#!/bin/bash BASE="$PWD" SRC="$BASE/src" BUILD="$BASE/build" MANIFEST_IN="$SRC/manifest.json" MANIFEST_OUT="$BUILD/manifest.json" VER=$(grep '"version":' "$MANIFEST_IN" | sed -re 's/.*": "(.*?)".*/\1/') if [ "$1" == "tag" ]; then echo "Tagging at $VER" git tag -a "$VER" && git push origin "$VER" exit 0 fi if [[ "$1" == "rel" ]]; then perl -pi.bak -e 's/("version":.*)rc\d+/$1/' "$MANIFEST_IN" rm -f "$MANIFEST_IN".bak "$0" && "$0" bump exit fi if [[ "$1" == "bump" ]]; then if [[ "$2" ]]; then NEW_VER="$2" if [[ "$2" == *.* ]]; then # full dotted version number pattern='"\d+.*?' NEW_VER='"'"$2" elif [[ "$2" == *rc* ]]; then # new RC after release if [[ "$2" == rc* ]]; then if [[ ! "$VER" == *rc* ]]; then echo >&2 "Please specify next release version (like 12rc1). Current is $VER" exit 1 else pattern='rc\d+' fi else pattern='\b(?:\d+rc)?\d+' fi else # incremental version pattern='\b\d+' fi REPLACE_EXPR='s/(?"version":.*)'"$pattern"'"/$+{PREAMBLE}'"$NEW_VER"'"/' perl -pi.bak -e $REPLACE_EXPR "$MANIFEST_IN" && "$0" bump rm -f "$MANIFEST_IN".bak exit fi echo "Bumping to $VER" git add "$MANIFEST_IN" git commit -m "Version bump: $VER." [[ $VER == *rc* ]] || "$0" tag exit fi XPI_DIR="$BASE/xpi" XPI="$XPI_DIR/noscript-$VER" LIB="$SRC/lib" TLD="$BASE/TLD" if ! [ $(date -r "$LIB/tld.js" +'%Y%m%d') -ge $(date +'%Y%m%d') -a "$1" != "tld" ] && "$TLD/generate.sh" "$LIB/tld.js"; then cp -u "$TLD/tld.js" "$LIB" fi ./html5_events/html5_events.pl rm -rf "$BUILD" "$XPI" cp -pR "$SRC" "$BUILD" cp -p LICENSE.txt GPL.txt "$BUILD"/ BUILD_CMD="web-ext" BUILD_OPTS="build" if [[ $VER == *rc* ]]; then sed -re 's/^(\s+)"strict_min_version":.*$/\1"update_url": "https:\/\/secure.informaction.com\/update\/?v='$VER'",\n\0/' \ "$MANIFEST_IN" > "$MANIFEST_OUT" if [[ "$1" == "sign" ]]; then BUILD_CMD="$BASE/../../we-sign" BUILD_OPTS="" fi else grep -v '"update_url":' "$MANIFEST_IN" > "$MANIFEST_OUT" if [[ "$1" == "sign" ]]; then echo >&2 "WARNING: won't auto-sign a release version, please manually upload to AMO." fi fi if ! grep '"id":' "$MANIFEST_OUT" >/dev/null; then echo >&2 "Cannot build manifest.json" exit 1 fi for file in "$SRC"/content/*.js; do if grep -P '\/\/\s(REL|DEV)_ONLY' "$file" >/dev/null; then sed -re 's/\s*\/\/\s*(\S.*)\s*\/\/\s*REL_ONLY.*/\1/' -e 's/.*\/\/\s*DEV_ONLY.*//' "$file" > "$BUILD/content/$(basename "$file")" fi done echo "Creating $XPI.xpi..." mkdir -p "$XPI_DIR" if which cygpath; then WEBEXT_IN="$(cygpath -w "$BUILD")" WEBEXT_OUT="$(cygpath -w "$XPI_DIR")" else WEBEXT_IN="$BUILD" WEBEXT_OUT="$XPI_DIR" fi "$BUILD_CMD" $BUILD_OPTS --source-dir="$WEBEXT_IN" --artifacts-dir="$WEBEXT_OUT" --ignore-files=test/XSS_test.js SIGNED="$XPI_DIR/noscript_security_suite-$VER-an+fx.xpi" if [ -f "$SIGNED" ]; then mv "$SIGNED" "$XPI.xpi" ../../we-publish "$XPI.xpi" elif [ -f "$XPI.zip" ]; then mv "$XPI.zip" "$XPI.xpi" else echo >&2 "ERROR: Could not create $XPI.xpi!" exit 3 fi echo "Created $XPI.xpi" rm -rf "$BUILD"