
94 lines
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import express from "express";
import { Sha256 } from "@aws-crypto/sha256-js";
import { SignatureV4 } from "@smithy/signature-v4";
import { HttpRequest } from "@smithy/protocol-http";
import { keyPool } from "../../../shared/key-management";
import { RequestPreprocessor } from ".";
import { AnthropicV1CompleteSchema } from "./transform-outbound-payload";
const AMZ_HOST =
process.env.AMZ_HOST || "invoke-bedrock.%REGION%.amazonaws.com";
* Signs an outgoing AWS request with the appropriate headers modifies the
* request object in place to fix the path.
export const signAwsRequest: RequestPreprocessor = async (req) => {
req.key = keyPool.get("anthropic.claude-v2");
const { model, stream } = req.body;
req.isStreaming = stream === true || stream === "true";
let preamble = req.body.prompt.startsWith("\n\nHuman:") ? "" : "\n\nHuman:";
req.body.prompt = preamble + req.body.prompt;
// AWS supports only a subset of Anthropic's parameters and is more strict
// about unknown parameters.
// TODO: This should happen in transform-outbound-payload.ts
const strippedParams = AnthropicV1CompleteSchema.pick({
prompt: true,
max_tokens_to_sample: true,
stop_sequences: true,
temperature: true,
top_k: true,
top_p: true,
const credential = getCredentialParts(req);
const host = AMZ_HOST.replace("%REGION%", credential.region);
// Uses the AWS SDK to sign a request, then modifies our HPM proxy request
// with the headers generated by the SDK.
const newRequest = new HttpRequest({
method: "POST",
protocol: "https:",
hostname: host,
path: `/model/${model}/invoke${stream ? "-with-response-stream" : ""}`,
headers: {
["Host"]: host,
["content-type"]: "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify(strippedParams),
if (stream) {
newRequest.headers["x-amzn-bedrock-accept"] = "application/json";
} else {
newRequest.headers["accept"] = "*/*";
req.signedRequest = await sign(newRequest, getCredentialParts(req));
type Credential = {
accessKeyId: string;
secretAccessKey: string;
region: string;
function getCredentialParts(req: express.Request): Credential {
const [accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, region] = req.key!.key.split(":");
if (!accessKeyId || !secretAccessKey || !region) {
{ key: req.key!.hash },
"AWS_CREDENTIALS isn't correctly formatted; refer to the docs"
throw new Error("The key assigned to this request is invalid.");
return { accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, region };
async function sign(request: HttpRequest, credential: Credential) {
const { accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, region } = credential;
const signer = new SignatureV4({
sha256: Sha256,
credentials: { accessKeyId, secretAccessKey },
service: "bedrock",
return signer.sign(request);