
326 lines
8.7 KiB

//go:build e2e_testing
// +build e2e_testing
package e2e
import (
type m map[string]interface{}
// newSimpleServer creates a nebula instance with many assumptions
func newSimpleServer(caCrt *cert.NebulaCertificate, caKey []byte, name string, udpIp net.IP, overrides m) (*nebula.Control, *net.IPNet, *net.UDPAddr, *config.C) {
l := NewTestLogger()
vpnIpNet := &net.IPNet{IP: make([]byte, len(udpIp)), Mask: net.IPMask{255, 255, 255, 0}}
copy(vpnIpNet.IP, udpIp)
vpnIpNet.IP[1] += 128
udpAddr := net.UDPAddr{
IP: udpIp,
Port: 4242,
_, _, myPrivKey, myPEM := newTestCert(caCrt, caKey, name, time.Now(), time.Now().Add(5*time.Minute), vpnIpNet, nil, []string{})
caB, err := caCrt.MarshalToPEM()
if err != nil {
mc := m{
"pki": m{
"ca": string(caB),
"cert": string(myPEM),
"key": string(myPrivKey),
//"tun": m{"disabled": true},
"firewall": m{
"outbound": []m{{
"proto": "any",
"port": "any",
"host": "any",
"inbound": []m{{
"proto": "any",
"port": "any",
"host": "any",
//"handshakes": m{
// "try_interval": "1s",
"listen": m{
"host": udpAddr.IP.String(),
"port": udpAddr.Port,
"logging": m{
"timestamp_format": fmt.Sprintf("%v 15:04:05.000000", name),
"level": l.Level.String(),
"timers": m{
"pending_deletion_interval": 2,
"connection_alive_interval": 2,
if overrides != nil {
err = mergo.Merge(&overrides, mc, mergo.WithAppendSlice)
if err != nil {
mc = overrides
cb, err := yaml.Marshal(mc)
if err != nil {
c := config.NewC(l)
control, err := nebula.Main(c, false, "e2e-test", l, nil)
if err != nil {
return control, vpnIpNet, &udpAddr, c
// newTestCaCert will generate a CA cert
func newTestCaCert(before, after time.Time, ips, subnets []*net.IPNet, groups []string) (*cert.NebulaCertificate, []byte, []byte, []byte) {
pub, priv, err := ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
if before.IsZero() {
before = time.Now().Add(time.Second * -60).Round(time.Second)
if after.IsZero() {
after = time.Now().Add(time.Second * 60).Round(time.Second)
nc := &cert.NebulaCertificate{
Details: cert.NebulaCertificateDetails{
Name: "test ca",
NotBefore: time.Unix(before.Unix(), 0),
NotAfter: time.Unix(after.Unix(), 0),
PublicKey: pub,
IsCA: true,
InvertedGroups: make(map[string]struct{}),
if len(ips) > 0 {
nc.Details.Ips = ips
if len(subnets) > 0 {
nc.Details.Subnets = subnets
if len(groups) > 0 {
nc.Details.Groups = groups
err = nc.Sign(cert.Curve_CURVE25519, priv)
if err != nil {
pem, err := nc.MarshalToPEM()
if err != nil {
return nc, pub, priv, pem
// newTestCert will generate a signed certificate with the provided details.
// Expiry times are defaulted if you do not pass them in
func newTestCert(ca *cert.NebulaCertificate, key []byte, name string, before, after time.Time, ip *net.IPNet, subnets []*net.IPNet, groups []string) (*cert.NebulaCertificate, []byte, []byte, []byte) {
issuer, err := ca.Sha256Sum()
if err != nil {
if before.IsZero() {
before = time.Now().Add(time.Second * -60).Round(time.Second)
if after.IsZero() {
after = time.Now().Add(time.Second * 60).Round(time.Second)
pub, rawPriv := x25519Keypair()
nc := &cert.NebulaCertificate{
Details: cert.NebulaCertificateDetails{
Name: name,
Ips: []*net.IPNet{ip},
Subnets: subnets,
Groups: groups,
NotBefore: time.Unix(before.Unix(), 0),
NotAfter: time.Unix(after.Unix(), 0),
PublicKey: pub,
IsCA: false,
Issuer: issuer,
InvertedGroups: make(map[string]struct{}),
err = nc.Sign(ca.Details.Curve, key)
if err != nil {
pem, err := nc.MarshalToPEM()
if err != nil {
return nc, pub, cert.MarshalX25519PrivateKey(rawPriv), pem
func x25519Keypair() ([]byte, []byte) {
privkey := make([]byte, 32)
if _, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, privkey); err != nil {
pubkey, err := curve25519.X25519(privkey, curve25519.Basepoint)
if err != nil {
return pubkey, privkey
type doneCb func()
func deadline(t *testing.T, seconds time.Duration) doneCb {
timeout := time.After(seconds * time.Second)
done := make(chan bool)
go func() {
select {
case <-timeout:
t.Fatal("Test did not finish in time")
case <-done:
return func() {
done <- true
func assertTunnel(t *testing.T, vpnIpA, vpnIpB net.IP, controlA, controlB *nebula.Control, r *router.R) {
// Send a packet from them to me
controlB.InjectTunUDPPacket(vpnIpA, 80, 90, []byte("Hi from B"))
bPacket := r.RouteForAllUntilTxTun(controlA)
assertUdpPacket(t, []byte("Hi from B"), bPacket, vpnIpB, vpnIpA, 90, 80)
// And once more from me to them
controlA.InjectTunUDPPacket(vpnIpB, 80, 90, []byte("Hello from A"))
aPacket := r.RouteForAllUntilTxTun(controlB)
assertUdpPacket(t, []byte("Hello from A"), aPacket, vpnIpA, vpnIpB, 90, 80)
func assertHostInfoPair(t *testing.T, addrA, addrB *net.UDPAddr, vpnIpA, vpnIpB net.IP, controlA, controlB *nebula.Control) {
// Get both host infos
hBinA := controlA.GetHostInfoByVpnIp(iputil.Ip2VpnIp(vpnIpB), false)
assert.NotNil(t, hBinA, "Host B was not found by vpnIp in controlA")
hAinB := controlB.GetHostInfoByVpnIp(iputil.Ip2VpnIp(vpnIpA), false)
assert.NotNil(t, hAinB, "Host A was not found by vpnIp in controlB")
// Check that both vpn and real addr are correct
assert.Equal(t, vpnIpB, hBinA.VpnIp, "Host B VpnIp is wrong in control A")
assert.Equal(t, vpnIpA, hAinB.VpnIp, "Host A VpnIp is wrong in control B")
assert.Equal(t, addrB.IP.To16(), hBinA.CurrentRemote.IP.To16(), "Host B remote ip is wrong in control A")
assert.Equal(t, addrA.IP.To16(), hAinB.CurrentRemote.IP.To16(), "Host A remote ip is wrong in control B")
assert.Equal(t, addrB.Port, int(hBinA.CurrentRemote.Port), "Host B remote port is wrong in control A")
assert.Equal(t, addrA.Port, int(hAinB.CurrentRemote.Port), "Host A remote port is wrong in control B")
// Check that our indexes match
assert.Equal(t, hBinA.LocalIndex, hAinB.RemoteIndex, "Host B local index does not match host A remote index")
assert.Equal(t, hBinA.RemoteIndex, hAinB.LocalIndex, "Host B remote index does not match host A local index")
//TODO: Would be nice to assert this memory
//checkIndexes := func(name string, hm *HostMap, hi *HostInfo) {
// hBbyIndex := hmA.Indexes[hBinA.localIndexId]
// assert.NotNil(t, hBbyIndex, "Could not host info by local index in %s", name)
// assert.Equal(t, &hBbyIndex, &hBinA, "%s Indexes map did not point to the right host info", name)
// //TODO: remote indexes are susceptible to collision
// hBbyRemoteIndex := hmA.RemoteIndexes[hBinA.remoteIndexId]
// assert.NotNil(t, hBbyIndex, "Could not host info by remote index in %s", name)
// assert.Equal(t, &hBbyRemoteIndex, &hBinA, "%s RemoteIndexes did not point to the right host info", name)
//// Check hostmap indexes too
//checkIndexes("hmA", hmA, hBinA)
//checkIndexes("hmB", hmB, hAinB)
func assertUdpPacket(t *testing.T, expected, b []byte, fromIp, toIp net.IP, fromPort, toPort uint16) {
packet := gopacket.NewPacket(b, layers.LayerTypeIPv4, gopacket.Lazy)
v4 := packet.Layer(layers.LayerTypeIPv4).(*layers.IPv4)
assert.NotNil(t, v4, "No ipv4 data found")
assert.Equal(t, fromIp, v4.SrcIP, "Source ip was incorrect")
assert.Equal(t, toIp, v4.DstIP, "Dest ip was incorrect")
udp := packet.Layer(layers.LayerTypeUDP).(*layers.UDP)
assert.NotNil(t, udp, "No udp data found")
assert.Equal(t, fromPort, uint16(udp.SrcPort), "Source port was incorrect")
assert.Equal(t, toPort, uint16(udp.DstPort), "Dest port was incorrect")
data := packet.ApplicationLayer()
assert.NotNil(t, data)
assert.Equal(t, expected, data.Payload(), "Data was incorrect")
func NewTestLogger() *logrus.Logger {
l := logrus.New()
v := os.Getenv("TEST_LOGS")
if v == "" {
return l
switch v {
case "2":
case "3":
return l