diff --git a/src/_locales/zh_TW/messages.json b/src/_locales/zh_TW/messages.json index fb1a760..d8382ff 100644 --- a/src/_locales/zh_TW/messages.json +++ b/src/_locales/zh_TW/messages.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "description": "" }, "AdditionalRestrictions": { - "message": "用於非信任網站的額外權限", + "message": "針對不信任網站的額外限制", "description": "" }, "SectionAdvanced": { @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ "description": "" }, "CascadeRestrictions": { - "message": "Any capability blocked in the top document must be blocked in its subdocuments too", + "message": "最上層文件中已封鎖的功能,也必須於子文件中套用該封鎖。", "description": "" }, "ClearClickDescription": { @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ "description": "" }, "NotEnforced": { - "message": "已解除的限制", + "message": "使用者已停用限制:NoScript 不會封鎖這個頁面上的任何東西!", "description": "" }, "NoEnforcement": { @@ -292,11 +292,11 @@ "description": "" }, "OptIncognitoPerm": { - "message": "Enable setting permanent permissions in incognito/private tabs.\nBEWARE: doing this can leak site information!", + "message": "允許在無痕模式的頁面設定永久權限。\n請注意:這麼做會洩漏網站資訊!", "description": "" }, "OptAmnesticUpdates": { - "message": "Revoke temporary permissions on NoScript updates, even if the browser is not restarted", + "message": "當 NoScript 更新時撤銷臨時權限,即使沒有重新啟動瀏覽器亦同", "description": "" }, "KeepLocked": { @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ "description": "" }, "NoUntrustedPlaceholder": { - "message": "不給予標示為不可信網站的物件佔位符", + "message": "對於任何來自不信任網站的物件,取消其預留空間", "description": "" }, "Notifications": { @@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ "description": "" }, "TempToPerm": { - "message": "令頁面的權限為永久\n", + "message": "永遠保留頁面權限", "description": "" }, "TempToPerm_accesskey": { @@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ "description": "" }, "Untrust": { - "message": "標示為不可信", + "message": "標示為不信任", "description": "" }, "Untrust_accesskey": { @@ -568,11 +568,11 @@ "description": "" }, "Untrusted": { - "message": "不可信", + "message": "不信任", "description": "" }, "UntrustedPagesAdj": { - "message": "不可信", + "message": "不信任", "description": "" }, "WebAddress": { @@ -668,15 +668,15 @@ "description": "" }, "allowed_no": { - "message": "現時被封鎖的指令碼", + "message": "目前被封鎖的指令碼", "description": "" }, "allowed_prt": { - "message": "局部允許的指令碼", + "message": "部分允許的指令碼", "description": "" }, "allowed_yes": { - "message": "現時允許的指令碼", + "message": "目前允許的指令碼", "description": "" }, "alwaysAsk": { @@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ "description": "" }, "bookmarkSync_confirm": { - "message": "Noscript發現一個設定書籤擬似已儲存在$1。\n你真的想以這個設定書籤的內容覆寫本機NoScript設定嗎?", + "message": "NoScript 找到一個設定書籤,似乎儲存在$1。\n您真的想以這個設定書籤的內容覆寫本機 NoScript 設定嗎?", "description": "" }, "bookmarkSync_message": { @@ -700,15 +700,15 @@ "description": "" }, "caps": { - "message": "Enable these capabilities", + "message": "啟用這些功能", "description": "" }, "capsContext": { - "message": "Enable these capabilities when top page matches", + "message": "當最上層頁面相符,啟用這些功能", "description": "" }, "anySite": { - "message": "ANY SITE", + "message": "任何網站", "description": "" }, "cap_script": { @@ -748,11 +748,11 @@ "description": "" }, "cap_unchecked_css": { - "message": "unrestricted CSS", + "message": "不受限制的 CSS", "description": "" }, "cap_lan": { - "message": "LAN", + "message": "區域網路", "description": "" }, "cap_other": { @@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ "description": "" }, "distrust": { - "message": "標示$1為不可信", + "message": "標記 $1 為不信任", "description": "" }, "extensionContributors": { @@ -812,7 +812,7 @@ "description": "" }, "freshInstallReload": { - "message": "Noscript需要重新載入頁面以在這分頁運作。繼續?", + "message": "NoScript 需要重新載入頁面,才能在這個分頁運作。\n是否繼續?", "description": "" }, "privilegedPage": { @@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ "description": "" }, "metaRefresh_notify": { - "message": "Noscript 用了$2秒封鎖了 1個在