import { z } from "zod"; import { flattenOpenAIMessageContent, OpenAIV1ChatCompletionSchema, } from "./openai"; import { APIFormatTransformer } from "./index"; // export const GoogleAIV1GenerateContentSchema = z .object({ model: z.string().max(100), //actually specified in path but we need it for the router stream: z.boolean().optional().default(false), // also used for router contents: z.array( z.object({ parts: z.array(z.object({ text: z.string() })), role: z.enum(["user", "model"]), }) ), tools: z.array(z.object({})).max(0).optional(), safetySettings: z.array(z.object({})).max(0).optional(), generationConfig: z.object({ temperature: z.number().optional(), maxOutputTokens: z.coerce .number() .int() .optional() .default(16) .transform((v) => Math.min(v, 1024)), // TODO: Add config candidateCount: z.literal(1).optional(), topP: z.number().optional(), topK: z.number().optional(), stopSequences: z.array(z.string().max(500)).max(5).optional(), }), }) .strip(); export type GoogleAIChatMessage = z.infer< typeof GoogleAIV1GenerateContentSchema >["contents"][0]; export const transformOpenAIToGoogleAI: APIFormatTransformer< typeof GoogleAIV1GenerateContentSchema > = async (req) => { const { body } = req; const result = OpenAIV1ChatCompletionSchema.safeParse({ ...body, model: "gpt-3.5-turbo", }); if (!result.success) { req.log.warn( { issues: result.error.issues, body }, "Invalid OpenAI-to-Google AI request" ); throw result.error; } const { messages, } =; const foundNames = new Set(); const contents = messages .map((m) => { const role = m.role === "assistant" ? "model" : "user"; // Detects character names so we can set stop sequences for them as Gemini // is prone to continuing as the next character. // If names are not available, we'll still try to prefix the message // with generic names so we can set stops for them but they don't work // as well as real names. const text = flattenOpenAIMessageContent(m.content); const propName =; const textName = m.role === "system" ? "" : text.match(/^(.{0,50}?): /)?.[1]?.trim(); const name = propName || textName || (role === "model" ? "Character" : "User"); foundNames.add(name); // Prefixing messages with their character name seems to help avoid // Gemini trying to continue as the next character, or at the very least // ensures it will hit the stop sequence. Otherwise it will start a new // paragraph and switch perspectives. // The response will be very likely to include this prefix so frontends // will need to strip it out. const textPrefix = textName ? "" : `${name}: `; return { parts: [{ text: textPrefix + text }], role: m.role === "assistant" ? ("model" as const) : ("user" as const), }; }) .reduce((acc, msg) => { const last = acc[acc.length - 1]; if (last?.role === msg.role) {[0].text += "\n\n" +[0].text; } else { acc.push(msg); } return acc; }, []); let stops = rest.stop ? Array.isArray(rest.stop) ? rest.stop : [rest.stop] : []; stops.push(...Array.from(foundNames).map((name) => `\n${name}:`)); stops = [ Set(stops)].slice(0, 5); return { model: "gemini-pro", stream:, contents, tools: [], generationConfig: { maxOutputTokens: rest.max_tokens, stopSequences: stops, topP: rest.top_p, topK: 40, // openai schema doesn't have this, google ai defaults to 40 temperature: rest.temperature, }, safetySettings: [ { category: "HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT", threshold: "BLOCK_NONE" }, { category: "HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH", threshold: "BLOCK_NONE" }, { category: "HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUALLY_EXPLICIT", threshold: "BLOCK_NONE" }, { category: "HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS_CONTENT", threshold: "BLOCK_NONE" }, ], }; };