
342 lines
13 KiB

import axios, { AxiosError } from "axios";
import type { OpenAIModelFamily } from "../../models";
import { KeyCheckerBase } from "../key-checker-base";
import type { OpenAIKey, OpenAIKeyProvider } from "./provider";
import { getOpenAIModelFamily } from "../../models";
const MIN_CHECK_INTERVAL = 3 * 1000; // 3 seconds
const KEY_CHECK_PERIOD = 60 * 60 * 1000; // 1 hour
const POST_CHAT_COMPLETIONS_URL = "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions";
const GET_MODELS_URL = "https://api.openai.com/v1/models";
const GET_ORGANIZATIONS_URL = "https://api.openai.com/v1/organizations";
type GetModelsResponse = {
data: [{ id: string }];
type GetOrganizationsResponse = {
data: [{ id: string; is_default: boolean }];
type OpenAIError = {
error: { type: string; code: string; param: unknown; message: string };
type CloneFn = typeof OpenAIKeyProvider.prototype.clone;
type UpdateFn = typeof OpenAIKeyProvider.prototype.update;
export class OpenAIKeyChecker extends KeyCheckerBase<OpenAIKey> {
private readonly cloneKey: CloneFn;
constructor(keys: OpenAIKey[], cloneFn: CloneFn, updateKey: UpdateFn) {
super(keys, {
service: "openai",
keyCheckPeriod: KEY_CHECK_PERIOD,
minCheckInterval: MIN_CHECK_INTERVAL,
recurringChecksEnabled: false,
this.cloneKey = cloneFn;
protected async testKeyOrFail(key: OpenAIKey) {
// We only need to check for provisioned models on the initial check.
const isInitialCheck = !key.lastChecked;
if (isInitialCheck) {
const [provisionedModels, livenessTest] = await Promise.all([
const updates = {
modelFamilies: provisionedModels,
isTrial: livenessTest.rateLimit <= 250,
this.updateKey(key.hash, updates);
} else {
// No updates needed as models and trial status generally don't change.
const [_livenessTest] = await Promise.all([this.testLiveness(key)]);
this.updateKey(key.hash, {});
key: key.hash,
models: key.modelFamilies,
trial: key.isTrial,
snapshots: key.modelSnapshots,
"Checked key."
private async getProvisionedModels(
key: OpenAIKey
): Promise<OpenAIModelFamily[]> {
const opts = { headers: OpenAIKeyChecker.getHeaders(key) };
const { data } = await axios.get<GetModelsResponse>(GET_MODELS_URL, opts);
const families = new Set<OpenAIModelFamily>();
const models = data.data.map(({ id }) => {
families.add(getOpenAIModelFamily(id, "turbo"));
return id;
// disable dall-e for trial keys due to very low per-day quota that tends to
// render the key unusable.
if (key.isTrial) {
// as of 2023-11-18, many keys no longer return the dalle3 model but still
// have access to it via the api for whatever reason.
// if (families.has("dall-e") && !models.find(({ id }) => id === "dall-e-3")) {
// families.delete("dall-e");
// }
// as of January 2024, 0314 model snapshots are only available on keys which
// have used them in the past. these keys also seem to have 32k-0314 even
// though they don't have the base gpt-4-32k model alias listed. if a key
// has access to both 0314 models we will flag it as such and force add
// gpt4-32k to its model families.
if (
["gpt-4-0314", "gpt-4-32k-0314"].every((m) => models.find((n) => n === m))
) {
this.log.info({ key: key.hash }, "Added gpt4-32k to -0314 key.");
// We want to update the key's model families here, but we don't want to
// update its `lastChecked` timestamp because we need to let the liveness
// check run before we can consider the key checked.
const familiesArray = [...families];
const keyFromPool = this.keys.find((k) => k.hash === key.hash)!;
this.updateKey(key.hash, {
modelSnapshots: models.filter((m) => m.match(/-\d{4}(-preview)?$/)),
modelFamilies: familiesArray,
lastChecked: keyFromPool.lastChecked,
return familiesArray;
private async maybeCreateOrganizationClones(key: OpenAIKey) {
if (key.organizationId) return; // already cloned
try {
const opts = { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${key.key}` } };
const { data } = await axios.get<GetOrganizationsResponse>(
const organizations = data.data;
const defaultOrg = organizations.find(({ is_default }) => is_default);
this.updateKey(key.hash, { organizationId: defaultOrg?.id });
if (organizations.length <= 1) return;
{ parent: key.hash, organizations: organizations.map((org) => org.id) },
"Key is associated with multiple organizations; cloning key for each organization."
const ids = organizations
.filter(({ is_default }) => !is_default)
.map(({ id }) => id);
this.cloneKey(key.hash, ids);
} catch (error) {
// Some keys do not have permission to list organizations, which is the
// typical cause of this error.
let info: string | Record<string, any>;
const response = error.response;
const expectedErrorCodes = ["invalid_api_key", "no_organization"];
if (expectedErrorCodes.includes(response?.data?.error?.code)) {
} else if (response) {
info = { status: response.status, data: response.data };
} else {
info = error.message;
{ parent: key.hash, error: info },
"Failed to fetch organizations for key."
// It's possible that the keychecker may be stopped if all non-cloned keys
// happened to be unusable, in which case this clnoe will never be checked
// unless we restart the keychecker.
if (!this.timeout) {
{ parent: key.hash },
"Restarting key checker to check cloned keys."
protected handleAxiosError(key: OpenAIKey, error: AxiosError) {
if (error.response && OpenAIKeyChecker.errorIsOpenAIError(error)) {
const { status, data } = error.response;
if (status === 401) {
{ key: key.hash, error: data },
"Key is invalid or revoked. Disabling key."
this.updateKey(key.hash, {
isDisabled: true,
isRevoked: true,
modelFamilies: ["turbo"],
} else if (status === 429) {
switch (data.error.type) {
case "insufficient_quota":
case "billing_not_active":
case "access_terminated":
const isRevoked = data.error.type === "access_terminated";
const isOverQuota = !isRevoked;
const modelFamilies: OpenAIModelFamily[] = isRevoked
? ["turbo"]
: key.modelFamilies;
{ key: key.hash, rateLimitType: data.error.type, error: data },
"Key returned a non-transient 429 error. Disabling key."
this.updateKey(key.hash, {
isDisabled: true,
case "requests":
// If we hit the text completion rate limit on a trial key, it is
// likely being used by many proxies. We will disable the key since
// it's just going to be constantly rate limited.
const isTrial =
Number(error.response.headers["x-ratelimit-limit-requests"]) <=
if (isTrial) {
{ key: key.hash, error: data },
"Trial key is rate limited on text completion endpoint. This indicates the key is being used by several proxies at once and is not likely to be usable. Disabling key."
this.updateKey(key.hash, {
isDisabled: true,
isOverQuota: true,
modelFamilies: ["turbo"],
lastChecked: Date.now(),
} else {
{ key: key.hash, error: data },
"Non-trial key is rate limited on text completion endpoint. This is unusual and may indicate a bug. Assuming key is operational."
this.updateKey(key.hash, { lastChecked: Date.now() });
case "tokens":
// Hitting a token rate limit, even on a trial key, actually implies
// that the key is valid and can generate completions, so we will
// treat this as effectively a successful `testLiveness` call.
{ key: key.hash },
"Key is currently `tokens` rate limited; assuming it is operational."
this.updateKey(key.hash, { lastChecked: Date.now() });
{ key: key.hash, rateLimitType: data.error.type, error: data },
"Encountered unexpected rate limit error class while checking key. This may indicate a change in the API; please report this."
// We don't know what this error means, so we just let the key
// through and maybe it will fail when someone tries to use it.
this.updateKey(key.hash, { lastChecked: Date.now() });
} else {
{ key: key.hash, status, error: data },
"Encountered unexpected error status while checking key. This may indicate a change in the API; please report this."
this.updateKey(key.hash, { lastChecked: Date.now() });
{ key: key.hash, error: error.message },
"Network error while checking key; trying this key again in a minute."
const oneMinute = 60 * 1000;
const next = Date.now() - (KEY_CHECK_PERIOD - oneMinute);
this.updateKey(key.hash, { lastChecked: next });
* Tests whether the key is valid and has quota remaining. The request we send
* is actually not valid, but keys which are revoked or out of quota will fail
* with a 401 or 429 error instead of the expected 400 Bad Request error.
* This lets us avoid test keys without spending any quota.
* We use the rate limit header to determine whether it's a trial key.
private async testLiveness(key: OpenAIKey): Promise<{ rateLimit: number }> {
// What the hell this is doing:
// OpenAI enforces separate rate limits for chat and text completions. Trial
// keys have extremely low rate limits of 200 per day per API type. In order
// to avoid wasting more valuable chat quota, we send an (invalid) chat
// request to Babbage (a text completion model). Even though our request is
// to the chat endpoint, we get text rate limit headers back because the
// requested model determines the rate limit used, not the endpoint.
// Once we have headers, we can determine:
// 1. Is the key revoked? (401, OAI doesn't even validate the request)
// 2. Is the key out of quota? (400, OAI will still validate the request)
// 3. Is the key a trial key? (400, x-ratelimit-limit-requests: 200)
// This might still cause issues if too many proxies are running a train on
// the same trial key and even the text completion quota is exhausted, but
// it should work better than the alternative.
const payload = {
model: "babbage-002",
max_tokens: -1,
messages: [{ role: "user", content: "" }],
const { headers, data } = await axios.post<OpenAIError>(
headers: OpenAIKeyChecker.getHeaders(key),
validateStatus: (status) => status === 400,
const rateLimitHeader = headers["x-ratelimit-limit-requests"];
const rateLimit = parseInt(rateLimitHeader) || 3500; // trials have 200
// invalid_request_error is the expected error
if (data.error.type !== "invalid_request_error") {
{ key: key.hash, error: data },
"Unexpected 400 error class while checking key; assuming key is valid, but this may indicate a change in the API."
return { rateLimit };
static errorIsOpenAIError(
error: AxiosError
): error is AxiosError<OpenAIError> {
const data = error.response?.data as any;
return data?.error?.type;
static getHeaders(key: OpenAIKey) {
return {
Authorization: `Bearer ${key.key}`,
...(key.organizationId && { "OpenAI-Organization": key.organizationId }),