
69 lines
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import { z } from "zod";
import { OpenAIV1ChatCompletionSchema } from "./openai";
import { APIFormatTransformer } from "./index";
// https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/images/create
export const OpenAIV1ImagesGenerationSchema = z
prompt: z.string().max(4000),
model: z.string().max(100).optional(),
quality: z.enum(["standard", "hd"]).optional().default("standard"),
n: z.number().int().min(1).max(4).optional().default(1),
response_format: z.enum(["url", "b64_json"]).optional(),
size: z
.enum(["256x256", "512x512", "1024x1024", "1792x1024", "1024x1792"])
style: z.enum(["vivid", "natural"]).optional().default("vivid"),
user: z.string().max(500).optional(),
// Takes the last chat message and uses it verbatim as the image prompt.
export const transformOpenAIToOpenAIImage: APIFormatTransformer<
typeof OpenAIV1ImagesGenerationSchema
> = async (req) => {
const { body } = req;
const result = OpenAIV1ChatCompletionSchema.safeParse(body);
if (!result.success) {
{ issues: result.error.issues, body },
"Invalid OpenAI-to-OpenAI-image request"
throw result.error;
const { messages } = result.data;
const prompt = messages.filter((m) => m.role === "user").pop()?.content;
if (Array.isArray(prompt)) {
throw new Error("Image generation prompt must be a text message.");
if (body.stream) {
throw new Error(
"Streaming is not supported for image generation requests."
// Some frontends do weird things with the prompt, like prefixing it with a
// character name or wrapping the entire thing in quotes. We will look for
// the index of "Image:" and use everything after that as the prompt.
const index = prompt?.toLowerCase().indexOf("image:");
if (index === -1 || !prompt) {
throw new Error(
`Start your prompt with 'Image:' followed by a description of the image you want to generate (received: ${prompt}).`
// TODO: Add some way to specify parameters via chat message
const transformed = {
model: body.model.includes("dall-e") ? body.model : "dall-e-3",
quality: "standard",
size: "1024x1024",
response_format: "url",
prompt: prompt.slice(index! + 6).trim(),
return OpenAIV1ImagesGenerationSchema.parse(transformed);