Show per-model queues and keys on info page (khanon/oai-reverse-proxy!22)

This commit is contained in:
khanon 2023-06-08 18:50:04 +00:00
parent 120040c028
commit 4f2a12ef14
2 changed files with 164 additions and 95 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,11 @@ import showdown from "showdown";
import { config, listConfig } from "./config";
import { keyPool } from "./key-management";
import { getUniqueIps } from "./proxy/rate-limit";
import { getEstimatedWaitTime, getQueueLength } from "./proxy/queue";
import {
} from "./proxy/queue";
const INFO_PAGE_TTL = 5000;
let infoPageHtml: string | undefined;
@ -16,86 +20,33 @@ export const handleInfoPage = (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const baseUrl = process.env.SPACE_ID
? getExternalUrlForHuggingfaceSpaceId(process.env.SPACE_ID)
: req.protocol + "://" + req.get("host");
// Sometimes huggingface doesn't send the host header and makes us guess.
const baseUrl =
process.env.SPACE_ID && !req.get("host")?.includes("")
? getExternalUrlForHuggingfaceSpaceId(process.env.SPACE_ID)
: req.protocol + "://" + req.get("host");
function cacheInfoPageHtml(baseUrl: string) {
const keys = keyPool.list();
let keyInfo: Record<string, any> = { all: keys.length };
const openAIKeys = keys.filter((k) => k.service === "openai");
const anthropicKeys = keys.filter((k) => k.service === "anthropic");
let anthropicInfo: Record<string, any> = {
all: anthropicKeys.length,
active: anthropicKeys.filter((k) => !k.isDisabled).length,
let openAIInfo: Record<string, any> = {
all: openAIKeys.length,
active: openAIKeys.filter((k) => !k.isDisabled).length,
if (keyPool.anyUnchecked()) {
const uncheckedKeys = keys.filter((k) => !k.lastChecked);
openAIInfo = {
active: keys.filter((k) => !k.isDisabled).length,
status: `Still checking ${uncheckedKeys.length} keys...`,
} else if (config.checkKeys) {
const trialKeys = openAIKeys.filter((k) => k.isTrial);
const turboKeys = openAIKeys.filter((k) => !k.isGpt4 && !k.isDisabled);
const gpt4Keys = openAIKeys.filter((k) => k.isGpt4 && !k.isDisabled);
const quota: Record<string, string> = { turbo: "", gpt4: "" };
const hasGpt4 = openAIKeys.some((k) => k.isGpt4);
const turboQuota = keyPool.remainingQuota("openai") * 100;
const gpt4Quota = keyPool.remainingQuota("openai", { gpt4: true }) * 100;
if (config.quotaDisplayMode === "full") {
const turboUsage = keyPool.usageInUsd("openai");
const gpt4Usage = keyPool.usageInUsd("openai", { gpt4: true });
quota.turbo = `${turboUsage} (${Math.round(turboQuota)}% remaining)`;
quota.gpt4 = `${gpt4Usage} (${Math.round(gpt4Quota)}% remaining)`;
} else {
quota.turbo = `${Math.round(turboQuota)}%`;
quota.gpt4 = `${Math.round(gpt4Quota * 100)}%`;
if (!hasGpt4) {
delete quota.gpt4;
openAIInfo = {
trial: trialKeys.length,
active: {
turbo: turboKeys.length,
...(hasGpt4 ? { gpt4: gpt4Keys.length } : {}),
...(config.quotaDisplayMode !== "none" ? { quota: quota } : {}),
keyInfo = {
...(openAIKeys.length ? { openai: openAIInfo } : {}),
...(anthropicKeys.length ? { anthropic: anthropicInfo } : {}),
const openaiKeys = keys.filter((k) => k.service === "openai").length;
const anthropicKeys = keys.filter((k) => k.service === "anthropic").length;
const info = {
uptime: process.uptime(),
endpoints: {
openai: baseUrl + "/proxy/openai",
anthropic: baseUrl + "/proxy/anthropic",
...(openaiKeys ? { openai: baseUrl + "/proxy/openai" } : {}),
...(anthropicKeys ? { anthropic: baseUrl + "/proxy/anthropic" } : {}),
proompts: keys.reduce((acc, k) => acc + k.promptCount, 0),
...(config.modelRateLimit ? { proomptersNow: getUniqueIps() } : {}),
keys: keyInfo,
...(openaiKeys ? getOpenAIInfo() : {}),
...(anthropicKeys ? getAnthropicInfo() : {}),
config: listConfig(),
build: process.env.BUILD_INFO || "dev",
@ -124,6 +75,98 @@ function cacheInfoPageHtml(baseUrl: string) {
return pageBody;
type ServiceInfo = {
activeKeys: number;
trialKeys?: number;
quota: string;
proomptersInQueue: number;
estimatedQueueTime: string;
// this has long since outgrown this awful "dump everything in a <pre> tag" approach
// but I really don't want to spend time on a proper UI for this right now
function getOpenAIInfo() {
const info: { [model: string]: Partial<ServiceInfo> } = {};
const keys = keyPool.list().filter((k) => k.service === "openai");
const hasGpt4 = keys.some((k) => k.isGpt4);
if (keyPool.anyUnchecked()) {
const uncheckedKeys = keys.filter((k) => !k.lastChecked);
info.status = `Still checking ${uncheckedKeys.length} keys...` as any;
} else {
delete info.status;
if (config.checkKeys) {
const turboKeys = keys.filter((k) => !k.isGpt4 && !k.isDisabled);
const gpt4Keys = keys.filter((k) => k.isGpt4 && !k.isDisabled);
const quota: Record<string, string> = { turbo: "", gpt4: "" };
const turboQuota = keyPool.remainingQuota("openai") * 100;
const gpt4Quota = keyPool.remainingQuota("openai", { gpt4: true }) * 100;
if (config.quotaDisplayMode === "full") {
const turboUsage = keyPool.usageInUsd("openai");
const gpt4Usage = keyPool.usageInUsd("openai", { gpt4: true });
quota.turbo = `${turboUsage} (${Math.round(turboQuota)}% remaining)`;
quota.gpt4 = `${gpt4Usage} (${Math.round(gpt4Quota)}% remaining)`;
} else {
quota.turbo = `${Math.round(turboQuota)}%`;
quota.gpt4 = `${Math.round(gpt4Quota * 100)}%`;
info.turbo = {
activeKeys: turboKeys.filter((k) => !k.isDisabled).length,
trialKeys: turboKeys.filter((k) => k.isTrial).length,
quota: quota.turbo,
if (hasGpt4) {
info.gpt4 = {
activeKeys: gpt4Keys.filter((k) => !k.isDisabled).length,
trialKeys: gpt4Keys.filter((k) => k.isTrial).length,
quota: quota.gpt4,
if (config.quotaDisplayMode === "none") {
delete info.turbo?.quota;
delete info.gpt4?.quota;
} else {
info.status = "Key checking is disabled." as any;
info.turbo = { activeKeys: keys.filter((k) => !k.isDisabled).length };
if (config.queueMode !== "none") {
const turboQueue = getQueueInformation("turbo");
info.turbo.proomptersInQueue = turboQueue.proomptersInQueue;
info.turbo.estimatedQueueTime = turboQueue.estimatedQueueTime;
if (hasGpt4) {
const gpt4Queue = getQueueInformation("gpt-4");
info.gpt4.proomptersInQueue = gpt4Queue.proomptersInQueue;
info.gpt4.estimatedQueueTime = gpt4Queue.estimatedQueueTime;
return info;
function getAnthropicInfo() {
const claudeInfo: Partial<ServiceInfo> = {};
const keys = keyPool.list().filter((k) => k.service === "anthropic");
claudeInfo.activeKeys = keys.filter((k) => !k.isDisabled).length;
if (config.queueMode !== "none") {
const queue = getQueueInformation("claude");
claudeInfo.proomptersInQueue = queue.proomptersInQueue;
claudeInfo.estimatedQueueTime = queue.estimatedQueueTime;
return { claude: claudeInfo };
* If the server operator provides a `` file, it will be included in
* the rendered info page.
@ -147,11 +190,23 @@ Logs are anonymous and do not contain IP addresses or timestamps. [You can see t
if (config.queueMode !== "none") {
const friendlyWaitTime = getQueueInformation().estimatedQueueTime;
infoBody += `\n### Estimated Wait Time: ${friendlyWaitTime}
Queueing is enabled. If the AI is busy, your prompt will processed when a slot frees up.
const waits = [];
infoBody += `\n## Estimated Wait Times\nIf the AI is busy, your prompt will processed when a slot frees up.`;
**Enable Streaming in your preferred front-end to prevent timeouts while waiting in the queue.**`;
if (config.openaiKey) {
const turboWait = getQueueInformation("turbo").estimatedQueueTime;
const gpt4Wait = getQueueInformation("gpt-4").estimatedQueueTime;
waits.push(`**Turbo:** ${turboWait}`);
if (keyPool.list().some((k) => k.isGpt4)) {
waits.push(`**GPT-4:** ${gpt4Wait}`);
if (config.anthropicKey) {
const claudeWait = getQueueInformation("claude").estimatedQueueTime;
waits.push(`**Claude:** ${claudeWait}`);
infoBody += "\n\n" + waits.join(" / ");
if (customGreeting) {
@ -162,11 +217,11 @@ ${customGreeting}`;
/** Returns queue time in seconds, or minutes + seconds if over 60 seconds. */
function getQueueInformation() {
function getQueueInformation(partition: QueuePartition) {
if (config.queueMode === "none") {
return {};
const waitMs = getEstimatedWaitTime();
const waitMs = getEstimatedWaitTime(partition);
const waitTime =
waitMs < 60000
? `${Math.round(waitMs / 1000)}sec`
@ -174,7 +229,7 @@ function getQueueInformation() {
(waitMs % 60000) / 1000
return {
proomptersInQueue: getQueueLength(),
proomptersInQueue: getQueueLength(partition),
estimatedQueueTime: waitMs > 2000 ? waitTime : "no wait",

View File

@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ import { logger } from "../logger";
import { AGNAI_DOT_CHAT_IP } from "./rate-limit";
import { buildFakeSseMessage } from "./middleware/common";
export type QueuePartition = "claude" | "turbo" | "gpt-4";
const queue: Request[] = [];
const log = logger.child({ module: "request-queue" });
@ -89,7 +91,8 @@ export function enqueue(req: Request) {
req.res!.write(": queue heartbeat\n\n");
} else {`Sending heartbeat to request in queue.`);
const avgWait = Math.round(getEstimatedWaitTime() / 1000);
const partition = getPartitionForRequest(req);
const avgWait = Math.round(getEstimatedWaitTime(partition) / 1000);
const currentDuration = Math.round(( - req.startTime) / 1000);
const debugMsg = `queue length: ${queue.length}; elapsed time: ${currentDuration}s; avg wait: ${avgWait}s`;
req.res!.write(buildFakeSseMessage("heartbeat", debugMsg, req));
@ -119,25 +122,29 @@ export function enqueue(req: Request) {
type QueuePartition = "claude" | "turbo" | "gpt-4";
export function dequeue(partition: QueuePartition): Request | undefined {
function getPartitionForRequest(req: Request): QueuePartition {
// There is a single request queue, but it is partitioned by model and API
// provider.
// - claude: requests for the Anthropic API, regardless of model
// - gpt-4: requests for the OpenAI API, specifically for GPT-4 models
// - turbo: effectively, all other requests
const modelQueue = queue.filter((req) => {
const provider = req.outboundApi;
const model = (req.body.model as SupportedModel) ?? "gpt-3.5-turbo";
switch (partition) {
case "claude":
return provider === "anthropic";
case "gpt-4":
return provider === "openai" && model.startsWith("gpt-4");
case "turbo":
return provider === "openai";
const provider = req.outboundApi;
const model = (req.body.model as SupportedModel) ?? "gpt-3.5-turbo";
if (provider === "anthropic") {
return "claude";
if (provider === "openai" && model.startsWith("gpt-4")) {
return "gpt-4";
return "turbo";
function getQueueForPartition(partition: QueuePartition): Request[] {
return queue.filter((req) => getPartitionForRequest(req) === partition);
export function dequeue(partition: QueuePartition): Request | undefined {
const modelQueue = getQueueForPartition(partition);
if (modelQueue.length === 0) {
return undefined;
@ -226,7 +233,7 @@ function cleanQueue() {
(waitTime) => now - waitTime.end > 300 * 1000
const removed = waitTimes.splice(0, index + 1);
{ stalledRequests: oldRequests.length, prunedWaitTimes: removed.length },
`Cleaning up request queue.`
@ -239,20 +246,23 @@ export function start() {`Started request queue.`);
let waitTimes: { start: number; end: number }[] = [];
let waitTimes: { partition: QueuePartition; start: number; end: number }[] = [];
/** Adds a successful request to the list of wait times. */
export function trackWaitTime(req: Request) {
partition: getPartitionForRequest(req),
start: req.startTime!,
end: req.queueOutTime ??,
/** Returns average wait time in milliseconds. */
export function getEstimatedWaitTime() {
export function getEstimatedWaitTime(partition: QueuePartition) {
const now =;
const recentWaits = waitTimes.filter((wt) => now - wt.end < 300 * 1000);
const recentWaits = waitTimes.filter(
(wt) => wt.partition === partition && now - wt.end < 300 * 1000
if (recentWaits.length === 0) {
return 0;
@ -263,8 +273,12 @@ export function getEstimatedWaitTime() {
export function getQueueLength() {
return queue.length;
export function getQueueLength(partition: QueuePartition | "all" = "all") {
if (partition === "all") {
return queue.length;
const modelQueue = getQueueForPartition(partition);
return modelQueue.length;
export function createQueueMiddleware(proxyMiddleware: Handler): Handler {