'use strict'; console.log('start-dev process.env.NODE_ENV', process.env.NODE_ENV); // Using the `posix` version to always use forward slashes in the glob patterns for // the nodemon `ignore` option. It wasn't matching properly otherwise. // Ex. // Before: `.\dist\**\!(manifest.json)` // After: `dist/**/!(manifest.json)` const path = require('path').posix; // eslint-disable-next-line n/no-unpublished-require const nodemon = require('nodemon'); const buildClient = require('../build-scripts/build-client'); // Build the client-side JavaScript bundle when we see any changes buildClient({ build: { // Rebuild when we see changes // https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#watch-options watch: true, }, }); const nodeArgs = []; if (process.argv.includes('--inspectNode')) { nodeArgs.push('--inspect'); } if (process.argv.includes('--traceWarningsNode')) { nodeArgs.push('--trace-warnings'); } // Pass through some args const args = []; if (process.argv.includes('--tracing')) { args.push('--tracing'); } if (process.argv.includes('--logOutputFromChildProcesses')) { args.push('--logOutputFromChildProcesses'); } // Listen for any changes to files and restart the Node.js server process // // For API docs, see // https://github.com/remy/nodemon/blob/main/doc/requireable.md nodemon({ script: path.join(__dirname, './server.js'), ext: 'js json', // We override `ignoreRoot` which includes `node_modules` by default because we we // want to watch `node_modules` for changes whenever we symlink `hydrogen-view-sdk` // in, see // https://github.com/remy/nodemon/blob/master/faq.md#overriding-the-underlying-default-ignore-rules ignoreRoot: ['.git'], ignore: [ // Ignore everything in `dist/` except changes to the `manifest.json` because we // read it on the server and we should always have an up to date copy. path.join(__dirname, '../dist/**/!(manifest.json)'), ], args, nodeArgs, // Helpful for debugging why things aren't watched or ignored //verbose: true, }); nodemon .on('start', function () { console.log('App has started'); }) .on('quit', function () { console.log('App has quit'); process.exit(); }) .on('restart', function (files) { console.log('App restarted due to: ', files); }) .on('crash', function () { console.log('Nodemon: script crashed for some reason'); }) // .on('watching', (file) => { // console.log('watching', file); // }) .on('log', function (data) { console.log(`Nodemon logs: ${data.type}: ${data.message}`); });