# Configuring the proxy for Azure The proxy supports Azure OpenAI Service via the `/proxy/azure/openai` endpoint. The process of setting it up is slightly different from regular OpenAI. - [Setting keys](#setting-keys) - [Model assignment](#model-assignment) ## Setting keys Use the `AZURE_CREDENTIALS` environment variable to set the Azure API keys. Like other APIs, you can provide multiple keys separated by commas. Each Azure key, however, is a set of values including the Resource Name, Deployment ID, and API key. These are separated by a colon (`:`). For example: ``` AZURE_CREDENTIALS=contoso-ml:gpt4-8k:0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef,northwind-corp:testdeployment:0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef ``` ## Model assignment Note that each Azure deployment is assigned a model when you create it in the Microsoft Cognitive Services portal. If you want to use a different model, you'll need to create a new deployment, and therefore a new key to be added to the AZURE_CREDENTIALS environment variable. Each credential only grants access to one model. ### Supported model IDs Users can send normal OpenAI model IDs to the proxy to invoke the corresponding models. For the most part they work the same with Azure. GPT-3.5 Turbo has an ID of "gpt-35-turbo" because Azure doesn't allow periods in model names, but the proxy should automatically convert this to the correct ID. As noted above, you can only use model IDs for which a deployment has been created and added to the proxy.