unfucks quota checking for real this time

This commit is contained in:
nai-degen 2023-04-10 02:42:56 -07:00 committed by nai-degen
parent ca7f57f493
commit de5833e1e5
2 changed files with 52 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -73,18 +73,23 @@ export class KeyChecker {
// Don't check any individual key more than once every 5 minutes.
// Also, don't check anything more often than once every 30 seconds.
const nextCheck = Math.max(
this.lastCheck + KEY_CHECK_PERIOD,
// Schedule the next check for the oldest key.
const oldestKey = enabledKeys.reduce((oldest, key) =>
key.lastChecked < oldest.lastChecked ? key : oldest
// Don't check any individual key more than once every 5 minutes.
// Also, don't check anything more often than once every 30 seconds.
const nextCheck = Math.max(
oldestKey.lastChecked + KEY_CHECK_PERIOD,
this.lastCheck + MIN_CHECK_INTERVAL
{ key: oldestKey.hash, nextCheck: new Date(nextCheck) },
"Scheduling next check."
const delay = nextCheck - Date.now();
this.timeout = setTimeout(() => this.checkKey(oldestKey), delay);
@ -92,21 +97,42 @@ export class KeyChecker {
private async checkKey(key: Key) {
this.log.info({ key: key.hash }, "Checking key...");
try {
const [provisionedModels, subscription, usage] = await Promise.all([
const updates = {
isGpt4: provisionedModels.gpt4,
isTrial: !subscription.has_payment_method,
softLimit: subscription.soft_limit_usd,
hardLimit: subscription.hard_limit_usd,
systemHardLimit: subscription.system_hard_limit_usd,
this.updateKey(key.hash, updates);
this.log.info({ key: key.hash, updates }, "Key check complete.");
// During the initial check we need to get the subscription first because
// trials have different behavior.
if (!key.lastChecked) {
const subscription = await this.getSubscription(key);
this.updateKey(key.hash, { isTrial: !subscription.has_payment_method });
const [provisionedModels, usage] = await Promise.all([
const updates = {
isGpt4: provisionedModels.gpt4,
softLimit: subscription.soft_limit_usd,
hardLimit: subscription.hard_limit_usd,
systemHardLimit: subscription.system_hard_limit_usd,
this.updateKey(key.hash, updates);
} else {
// Don't check provisioned models after the initial check because it's
// not likely to change.
const [subscription, usage] = await Promise.all([
const updates = {
softLimit: subscription.soft_limit_usd,
hardLimit: subscription.hard_limit_usd,
systemHardLimit: subscription.system_hard_limit_usd,
this.updateKey(key.hash, updates);
{ key: key.hash, usage: key.usage, hardLimit: key.hardLimit },
"Key check complete."
} catch (error) {
// touch the key so we don't check it again for a while
this.updateKey(key.hash, {});

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@ -93,9 +93,9 @@ export class KeyPool {
public get(model: string) {
const needsGpt4Key = model.startsWith("gpt-4");
const availableKeys = this.keys.filter(
(key) => !key.isDisabled && (!needsGpt4Key || key.isGpt4)
const availableKeys = this.keys
.filter((key) => !key.isDisabled && (!needsGpt4Key || key.isGpt4))
.sort((a, b) => a.lastUsed - b.lastUsed);
if (availableKeys.length === 0) {
let message = "No keys available. Please add more keys.";
if (needsGpt4Key) {
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ export class KeyPool {
// Otherwise, return the oldest key
const oldestKey = availableKeys.sort((a, b) => a.lastUsed - b.lastUsed)[0];
const oldestKey = availableKeys[0];
this.log.info({ key: oldestKey.hash }, "Assigning key to request.");
oldestKey.lastUsed = Date.now();
return { ...oldestKey };