
186 lines
5.4 KiB

/** This whole module kinda sucks */
import fs from "fs";
import { Request, Response } from "express";
import showdown from "showdown";
import { config } from "./config";
import { buildInfo, ServiceInfo } from "./service-info";
import { getLastNImages } from "./shared/file-storage/image-history";
import { keyPool } from "./shared/key-management";
import { MODEL_FAMILY_SERVICE, ModelFamily } from "./shared/models";
const INFO_PAGE_TTL = 2000;
const MODEL_FAMILY_FRIENDLY_NAME: { [f in ModelFamily]: string } = {
"turbo": "GPT-3.5 Turbo",
"gpt4": "GPT-4",
"gpt4-32k": "GPT-4 32k",
"gpt4-turbo": "GPT-4 Turbo",
"dall-e": "DALL-E",
"claude": "Claude",
"gemini-pro": "Gemini Pro",
"aws-claude": "AWS Claude",
"azure-turbo": "Azure GPT-3.5 Turbo",
"azure-gpt4": "Azure GPT-4",
"azure-gpt4-32k": "Azure GPT-4 32k",
"azure-gpt4-turbo": "Azure GPT-4 Turbo",
const converter = new showdown.Converter();
const customGreeting = fs.existsSync("greeting.md")
? `\n## Server Greeting\n${fs.readFileSync("greeting.md", "utf8")}`
: "";
let infoPageHtml: string | undefined;
let infoPageLastUpdated = 0;
export const handleInfoPage = (req: Request, res: Response) => {
if (infoPageLastUpdated + INFO_PAGE_TTL > Date.now()) {
return res.send(infoPageHtml);
const baseUrl =
process.env.SPACE_ID && !req.get("host")?.includes("hf.space")
? getExternalUrlForHuggingfaceSpaceId(process.env.SPACE_ID)
: req.protocol + "://" + req.get("host");
const info = buildInfo(baseUrl + "/proxy");
infoPageHtml = renderPage(info);
infoPageLastUpdated = Date.now();
export function renderPage(info: ServiceInfo) {
const title = getServerTitle();
const headerHtml = buildInfoPageHeader(info);
return `<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />
<body style="font-family: sans-serif; background-color: #f0f0f0; padding: 1em;">
<hr />
<h2>Service Info</h2>
<pre>${JSON.stringify(info, null, 2)}</pre>
* If the server operator provides a `greeting.md` file, it will be included in
* the rendered info page.
function buildInfoPageHeader(info: ServiceInfo) {
const title = getServerTitle();
// TODO: use some templating engine instead of this mess
let infoBody = `# ${title}`;
if (config.promptLogging) {
infoBody += `\n## Prompt Logging Enabled
This proxy keeps full logs of all prompts and AI responses. Prompt logs are anonymous and do not contain IP addresses or timestamps.
[You can see the type of data logged here, along with the rest of the code.](https://gitgud.io/khanon/oai-reverse-proxy/-/blob/main/src/shared/prompt-logging/index.ts).
**If you are uncomfortable with this, don't send prompts to this proxy!**`;
if (config.staticServiceInfo) {
return converter.makeHtml(infoBody + customGreeting);
const waits: string[] = [];
for (const modelFamily of config.allowedModelFamilies) {
const service = MODEL_FAMILY_SERVICE[modelFamily];
const hasKeys = keyPool.list().some((k) => {
return k.service === service && k.modelFamilies.includes(modelFamily);
const wait = info[modelFamily]?.estimatedQueueTime;
if (hasKeys && wait) {
waits.push(`**${MODEL_FAMILY_FRIENDLY_NAME[modelFamily] || modelFamily}**: ${wait}`);
infoBody += "\n\n" + waits.join(" / ");
infoBody += customGreeting;
infoBody += buildRecentImageSection();
return converter.makeHtml(infoBody);
function getSelfServiceLinks() {
if (config.gatekeeper !== "user_token") return "";
return `<footer style="font-size: 0.8em;"><hr /><a target="_blank" href="/user/lookup">Check your user token info</a></footer>`;
function getServerTitle() {
// Use manually set title if available
if (process.env.SERVER_TITLE) {
return process.env.SERVER_TITLE;
// Huggingface
if (process.env.SPACE_ID) {
return `${process.env.SPACE_AUTHOR_NAME} / ${process.env.SPACE_TITLE}`;
// Render
if (process.env.RENDER) {
return `Render / ${process.env.RENDER_SERVICE_NAME}`;
return "OAI Reverse Proxy";
function buildRecentImageSection() {
if (
!config.allowedModelFamilies.includes("dall-e") ||
) {
return "";
let html = `<h2>Recent DALL-E Generations</h2>`;
const recentImages = getLastNImages(12).reverse();
if (recentImages.length === 0) {
html += `<p>No images yet.</p>`;
return html;
html += `<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;" id="recent-images">`;
for (const { url, prompt } of recentImages) {
const thumbUrl = url.replace(/\.png$/, "_t.jpg");
const escapedPrompt = escapeHtml(prompt);
html += `<div style="margin: 0.5em;" class="recent-image">
<a href="${url}" target="_blank"><img src="${thumbUrl}" title="${escapedPrompt}" alt="${escapedPrompt}" style="max-width: 150px; max-height: 150px;" /></a>
html += `</div>`;
return html;
function escapeHtml(unsafe: string) {
return unsafe
.replace(/&/g, "&amp;")
.replace(/</g, "&lt;")
.replace(/>/g, "&gt;")
.replace(/"/g, "&quot;")
.replace(/'/g, "&#39;");
function getExternalUrlForHuggingfaceSpaceId(spaceId: string) {
try {
const [username, spacename] = spaceId.split("/");
return `https://${username}-${spacename.replace(/_/g, "-")}.hf.space`;
} catch (e) {
return "";