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In reply to @madlittlemods:matrix.org
updog", "m.relates_to": { "m.in_reply_to": { "event_id": "$qK4Rp5t_ovTGstWu49Zw1FiplUBaFG36yenkShvqB0Q" } }, "msgtype": "m.text", "org.matrix.msc1767.message": [ { "body": "> <@madlittlemods:matrix.org> u\n\nupdog", "mimetype": "text/plain" }, { "body": "
In reply to @madlittlemods:matrix.org
updog", "mimetype": "text/html" } ] }, "origin_server_ts": 1643751346493, "sender": "@erictroupetester:matrix.org", "type": "m.room.message", "unsigned": { "age": 28449963 }, "event_id": "$FcdFuZLl_G7W8HaQW9INkSrZoP_ZcBKTaYqB0sG4Kns" }, { "content": { "body": "😀 Skin friction is a component of drag, the force resisting the motion of a fluid across the surface of a body.", "msgtype": "m.text", "org.matrix.msc1767.text": "😀 Skin friction is a component of drag, the force resisting the motion of a fluid across the surface of a body." }, "origin_server_ts": 1643779720223, "sender": "@madlittlemods:matrix.org", "type": "m.room.message", "unsigned": { "age": 76233 }, "event_id": "$50Yhop7d2WHs4IiBiA4YQsGbKqXuvwHeJFf5uZ8c0jY" }, { "content": { "body": "Friction_between_surfaces.jpg", "info": { "h": 925, "mimetype": "image/jpeg", "size": 396644, "thumbnail_info": { "h": 390, "mimetype": "image/jpeg", "size": 126490, "w": 800 }, "thumbnail_url": "mxc://matrix.org/zsAjnuqrbMuPlwhcHgjpSobL", "w": 1894, "xyz.amorgan.blurhash": "LkR3G|IU?w%NbwbIemae_NxuD$M{" }, "msgtype": "m.image", "url": "mxc://matrix.org/VmOplYoLzBxmHxrwgtugnHnS" }, "origin_server_ts": 1643779746726, "sender": "@erictroupetester:matrix.org", "type": "m.room.message", "unsigned": { "age": 49730 }, "event_id": "$129QzqeZk0EbB4mTOFTIfnZpcihByAtCrFInuvyBNl8" }, { "content": { "body": "^ Simulated blocks with fractal rough surfaces, exhibiting static frictional interactions", "msgtype": "m.text", "org.matrix.msc1767.text": "^ Simulated blocks with fractal rough surfaces, exhibiting static frictional interactions" }, "origin_server_ts": 1643779756545, "sender": "@erictroupetester:matrix.org", "type": "m.room.message", "unsigned": { "age": 39911, "m.relations": { "m.annotation": { "chunk": [ { "type": "m.reaction", "key": "😮", "count": 1 } ] } } }, "event_id": "$QvdtjOIIbX8R1NlN10swcQJ5LoZFgbX_E7UmvYSah4k" }, { "content": { "m.relates_to": { "event_id": "$QvdtjOIIbX8R1NlN10swcQJ5LoZFgbX_E7UmvYSah4k", "key": "😮", "rel_type": "m.annotation" } }, "origin_server_ts": 1643779769772, "sender": "@madlittlemods:matrix.org", "type": "m.reaction", "unsigned": { "age": 26684 }, "event_id": "$k52WkLrC5T541zfVbofUdSDhmp8Zq2wnF8fh10x4dKI" }, { "content": { "body": "The Greeks, including Aristotle, Vitruvius, and Pliny the Elder, were interested in the cause and mitigation of friction.", "msgtype": "m.text", "org.matrix.msc1767.text": "The Greeks, including Aristotle, Vitruvius, and Pliny the Elder, were interested in the cause and mitigation of friction." }, "origin_server_ts": 1643779783542, "sender": "@madlittlemods:matrix.org", "type": "m.room.message", "unsigned": { "age": 12914 }, "event_id": "$ptJA2m9yHXrgx4Cl0mFUTVwiBy5gR25Z3oe0pdG33OU" } ]