<%- include("partials/shared_header", { title: "User Token Lookup" }) %>

User Token Lookup

Provide your user token to check your usage and quota information.

<% if (user) { %>
<% if (user.type === "temporary" && Boolean(user.disabledAt)) { %> <%- include("partials/shared_flash", { flashData: { type: "info", message: "This temporary user token has expired and is no longer usable. These records will be deleted soon.", } }) %> <% } else if (user.disabledAt) { %> <%- include("partials/shared_flash", { flashData: { type: "warning", message: "This user token has been disabled." + (user.disabledReason ? ` Reason: ${user.disabledReason}` : ""), } }) %> <% } %> <% if (user.type === "temporary") { %> <% } %>
User Token <%= "..." + user.token.slice(-5) %>
Nickname <%= user.nickname ?? "none" %> ✏️
Type <%= user.type %>
Prompts <%= user.promptCount %>
Created At <%= user.createdAt %>
Last Used At <%= user.lastUsedAt || "never" %>
IPs<%= ipLimit ? ` (max ${ipLimit})` : "" %> <%- include("partials/shared_user_ip_list", { user, shouldRedact: true }) %>
Expires At <%= user.expiresAt %>

Quota Information

<%- include("partials/shared_quota-info", { quota, user }) %> <% } %> <%- include("partials/user_footer") %>