
418 lines
14 KiB

/* Manages OpenAI API keys. Tracks usage, disables expired keys, and provides
round-robin access to keys. Keys are stored in the OPENAI_KEY environment
variable as a comma-separated list of keys. */
import crypto from "crypto";
import http from "http";
import { Key, KeyProvider, Model } from "../index";
import { config } from "../../../config";
import { logger } from "../../../logger";
import { OpenAIKeyChecker } from "./checker";
import { getOpenAIModelFamily, OpenAIModelFamily } from "../../models";
export type OpenAIModel =
| "gpt-3.5-turbo"
| "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct"
| "gpt-4"
| "gpt-4-32k"
| "text-embedding-ada-002";
export const OPENAI_SUPPORTED_MODELS: readonly OpenAIModel[] = [
] as const;
// Flattening model families instead of using a nested object for easier
// cloning.
type OpenAIKeyUsage = {
[K in OpenAIModelFamily as `${K}Tokens`]: number;
export interface OpenAIKey extends Key, OpenAIKeyUsage {
readonly service: "openai";
modelFamilies: OpenAIModelFamily[];
* Some keys are assigned to multiple organizations, each with their own quota
* limits. We clone the key for each organization and track usage/disabled
* status separately.
organizationId?: string;
/** Set when key check returns a 401. */
isRevoked: boolean;
/** Set when key check returns a non-transient 429. */
isOverQuota: boolean;
/** The time at which this key was last rate limited. */
rateLimitedAt: number;
* Last known X-RateLimit-Requests-Reset header from OpenAI, converted to a
* number.
* Formatted as a `\d+(m|s)` string denoting the time until the limit resets.
* Specifically, it seems to indicate the time until the key's quota will be
* fully restored; the key may be usable before this time as the limit is a
* rolling window.
* Requests which return a 429 do not count against the quota.
* Requests which fail for other reasons (e.g. 401) count against the quota.
rateLimitRequestsReset: number;
* Last known X-RateLimit-Tokens-Reset header from OpenAI, converted to a
* number.
* Appears to follow the same format as `rateLimitRequestsReset`.
* Requests which fail do not count against the quota as they do not consume
* tokens.
rateLimitTokensReset: number;
export type OpenAIKeyUpdate = Omit<
"key" | "hash" | "promptCount"
* Upon assigning a key, we will wait this many milliseconds before allowing it
* to be used again. This is to prevent the queue from flooding a key with too
* many requests while we wait to learn whether previous ones succeeded.
const KEY_REUSE_DELAY = 1000;
export class OpenAIKeyProvider implements KeyProvider<OpenAIKey> {
readonly service = "openai" as const;
private keys: OpenAIKey[] = [];
private checker?: OpenAIKeyChecker;
private log = logger.child({ module: "key-provider", service: this.service });
constructor() {
const keyString = config.openaiKey?.trim();
if (!keyString) {
this.log.warn("OPENAI_KEY is not set. OpenAI API will not be available.");
let bareKeys: string[];
bareKeys = keyString.split(",").map((k) => k.trim());
bareKeys = [...new Set(bareKeys)];
for (const k of bareKeys) {
const newKey: OpenAIKey = {
key: k,
service: "openai" as const,
modelFamilies: ["turbo" as const, "gpt4" as const],
isTrial: false,
isDisabled: false,
isRevoked: false,
isOverQuota: false,
lastUsed: 0,
lastChecked: 0,
promptCount: 0,
hash: `oai-${crypto
.slice(0, 8)}`,
rateLimitedAt: 0,
rateLimitRequestsReset: 0,
rateLimitTokensReset: 0,
turboTokens: 0,
gpt4Tokens: 0,
"gpt4-32kTokens": 0,
this.log.info({ keyCount: this.keys.length }, "Loaded OpenAI keys.");
public init() {
if (config.checkKeys) {
const cloneFn = this.clone.bind(this);
const updateFn = this.update.bind(this);
this.checker = new OpenAIKeyChecker(this.keys, cloneFn, updateFn);
* Returns a list of all keys, with the key field removed.
* Don't mutate returned keys, use a KeyPool method instead.
public list() {
return this.keys.map((key) => {
return Object.freeze({
key: undefined,
public get(model: Model) {
const neededFamily = getOpenAIModelFamily(model);
const excludeTrials = model === "text-embedding-ada-002";
const availableKeys = this.keys.filter(
// Allow keys which
(key) =>
!key.isDisabled && // are not disabled
key.modelFamilies.includes(neededFamily) && // have access to the model
(!excludeTrials || !key.isTrial) // and are not trials (if applicable)
if (availableKeys.length === 0) {
throw new Error(`No active keys available for ${neededFamily} models.`);
if (!config.allowedModelFamilies.includes(neededFamily)) {
throw new Error(
`Proxy operator has disabled access to ${neededFamily} models.`
// Select a key, from highest priority to lowest priority:
// 1. Keys which are not rate limited
// a. We ignore rate limits from >30 seconds ago
// b. If all keys were rate limited in the last minute, select the
// least recently rate limited key
// 2. Keys which are trials
// 3. Keys which do *not* have access to GPT-4-32k
// 4. Keys which have not been used in the longest time
const now = Date.now();
const rateLimitThreshold = 30 * 1000;
const keysByPriority = availableKeys.sort((a, b) => {
// TODO: this isn't quite right; keys are briefly artificially rate-
// limited when they are selected, so this will deprioritize keys that
// may not actually be limited, simply because they were used recently.
// This should be adjusted to use a new `rateLimitedUntil` field instead
// of `rateLimitedAt`.
const aRateLimited = now - a.rateLimitedAt < rateLimitThreshold;
const bRateLimited = now - b.rateLimitedAt < rateLimitThreshold;
if (aRateLimited && !bRateLimited) return 1;
if (!aRateLimited && bRateLimited) return -1;
if (aRateLimited && bRateLimited) {
return a.rateLimitedAt - b.rateLimitedAt;
// Neither key is rate limited, continue
if (a.isTrial && !b.isTrial) return -1;
if (!a.isTrial && b.isTrial) return 1;
// Neither or both keys are trials, continue
const aHas32k = a.modelFamilies.includes("gpt4-32k");
const bHas32k = b.modelFamilies.includes("gpt4-32k");
if (aHas32k && !bHas32k) return 1;
if (!aHas32k && bHas32k) return -1;
// Neither or both keys have 32k, continue
return a.lastUsed - b.lastUsed;
// logger.debug(
// {
// byPriority: keysByPriority.map((k) => ({
// hash: k.hash,
// isRateLimited: now - k.rateLimitedAt < rateLimitThreshold,
// modelFamilies: k.modelFamilies,
// })),
// },
// "Keys sorted by priority"
// );
const selectedKey = keysByPriority[0];
selectedKey.lastUsed = now;
// When a key is selected, we rate-limit it for a brief period of time to
// prevent the queue processor from immediately flooding it with requests
// while the initial request is still being processed (which is when we will
// get new rate limit headers).
// Instead, we will let a request through every second until the key
// becomes fully saturated and locked out again.
selectedKey.rateLimitedAt = now;
selectedKey.rateLimitRequestsReset = KEY_REUSE_DELAY;
return { ...selectedKey };
/** Called by the key checker to update key information. */
public update(keyHash: string, update: OpenAIKeyUpdate) {
const keyFromPool = this.keys.find((k) => k.hash === keyHash)!;
Object.assign(keyFromPool, { lastChecked: Date.now(), ...update });
// this.writeKeyStatus();
/** Called by the key checker to create clones of keys for the given orgs. */
public clone(keyHash: string, newOrgIds: string[]) {
const keyFromPool = this.keys.find((k) => k.hash === keyHash)!;
const clones = newOrgIds.map((orgId) => {
const clone: OpenAIKey = {
organizationId: orgId,
isDisabled: false,
hash: `oai-${crypto
.update(keyFromPool.key + orgId)
.slice(0, 8)}`,
lastChecked: 0, // Force re-check in case the org has different models
{ cloneHash: clone.hash, parentHash: keyFromPool.hash, orgId },
"Cloned organization key"
return clone;
/** Disables a key, or does nothing if the key isn't in this pool. */
public disable(key: Key) {
const keyFromPool = this.keys.find((k) => k.hash === key.hash);
if (!keyFromPool || keyFromPool.isDisabled) return;
this.update(key.hash, { isDisabled: true });
this.log.warn({ key: key.hash }, "Key disabled");
public available() {
return this.keys.filter((k) => !k.isDisabled).length;
* Given a model, returns the period until a key will be available to service
* the request, or returns 0 if a key is ready immediately.
public getLockoutPeriod(model: Model = "gpt-4"): number {
const neededFamily = getOpenAIModelFamily(model);
const activeKeys = this.keys.filter(
(key) => !key.isDisabled && key.modelFamilies.includes(neededFamily)
if (activeKeys.length === 0) {
// If there are no active keys for this model we can't fulfill requests.
// We'll return 0 to let the request through and return an error,
// otherwise the request will be stuck in the queue forever.
return 0;
// A key is rate-limited if its `rateLimitedAt` plus the greater of its
// `rateLimitRequestsReset` and `rateLimitTokensReset` is after the
// current time.
// If there are any keys that are not rate-limited, we can fulfill requests.
const now = Date.now();
const rateLimitedKeys = activeKeys.filter((key) => {
const resetTime = Math.max(
return now < key.rateLimitedAt + resetTime;
const anyNotRateLimited = rateLimitedKeys < activeKeys.length;
if (anyNotRateLimited) {
return 0;
// If all keys are rate-limited, return the time until the first key is
// ready.
return Math.min(
...activeKeys.map((key) => {
const resetTime = Math.max(
return key.rateLimitedAt + resetTime - now;
public markRateLimited(keyHash: string) {
this.log.debug({ key: keyHash }, "Key rate limited");
const key = this.keys.find((k) => k.hash === keyHash)!;
key.rateLimitedAt = Date.now();
public incrementUsage(keyHash: string, model: string, tokens: number) {
const key = this.keys.find((k) => k.hash === keyHash);
if (!key) return;
key[`${getOpenAIModelFamily(model)}Tokens`] += tokens;
public updateRateLimits(keyHash: string, headers: http.IncomingHttpHeaders) {
const key = this.keys.find((k) => k.hash === keyHash)!;
const requestsReset = headers["x-ratelimit-reset-requests"];
const tokensReset = headers["x-ratelimit-reset-tokens"];
// Sometimes OpenAI only sends one of the two rate limit headers, it's
// unclear why.
if (requestsReset && typeof requestsReset === "string") {
{ key: key.hash, requestsReset },
`Updating rate limit requests reset time`
key.rateLimitRequestsReset = getResetDurationMillis(requestsReset);
if (tokensReset && typeof tokensReset === "string") {
{ key: key.hash, tokensReset },
`Updating rate limit tokens reset time`
key.rateLimitTokensReset = getResetDurationMillis(tokensReset);
if (!requestsReset && !tokensReset) {
{ key: key.hash },
`No rate limit headers in OpenAI response; skipping update`
public recheck() {
this.keys.forEach((key) => {
this.update(key.hash, {
isRevoked: false,
isOverQuota: false,
isDisabled: false,
lastChecked: 0,
/** Writes key status to disk. */
// public writeKeyStatus() {
// const keys = this.keys.map((key) => ({
// key: key.key,
// isGpt4: key.isGpt4,
// usage: key.usage,
// hardLimit: key.hardLimit,
// isDisabled: key.isDisabled,
// }));
// fs.writeFileSync(
// path.join(__dirname, "..", "keys.json"),
// JSON.stringify(keys, null, 2)
// );
// }
* Converts reset string ("21.0032s" or "21ms") to a number of milliseconds.
* Result is clamped to 10s even though the API returns up to 60s, because the
* API returns the time until the entire quota is reset, even if a key may be
* able to fulfill requests before then due to partial resets.
function getResetDurationMillis(resetDuration?: string): number {
const match = resetDuration?.match(/(\d+(\.\d+)?)(s|ms)/);
if (match) {
const [, time, , unit] = match;
const value = parseFloat(time);
const result = unit === "s" ? value * 1000 : value;
return Math.min(result, 10000);
return 0;