyMessageText}`, msgtype: 'm.text', format: 'org.matrix.custom.html', formatted_body: `
In reply to @ericgittertester:my.synapse.server
${replyMessageText}`, 'm.relates_to': { 'm.in_reply_to': { event_id: normalMessageEventId2, }, }, }, }); // Test to make sure we can render the page when the reply is missing the // event it's replying to (the relation). const replyMissingRelationMessageText = `While the giant-impact theory explains many lines of evidence, some questions are still unresolved, most of which involve the Moon's composition.`; const missingRelationEventId = '$someMissingEvent'; const replyMissingRelationMessageEventId = await sendMessageOnArchiveDate({ client, roomId, content: { 'org.matrix.msc1767.message': [ { body: '> <@ericgittertester:my.synapse.server> some missing message', mimetype: 'text/plain', }, { body: `
In reply to @ericgittertester:my.synapse.server
some missing message
${replyMissingRelationMessageText}`, mimetype: 'text/html', }, ], body: `> <@ericgittertester:my.synapse.server> some missing message\n\n${replyMissingRelationMessageText}`, msgtype: 'm.text', format: 'org.matrix.custom.html', formatted_body: `
In reply to @ericgittertester:my.synapse.server
some missing message
${replyMissingRelationMessageText}`, 'm.relates_to': { 'm.in_reply_to': { event_id: missingRelationEventId, }, }, }, }); // Test reactions const reactionText = '😅'; await sendEventOnArchiveDate({ client, roomId, eventType: 'm.reaction', content: { 'm.relates_to': { rel_type: 'm.annotation', event_id: replyMessageEventId, key: reactionText, }, }, }); archiveUrl = matrixPublicArchiveURLCreator.archiveUrlForDate(roomId, archiveDate); const archivePageHtml = await fetchEndpointAsText(archiveUrl); const dom = parseHTML(archivePageHtml); // Make sure the user display name is visible on the message assert.match( dom.document.querySelector(`[data-event-id="${imageEventId}"]`).outerHTML, new RegExp(`.*${escapeStringRegexp(displayName)}.*`) ); // Make sure the user avatar is visible on the message const avatarImageElement = dom.document.querySelector( `[data-event-id="${imageEventId}"] [data-testid="avatar"] img` ); assert(avatarImageElement); assert.match(avatarImageElement.getAttribute('src'), new RegExp(`^http://.*`)); // Make sure the image message is visible const imageElement = dom.document.querySelector( `[data-event-id="${imageEventId}"] [data-testid="media"] img` ); assert(imageElement); assert.match(imageElement.getAttribute('src'), new RegExp(`^http://.*`)); assert.strictEqual(imageElement.getAttribute('alt'), imageFileName); // Make sure the normal message is visible assert.match( dom.document.querySelector(`[data-event-id="${normalMessageEventId1}"]`).outerHTML, new RegExp(`.*${escapeStringRegexp(normalMessageText1)}.*`) ); // Make sure the other normal message is visible assert.match( dom.document.querySelector(`[data-event-id="${normalMessageEventId2}"]`).outerHTML, new RegExp(`.*${escapeStringRegexp(normalMessageText2)}.*`) ); const replyMessageElement = dom.document.querySelector( `[data-event-id="${replyMessageEventId}"]` ); // Make sure the reply text is there assert.match( replyMessageElement.outerHTML, new RegExp(`.*${escapeStringRegexp(replyMessageText)}.*`) ); // Make sure it also includes the message we're replying to assert.match( replyMessageElement.outerHTML, new RegExp(`.*${escapeStringRegexp(normalMessageEventId2)}.*`) ); const replyMissingRelationMessageElement = dom.document.querySelector( `[data-event-id="${replyMissingRelationMessageEventId}"]` ); // Make sure the reply text is there. // We don't care about the message we're replying to because it's missing on purpose. assert.match( replyMissingRelationMessageElement.outerHTML, new RegExp(`.*${escapeStringRegexp(replyMissingRelationMessageText)}.*`) ); // Make sure the reaction also exists assert.match( replyMessageElement.outerHTML, new RegExp(`.*${escapeStringRegexp(reactionText)}.*`) ); }); it(`can render day back in time from room on remote homeserver we haven't backfilled from`, async () => { const hs2Client = await getTestClientForHs(testMatrixServerUrl2); // Create a room on hs2 const hs2RoomId = await createTestRoom(hs2Client); const room2EventIds = await createMessagesInRoom({ client: hs2Client, roomId: hs2RoomId, numMessages: 3, prefix: HOMESERVER_URL_TO_PRETTY_NAME_MAP[hs2Client.homeserverUrl], timestamp: archiveDate.getTime(), }); archiveUrl = matrixPublicArchiveURLCreator.archiveUrlForDate(hs2RoomId, archiveDate, { // Since hs1 doesn't know about this room on hs2 yet, we have to provide // a via server to ask through. viaServers: ['hs2'], }); const archivePageHtml = await fetchEndpointAsText(archiveUrl); const dom = parseHTML(archivePageHtml); // Make sure the messages are visible assert.deepStrictEqual( room2EventIds.map((eventId) => { return dom.document .querySelector(`[data-event-id="${eventId}"]`) ?.getAttribute('data-event-id'); }), room2EventIds ); }); it('redirects to last day with message history', async () => { const client = await getTestClientForHs(testMatrixServerUrl1); const roomId = await createTestRoom(client); // Send an event in the room so we have some day of history to redirect to const eventId = await sendMessageOnArchiveDate({ client, roomId, content: { msgtype: 'm.text', body: 'some message in the history', }, }); const expectedEventIdsOnDay = [eventId]; // Visit `/:roomIdOrAlias` and expect to be redirected to the last day with events archiveUrl = matrixPublicArchiveURLCreator.archiveUrlForRoom(roomId); const archivePageHtml = await fetchEndpointAsText(archiveUrl); const dom = parseHTML(archivePageHtml); // Make sure the messages from the day we expect to get redirected to are visible assert.deepStrictEqual( expectedEventIdsOnDay.map((eventId) => { return dom.document .querySelector(`[data-event-id="${eventId}"]`) ?.getAttribute('data-event-id'); }), expectedEventIdsOnDay ); }); it('still shows surrounding messages on a day with no messages', async () => { const client = await getTestClientForHs(testMatrixServerUrl1); const roomId = await createTestRoom(client); // Send an event in the room so there is some history to display in the // surroundings and everything doesn't just 404 because we can't find // any event. const eventId = await sendMessageOnArchiveDate({ client, roomId, content: { msgtype: 'm.text', body: 'some message in the history', }, }); const expectedEventIdsToBeDisplayed = [eventId]; // Visit the archive on the day ahead of where there are messages const visitArchiveDate = new Date(Date.UTC(2022, 0, 5)); assert( visitArchiveDate > archiveDate, 'The date we visit the archive (`visitArchiveDate`) should be after where the messages were sent (`archiveDate`)' ); archiveUrl = matrixPublicArchiveURLCreator.archiveUrlForDate(roomId, visitArchiveDate); const archivePageHtml = await fetchEndpointAsText(archiveUrl); const dom = parseHTML(archivePageHtml); // Make sure the summary exists on the page assert( dom.document.querySelector( `[data-testid="not-enough-events-summary-kind-no-events-in-day"]` ) ); // Make sure the messages there are some messages from the surrounding days assert.deepStrictEqual( expectedEventIdsToBeDisplayed.map((eventId) => { return dom.document .querySelector(`[data-event-id="${eventId}"]`) ?.getAttribute('data-event-id'); }), expectedEventIdsToBeDisplayed ); }); it('shows no events summary when no messages at or before the given day', async () => { const client = await getTestClientForHs(testMatrixServerUrl1); const roomId = await createTestRoom(client); // We purposely send no events in the room archiveUrl = matrixPublicArchiveURLCreator.archiveUrlForDate(roomId, archiveDate); const archivePageHtml = await fetchEndpointAsText(archiveUrl); const dom = parseHTML(archivePageHtml); // Make sure the summary exists on the page assert( dom.document.querySelector( `[data-testid="not-enough-events-summary-kind-no-events-at-all"]` ) ); }); it(`will redirect to hour pagination when there are too many messages on the same day`, async () => { const client = await getTestClientForHs(testMatrixServerUrl1); const roomId = await createTestRoom(client); // Set this low so we can easily create more than the limit config.set('archiveMessageLimit', 3); // Create more messages than the limit await createMessagesInRoom({ client, roomId: roomId, // This is larger than the `archiveMessageLimit` we set numMessages: 5, prefix: 'events in room', timestamp: archiveDate.getTime(), }); archiveUrl = matrixPublicArchiveURLCreator.archiveUrlForDate(roomId, archiveDate); const archivePageHtml = await fetchEndpointAsText(archiveUrl); assert.match(archivePageHtml, /TODO: Redirect user to smaller hour range/); }); it(`will not redirect to hour pagination when there are too many messages from surrounding days`, async () => { const client = await getTestClientForHs(testMatrixServerUrl1); const roomId = await createTestRoom(client); // Set this low so we can easily create more than the limit config.set('archiveMessageLimit', 3); // Create more messages than the limit on a previous day const previousArchiveDate = new Date(Date.UTC(2022, 0, 2)); assert( previousArchiveDate < archiveDate, `The previousArchiveDate=${previousArchiveDate} should be before the archiveDate=${archiveDate}` ); const surroundEventIds = await createMessagesInRoom({ client, roomId: roomId, // This is larger than the `archiveMessageLimit` we set numMessages: 2, prefix: 'events in room', timestamp: previousArchiveDate.getTime(), }); // Create more messages than the limit const eventIdsOnDay = await createMessagesInRoom({ client, roomId: roomId, // This is larger than the `archiveMessageLimit` we set numMessages: 2, prefix: 'events in room', timestamp: archiveDate.getTime(), }); archiveUrl = matrixPublicArchiveURLCreator.archiveUrlForDate(roomId, archiveDate); const archivePageHtml = await fetchEndpointAsText(archiveUrl); const dom = parseHTML(archivePageHtml); // Make sure the messages are displayed const expectedEventIdsToBeDisplayed = [].concat(surroundEventIds).concat(eventIdsOnDay); assert.deepStrictEqual( expectedEventIdsToBeDisplayed.map((eventId) => { return dom.document .querySelector(`[data-event-id="${eventId}"]`) ?.getAttribute('data-event-id'); }), expectedEventIdsToBeDisplayed ); }); }); describe('Room directory', () => { it('room search narrows down results', async () => { const client = await getTestClientForHs(testMatrixServerUrl1); // This is just an extra room to fill out the room directory and make sure // that it does not appear when searching. await createTestRoom(client); // Then create two rooms we will find with search const timeToken = Date.now(); const roomPlanetPrefix = `planet-${timeToken}`; const roomSaturnId = await createTestRoom(client, { name: `${roomPlanetPrefix}-saturn`, }); const roomMarsId = await createTestRoom(client, { name: `${roomPlanetPrefix}-mars`, }); // Browse the room directory without search to see many rooms archiveUrl = matrixPublicArchiveURLCreator.roomDirectoryUrl(); const roomDirectoryPageHtml = await fetchEndpointAsText(archiveUrl); const dom = parseHTML(roomDirectoryPageHtml); const roomsOnPageWithoutSearch = [ ...dom.document.querySelectorAll(`[data-testid="room-card"]`), ].map((roomCardEl) => { return roomCardEl.getAttribute('data-room-id'); }); // Then browse the room directory again, this time with the search // narrowing down results. archiveUrl = matrixPublicArchiveURLCreator.roomDirectoryUrl({ searchTerm: roomPlanetPrefix, }); const roomDirectoryWithSearchPageHtml = await fetchEndpointAsText(archiveUrl); const domWithSearch = parseHTML(roomDirectoryWithSearchPageHtml); const roomsOnPageWithSearch = [ ...domWithSearch.document.querySelectorAll(`[data-testid="room-card"]`), ].map((roomCardEl) => { return roomCardEl.getAttribute('data-room-id'); }); // Assert that the rooms we searched for are visible assert.deepStrictEqual(roomsOnPageWithSearch.sort(), [roomSaturnId, roomMarsId].sort()); // Sanity check that search does something. Assert that it's not showing // the same results as if we didn't make any search. assert.notDeepStrictEqual(roomsOnPageWithSearch.sort(), roomsOnPageWithoutSearch.sort()); }); }); describe('access controls', () => { it('not allowed to view private room even when the archiver user is in the room', async () => { const client = await getTestClientForHs(testMatrixServerUrl1); const roomId = await createTestRoom(client, { preset: 'private_chat', initial_state: [], }); try { archiveUrl = matrixPublicArchiveURLCreator.archiveUrlForRoom(roomId); await fetchEndpointAsText(archiveUrl); assert.fail( 'We expect the request to fail with a 403 since the archive should not be able to view a private room' ); } catch (err) { assert.strictEqual(err.response.status, 403); } }); it('search engines allowed to index `world_readable` room', async () => { const client = await getTestClientForHs(testMatrixServerUrl1); const roomId = await createTestRoom(client); archiveUrl = matrixPublicArchiveURLCreator.archiveUrlForRoom(roomId); const archivePageHtml = await fetchEndpointAsText(archiveUrl); const dom = parseHTML(archivePageHtml); // Make sure the `` tag does NOT exist on the // page telling search engines not to index it assert.strictEqual(dom.document.querySelector(`meta[name="robots"]`), null); }); it('search engines not allowed to index `public` room', async () => { const client = await getTestClientForHs(testMatrixServerUrl1); const roomId = await createTestRoom(client, { // The default options for the test rooms adds a // `m.room.history_visiblity` state event so we override that here so // it's only a public room. initial_state: [], }); archiveUrl = matrixPublicArchiveURLCreator.archiveUrlForRoom(roomId); const archivePageHtml = await fetchEndpointAsText(archiveUrl); const dom = parseHTML(archivePageHtml); // Make sure the `` tag exists on the page // telling search engines not to index it assert.strictEqual( dom.document.querySelector(`meta[name="robots"]`)?.getAttribute('content'), 'noindex, nofollow' ); }); }); }); });