import crypto from "crypto"; import type * as http from "http"; import os from "os"; import schedule from "node-schedule"; import { config } from "../../config"; import { logger } from "../../logger"; import { Key, Model, KeyProvider, LLMService } from "./index"; import { AnthropicKeyProvider, AnthropicKeyUpdate } from "./anthropic/provider"; import { OpenAIKeyProvider, OpenAIKeyUpdate } from "./openai/provider"; import { GooglePalmKeyProvider } from "./palm/provider"; import { AwsBedrockKeyProvider } from "./aws/provider"; import { ModelFamily } from "../models"; import { assertNever } from "../utils"; import { AzureOpenAIKeyProvider } from "./azure/provider"; type AllowedPartial = OpenAIKeyUpdate | AnthropicKeyUpdate; export class KeyPool { private keyProviders: KeyProvider[] = []; private recheckJobs: Partial> = { openai: null, }; constructor() { this.keyProviders.push(new OpenAIKeyProvider()); this.keyProviders.push(new AnthropicKeyProvider()); this.keyProviders.push(new GooglePalmKeyProvider()); this.keyProviders.push(new AwsBedrockKeyProvider()); this.keyProviders.push(new AzureOpenAIKeyProvider()); } public init() { this.keyProviders.forEach((provider) => provider.init()); const availableKeys = this.available("all"); if (availableKeys === 0) { throw new Error( "No keys loaded. Ensure that at least one key is configured." ); } this.scheduleRecheck(); } public get(model: Model): Key { const service = this.getServiceForModel(model); return this.getKeyProvider(service).get(model); } public list(): Omit[] { return this.keyProviders.flatMap((provider) => provider.list()); } /** * Marks a key as disabled for a specific reason. `revoked` should be used * to indicate a key that can never be used again, while `quota` should be * used to indicate a key that is still valid but has exceeded its quota. */ public disable(key: Key, reason: "quota" | "revoked"): void { const service = this.getKeyProvider(key.service); service.disable(key); service.update(key.hash, { isRevoked: reason === "revoked" }); if (service instanceof OpenAIKeyProvider) { service.update(key.hash, { isOverQuota: reason === "quota" }); } } public update(key: Key, props: AllowedPartial): void { const service = this.getKeyProvider(key.service); service.update(key.hash, props); } public available(model: Model | "all" = "all"): number { return this.keyProviders.reduce((sum, provider) => { const includeProvider = model === "all" || this.getServiceForModel(model) === provider.service; return sum + (includeProvider ? provider.available() : 0); }, 0); } public incrementUsage(key: Key, model: string, tokens: number): void { const provider = this.getKeyProvider(key.service); provider.incrementUsage(key.hash, model, tokens); } public getLockoutPeriod(family: ModelFamily): number { const service = this.getServiceForModelFamily(family); return this.getKeyProvider(service).getLockoutPeriod(family); } public markRateLimited(key: Key): void { const provider = this.getKeyProvider(key.service); provider.markRateLimited(key.hash); } public updateRateLimits(key: Key, headers: http.IncomingHttpHeaders): void { const provider = this.getKeyProvider(key.service); if (provider instanceof OpenAIKeyProvider) { provider.updateRateLimits(key.hash, headers); } } public recheck(service: LLMService): void { if (!config.checkKeys) {"Skipping key recheck because key checking is disabled"); return; } const provider = this.getKeyProvider(service); provider.recheck(); } private getServiceForModel(model: Model): LLMService { if ( model.startsWith("gpt") || model.startsWith("text-embedding-ada") || model.startsWith("dall-e") ) { // return "openai"; } else if (model.startsWith("claude-")) { // return "anthropic"; } else if (model.includes("bison")) { // return "google-palm"; } else if (model.startsWith("anthropic.claude")) { // AWS offers models from a few providers // return "aws"; } else if (model.startsWith("azure")) { return "azure"; } throw new Error(`Unknown service for model '${model}'`); } private getServiceForModelFamily(modelFamily: ModelFamily): LLMService { switch (modelFamily) { case "gpt4": case "gpt4-32k": case "gpt4-turbo": case "turbo": case "dall-e": return "openai"; case "claude": return "anthropic"; case "bison": return "google-palm"; case "aws-claude": return "aws"; case "azure-turbo": case "azure-gpt4": case "azure-gpt4-32k": case "azure-gpt4-turbo": return "azure"; default: assertNever(modelFamily); } } private getKeyProvider(service: LLMService): KeyProvider { return this.keyProviders.find((provider) => provider.service === service)!; } /** * Schedules a periodic recheck of OpenAI keys, which runs every 8 hours on * a schedule offset by the server's hostname. */ private scheduleRecheck(): void { const machineHash = crypto .createHash("sha256") .update(os.hostname()) .digest("hex"); const offset = parseInt(machineHash, 16) % 7; const hour = [0, 8, 16].map((h) => h + offset).join(","); const crontab = `0 ${hour} * * *`; const job = schedule.scheduleJob(crontab, () => { const next = job.nextInvocation();{ next }, "Performing periodic recheck of OpenAI keys"); this.recheck("openai"); }); { rule: crontab, next: job.nextInvocation() }, "Scheduled periodic key recheck job" ); this.recheckJobs.openai = job; } }