
139 lines
4.4 KiB

import { Request, Response, NextFunction } from "express";
import { config } from "../config";
export const SHARED_IP_ADDRESSES = new Set([
// Agnai.chat
"", // old
const ONE_MINUTE_MS = 60 * 1000;
type Timestamp = number;
/** Tracks time of last attempts from each IP address or token. */
const lastAttempts = new Map<string, Timestamp[]>();
/** Tracks time of exempted attempts from shared IPs like Agnai.chat. */
const exemptedRequests: Timestamp[] = [];
const isRecentAttempt = (now: Timestamp) => (attempt: Timestamp) =>
attempt > now - ONE_MINUTE_MS;
const getTryAgainInMs = (ip: string, type: "text" | "image") => {
const now = Date.now();
const attempts = lastAttempts.get(ip) || [];
const validAttempts = attempts.filter(isRecentAttempt(now));
const limit =
type === "text" ? config.textModelRateLimit : config.imageModelRateLimit;
if (validAttempts.length >= limit) {
return validAttempts[0] - now + ONE_MINUTE_MS;
} else {
lastAttempts.set(ip, [...validAttempts, now]);
return 0;
const getStatus = (ip: string, type: "text" | "image") => {
const now = Date.now();
const attempts = lastAttempts.get(ip) || [];
const validAttempts = attempts.filter(isRecentAttempt(now));
const limit =
type === "text" ? config.textModelRateLimit : config.imageModelRateLimit;
return {
remaining: Math.max(0, limit - validAttempts.length),
reset: validAttempts.length > 0 ? validAttempts[0] + ONE_MINUTE_MS : now,
/** Prunes attempts and IPs that are no longer relevant after one minute. */
const clearOldAttempts = () => {
const now = Date.now();
for (const [ip, attempts] of lastAttempts.entries()) {
const validAttempts = attempts.filter(isRecentAttempt(now));
if (validAttempts.length === 0) {
} else {
lastAttempts.set(ip, validAttempts);
setInterval(clearOldAttempts, 10 * 1000);
/** Prunes exempted requests which are older than one minute. */
const clearOldExemptions = () => {
const now = Date.now();
const validExemptions = exemptedRequests.filter(isRecentAttempt(now));
exemptedRequests.splice(0, exemptedRequests.length, ...validExemptions);
setInterval(clearOldExemptions, 10 * 1000);
export const getUniqueIps = () => lastAttempts.size;
* Can be used to manually remove the most recent attempt from an IP address,
* ie. in case a prompt triggered OpenAI's content filter and therefore did not
* result in a generation.
export const refundLastAttempt = (req: Request) => {
const key = req.user?.token || req.risuToken || req.ip;
const attempts = lastAttempts.get(key) || [];
export const ipLimiter = async (
req: Request,
res: Response,
next: NextFunction
) => {
const imageLimit = config.imageModelRateLimit;
const textLimit = config.textModelRateLimit;
if (!textLimit && !imageLimit) return next();
if (req.user?.type === "special") return next();
// Exempts Agnai.chat from IP-based rate limiting because its IPs are shared
// by many users. Instead, the request queue will limit the number of such
// requests that may wait in the queue at a time, and sorts them to the end to
// let individual users go first.
if (SHARED_IP_ADDRESSES.has(req.ip)) {
{ ip: req.ip, recentExemptions: exemptedRequests.length },
"Exempting Agnai request from rate limiting."
return next();
const type = req.baseUrl + req.path ? "image" : "text";
const limit = type === "image" ? imageLimit : textLimit;
// If user is authenticated, key rate limiting by their token. Otherwise, key
// rate limiting by their IP address. Mitigates key sharing.
const rateLimitKey = req.user?.token || req.risuToken || req.ip;
const { remaining, reset } = getStatus(rateLimitKey, type);
res.set("X-RateLimit-Limit", limit.toString());
res.set("X-RateLimit-Remaining", remaining.toString());
res.set("X-RateLimit-Reset", reset.toString());
const tryAgainInMs = getTryAgainInMs(rateLimitKey, type);
if (tryAgainInMs > 0) {
res.set("Retry-After", tryAgainInMs.toString());
error: {
type: "proxy_rate_limited",
message: `This model type is rate limited to ${limit} prompts per minute. Please try again in ${Math.ceil(
tryAgainInMs / 1000
)} seconds.`,
} else {