'use strict'; // Called by `child_process` `fork` in `run-in-child-process.js` so we can // get the data and exit the process cleanly. const assert = require('assert'); const RethrownError = require('../lib/errors/rethrown-error'); // Serialize the error and send it back up to the parent process so we can // interact with it and know what happened when the process exits. async function serializeError(err) { await new Promise((resolve) => { process.send( { error: true, name: err.name, message: err.message, stack: err.stack, }, (sendErr) => { if (sendErr) { // We just log here instead of rejecting because it's more important // to see the original error we are trying to send up. Let's just // throw the original error below. const sendErrWithDescription = new RethrownError( 'Failed to send error to the parent process', sendErr ); console.error(sendErrWithDescription); // This will end up hitting the `unhandledRejection` handler and // serializing this error instead (worth a shot) 🤷‍♀️ throw sendErrWithDescription; } resolve(); } ); }); } // We don't exit the process after encountering one of these because maybe it // doesn't matter to the main-line process in the module. // // If we don't listen for these events, the child will exit with status code 1 // (error) when they occur. process.on('uncaughtException', async (err /*, origin*/) => { await serializeError(new RethrownError('uncaughtException in child process', err)); }); process.on('unhandledRejection', async (reason /*, promise*/) => { await serializeError(new RethrownError('unhandledRejection in child process', reason)); }); // Only kick everything off once we receive the options. We pass in the options // this way instead of argv because we will run into `Error: spawn E2BIG` and // `Error: spawn ENAMETOOLONG` with argv. process.on('message', async (runArguments) => { try { assert(runArguments); // Require the module that we're supposed to run const modulePath = process.argv[2]; assert( modulePath, 'Expected `modulePath` to be passed into `child-fork-script.js` via argv[2]' ); const moduleToRun = require(modulePath); // Run the module const result = await moduleToRun(runArguments); assert(result, `No result returned from module we ran (${modulePath}).`); // Send back the data we need to the parent. await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { process.send( { data: result, }, (err) => { if (err) { return reject(err); } // Exit once we know the data was sent out. We can't gurantee the // message was received but this should work pretty well. // // Related: // - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34627546/process-send-is-sync-async-on-nix-windows // - https://github.com/nodejs/node/commit/56d9584a0ead78874ca9d4de2e55b41c4056e502 // - https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/6767 process.exit(0); resolve(); } ); }); } catch (err) { // We need to wait for the error to completely send to the parent // process before we exit the process. await serializeError(err); // Fail the process and exit process.exit(1); } });