
429 lines
14 KiB

* Very scuffed request queue. OpenAI's GPT-4 keys have a very strict rate limit
* of 40000 generated tokens per minute. We don't actually know how many tokens
* a given key has generated, so our queue will simply retry requests that fail
* with a non-billing related 429 over and over again until they succeed.
* When a request to a proxied endpoint is received, we create a closure around
* the call to http-proxy-middleware and attach it to the request. This allows
* us to pause the request until we have a key available. Further, if the
* proxied request encounters a retryable error, we can simply put the request
* back in the queue and it will be retried later using the same closure.
import type { Handler, Request } from "express";
import { keyPool } from "../shared/key-management";
import {
getOpenAIModelFamily, MODEL_FAMILIES,
} from "../shared/models";
import { buildFakeSse, initializeSseStream } from "../shared/streaming";
import { assertNever } from "../shared/utils";
import { logger } from "../logger";
import { SHARED_IP_ADDRESSES } from "./rate-limit";
import { RequestPreprocessor } from "./middleware/request";
const queue: Request[] = [];
const log = logger.child({ module: "request-queue" });
/** Maximum number of queue slots for Agnai.chat requests. */
/** Maximum number of queue slots for individual users. */
* Returns an identifier for a request. This is used to determine if a
* request is already in the queue.
* This can be (in order of preference):
* - user token assigned by the proxy operator
* - x-risu-tk header, if the request is from RisuAI.xyz
* - 'shared-ip' if the request is from a shared IP address like Agnai.chat
* - IP address
function getIdentifier(req: Request) {
if (req.user) return req.user.token;
if (req.risuToken) return req.risuToken;
if (isFromSharedIp(req)) return "shared-ip";
return req.ip;
const sharesIdentifierWith = (incoming: Request) => (queued: Request) =>
getIdentifier(queued) === getIdentifier(incoming);
const isFromSharedIp = (req: Request) => SHARED_IP_ADDRESSES.has(req.ip);
export function enqueue(req: Request) {
const enqueuedRequestCount = queue.filter(sharesIdentifierWith(req)).length;
let isGuest = req.user?.token === undefined;
// Requests from shared IP addresses such as Agnai.chat are exempt from IP-
// based rate limiting but can only occupy a certain number of slots in the
// queue. Authenticated users always get a single spot in the queue.
const isSharedIp = isFromSharedIp(req);
const maxConcurrentQueuedRequests =
if (enqueuedRequestCount >= maxConcurrentQueuedRequests) {
if (isSharedIp) {
// Re-enqueued requests are not counted towards the limit since they
// already made it through the queue once.
if (req.retryCount === 0) {
throw new Error("Too many agnai.chat requests are already queued");
} else {
throw new Error("Your IP or token already has a request in the queue");
req.queueOutTime = 0;
// shitty hack to remove hpm's event listeners on retried requests
// If the request opted into streaming, we need to register a heartbeat
// handler to keep the connection alive while it waits in the queue. We
// deregister the handler when the request is dequeued.
const { stream } = req.body;
if (stream === "true" || stream === true || req.isStreaming) {
const res = req.res!;
if (!res.headersSent) {
req.heartbeatInterval = setInterval(() => {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") {
if (!req.query.badSseParser) req.res!.write(": queue heartbeat\n\n");
} else {
req.log.info(`Sending heartbeat to request in queue.`);
const partition = getPartitionForRequest(req);
const avgWait = Math.round(getEstimatedWaitTime(partition) / 1000);
const currentDuration = Math.round((Date.now() - req.startTime) / 1000);
const debugMsg = `queue length: ${queue.length}; elapsed time: ${currentDuration}s; avg wait: ${avgWait}s`;
req.res!.write(buildFakeSse("heartbeat", debugMsg, req));
}, 10000);
// Register a handler to remove the request from the queue if the connection
// is aborted or closed before it is dequeued.
const removeFromQueue = () => {
req.log.info(`Removing aborted request from queue.`);
const index = queue.indexOf(req);
if (index !== -1) {
queue.splice(index, 1);
if (req.heartbeatInterval) {
req.onAborted = removeFromQueue;
req.res!.once("close", removeFromQueue);
if (req.retryCount ?? 0 > 0) {
req.log.info({ retries: req.retryCount }, `Enqueued request for retry.`);
} else {
req.log.info(`Enqueued new request.`);
function getPartitionForRequest(req: Request): ModelFamily {
// There is a single request queue, but it is partitioned by model family.
// Model families are typically separated on cost/rate limit boundaries so
// they should be treated as separate queues.
const model = req.body.model ?? "gpt-3.5-turbo";
// Weird special case for AWS because they serve multiple models from
// different vendors, even if currently only one is supported.
if (req.service === "aws") {
return "aws-claude";
switch (req.outboundApi) {
case "anthropic":
return getClaudeModelFamily(model);
case "openai":
case "openai-text":
case "openai-image":
return getOpenAIModelFamily(model);
case "google-palm":
return getGooglePalmModelFamily(model);
function getQueueForPartition(partition: ModelFamily): Request[] {
return queue
.filter((req) => getPartitionForRequest(req) === partition)
.sort((a, b) => {
// Certain requests are exempted from IP-based rate limiting because they
// come from a shared IP address. To prevent these requests from starving
// out other requests during periods of high traffic, we sort them to the
// end of the queue.
const aIsExempted = isFromSharedIp(a);
const bIsExempted = isFromSharedIp(b);
if (aIsExempted && !bIsExempted) return 1;
if (!aIsExempted && bIsExempted) return -1;
return 0;
export function dequeue(partition: ModelFamily): Request | undefined {
const modelQueue = getQueueForPartition(partition);
if (modelQueue.length === 0) {
return undefined;
const req = modelQueue.reduce((prev, curr) =>
prev.startTime < curr.startTime ? prev : curr
queue.splice(queue.indexOf(req), 1);
if (req.onAborted) {
req.res!.off("close", req.onAborted);
req.onAborted = undefined;
if (req.heartbeatInterval) {
// Track the time leaving the queue now, but don't add it to the wait times
// yet because we don't know if the request will succeed or fail. We track
// the time now and not after the request succeeds because we don't want to
// include the model processing time.
req.queueOutTime = Date.now();
return req;
* Naive way to keep the queue moving by continuously dequeuing requests. Not
* ideal because it limits throughput but we probably won't have enough traffic
* or keys for this to be a problem. If it does we can dequeue multiple
* per tick.
function processQueue() {
// This isn't completely correct, because a key can service multiple models.
// Currently if a key is locked out on one model it will also stop servicing
// the others, because we only track rate limits for the key as a whole.
const reqs: (Request | undefined)[] = [];
MODEL_FAMILIES.forEach((modelFamily) => {
const lockout = keyPool.getLockoutPeriod(modelFamily);
if (lockout === 0) {
reqs.filter(Boolean).forEach((req) => {
if (req?.proceed) {
req.log.info({ retries: req.retryCount }, `Dequeuing request.`);
setTimeout(processQueue, 50);
* Kill stalled requests after 5 minutes, and remove tracked wait times after 2
* minutes.
function cleanQueue() {
const now = Date.now();
const oldRequests = queue.filter(
(req) => now - (req.startTime ?? now) > 5 * 60 * 1000
oldRequests.forEach((req) => {
req.log.info(`Removing request from queue after 5 minutes.`);
const index = waitTimes.findIndex(
(waitTime) => now - waitTime.end > 300 * 1000
const removed = waitTimes.splice(0, index + 1);
{ stalledRequests: oldRequests.length, prunedWaitTimes: removed.length },
`Cleaning up request queue.`
setTimeout(cleanQueue, 20 * 1000);
export function start() {
log.info(`Started request queue.`);
let waitTimes: {
partition: ModelFamily;
start: number;
end: number;
isDeprioritized: boolean;
}[] = [];
/** Adds a successful request to the list of wait times. */
export function trackWaitTime(req: Request) {
partition: getPartitionForRequest(req),
start: req.startTime!,
end: req.queueOutTime ?? Date.now(),
isDeprioritized: isFromSharedIp(req),
* Returns average wait time for the given queue partition in milliseconds.
* Requests which are deprioritized are not included in the calculation as they
* would skew the results due to their longer wait times.
export function getEstimatedWaitTime(partition: ModelFamily) {
const now = Date.now();
const recentWaits = waitTimes.filter((wait) => {
const isSamePartition = wait.partition === partition;
const isRecent = now - wait.end < 300 * 1000;
const isNormalPriority = !wait.isDeprioritized;
return isSamePartition && isRecent && isNormalPriority;
if (recentWaits.length === 0) {
return 0;
return (
recentWaits.reduce((sum, wait) => sum + wait.end - wait.start, 0) /
export function getQueueLength(partition: ModelFamily | "all" = "all") {
if (partition === "all") {
return queue.length;
const modelQueue = getQueueForPartition(partition);
return modelQueue.length;
export function createQueueMiddleware({
}: {
beforeProxy?: RequestPreprocessor;
proxyMiddleware: Handler;
}): Handler {
return (req, res, next) => {
req.proceed = async () => {
if (beforeProxy) {
// Hack to let us run asynchronous middleware before the
// http-proxy-middleware handler. This is used to sign AWS requests
// before they are proxied, as the signing is asynchronous.
// Unlike RequestPreprocessors, this runs every time the request is
// dequeued, not just the first time.
await beforeProxy(req);
proxyMiddleware(req, res, next);
try {
} catch (err: any) {
type: "proxy_error",
message: err.message,
stack: err.stack,
proxy_note: `Only one request can be queued at a time. If you don't have another request queued, your IP or user token might be in use by another request.`,
function killQueuedRequest(req: Request) {
if (!req.res || req.res.writableEnded) {
req.log.warn(`Attempted to terminate request that has already ended.`);
const res = req.res;
try {
const message = `Your request has been terminated by the proxy because it has been in the queue for more than 5 minutes. The queue is currently ${queue.length} requests long.`;
if (res.headersSent) {
const fakeErrorEvent = buildFakeSse("proxy queue error", message, req);
} else {
res.status(500).json({ error: message });
} catch (e) {
req.log.error(e, `Error killing stalled request.`);
function initStreaming(req: Request) {
const res = req.res!;
if (req.query.badSseParser) {
// Some clients have a broken SSE parser that doesn't handle comments
// correctly. These clients can pass ?badSseParser=true to
// disable comments in the SSE stream.
res.write(`: joining queue at position ${queue.length}\n\n`);
* http-proxy-middleware attaches a bunch of event listeners to the req and
* res objects which causes problems with our approach to re-enqueuing failed
* proxied requests. This function removes those event listeners.
* We don't have references to the original event listeners, so we have to
* look through the list and remove HPM's listeners by looking for particular
* strings in the listener functions. This is an astoundingly shitty way to do
* this, but it's the best I can come up with.
function removeProxyMiddlewareEventListeners(req: Request) {
// node_modules/http-proxy-middleware/dist/plugins/default/debug-proxy-errors-plugin.js:29
// res.listeners('close')
const RES_ONCLOSE = `Destroying proxyRes in proxyRes close event`;
// node_modules/http-proxy-middleware/dist/plugins/default/debug-proxy-errors-plugin.js:19
// res.listeners('error')
const RES_ONERROR = `Socket error in proxyReq event`;
// node_modules/http-proxy/lib/http-proxy/passes/web-incoming.js:146
// req.listeners('aborted')
const REQ_ONABORTED = `proxyReq.abort()`;
// node_modules/http-proxy/lib/http-proxy/passes/web-incoming.js:156
// req.listeners('error')
const REQ_ONERROR = `if (req.socket.destroyed`;
const res = req.res!;
const resOnClose = res
.find((listener) => listener.toString().includes(RES_ONCLOSE));
if (resOnClose) {
res.removeListener("close", resOnClose as any);
const resOnError = res
.find((listener) => listener.toString().includes(RES_ONERROR));
if (resOnError) {
res.removeListener("error", resOnError as any);
const reqOnAborted = req
.find((listener) => listener.toString().includes(REQ_ONABORTED));
if (reqOnAborted) {
req.removeListener("aborted", reqOnAborted as any);
const reqOnError = req
.find((listener) => listener.toString().includes(REQ_ONERROR));
if (reqOnError) {
req.removeListener("error", reqOnError as any);