'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const checkTextForNsfw = require('matrix-viewer-shared/lib/check-text-for-nsfw'); describe('checkTextForNsfw', () => { Object.entries({ nsfw: true, 'foo NSFW bar': true, foo_NSFW_bar: true, 'foo:NSFW:bar': true, NSFW_foo: true, 'NSFW-foo': true, 'NSFW:foo': true, '18+ only': true, // Previous false positives that we ran into in the wild that should not be flagged // as NSFW '1888-great-blizzard': false, 'argon-18-element': false, }).forEach(([inputText, expectedNsfw]) => { it(`should return ${expectedNsfw} for '${inputText}'`, () => { assert.strictEqual( checkTextForNsfw(inputText), expectedNsfw, `expected checkTextForNsfw('${inputText}') to be ${expectedNsfw}` ); }); }); });