
181 lines
5.6 KiB

import fs from "fs";
import { Request, Response } from "express";
import showdown from "showdown";
import { config, listConfig } from "./config";
import { keyPool } from "./key-management";
import { getUniqueIps } from "./proxy/rate-limit";
import { getEstimatedWaitTime, getQueueLength } from "./proxy/queue";
const INFO_PAGE_TTL = 5000;
let infoPageHtml: string | undefined;
let infoPageLastUpdated = 0;
export const handleInfoPage = (req: Request, res: Response) => {
if (infoPageLastUpdated + INFO_PAGE_TTL > Date.now()) {
// Some load balancers/reverse proxies don't give us the right protocol in
// the host header. Huggingface works this way, Cloudflare does not.
const host = req.get("host");
const isHuggingface = host?.includes("hf.space");
const protocol = isHuggingface ? "https" : req.protocol;
res.send(cacheInfoPageHtml(protocol + "://" + host));
function cacheInfoPageHtml(host: string) {
const keys = keyPool.list();
let keyInfo: Record<string, any> = { all: keys.length };
if (keyPool.anyUnchecked()) {
const uncheckedKeys = keys.filter((k) => !k.lastChecked);
keyInfo = {
active: keys.filter((k) => !k.isDisabled).length,
status: `Still checking ${uncheckedKeys.length} keys...`,
} else if (config.checkKeys) {
const trialKeys = keys.filter((k) => k.isTrial);
const turboKeys = keys.filter((k) => !k.isGpt4 && !k.isDisabled);
const gpt4Keys = keys.filter((k) => k.isGpt4 && !k.isDisabled);
const quota: Record<string, string> = { turbo: "", gpt4: "" };
const hasGpt4 = keys.some((k) => k.isGpt4);
if (config.quotaDisplayMode === "full") {
quota.turbo = `${keyPool.usageInUsd()} (${Math.round(
keyPool.remainingQuota() * 100
)}% remaining)`;
quota.gpt4 = `${keyPool.usageInUsd(true)} (${Math.round(
keyPool.remainingQuota(true) * 100
)}% remaining)`;
} else {
quota.turbo = `${Math.round(keyPool.remainingQuota() * 100)}%`;
quota.gpt4 = `${Math.round(keyPool.remainingQuota(true) * 100)}%`;
if (!hasGpt4) {
delete quota.gpt4;
keyInfo = {
trial: trialKeys.length,
active: {
turbo: turboKeys.length,
...(hasGpt4 ? { gpt4: gpt4Keys.length } : {}),
...(config.quotaDisplayMode !== "none" ? { quota: quota } : {}),
const info = {
uptime: process.uptime(),
endpoints: {
kobold: host,
openai: host + "/proxy/openai",
proompts: keys.reduce((acc, k) => acc + k.promptCount, 0),
...(config.modelRateLimit ? { proomptersNow: getUniqueIps() } : {}),
keys: keyInfo,
config: listConfig(),
build: process.env.COMMIT_SHA || "dev",
const title = getServerTitle();
const headerHtml = buildInfoPageHeader(new showdown.Converter(), title);
const pageBody = `<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<body style="font-family: sans-serif; background-color: #f0f0f0; padding: 1em;"
<hr />
<h2>Service Info</h2>
<pre>${JSON.stringify(info, null, 2)}</pre>
infoPageHtml = pageBody;
infoPageLastUpdated = Date.now();
return pageBody;
* If the server operator provides a `greeting.md` file, it will be included in
* the rendered info page.
function buildInfoPageHeader(converter: showdown.Converter, title: string) {
const customGreeting = fs.existsSync("greeting.md")
? fs.readFileSync("greeting.md", "utf8")
: null;
let infoBody = `<!-- Header for Showdown's parser, don't remove this line -->
# ${title}`;
if (config.promptLogging) {
infoBody += `\n## Prompt logging is enabled!
The server operator has enabled prompt logging. The prompts you send to this proxy and the AI responses you receive may be saved.
Logs are anonymous and do not contain IP addresses or timestamps. [You can see the type of data logged here, along with the rest of the code.](https://gitgud.io/khanon/oai-reverse-proxy/-/blob/main/src/prompt-logging/index.ts).
**If you are uncomfortable with this, don't send prompts to this proxy!**`;
if (config.queueMode !== "none") {
const friendlyWaitTime = getQueueInformation().estimatedQueueTime;
infoBody += `\n### Estimated Wait Time: ${friendlyWaitTime}
Queueing is enabled. If the AI is busy, your prompt will processed when a slot frees up.
**Enable Streaming in your preferred client or you may experience \`504 Gateway Timeout\` errors.**`;
if (customGreeting) {
infoBody += `\n## Server Greeting\n
return converter.makeHtml(infoBody);
/** Returns queue time in seconds, or minutes + seconds if over 60 seconds. */
function getQueueInformation() {
if (config.queueMode === "none") {
return {};
const waitMs = getEstimatedWaitTime();
const waitTime =
waitMs < 60000
? `${Math.round(waitMs / 1000)}sec`
: `${Math.round(waitMs / 60000)}min, ${Math.round(
(waitMs % 60000) / 1000
return {
proomptersInQueue: getQueueLength(),
estimatedQueueTime: waitMs > 2000 ? waitTime : "no wait",
function getServerTitle() {
// Use manually set title if available
if (process.env.SERVER_TITLE) {
return process.env.SERVER_TITLE;
// Huggingface
if (process.env.SPACE_ID) {
return `${process.env.SPACE_AUTHOR_NAME} / ${process.env.SPACE_TITLE}`;
// Render
if (process.env.RENDER) {
return `Render / ${process.env.RENDER_SERVICE_NAME}`;
return "OAI Reverse Proxy";