
431 lines
13 KiB

import { Request } from "express";
import { z } from "zod";
import { config } from "../../../../config";
import { isTextGenerationRequest, isImageGenerationRequest } from "../../common";
import { RequestPreprocessor } from "../index";
import { APIFormat } from "../../../../shared/key-management";
const CLAUDE_OUTPUT_MAX = config.maxOutputTokensAnthropic;
const OPENAI_OUTPUT_MAX = config.maxOutputTokensOpenAI;
// TODO: move schemas to shared
// https://console.anthropic.com/docs/api/reference#-v1-complete
export const AnthropicV1CompleteSchema = z.object({
model: z.string(),
prompt: z.string({
"No prompt found. Are you sending an OpenAI-formatted request to the Claude endpoint?",
max_tokens_to_sample: z.coerce
.transform((v) => Math.min(v, CLAUDE_OUTPUT_MAX)),
stop_sequences: z.array(z.string()).optional(),
stream: z.boolean().optional().default(false),
temperature: z.coerce.number().optional().default(1),
top_k: z.coerce.number().optional(),
top_p: z.coerce.number().optional(),
metadata: z.any().optional(),
// https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/create
const OpenAIV1ChatContentArraySchema = z.array(
z.object({ type: z.literal("text"), text: z.string() }),
type: z.literal("image_url"),
image_url: z.object({
url: z.string().url(),
detail: z.enum(["low", "auto", "high"]).optional().default("auto"),
export const OpenAIV1ChatCompletionSchema = z.object({
model: z.string(),
messages: z.array(
role: z.enum(["system", "user", "assistant"]),
content: z.union([z.string(), OpenAIV1ChatContentArraySchema]),
name: z.string().optional(),
"No `messages` found. Ensure you've set the correct completion endpoint.",
"Messages were not formatted correctly. Refer to the OpenAI Chat API documentation for more information.",
temperature: z.number().optional().default(1),
top_p: z.number().optional().default(1),
n: z
.literal(1, {
errorMap: () => ({
message: "You may only request a single completion at a time.",
stream: z.boolean().optional().default(false),
stop: z.union([z.string(), z.array(z.string())]).optional(),
max_tokens: z.coerce
.transform((v) => Math.min(v ?? OPENAI_OUTPUT_MAX, OPENAI_OUTPUT_MAX)),
frequency_penalty: z.number().optional().default(0),
presence_penalty: z.number().optional().default(0),
logit_bias: z.any().optional(),
user: z.string().optional(),
seed: z.number().int().optional(),
export type OpenAIChatMessage = z.infer<
typeof OpenAIV1ChatCompletionSchema
const OpenAIV1TextCompletionSchema = z
model: z
"Model must start with 'gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct'"
prompt: z.string({
"No `prompt` found. Ensure you've set the correct completion endpoint.",
logprobs: z.number().int().nullish().default(null),
echo: z.boolean().optional().default(false),
best_of: z.literal(1).optional(),
stop: z.union([z.string(), z.array(z.string()).max(4)]).optional(),
suffix: z.string().optional(),
.merge(OpenAIV1ChatCompletionSchema.omit({ messages: true }));
// https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/images/create
const OpenAIV1ImagesGenerationSchema = z.object({
prompt: z.string().max(4000),
model: z.string().optional(),
quality: z.enum(["standard", "hd"]).optional().default("standard"),
n: z.number().int().min(1).max(4).optional().default(1),
response_format: z.enum(["url", "b64_json"]).optional(),
size: z
.enum(["256x256", "512x512", "1024x1024", "1792x1024", "1024x1792"])
style: z.enum(["vivid", "natural"]).optional().default("vivid"),
user: z.string().optional(),
// https://developers.generativeai.google/api/rest/generativelanguage/models/generateText
const PalmV1GenerateTextSchema = z.object({
model: z.string(),
prompt: z.object({ text: z.string() }),
temperature: z.number().optional(),
maxOutputTokens: z.coerce
.transform((v) => Math.min(v, 1024)), // TODO: Add config
candidateCount: z.literal(1).optional(),
topP: z.number().optional(),
topK: z.number().optional(),
safetySettings: z.array(z.object({})).max(0).optional(),
stopSequences: z.array(z.string()).max(5).optional(),
const VALIDATORS: Record<APIFormat, z.ZodSchema<any>> = {
anthropic: AnthropicV1CompleteSchema,
openai: OpenAIV1ChatCompletionSchema,
"openai-text": OpenAIV1TextCompletionSchema,
"openai-image": OpenAIV1ImagesGenerationSchema,
"google-palm": PalmV1GenerateTextSchema,
/** Transforms an incoming request body to one that matches the target API. */
export const transformOutboundPayload: RequestPreprocessor = async (req) => {
const sameService = req.inboundApi === req.outboundApi;
const alreadyTransformed = req.retryCount > 0;
const notTransformable =
!isTextGenerationRequest(req) && !isImageGenerationRequest(req);
if (alreadyTransformed || notTransformable) return;
if (sameService) {
const result = VALIDATORS[req.inboundApi].safeParse(req.body);
if (!result.success) {
{ issues: result.error.issues, body: req.body },
"Request validation failed"
throw result.error;
req.body = result.data;
if (req.inboundApi === "openai" && req.outboundApi === "anthropic") {
req.body = openaiToAnthropic(req);
if (req.inboundApi === "openai" && req.outboundApi === "google-palm") {
req.body = openaiToPalm(req);
if (req.inboundApi === "openai" && req.outboundApi === "openai-text") {
req.body = openaiToOpenaiText(req);
if (req.inboundApi === "openai" && req.outboundApi === "openai-image") {
req.body = openaiToOpenaiImage(req);
throw new Error(
`'${req.inboundApi}' -> '${req.outboundApi}' request proxying is not supported. Make sure your client is configured to use the correct API.`
function openaiToAnthropic(req: Request) {
const { body } = req;
const result = OpenAIV1ChatCompletionSchema.safeParse(body);
if (!result.success) {
{ issues: result.error.issues, body },
"Invalid OpenAI-to-Anthropic request"
throw result.error;
req.headers["anthropic-version"] = "2023-06-01";
const { messages, ...rest } = result.data;
const prompt = openAIMessagesToClaudePrompt(messages);
let stops = rest.stop
? Array.isArray(rest.stop)
? rest.stop
: [rest.stop]
: [];
// Recommended by Anthropic
// Helps with jailbreak prompts that send fake system messages and multi-bot
// chats that prefix bot messages with "System: Respond as <bot name>".
// Remove duplicates
stops = [...new Set(stops)];
return {
// Model may be overridden in `calculate-context-size.ts` to avoid having
// a circular dependency (`calculate-context-size.ts` needs an already-
// transformed request body to count tokens, but this function would like
// to know the count to select a model).
model: process.env.CLAUDE_SMALL_MODEL || "claude-v1",
prompt: prompt,
max_tokens_to_sample: rest.max_tokens,
stop_sequences: stops,
stream: rest.stream,
temperature: rest.temperature,
top_p: rest.top_p,
function openaiToOpenaiText(req: Request) {
const { body } = req;
const result = OpenAIV1ChatCompletionSchema.safeParse(body);
if (!result.success) {
{ issues: result.error.issues, body },
"Invalid OpenAI-to-OpenAI-text request"
throw result.error;
const { messages, ...rest } = result.data;
const prompt = flattenOpenAIChatMessages(messages);
let stops = rest.stop
? Array.isArray(rest.stop)
? rest.stop
: [rest.stop]
: [];
stops = [...new Set(stops)];
const transformed = { ...rest, prompt: prompt, stop: stops };
return OpenAIV1TextCompletionSchema.parse(transformed);
// Takes the last chat message and uses it verbatim as the image prompt.
function openaiToOpenaiImage(req: Request) {
const { body } = req;
const result = OpenAIV1ChatCompletionSchema.safeParse(body);
if (!result.success) {
{ issues: result.error.issues, body },
"Invalid OpenAI-to-OpenAI-image request"
throw result.error;
const { messages } = result.data;
const prompt = messages.filter((m) => m.role === "user").pop()?.content;
if (Array.isArray(prompt)) {
throw new Error("Image generation prompt must be a text message.");
if (body.stream) {
throw new Error(
"Streaming is not supported for image generation requests."
// Some frontends do weird things with the prompt, like prefixing it with a
// character name or wrapping the entire thing in quotes. We will look for
// the index of "Image:" and use everything after that as the prompt.
const index = prompt?.toLowerCase().indexOf("image:");
if (index === -1 || !prompt) {
throw new Error(
`Start your prompt with 'Image:' followed by a description of the image you want to generate (received: ${prompt}).`
// TODO: Add some way to specify parameters via chat message
const transformed = {
model: body.model.includes("dall-e") ? body.model : "dall-e-3",
quality: "standard",
size: "1024x1024",
response_format: "url",
prompt: prompt.slice(index! + 6).trim(),
return OpenAIV1ImagesGenerationSchema.parse(transformed);
function openaiToPalm(req: Request): z.infer<typeof PalmV1GenerateTextSchema> {
const { body } = req;
const result = OpenAIV1ChatCompletionSchema.safeParse({
model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
if (!result.success) {
{ issues: result.error.issues, body },
"Invalid OpenAI-to-Palm request"
throw result.error;
const { messages, ...rest } = result.data;
const prompt = flattenOpenAIChatMessages(messages);
let stops = rest.stop
? Array.isArray(rest.stop)
? rest.stop
: [rest.stop]
: [];
stops = [...new Set(stops)];
return {
prompt: { text: prompt },
maxOutputTokens: rest.max_tokens,
stopSequences: stops,
model: "text-bison-001",
topP: rest.top_p,
temperature: rest.temperature,
safetySettings: [
{ category: "HARM_CATEGORY_UNSPECIFIED", threshold: "BLOCK_NONE" },
{ category: "HARM_CATEGORY_DEROGATORY", threshold: "BLOCK_NONE" },
{ category: "HARM_CATEGORY_TOXICITY", threshold: "BLOCK_NONE" },
{ category: "HARM_CATEGORY_VIOLENCE", threshold: "BLOCK_NONE" },
{ category: "HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUAL", threshold: "BLOCK_NONE" },
{ category: "HARM_CATEGORY_MEDICAL", threshold: "BLOCK_NONE" },
{ category: "HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS", threshold: "BLOCK_NONE" },
export function openAIMessagesToClaudePrompt(messages: OpenAIChatMessage[]) {
return (
.map((m) => {
let role: string = m.role;
if (role === "assistant") {
role = "Assistant";
} else if (role === "system") {
role = "System";
} else if (role === "user") {
role = "Human";
const name = m.name?.trim();
const content = flattenOpenAIMessageContent(m.content);
// https://console.anthropic.com/docs/prompt-design
// `name` isn't supported by Anthropic but we can still try to use it.
return `\n\n${role}: ${name ? `(as ${name}) ` : ""}${content}`;
.join("") + "\n\nAssistant:"
function flattenOpenAIChatMessages(messages: OpenAIChatMessage[]) {
// Temporary to allow experimenting with prompt strategies
const PROMPT_VERSION: number = 1;
case 1:
return (
.map((m) => {
// Claude-style human/assistant turns
let role: string = m.role;
if (role === "assistant") {
role = "Assistant";
} else if (role === "system") {
role = "System";
} else if (role === "user") {
role = "User";
return `\n\n${role}: ${flattenOpenAIMessageContent(m.content)}`;
.join("") + "\n\nAssistant:"
case 2:
return messages
.map((m) => {
// Claude without prefixes (except system) and no Assistant priming
let role: string = "";
if (role === "system") {
role = "System: ";
return `\n\n${role}${flattenOpenAIMessageContent(m.content)}`;
throw new Error(`Unknown prompt version: ${PROMPT_VERSION}`);
function flattenOpenAIMessageContent(
content: OpenAIChatMessage["content"]
): string {
return Array.isArray(content)
? content
.map((contentItem) => {
if ("text" in contentItem) return contentItem.text;
if ("image_url" in contentItem) return "[ Uploaded Image Omitted ]";
: content;