syntax = "proto3"; package cert; //import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; message RawNebulaCertificate { RawNebulaCertificateDetails Details = 1; bytes Signature = 2; } message RawNebulaCertificateDetails { string Name = 1; // Ips and Subnets are in big endian 32 bit pairs, 1st the ip, 2nd the mask repeated uint32 Ips = 2; repeated uint32 Subnets = 3; repeated string Groups = 4; int64 NotBefore = 5; int64 NotAfter = 6; bytes PublicKey = 7; bool IsCA = 8; // sha-256 of the issuer certificate, if this field is blank the cert is self-signed bytes Issuer = 9; }