
528 lines
17 KiB

package nebula
import (
const (
minFwPacketLen = 4
func (f *Interface) readOutsidePackets(addr *udp.Addr, via interface{}, out []byte, packet []byte, h *header.H, fwPacket *firewall.Packet, lhf udp.LightHouseHandlerFunc, nb []byte, q int, localCache firewall.ConntrackCache) {
err := h.Parse(packet)
if err != nil {
// TODO: best if we return this and let caller log
// TODO: Might be better to send the literal []byte("holepunch") packet and ignore that?
// Hole punch packets are 0 or 1 byte big, so lets ignore printing those errors
if len(packet) > 1 {
f.l.WithField("packet", packet).Infof("Error while parsing inbound packet from %s: %s", addr, err)
//l.Error("in packet ", header, packet[HeaderLen:])
if addr != nil {
if ip4 := addr.IP.To4(); ip4 != nil {
if ipMaskContains(f.lightHouse.myVpnIp, f.lightHouse.myVpnZeros, iputil.VpnIp(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(ip4))) {
if f.l.Level >= logrus.DebugLevel {
f.l.WithField("udpAddr", addr).Debug("Refusing to process double encrypted packet")
var hostinfo *HostInfo
// verify if we've seen this index before, otherwise respond to the handshake initiation
if h.Type == header.Message && h.Subtype == header.MessageRelay {
hostinfo, _ = f.hostMap.QueryRelayIndex(h.RemoteIndex)
} else {
hostinfo, _ = f.hostMap.QueryIndex(h.RemoteIndex)
var ci *ConnectionState
if hostinfo != nil {
ci = hostinfo.ConnectionState
switch h.Type {
case header.Message:
// TODO handleEncrypted sends directly to addr on error. Handle this in the tunneling case.
if !f.handleEncrypted(ci, addr, h) {
switch h.Subtype {
case header.MessageNone:
f.decryptToTun(hostinfo, h.MessageCounter, out, packet, fwPacket, nb, q, localCache)
case header.MessageRelay:
// The entire body is sent as AD, not encrypted.
// The packet consists of a 16-byte parsed Nebula header, Associated Data-protected payload, and a trailing 16-byte AEAD signature value.
// The packet is guaranteed to be at least 16 bytes at this point, b/c it got past the h.Parse() call above. If it's
// otherwise malformed (meaning, there is no trailing 16 byte AEAD value), then this will result in at worst a 0-length slice
// which will gracefully fail in the DecryptDanger call.
signedPayload := packet[:len(packet)-hostinfo.ConnectionState.dKey.Overhead()]
signatureValue := packet[len(packet)-hostinfo.ConnectionState.dKey.Overhead():]
out, err = hostinfo.ConnectionState.dKey.DecryptDanger(out, signedPayload, signatureValue, h.MessageCounter, nb)
if err != nil {
// Successfully validated the thing. Get rid of the Relay header.
signedPayload = signedPayload[header.Len:]
// Pull the Roaming parts up here, and return in all call paths.
f.handleHostRoaming(hostinfo, addr)
relay, ok := hostinfo.relayState.QueryRelayForByIdx(h.RemoteIndex)
if !ok {
// The only way this happens is if hostmap has an index to the correct HostInfo, but the HostInfo is missing
// its internal mapping. This shouldn't happen!
hostinfo.logger(f.l).WithField("hostinfo", hostinfo.vpnIp).WithField("remoteIndex", h.RemoteIndex).Errorf("HostInfo missing remote index")
// Delete my local index from the hostmap
// When the peer doesn't recieve any return traffic, its connection_manager will eventually clean up
// the broken relay when it cleans up the associated HostInfo object.
switch relay.Type {
case TerminalType:
// If I am the target of this relay, process the unwrapped packet
// From this recursive point, all these variables are 'burned'. We shouldn't rely on them again.
f.readOutsidePackets(nil, &ViaSender{relayHI: hostinfo, remoteIdx: relay.RemoteIndex, relay: relay}, out[:0], signedPayload, h, fwPacket, lhf, nb, q, localCache)
case ForwardingType:
// Find the target HostInfo relay object
targetHI, err := f.hostMap.QueryVpnIp(relay.PeerIp)
if err != nil {
hostinfo.logger(f.l).WithField("peerIp", relay.PeerIp).WithError(err).Info("Failed to find target host info by ip")
// find the target Relay info object
targetRelay, ok := targetHI.relayState.QueryRelayForByIp(hostinfo.vpnIp)
if !ok {
hostinfo.logger(f.l).WithField("peerIp", relay.PeerIp).Info("Failed to find relay in hostinfo")
// If that relay is Established, forward the payload through it
if targetRelay.State == Established {
switch targetRelay.Type {
case ForwardingType:
// Forward this packet through the relay tunnel
// Find the target HostInfo
f.SendVia(targetHI, targetRelay, signedPayload, nb, out, false)
case TerminalType:
hostinfo.logger(f.l).Error("Unexpected Relay Type of Terminal")
} else {
hostinfo.logger(f.l).WithField("targetRelayState", targetRelay.State).Info("Unexpected target relay state")
case header.LightHouse:
f.messageMetrics.Rx(h.Type, h.Subtype, 1)
if !f.handleEncrypted(ci, addr, h) {
d, err := f.decrypt(hostinfo, h.MessageCounter, out, packet, h, nb)
if err != nil {
hostinfo.logger(f.l).WithError(err).WithField("udpAddr", addr).
WithField("packet", packet).
Error("Failed to decrypt lighthouse packet")
//TODO: maybe after build 64 is out? 06/14/2018 - NB
//f.sendRecvError(net.Addr(addr), header.RemoteIndex)
lhf(addr, hostinfo.vpnIp, d, f)
// Fallthrough to the bottom to record incoming traffic
case header.Test:
f.messageMetrics.Rx(h.Type, h.Subtype, 1)
if !f.handleEncrypted(ci, addr, h) {
d, err := f.decrypt(hostinfo, h.MessageCounter, out, packet, h, nb)
if err != nil {
hostinfo.logger(f.l).WithError(err).WithField("udpAddr", addr).
WithField("packet", packet).
Error("Failed to decrypt test packet")
//TODO: maybe after build 64 is out? 06/14/2018 - NB
//f.sendRecvError(net.Addr(addr), header.RemoteIndex)
if h.Subtype == header.TestRequest {
// This testRequest might be from TryPromoteBest, so we should roam
// to the new IP address before responding
f.handleHostRoaming(hostinfo, addr)
f.send(header.Test, header.TestReply, ci, hostinfo, d, nb, out)
// Fallthrough to the bottom to record incoming traffic
// Non encrypted messages below here, they should not fall through to avoid tracking incoming traffic since they
// are unauthenticated
case header.Handshake:
f.messageMetrics.Rx(h.Type, h.Subtype, 1)
HandleIncomingHandshake(f, addr, via, packet, h, hostinfo)
case header.RecvError:
f.messageMetrics.Rx(h.Type, h.Subtype, 1)
f.handleRecvError(addr, h)
case header.CloseTunnel:
f.messageMetrics.Rx(h.Type, h.Subtype, 1)
if !f.handleEncrypted(ci, addr, h) {
hostinfo.logger(f.l).WithField("udpAddr", addr).
Info("Close tunnel received, tearing down.")
case header.Control:
if !f.handleEncrypted(ci, addr, h) {
d, err := f.decrypt(hostinfo, h.MessageCounter, out, packet, h, nb)
if err != nil {
hostinfo.logger(f.l).WithError(err).WithField("udpAddr", addr).
WithField("packet", packet).
Error("Failed to decrypt Control packet")
m := &NebulaControl{}
err = m.Unmarshal(d)
if err != nil {
hostinfo.logger(f.l).WithError(err).Error("Failed to unmarshal control message")
f.relayManager.HandleControlMsg(hostinfo, m, f)
f.messageMetrics.Rx(h.Type, h.Subtype, 1)
hostinfo.logger(f.l).Debugf("Unexpected packet received from %s", addr)
f.handleHostRoaming(hostinfo, addr)
// closeTunnel closes a tunnel locally, it does not send a closeTunnel packet to the remote
func (f *Interface) closeTunnel(hostInfo *HostInfo) {
//TODO: this would be better as a single function in ConnectionManager that handled locks appropriately
// sendCloseTunnel is a helper function to send a proper close tunnel packet to a remote
func (f *Interface) sendCloseTunnel(h *HostInfo) {
f.send(header.CloseTunnel, 0, h.ConnectionState, h, []byte{}, make([]byte, 12, 12), make([]byte, mtu))
func (f *Interface) handleHostRoaming(hostinfo *HostInfo, addr *udp.Addr) {
if addr != nil && !hostinfo.remote.Equals(addr) {
if !f.lightHouse.GetRemoteAllowList().Allow(hostinfo.vpnIp, addr.IP) {
hostinfo.logger(f.l).WithField("newAddr", addr).Debug("lighthouse.remote_allow_list denied roaming")
if !hostinfo.lastRoam.IsZero() && addr.Equals(hostinfo.lastRoamRemote) && time.Since(hostinfo.lastRoam) < RoamingSuppressSeconds*time.Second {
if f.l.Level >= logrus.DebugLevel {
hostinfo.logger(f.l).WithField("udpAddr", hostinfo.remote).WithField("newAddr", addr).
Debugf("Suppressing roam back to previous remote for %d seconds", RoamingSuppressSeconds)
hostinfo.logger(f.l).WithField("udpAddr", hostinfo.remote).WithField("newAddr", addr).
Info("Host roamed to new udp ip/port.")
hostinfo.lastRoam = time.Now()
hostinfo.lastRoamRemote = hostinfo.remote
func (f *Interface) handleEncrypted(ci *ConnectionState, addr *udp.Addr, h *header.H) bool {
// If connectionstate exists and the replay protector allows, process packet
// Else, send recv errors for 300 seconds after a restart to allow fast reconnection.
if ci == nil || !ci.window.Check(f.l, h.MessageCounter) {
if addr != nil {
f.maybeSendRecvError(addr, h.RemoteIndex)
return false
} else {
return false
return true
// newPacket validates and parses the interesting bits for the firewall out of the ip and sub protocol headers
func newPacket(data []byte, incoming bool, fp *firewall.Packet) error {
// Do we at least have an ipv4 header worth of data?
if len(data) < ipv4.HeaderLen {
return fmt.Errorf("packet is less than %v bytes", ipv4.HeaderLen)
// Is it an ipv4 packet?
if int((data[0]>>4)&0x0f) != 4 {
return fmt.Errorf("packet is not ipv4, type: %v", int((data[0]>>4)&0x0f))
// Adjust our start position based on the advertised ip header length
ihl := int(data[0]&0x0f) << 2
// Well formed ip header length?
if ihl < ipv4.HeaderLen {
return fmt.Errorf("packet had an invalid header length: %v", ihl)
// Check if this is the second or further fragment of a fragmented packet.
flagsfrags := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[6:8])
fp.Fragment = (flagsfrags & 0x1FFF) != 0
// Firewall handles protocol checks
fp.Protocol = data[9]
// Accounting for a variable header length, do we have enough data for our src/dst tuples?
minLen := ihl
if !fp.Fragment && fp.Protocol != firewall.ProtoICMP {
minLen += minFwPacketLen
if len(data) < minLen {
return fmt.Errorf("packet is less than %v bytes, ip header len: %v", minLen, ihl)
// Firewall packets are locally oriented
if incoming {
fp.RemoteIP = iputil.Ip2VpnIp(data[12:16])
fp.LocalIP = iputil.Ip2VpnIp(data[16:20])
if fp.Fragment || fp.Protocol == firewall.ProtoICMP {
fp.RemotePort = 0
fp.LocalPort = 0
} else {
fp.RemotePort = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[ihl : ihl+2])
fp.LocalPort = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[ihl+2 : ihl+4])
} else {
fp.LocalIP = iputil.Ip2VpnIp(data[12:16])
fp.RemoteIP = iputil.Ip2VpnIp(data[16:20])
if fp.Fragment || fp.Protocol == firewall.ProtoICMP {
fp.RemotePort = 0
fp.LocalPort = 0
} else {
fp.LocalPort = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[ihl : ihl+2])
fp.RemotePort = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[ihl+2 : ihl+4])
return nil
func (f *Interface) decrypt(hostinfo *HostInfo, mc uint64, out []byte, packet []byte, h *header.H, nb []byte) ([]byte, error) {
var err error
out, err = hostinfo.ConnectionState.dKey.DecryptDanger(out, packet[:header.Len], packet[header.Len:], mc, nb)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !hostinfo.ConnectionState.window.Update(f.l, mc) {
hostinfo.logger(f.l).WithField("header", h).
Debugln("dropping out of window packet")
return nil, errors.New("out of window packet")
return out, nil
func (f *Interface) decryptToTun(hostinfo *HostInfo, messageCounter uint64, out []byte, packet []byte, fwPacket *firewall.Packet, nb []byte, q int, localCache firewall.ConntrackCache) {
var err error
out, err = hostinfo.ConnectionState.dKey.DecryptDanger(out, packet[:header.Len], packet[header.Len:], messageCounter, nb)
if err != nil {
hostinfo.logger(f.l).WithError(err).Error("Failed to decrypt packet")
//TODO: maybe after build 64 is out? 06/14/2018 - NB
//f.sendRecvError(hostinfo.remote, header.RemoteIndex)
err = newPacket(out, true, fwPacket)
if err != nil {
hostinfo.logger(f.l).WithError(err).WithField("packet", out).
Warnf("Error while validating inbound packet")
if !hostinfo.ConnectionState.window.Update(f.l, messageCounter) {
hostinfo.logger(f.l).WithField("fwPacket", fwPacket).
Debugln("dropping out of window packet")
dropReason := f.firewall.Drop(out, *fwPacket, true, hostinfo, f.caPool, localCache)
if dropReason != nil {
if f.l.Level >= logrus.DebugLevel {
hostinfo.logger(f.l).WithField("fwPacket", fwPacket).
WithField("reason", dropReason).
Debugln("dropping inbound packet")
_, err = f.readers[q].Write(out)
if err != nil {
f.l.WithError(err).Error("Failed to write to tun")
func (f *Interface) maybeSendRecvError(endpoint *udp.Addr, index uint32) {
if f.sendRecvErrorConfig.ShouldSendRecvError(endpoint.IP) {
f.sendRecvError(endpoint, index)
func (f *Interface) sendRecvError(endpoint *udp.Addr, index uint32) {
f.messageMetrics.Tx(header.RecvError, 0, 1)
//TODO: this should be a signed message so we can trust that we should drop the index
b := header.Encode(make([]byte, header.Len), header.Version, header.RecvError, 0, index, 0)
f.outside.WriteTo(b, endpoint)
if f.l.Level >= logrus.DebugLevel {
f.l.WithField("index", index).
WithField("udpAddr", endpoint).
Debug("Recv error sent")
func (f *Interface) handleRecvError(addr *udp.Addr, h *header.H) {
if f.l.Level >= logrus.DebugLevel {
f.l.WithField("index", h.RemoteIndex).
WithField("udpAddr", addr).
Debug("Recv error received")
// First, clean up in the pending hostmap
hostinfo, err := f.hostMap.QueryReverseIndex(h.RemoteIndex)
if err != nil {
f.l.Debugln(err, ": ", h.RemoteIndex)
defer hostinfo.Unlock()
if !hostinfo.RecvErrorExceeded() {
if hostinfo.remote != nil && !hostinfo.remote.Equals(addr) {
f.l.Infoln("Someone spoofing recv_errors? ", addr, hostinfo.remote)
// We also delete it from pending hostmap to allow for
// fast reconnect.
func (f *Interface) sendMeta(ci *ConnectionState, endpoint *net.UDPAddr, meta *NebulaMeta) {
if ci.eKey != nil {
//TODO: log error?
msg, err := proto.Marshal(meta)
if err != nil {
l.Debugln("failed to encode header")
c := ci.messageCounter
b := HeaderEncode(nil, Version, uint8(metadata), 0, hostinfo.remoteIndexId, c)
msg := ci.eKey.EncryptDanger(b, nil, msg, c)
//msg := ci.eKey.EncryptDanger(b, nil, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d", counter)), c)
f.outside.WriteTo(msg, endpoint)
func RecombineCertAndValidate(h *noise.HandshakeState, rawCertBytes []byte, caPool *cert.NebulaCAPool) (*cert.NebulaCertificate, error) {
pk := h.PeerStatic()
if pk == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no peer static key was present")
if rawCertBytes == nil {
return nil, errors.New("provided payload was empty")
r := &cert.RawNebulaCertificate{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(rawCertBytes, r)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error unmarshaling cert: %s", err)
// If the Details are nil, just exit to avoid crashing
if r.Details == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("certificate did not contain any details")
r.Details.PublicKey = pk
recombined, err := proto.Marshal(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error while recombining certificate: %s", err)
c, _ := cert.UnmarshalNebulaCertificate(recombined)
isValid, err := c.Verify(time.Now(), caPool)
if err != nil {
return c, fmt.Errorf("certificate validation failed: %s", err)
} else if !isValid {
// This case should never happen but here's to defensive programming!
return c, errors.New("certificate validation failed but did not return an error")
return c, nil