# OAI Reverse Proxy Reverse proxy server for various LLM APIs. ### Table of Contents - [What is this?](#what-is-this) - [Features](#features) - [Usage Instructions](#usage-instructions) - [Self-hosting](#self-hosting) - [Huggingface (outdated, not advised)](#huggingface-outdated-not-advised) - [Render (outdated, not advised)](#render-outdated-not-advised) - [Local Development](#local-development) ## What is this? This project allows you to run a reverse proxy server for various LLM APIs. ## Features - [x] Support for multiple APIs - [x] [OpenAI](https://openai.com/) - [x] [Anthropic](https://www.anthropic.com/) - [x] [AWS Bedrock](https://aws.amazon.com/bedrock/) - [x] [Vertex AI (GCP)](https://cloud.google.com/vertex-ai/) - [x] [Google MakerSuite/Gemini API](https://ai.google.dev/) - [x] [Azure OpenAI](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/products/ai-services/openai-service) - [x] Translation from OpenAI-formatted prompts to any other API, including streaming responses - [x] Multiple API keys with rotation and rate limit handling - [x] Basic user management - [x] Simple role-based permissions - [x] Per-model token quotas - [x] Temporary user accounts - [x] Prompt and completion logging - [x] Abuse detection and prevention --- ## Usage Instructions If you'd like to run your own instance of this server, you'll need to deploy it somewhere and configure it with your API keys. A few easy options are provided below, though you can also deploy it to any other service you'd like if you know what you're doing and the service supports Node.js. ### Self-hosting [See here for instructions on how to self-host the application on your own VPS or local machine.](./docs/self-hosting.md) **Ensure you set the `TRUSTED_PROXIES` environment variable according to your deployment.** Refer to [.env.example](./.env.example) and [config.ts](./src/config.ts) for more information. ### Huggingface (outdated, not advised) [See here for instructions on how to deploy to a Huggingface Space.](./docs/deploy-huggingface.md) ### Render (outdated, not advised) [See here for instructions on how to deploy to Render.com.](./docs/deploy-render.md) ## Local Development To run the proxy locally for development or testing, install Node.js >= 18.0.0 and follow the steps below. 1. Clone the repo 2. Install dependencies with `npm install` 3. Create a `.env` file in the root of the project and add your API keys. See the [.env.example](./.env.example) file for an example. 4. Start the server in development mode with `npm run start:dev`. You can also use `npm run start:dev:tsc` to enable project-wide type checking at the cost of slower startup times. `npm run type-check` can be used to run type checking without starting the server. ## Building To build the project, run `npm run build`. This will compile the TypeScript code to JavaScript and output it to the `build` directory. Note that if you are trying to build the server on a very memory-constrained (<= 1GB) VPS, you may need to run the build with `NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=2048 npm run build` to avoid running out of memory during the build process, assuming you have swap enabled. The application itself should run fine on a 512MB VPS for most reasonable traffic levels. ## Forking If you are forking the repository on GitGud, you may wish to disable GitLab CI/CD or you will be spammed with emails about failed builds due not having any CI runners. You can do this by going to *Settings > General > Visibility, project features, permissions* and then disabling the "CI/CD" feature.