
419 lines
12 KiB

import { Request, Response } from "express";
import * as http from "http";
import { buildFakeSseMessage } from "../common";
import { RawResponseBodyHandler, decodeResponseBody } from ".";
import { assertNever } from "../../../shared/utils";
import { ServerSentEventStreamAdapter } from "./sse-stream-adapter";
type OpenAiChatCompletionResponse = {
id: string;
object: string;
created: number;
model: string;
choices: {
message: { role: string; content: string };
finish_reason: string | null;
index: number;
type OpenAiTextCompletionResponse = {
id: string;
object: string;
created: number;
model: string;
choices: {
text: string;
finish_reason: string | null;
index: number;
logprobs: null;
type AnthropicCompletionResponse = {
completion: string;
stop_reason: string;
truncated: boolean;
stop: any;
model: string;
log_id: string;
exception: null;
* Consume the SSE stream and forward events to the client. Once the stream is
* stream is closed, resolve with the full response body so that subsequent
* middleware can work with it.
* Typically we would only need of the raw response handlers to execute, but
* in the event a streamed request results in a non-200 response, we need to
* fall back to the non-streaming response handler so that the error handler
* can inspect the error response.
* Currently most frontends don't support Anthropic streaming, so users can opt
* to send requests for Claude models via an endpoint that accepts OpenAI-
* compatible requests and translates the received Anthropic SSE events into
* OpenAI ones, essentially pretending to be an OpenAI streaming API.
export const handleStreamedResponse: RawResponseBodyHandler = async (
) => {
// If these differ, the user is using the OpenAI-compatibile endpoint, so
// we need to translate the SSE events into OpenAI completion events for their
// frontend.
if (!req.isStreaming) {
const err = new Error(
"handleStreamedResponse called for non-streaming request."
req.log.error({ stack: err.stack, api: req.inboundApi }, err.message);
throw err;
const key = req.key!;
if (proxyRes.statusCode !== 200) {
// Ensure we use the non-streaming middleware stack since we won't be
// getting any events.
req.isStreaming = false;
{ statusCode: proxyRes.statusCode, key: key.hash },
`Streaming request returned error status code. Falling back to non-streaming response handler.`
return decodeResponseBody(proxyRes, req, res);
{ headers: proxyRes.headers, key: key.hash },
`Received SSE headers.`
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
req.log.info({ key: key.hash }, `Starting to proxy SSE stream.`);
// Queued streaming requests will already have a connection open and headers
// sent due to the heartbeat handler. In that case we can just start
// streaming the response without sending headers.
if (!res.headersSent) {
res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/event-stream");
res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
res.setHeader("Connection", "keep-alive");
res.setHeader("X-Accel-Buffering", "no");
copyHeaders(proxyRes, res);
const adapter = new ServerSentEventStreamAdapter({
proxyRes.headers["content-type"] ===
const events: string[] = [];
let lastPosition = 0;
let eventCount = 0;
adapter.on("data", (chunk: any) => {
try {
const { event, position } = transformEvent({
data: chunk.toString(),
requestApi: req.inboundApi,
responseApi: req.outboundApi,
index: eventCount++,
lastPosition = position;
res.write(event + "\n\n");
} catch (err) {
adapter.emit("error", err);
adapter.on("end", () => {
try {
req.log.info({ key: key.hash }, `Finished proxying SSE stream.`);
const finalBody = convertEventsToFinalResponse(events, req);
} catch (err) {
adapter.emit("error", err);
adapter.on("error", (err) => {
req.log.error({ error: err, key: key.hash }, `Mid-stream error.`);
const errorEvent = buildFakeSseMessage("stream-error", err.message, req);
res.write(`data: ${JSON.stringify(errorEvent)}\n\ndata: [DONE]\n\n`);
type SSETransformationArgs = {
data: string;
requestApi: string;
responseApi: string;
lastPosition: number;
index: number;
* Transforms SSE events from the given response API into events compatible with
* the API requested by the client.
function transformEvent(params: SSETransformationArgs) {
const { data, requestApi, responseApi } = params;
if (requestApi === responseApi) {
return { position: -1, event: data };
const trans = `${requestApi}->${responseApi}`;
switch (trans) {
case "openai->openai-text":
return transformOpenAITextEventToOpenAIChat(params);
case "openai->anthropic":
// TODO: handle new anthropic streaming format
return transformV1AnthropicEventToOpenAI(params);
throw new Error(`Unsupported streaming API transformation. ${trans}`);
function transformOpenAITextEventToOpenAIChat(params: SSETransformationArgs) {
const { data, index } = params;
if (!data.startsWith("data:")) return { position: -1, event: data };
if (data.startsWith("data: [DONE]")) return { position: -1, event: data };
const event = JSON.parse(data.slice("data: ".length));
// The very first event must be a role assignment with no content.
const createEvent = () => ({
id: event.id,
object: "chat.completion.chunk",
created: event.created,
model: event.model,
choices: [
message: { role: "", content: "" } as {
role?: string;
content: string;
index: 0,
finish_reason: null,
let buffer = "";
if (index === 0) {
const initialEvent = createEvent();
initialEvent.choices[0].message.role = "assistant";
buffer = `data: ${JSON.stringify(initialEvent)}\n\n`;
const newEvent = {
choices: [
delta: { content: event.choices[0].text },
text: undefined,
buffer += `data: ${JSON.stringify(newEvent)}`;
return { position: -1, event: buffer };
function transformV1AnthropicEventToOpenAI(params: SSETransformationArgs) {
const { data, lastPosition } = params;
// Anthropic sends the full completion so far with each event whereas OpenAI
// only sends the delta. To make the SSE events compatible, we remove
// everything before `lastPosition` from the completion.
if (!data.startsWith("data:")) {
return { position: lastPosition, event: data };
if (data.startsWith("data: [DONE]")) {
return { position: lastPosition, event: data };
const event = JSON.parse(data.slice("data: ".length));
const newEvent = {
id: "ant-" + event.log_id,
object: "chat.completion.chunk",
created: Date.now(),
model: event.model,
choices: [
index: 0,
delta: { content: event.completion?.slice(lastPosition) },
finish_reason: event.stop_reason,
return {
position: event.completion.length,
event: `data: ${JSON.stringify(newEvent)}`,
/** Copy headers, excluding ones we're already setting for the SSE response. */
function copyHeaders(proxyRes: http.IncomingMessage, res: Response) {
const toOmit = [
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(proxyRes.headers)) {
if (!toOmit.includes(key) && value) {
res.setHeader(key, value);
* Converts the list of incremental SSE events into an object that resembles a
* full, non-streamed response from the API so that subsequent middleware can
* operate on it as if it were a normal response.
* Events are expected to be in the format they were received from the API.
function convertEventsToFinalResponse(events: string[], req: Request) {
switch (req.outboundApi) {
case "openai": {
let merged: OpenAiChatCompletionResponse = {
id: "",
object: "",
created: 0,
model: "",
choices: [],
merged = events.reduce((acc, event, i) => {
if (!event.startsWith("data: ")) return acc;
if (event === "data: [DONE]") return acc;
const data = JSON.parse(event.slice("data: ".length));
// The first chat chunk only contains the role assignment and metadata
if (i === 0) {
return {
id: data.id,
object: data.object,
created: data.created,
model: data.model,
choices: [
message: { role: data.choices[0].delta.role, content: "" },
index: 0,
finish_reason: null,
if (data.choices[0].delta.content) {
acc.choices[0].message.content += data.choices[0].delta.content;
acc.choices[0].finish_reason = data.choices[0].finish_reason;
return acc;
}, merged);
return merged;
case "openai-text": {
let merged: OpenAiTextCompletionResponse = {
id: "",
object: "",
created: 0,
model: "",
choices: [],
// TODO: merge logprobs
merged = events.reduce((acc, event) => {
if (!event.startsWith("data: ")) return acc;
if (event === "data: [DONE]") return acc;
const data = JSON.parse(event.slice("data: ".length));
return {
id: data.id,
object: data.object,
created: data.created,
model: data.model,
choices: [
text: acc.choices[0]?.text + data.choices[0].text,
index: 0,
finish_reason: data.choices[0].finish_reason,
logprobs: null,
}, merged);
return merged;
case "anthropic": {
if (req.headers["anthropic-version"] === "2023-01-01") {
return convertAnthropicV1(events, req);
let merged: AnthropicCompletionResponse = {
completion: "",
stop_reason: "",
truncated: false,
stop: null,
model: req.body.model,
log_id: "",
exception: null,
merged = events.reduce((acc, event) => {
if (!event.startsWith("data: ")) return acc;
if (event === "data: [DONE]") return acc;
const data = JSON.parse(event.slice("data: ".length));
return {
completion: acc.completion + data.completion,
stop_reason: data.stop_reason,
truncated: data.truncated,
stop: data.stop,
log_id: data.log_id,
exception: data.exception,
model: acc.model,
}, merged);
return merged;
case "google-palm": {
throw new Error("PaLM streaming not yet supported.");
/** Older Anthropic streaming format which sent full completion each time. */
function convertAnthropicV1(
events: string[],
req: Request
) {
const lastEvent = events[events.length - 2].toString();
const data = JSON.parse(
lastEvent.slice(lastEvent.indexOf("data: ") + "data: ".length)
const final: AnthropicCompletionResponse = { ...data, log_id: req.id };
return final;