
85 lines
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import { ZodType, z } from "zod";
import type { ModelFamily } from "../models";
import { makeOptionalPropsNullable } from "../utils";
export const tokenCountsSchema: ZodType<UserTokenCounts> = z
turbo: z.number().optional(),
gpt4: z.number().optional(),
"gpt4-32k": z.number().optional().default(0),
claude: z.number().optional(),
.refine(zodModelFamilyRefinement, {
"If provided, a tokenCounts object must include all model families",
}) as ZodType<UserTokenCounts>; // refinement ensures the type correctness but zod doesn't know that
export const UserSchema = z
/** User's personal access token. */
token: z.string(),
/** IP addresses the user has connected from. */
ip: z.array(z.string()),
/** User's nickname. */
nickname: z.string().max(80).optional(),
* The user's privilege level.
* - `normal`: Default role. Subject to usual rate limits and quotas.
* - `special`: Special role. Higher quotas and exempt from
* auto-ban/lockout.
type: z.enum(["normal", "special", "temporary"]),
/** Number of prompts the user has made. */
promptCount: z.number(),
* @deprecated Use `tokenCounts` instead.
* Never used; retained for backwards compatibility.
tokenCount: z.any().optional(),
/** Number of tokens the user has consumed, by model family. */
tokenCounts: tokenCountsSchema,
/** Maximum number of tokens the user can consume, by model family. */
tokenLimits: tokenCountsSchema,
/** Time at which the user was created. */
createdAt: z.number(),
/** Time at which the user last connected. */
lastUsedAt: z.number().optional(),
/** Time at which the user was disabled, if applicable. */
disabledAt: z.number().optional(),
/** Reason for which the user was disabled, if applicable. */
disabledReason: z.string().optional(),
/** Time at which the user will expire and be disabled (for temp users). */
expiresAt: z.number().optional(),
* Variant of `UserSchema` which allows for partial updates, and makes any
* optional properties on the base schema nullable. Null values are used to
* indicate that the property should be deleted from the user object.
export const UserPartialSchema = makeOptionalPropsNullable(UserSchema)
.extend({ token: z.string() });
// gpt4-32k was added after the initial release, so this tries to allow for
// data imported from older versions of the app which may be missing the
// new model family.
// Otherwise, all model families must be present.
function zodModelFamilyRefinement(data: Record<string, number>) {
const keys = Object.keys(data).sort();
const validSets = [
["claude", "gpt4", "turbo"],
["claude", "gpt4", "gpt4-32k", "turbo"],
return validSets.some((set) => keys.join(",") === set.join(","));
export type UserTokenCounts = {
[K in Exclude<ModelFamily, "gpt4-32k">]: number;
} & {
[K in "gpt4-32k"]?: number | null; // null is not quite right but is more strict than undefined with +=
export type User = z.infer<typeof UserSchema>;
export type UserUpdate = z.infer<typeof UserPartialSchema>;