
441 lines
14 KiB

import { z } from "zod";
import { config } from "../../config";
import { BadRequestError } from "../errors";
import {
} from "./openai";
import { APIFormatTransformer } from "./index";
const CLAUDE_OUTPUT_MAX = config.maxOutputTokensAnthropic;
const AnthropicV1BaseSchema = z
model: z.string().max(100),
stop_sequences: z.array(z.string().max(500)).optional(),
stream: z.boolean().optional().default(false),
temperature: z.coerce.number().optional().default(1),
top_k: z.coerce.number().optional(),
top_p: z.coerce.number().optional(),
metadata: z.object({ user_id: z.string().optional() }).optional(),
// https://docs.anthropic.com/claude/reference/complete_post [deprecated]
export const AnthropicV1TextSchema = AnthropicV1BaseSchema.merge(
prompt: z.string(),
max_tokens_to_sample: z.coerce
.transform((v) => Math.min(v, CLAUDE_OUTPUT_MAX)),
const AnthropicV1MessageMultimodalContentSchema = z.array(
z.object({ type: z.literal("text"), text: z.string() }),
type: z.literal("image"),
source: z.object({
type: z.literal("base64"),
media_type: z.string().max(100),
data: z.string(),
// https://docs.anthropic.com/claude/reference/messages_post
export const AnthropicV1MessagesSchema = AnthropicV1BaseSchema.merge(
messages: z.array(
role: z.enum(["user", "assistant"]),
content: z.union([
max_tokens: z
.transform((v) => Math.min(v, CLAUDE_OUTPUT_MAX)),
system: z.string().optional(),
export type AnthropicChatMessage = z.infer<
typeof AnthropicV1MessagesSchema
function openAIMessagesToClaudeTextPrompt(messages: OpenAIChatMessage[]) {
return (
.map((m) => {
let role: string = m.role;
if (role === "assistant") {
role = "Assistant";
} else if (role === "system") {
role = "System";
} else if (role === "user") {
role = "Human";
const name = m.name?.trim();
const content = flattenOpenAIMessageContent(m.content);
// https://console.anthropic.com/docs/prompt-design
// `name` isn't supported by Anthropic but we can still try to use it.
return `\n\n${role}: ${name ? `(as ${name}) ` : ""}${content}`;
.join("") + "\n\nAssistant:"
export const transformOpenAIToAnthropicChat: APIFormatTransformer<
typeof AnthropicV1MessagesSchema
> = async (req) => {
const { body } = req;
const result = OpenAIV1ChatCompletionSchema.safeParse(body);
if (!result.success) {
{ issues: result.error.issues, body },
"Invalid OpenAI-to-Anthropic Chat request"
throw result.error;
req.headers["anthropic-version"] = "2023-06-01";
const { messages, ...rest } = result.data;
const { messages: newMessages, system } =
return {
messages: newMessages,
model: rest.model,
max_tokens: rest.max_tokens,
stream: rest.stream,
temperature: rest.temperature,
top_p: rest.top_p,
stop_sequences: typeof rest.stop === "string" ? [rest.stop] : rest.stop,
...(rest.user ? { metadata: { user_id: rest.user } } : {}),
// Anthropic supports top_k, but OpenAI does not
// OpenAI supports frequency_penalty, presence_penalty, logit_bias, n, seed,
// and function calls, but Anthropic does not.
export const transformOpenAIToAnthropicText: APIFormatTransformer<
typeof AnthropicV1TextSchema
> = async (req) => {
const { body } = req;
const result = OpenAIV1ChatCompletionSchema.safeParse(body);
if (!result.success) {
{ issues: result.error.issues, body },
"Invalid OpenAI-to-Anthropic Text request"
throw result.error;
req.headers["anthropic-version"] = "2023-06-01";
const { messages, ...rest } = result.data;
const prompt = openAIMessagesToClaudeTextPrompt(messages);
let stops = rest.stop
? Array.isArray(rest.stop)
? rest.stop
: [rest.stop]
: [];
// Recommended by Anthropic
// Helps with jailbreak prompts that send fake system messages and multi-bot
// chats that prefix bot messages with "System: Respond as <bot name>".
// Remove duplicates
stops = [...new Set(stops)];
return {
model: rest.model,
prompt: prompt,
max_tokens_to_sample: rest.max_tokens,
stop_sequences: stops,
stream: rest.stream,
temperature: rest.temperature,
top_p: rest.top_p,
* Converts an older Anthropic Text Completion prompt to the newer Messages API
* by splitting the flat text into messages.
export const transformAnthropicTextToAnthropicChat: APIFormatTransformer<
typeof AnthropicV1MessagesSchema
> = async (req) => {
const { body } = req;
const result = AnthropicV1TextSchema.safeParse(body);
if (!result.success) {
{ issues: result.error.issues, body },
"Invalid Anthropic Text-to-Anthropic Chat request"
throw result.error;
req.headers["anthropic-version"] = "2023-06-01";
const { model, max_tokens_to_sample, prompt, ...rest } = result.data;
// Iteratively slice the prompt into messages. Start from the beginning and
// look for the next `\n\nHuman:` or `\n\nAssistant:`. Anything before the
// first human message is a system message.
let index = prompt.indexOf("\n\nHuman:");
let remaining = prompt.slice(index);
const system = prompt.slice(0, index);
const messages: AnthropicChatMessage[] = [];
while (remaining) {
const isHuman = remaining.startsWith("\n\nHuman:");
// Multiple messages from the same role are not permitted in Messages API.
// We collect all messages until the next message from the opposite role.
const thisRole = isHuman ? "\n\nHuman:" : "\n\nAssistant:";
const nextRole = isHuman ? "\n\nAssistant:" : "\n\nHuman:";
const nextIndex = remaining.indexOf(nextRole);
// Collect text up to the next message, or the end of the prompt for the
// Assistant prefill if present.
const msg = remaining
.slice(0, nextIndex === -1 ? undefined : nextIndex)
.replace(thisRole, "")
const role = isHuman ? "user" : "assistant";
messages.push({ role, content: msg });
remaining = remaining.slice(nextIndex);
if (nextIndex === -1) break;
// fix "messages: final assistant content cannot end with trailing whitespace"
const lastMessage = messages[messages.length - 1];
if (
lastMessage.role === "assistant" &&
typeof lastMessage.content === "string"
) {
messages[messages.length - 1].content = lastMessage.content.trimEnd();
return {
max_tokens: max_tokens_to_sample,
function validateAnthropicTextPrompt(prompt: string) {
if (!prompt.includes("\n\nHuman:") || !prompt.includes("\n\nAssistant:")) {
throw new BadRequestError(
"Prompt must contain at least one human and one assistant message."
// First human message must be before first assistant message
const firstHuman = prompt.indexOf("\n\nHuman:");
const firstAssistant = prompt.indexOf("\n\nAssistant:");
if (firstAssistant < firstHuman) {
throw new BadRequestError(
"First Assistant message must come after the first Human message."
export function flattenAnthropicMessages(
messages: AnthropicChatMessage[]
): string {
return messages
.map((msg) => {
const name = msg.role === "user" ? "\n\nHuman: " : "\n\nAssistant: ";
const parts = Array.isArray(msg.content)
? msg.content
: [{ type: "text", text: msg.content }];
return `${name}: ${parts
.map((part) =>
part.type === "text"
? part.text
: `[Omitted multimodal content of type ${part.type}]`
* Represents the union of all content types without the `string` shorthand
* for `text` content.
type AnthropicChatMessageContentWithoutString = Exclude<
/** Represents a message with all shorthand `string` content expanded. */
type ConvertedAnthropicChatMessage = AnthropicChatMessage & {
content: AnthropicChatMessageContentWithoutString;
function openAIMessagesToClaudeChatPrompt(messages: OpenAIChatMessage[]): {
messages: AnthropicChatMessage[];
system: string;
} {
// Similar formats, but Claude doesn't use `name` property and doesn't have
// a `system` role. Also, Claude does not allow consecutive messages from
// the same role, so we need to merge them.
// 1. Collect all system messages up to the first non-system message and set
// that as the `system` prompt.
// 2. Iterate through messages and:
// - If the message is from system, reassign it to assistant with System:
// prefix.
// - If message is from same role as previous, append it to the previous
// message rather than creating a new one.
// - Otherwise, create a new message and prefix with `name` if present.
// TODO: When a Claude message has multiple `text` contents, does the internal
// message flattening insert newlines between them? If not, we may need to
// do that here...
let firstNonSystem = -1;
const result: { messages: ConvertedAnthropicChatMessage[]; system: string } =
{ messages: [], system: "" };
for (let i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
const msg = messages[i];
const isSystem = isSystemOpenAIRole(msg.role);
if (firstNonSystem === -1 && isSystem) {
// Still merging initial system messages into the system prompt
result.system += getFirstTextContent(msg.content) + "\n";
if (firstNonSystem === -1 && !isSystem) {
// Encountered the first non-system message
firstNonSystem = i;
if (msg.role === "assistant") {
// There is an annoying rule that the first message must be from the user.
// This is commonly not the case with roleplay prompts that start with a
// block of system messages followed by an assistant message. We will try
// to reconcile this by splicing the last line of the system prompt into
// a beginning user message -- this is *commonly* ST's [Start a new chat]
// nudge, which works okay as a user message.
// Find the last non-empty line in the system prompt
const execResult = /(?:[^\r\n]*\r?\n)*([^\r\n]+)(?:\r?\n)*/d.exec(
let text = "";
if (execResult) {
text = execResult[1];
// Remove last line from system so it doesn't get duplicated
const [_, [lastLineStart]] = execResult.indices || [];
result.system = result.system.slice(0, lastLineStart);
} else {
// This is a bad prompt; there's no system content to move to user and
// it starts with assistant. We don't have any good options.
text = "[ Joining chat... ]";
role: "user",
content: [{ type: "text", text }],
const last = result.messages[result.messages.length - 1];
// I have to handle tools as system messages to be exhaustive here but the
// experience will be bad.
const role = isSystemOpenAIRole(msg.role) ? "assistant" : msg.role;
// Here we will lose the original name if it was a system message, but that
// is generally okay because the system message is usually a prompt and not
// a character in the chat.
const name = msg.role === "system" ? "System" : msg.name?.trim();
const content = convertOpenAIContent(msg.content);
// Prepend the display name to the first text content in the current message
// if it exists. We don't need to add the name to every content block.
if (name?.length) {
const firstTextContent = content.find((c) => c.type === "text");
if (firstTextContent && "text" in firstTextContent) {
// This mutates the element in `content`.
firstTextContent.text = `${name}: ${firstTextContent.text}`;
// Merge messages if necessary. If two assistant roles are consecutive but
// had different names, the final converted assistant message will have
// multiple characters in it, but the name prefixes should assist the model
// in differentiating between speakers.
if (last && last.role === role) {
} else {
result.messages.push({ role, content });
result.system = result.system.trimEnd();
return result;
function isSystemOpenAIRole(
role: OpenAIChatMessage["role"]
): role is "system" | "function" | "tool" {
return ["system", "function", "tool"].includes(role);
function getFirstTextContent(content: OpenAIChatMessage["content"]) {
if (typeof content === "string") return content;
for (const c of content) {
if ("text" in c) return c.text;
return "[ No text content in this message ]";
function convertOpenAIContent(
content: OpenAIChatMessage["content"]
): AnthropicChatMessageContentWithoutString {
if (typeof content === "string") {
return [{ type: "text", text: content.trimEnd() }];
return content.map((c) => {
if ("text" in c) {
return { type: "text", text: c.text.trimEnd() };
} else if ("image_url" in c) {
const url = c.image_url.url;
try {
const mimeType = url.split(";")[0].split(":")[1];
const data = url.split(",")[1];
return {
type: "image",
source: { type: "base64", media_type: mimeType, data },
} catch (e) {
return {
type: "text",
text: `[ Unsupported image URL: ${url.slice(0, 200)} ]`,
} else {
const type = String((c as any)?.type);
return { type: "text", text: `[ Unsupported content type: ${type} ]` };