'use strict'; // Isomorphic script that runs in the browser and on the server for SSR (needs // browser context) that renders Hydrogen to the `document.body`. // // Data is passed in via `window.matrixPublicArchiveContext` const assert = require('matrix-public-archive-shared/lib/assert'); const { Platform, MediaRepository, createNavigation, createRouter, tag, TilesCollection, FragmentIdComparer, tileClassForEntry, EventEntry, encodeKey, encodeEventIdKey, Timeline, RoomViewModel, } = require('hydrogen-view-sdk'); const MatrixPublicArchiveURLCreator = require('matrix-public-archive-shared/lib/url-creator'); const ArchiveView = require('matrix-public-archive-shared/views/ArchiveView'); const ArchiveHistory = require('matrix-public-archive-shared/lib/archive-history'); const ArchiveViewModel = require('matrix-public-archive-shared/viewmodels/ArchiveViewModel'); const fromTimestamp = window.matrixPublicArchiveContext.fromTimestamp; assert(fromTimestamp); const roomData = window.matrixPublicArchiveContext.roomData; assert(roomData); const events = window.matrixPublicArchiveContext.events; assert(events); const stateEventMap = window.matrixPublicArchiveContext.stateEventMap; assert(stateEventMap); const config = window.matrixPublicArchiveContext.config; assert(config); assert(config.matrixServerUrl); assert(config.basePath); const matrixPublicArchiveURLCreator = new MatrixPublicArchiveURLCreator(config.basePath); function addSupportClasses() { const input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'month'; const isMonthTypeSupported = input.type === 'month'; // Signal `` support to our CSS document.body.classList.toggle('fallback-input-month', !isMonthTypeSupported); } let eventIndexCounter = 0; const fragmentIdComparer = new FragmentIdComparer([]); function makeEventEntryFromEventJson(eventJson, memberEvent) { assert(eventJson); const eventIndex = eventIndexCounter; const eventEntry = new EventEntry( { fragmentId: 0, eventIndex: eventIndex, // TODO: What should this be? roomId: roomData.id, event: eventJson, displayName: memberEvent && memberEvent.content && memberEvent.content.displayname, avatarUrl: memberEvent && memberEvent.content && memberEvent.content.avatar_url, key: encodeKey(roomData.id, 0, eventIndex), eventIdKey: encodeEventIdKey(roomData.id, eventJson.event_id), }, fragmentIdComparer ); eventIndexCounter++; return eventEntry; } // For any `` (anchor with a blank href), instead of reloading the // page just remove the hash. Also cleanup whenever the hash changes for // whatever reason. // // For example, when closing the lightbox by clicking the close "x" icon, it // would reload the page instead of SPA because `href=""` will cause a page // navigation if we didn't have this code. Also cleanup whenever the hash is // emptied out (like when pressing escape in the lightbox). function supressBlankAnchorsReloadingThePage() { const eventHandler = { clearHash() { // Cause a `hashchange` event to be fired document.location.hash = ''; // Cleanup the leftover `#` left on the URL window.history.replaceState(null, null, window.location.pathname); }, handleEvent(e) { // For any `` (anchor with a blank href), instead of reloading // the page just remove the hash. if ( e.type === 'click' && e.target.tagName?.toLowerCase() === 'a' && e.target?.getAttribute('href') === '' ) { this.clearHash(); // Prevent the page navigation (reload) e.preventDefault(); } // Also cleanup whenever the hash is emptied out (like when pressing escape in the lightbox) else if (e.type === 'hashchange' && document.location.hash === '') { this.clearHash(); } }, }; document.addEventListener('click', eventHandler); window.addEventListener('hashchange', eventHandler); } // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements async function mountHydrogen() { const app = document.querySelector('#app'); const platformConfig = {}; const assetPaths = {}; const platform = new Platform({ container: app, assetPaths, config: platformConfig, options: { development: true }, }); const navigation = createNavigation(); platform.setNavigation(navigation); const archiveHistory = new ArchiveHistory(roomData.id); const urlRouter = createRouter({ navigation: navigation, // We use our own history because we want the hash to be relative to the // room and not include the session/room. // // Normally, people use `history: platform.history,` history: archiveHistory, }); // Make it listen to changes from the history instance. And populate the // `Navigation` with path segments to work from so `href`'s rendered on the // page don't say `undefined`. urlRouter.attach(); // We use the timeline to setup the relations between entries const timeline = new Timeline({ roomId: roomData.id, fragmentIdComparer: fragmentIdComparer, clock: platform.clock, logger: platform.logger, }); const mediaRepository = new MediaRepository({ homeserver: config.matrixServerUrl, }); const room = { name: roomData.name, id: roomData.id, avatarUrl: roomData.avatarUrl, avatarColorId: roomData.id, mediaRepository: mediaRepository, }; // Something we can modify with new state updates as we see them const workingStateEventMap = { ...stateEventMap, }; const eventEntries = events.map((event) => { if (event.type === 'm.room.member') { workingStateEventMap[event.state_key] = event; } const memberEvent = workingStateEventMap[event.user_id]; return makeEventEntryFromEventJson(event, memberEvent); }); //console.log('eventEntries', eventEntries.length); // Map of `event_id` to `EventEntry` const eventEntriesByEventId = eventEntries.reduce((currentMap, eventEntry) => { currentMap[eventEntry.id] = eventEntry; return currentMap; }, {}); // We have to use `timeline._setupEntries([])` because it sets // `this._allEntries` in `Timeline` and we don't want to use `timeline.load()` // to request remote things. timeline._setupEntries([]); // Make it safe to iterate a derived observable collection timeline.entries.subscribe({ onAdd: () => null, onUpdate: () => null }); // We use the timeline to setup the relations between entries timeline.addEntries(eventEntries); //console.log('timeline.entries', timeline.entries.length, timeline.entries); const tiles = new TilesCollection(timeline.entries, { tileClassForEntry, platform, navigation, urlCreator: urlRouter, timeline, roomVM: { room, }, }); // Trigger `onSubscribeFirst` -> `tiles._populateTiles()` so it creates a tile // for each entry to display. This way we can also call `tile.notifyVisible()` // on each tile so that the tile creation doesn't happen later when the // `TilesListView` is mounted and subscribes which is a bit out of our // control. tiles.subscribe({ onAdd: () => null, onUpdate: () => null }); // Make the lazy-load images appear for (const tile of tiles) { tile.notifyVisible(); } const timelineViewModel = { showJumpDown: false, setVisibleTileRange: () => {}, tiles, }; const roomViewModel = new RoomViewModel({ room, // This is an arbitrary string (doesn't need to match anything and it shouldn't) ownUserId: 'xxx-ownUserId', platform, urlCreator: urlRouter, navigation, }); roomViewModel.openRightPanel = function () { let path = this.navigation.path.until('room'); path = path.with(this.navigation.segment('right-panel', true)); path = path.with(this.navigation.segment('change-dates', true)); this.navigation.applyPath(path); }; // FIXME: We shouldn't have to dive into the internal fields to make this work roomViewModel._timelineVM = timelineViewModel; const fromDate = new Date(fromTimestamp); const dateString = fromDate.toISOString().split('T')[0]; roomViewModel._composerVM = { kind: 'disabled', description: [ `You're viewing an archive of events from ${dateString}. Use a `, tag.a( { href: matrixPublicArchiveURLCreator.permalinkForRoomId(roomData.id), rel: 'noopener', target: '_blank', }, ['Matrix client'] ), ` to start chatting in this room.`, ], }; const archiveViewModel = new ArchiveViewModel({ // Hydrogen options navigation: navigation, urlCreator: urlRouter, history: archiveHistory, // Our options roomViewModel, room, fromDate, eventEntriesByEventId, basePath: config.basePath, }); const view = new ArchiveView(archiveViewModel); app.replaceChildren(view.mount()); addSupportClasses(); supressBlankAnchorsReloadingThePage(); } // N.B.: When we run this in a virtual machine (`vm`), it will return the last // statement. It's important to leave this as the last statement so we can await // the promise it returns and signal that all of the async tasks completed. mountHydrogen();