
181 lines
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import crypto from "crypto";
import { Key, KeyProvider } from "..";
import { config } from "../../../config";
import { logger } from "../../../logger";
import type { AwsBedrockModelFamily } from "../../models";
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/bedrock/latest/userguide/model-ids-arns.html
] as const;
export type AwsBedrockModel = (typeof AWS_BEDROCK_SUPPORTED_MODELS)[number];
type AwsBedrockKeyUsage = {
[K in AwsBedrockModelFamily as `${K}Tokens`]: number;
export interface AwsBedrockKey extends Key, AwsBedrockKeyUsage {
readonly service: "aws";
readonly modelFamilies: AwsBedrockModelFamily[];
/** The time at which this key was last rate limited. */
rateLimitedAt: number;
/** The time until which this key is rate limited. */
rateLimitedUntil: number;
* Upon being rate limited, a key will be locked out for this many milliseconds
* while we wait for other concurrent requests to finish.
* Upon assigning a key, we will wait this many milliseconds before allowing it
* to be used again. This is to prevent the queue from flooding a key with too
* many requests while we wait to learn whether previous ones succeeded.
const KEY_REUSE_DELAY = 500;
export class AwsBedrockKeyProvider implements KeyProvider<AwsBedrockKey> {
readonly service = "aws";
private keys: AwsBedrockKey[] = [];
private log = logger.child({ module: "key-provider", service: this.service });
constructor() {
const keyConfig = config.awsCredentials?.trim();
if (!keyConfig) {
"AWS_CREDENTIALS is not set. AWS Bedrock API will not be available."
let bareKeys: string[];
bareKeys = [...new Set(keyConfig.split(",").map((k) => k.trim()))];
for (const key of bareKeys) {
const newKey: AwsBedrockKey = {
service: this.service,
modelFamilies: ["aws-claude"],
isTrial: false,
isDisabled: false,
promptCount: 0,
lastUsed: 0,
rateLimitedAt: 0,
rateLimitedUntil: 0,
hash: `aws-${crypto
.slice(0, 8)}`,
lastChecked: 0,
["aws-claudeTokens"]: 0,
this.log.info({ keyCount: this.keys.length }, "Loaded AWS Bedrock keys.");
public init() {}
public list() {
return this.keys.map((k) => Object.freeze({ ...k, key: undefined }));
public get(_model: AwsBedrockModel) {
const availableKeys = this.keys.filter((k) => !k.isDisabled);
if (availableKeys.length === 0) {
throw new Error("No AWS Bedrock keys available");
// (largely copied from the OpenAI provider, without trial key support)
// Select a key, from highest priority to lowest priority:
// 1. Keys which are not rate limited
// a. If all keys were rate limited recently, select the least-recently
// rate limited key.
// 3. Keys which have not been used in the longest time
const now = Date.now();
const keysByPriority = availableKeys.sort((a, b) => {
const aRateLimited = now - a.rateLimitedAt < RATE_LIMIT_LOCKOUT;
const bRateLimited = now - b.rateLimitedAt < RATE_LIMIT_LOCKOUT;
if (aRateLimited && !bRateLimited) return 1;
if (!aRateLimited && bRateLimited) return -1;
if (aRateLimited && bRateLimited) {
return a.rateLimitedAt - b.rateLimitedAt;
return a.lastUsed - b.lastUsed;
const selectedKey = keysByPriority[0];
selectedKey.lastUsed = now;
selectedKey.rateLimitedAt = now;
// Intended to throttle the queue processor as otherwise it will just
// flood the API with requests and we want to wait a sec to see if we're
// going to get a rate limit error on this key.
selectedKey.rateLimitedUntil = now + KEY_REUSE_DELAY;
return { ...selectedKey };
public disable(key: AwsBedrockKey) {
const keyFromPool = this.keys.find((k) => k.hash === key.hash);
if (!keyFromPool || keyFromPool.isDisabled) return;
keyFromPool.isDisabled = true;
this.log.warn({ key: key.hash }, "Key disabled");
public update(hash: string, update: Partial<AwsBedrockKey>) {
const keyFromPool = this.keys.find((k) => k.hash === hash)!;
Object.assign(keyFromPool, { lastChecked: Date.now(), ...update });
public available() {
return this.keys.filter((k) => !k.isDisabled).length;
public incrementUsage(hash: string, _model: string, tokens: number) {
const key = this.keys.find((k) => k.hash === hash);
if (!key) return;
key["aws-claudeTokens"] += tokens;
public getLockoutPeriod(_model: AwsBedrockModel) {
// TODO: same exact behavior for three providers, should be refactored
const activeKeys = this.keys.filter((k) => !k.isDisabled);
// Don't lock out if there are no keys available or the queue will stall.
// Just let it through so the add-key middleware can throw an error.
if (activeKeys.length === 0) return 0;
const now = Date.now();
const rateLimitedKeys = activeKeys.filter((k) => now < k.rateLimitedUntil);
const anyNotRateLimited = rateLimitedKeys.length < activeKeys.length;
if (anyNotRateLimited) return 0;
// If all keys are rate-limited, return time until the first key is ready.
return Math.min(...activeKeys.map((k) => k.rateLimitedUntil - now));
* This is called when we receive a 429, which means there are already five
* concurrent requests running on this key. We don't have any information on
* when these requests will resolve, so all we can do is wait a bit and try
* again. We will lock the key for 2 seconds after getting a 429 before
* retrying in order to give the other requests a chance to finish.
public markRateLimited(keyHash: string) {
this.log.debug({ key: keyHash }, "Key rate limited");
const key = this.keys.find((k) => k.hash === keyHash)!;
const now = Date.now();
key.rateLimitedAt = now;
key.rateLimitedUntil = now + RATE_LIMIT_LOCKOUT;
public recheck() {}