
244 lines
7.4 KiB

import { assertConfigIsValid, config, USER_ASSETS_DIR } from "./config";
import "source-map-support/register";
import checkDiskSpace from "check-disk-space";
import express from "express";
import cors from "cors";
import path from "path";
import pinoHttp from "pino-http";
import os from "os";
import childProcess from "child_process";
import { logger } from "./logger";
import { setupAssetsDir } from "./shared/file-storage/setup-assets-dir";
import { keyPool } from "./shared/key-management";
import { adminRouter } from "./admin/routes";
import { proxyRouter } from "./proxy/routes";
import { infoPageRouter } from "./info-page";
import { IMAGE_GEN_MODELS } from "./shared/models";
import { userRouter } from "./user/routes";
import { logQueue } from "./shared/prompt-logging";
import { start as startRequestQueue } from "./proxy/queue";
import { init as initUserStore } from "./shared/users/user-store";
import { init as initTokenizers } from "./shared/tokenization";
import { checkOrigin } from "./proxy/check-origin";
import { sendErrorToClient } from "./proxy/middleware/response/error-generator";
const PORT = config.port;
const BIND_ADDRESS = config.bindAddress;
const app = express();
// middleware
quietReqLogger: true,
autoLogging: { ignore: ({ url }) => ["/health"].includes(url as string) },
redact: {
paths: [
// Don't log the prompt text on transform errors
censor: "********",
customProps: (req) => {
const user = (req as express.Request).user;
if (user) return { userToken: `...${user.token.slice(-5)}` };
return {};
app.set("trust proxy", Number(config.trustedProxies));
app.set("view engine", "ejs");
app.set("views", [
path.join(__dirname, "admin/web/views"),
path.join(__dirname, "user/web/views"),
path.join(__dirname, "shared/views"),
app.use("/user_content", express.static(USER_ASSETS_DIR, { maxAge: "2h" }));
app.get("/health", (_req, res) => res.sendStatus(200));
app.use("/admin", adminRouter);
app.use(config.proxyEndpointRoute, proxyRouter);
app.use("/user", userRouter);
if (config.staticServiceInfo) {
app.get("/", (_req, res) => res.sendStatus(200));
} else {
app.use("/", infoPageRouter);
(err: any, req: express.Request, res: express.Response, _next: unknown) => {
if (!err.status) {
logger.error(err, "Unhandled error in request");
options: {
title: `Proxy error (HTTP ${err.status})`,
"Reverse proxy encountered an unexpected error while processing your request.",
reqId: req.id,
statusCode: err.status,
obj: { error: err.message, stack: err.stack },
format: "unknown",
app.use((_req: unknown, res: express.Response) => {
res.status(404).json({ error: "Not found" });
async function start() {
logger.info("Server starting up...");
await setBuildInfo();
logger.info("Checking configs and external dependencies...");
await assertConfigIsValid();
await initTokenizers();
if (config.allowedModelFamilies.some((f) => IMAGE_GEN_MODELS.includes(f))) {
await setupAssetsDir();
if (config.gatekeeper === "user_token") {
await initUserStore();
if (config.promptLogging) {
logger.info("Starting prompt logging...");
await logQueue.start();
logger.info("Starting request queue...");
const diskSpace = await checkDiskSpace(
__dirname.startsWith("/app") ? "/app" : os.homedir()
app.listen(PORT, BIND_ADDRESS, () => {
{ port: PORT, interface: BIND_ADDRESS },
"Now listening for connections."
{ build: process.env.BUILD_INFO, nodeEnv: process.env.NODE_ENV, diskSpace },
"Startup complete."
function registerUncaughtExceptionHandler() {
process.on("uncaughtException", (err: any) => {
{ err, stack: err?.stack },
"UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION. Please report this error trace."
process.on("unhandledRejection", (err: any) => {
{ err, stack: err?.stack },
"UNCAUGHT PROMISE REJECTION. Please report this error trace."
* Attepts to collect information about the current build from either the
* environment or the git repo used to build the image (only works if not
* .dockerignore'd). If you're running a sekrit club fork, you can no-op this
* function and set the BUILD_INFO env var manually, though I would prefer you
* didn't set it to something misleading.
async function setBuildInfo() {
// For CI builds, use the env vars set during the build process
if (process.env.GITGUD_BRANCH) {
const sha = process.env.GITGUD_COMMIT?.slice(0, 7) || "unknown SHA";
const branch = process.env.GITGUD_BRANCH;
const repo = process.env.GITGUD_PROJECT;
const buildInfo = `[ci] ${sha} (${branch}@${repo})`;
process.env.BUILD_INFO = buildInfo;
logger.info({ build: buildInfo }, "Using build info from CI image.");
// For render, the git directory is dockerignore'd so we use env vars
if (process.env.RENDER) {
const sha = process.env.RENDER_GIT_COMMIT?.slice(0, 7) || "unknown SHA";
const branch = process.env.RENDER_GIT_BRANCH || "unknown branch";
const repo = process.env.RENDER_GIT_REPO_SLUG || "unknown repo";
const buildInfo = `${sha} (${branch}@${repo})`;
process.env.BUILD_INFO = buildInfo;
logger.info({ build: buildInfo }, "Got build info from Render config.");
// For huggingface and bare metal deployments, we can get the info from git
try {
if (process.env.SPACE_ID) {
// TODO: may not be necessary anymore with adjusted Huggingface dockerfile
childProcess.execSync("git config --global --add safe.directory /app");
const promisifyExec = (cmd: string) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
childProcess.exec(cmd, (err, stdout) =>
err ? reject(err) : resolve(stdout)
const promises = [
promisifyExec("git rev-parse --short HEAD"),
promisifyExec("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD"),
promisifyExec("git config --get remote.origin.url"),
promisifyExec("git status --porcelain"),
].map((p) => p.then((result: any) => result.toString().trim()));
let [sha, branch, remote, status] = await Promise.all(promises);
remote = remote.match(/.*[\/:]([\w-]+)\/([\w\-.]+?)(?:\.git)?$/) || [];
const repo = remote.slice(-2).join("/");
status = status
// ignore Dockerfile changes since that's how the user deploys the app
.filter((line: string) => !line.endsWith("Dockerfile") && line);
const changes = status.length > 0;
const build = `${sha}${changes ? " (modified)" : ""} (${branch}@${repo})`;
process.env.BUILD_INFO = build;
logger.info({ build, status, changes }, "Got build info from Git.");
} catch (error: any) {
stdout: error.stdout?.toString(),
stderr: error.stderr?.toString(),
"Failed to get commit SHA.",
process.env.BUILD_INFO = "unknown";