
207 lines
6.4 KiB

import { Request, Response } from "express";
import httpProxy from "http-proxy";
import { ZodError } from "zod";
import { generateErrorMessage } from "zod-error";
import { buildFakeSse } from "../../shared/streaming";
import { assertNever } from "../../shared/utils";
import { QuotaExceededError } from "./request/apply-quota-limits";
const OPENAI_CHAT_COMPLETION_ENDPOINT = "/v1/chat/completions";
const OPENAI_TEXT_COMPLETION_ENDPOINT = "/v1/completions";
const OPENAI_EMBEDDINGS_ENDPOINT = "/v1/embeddings";
const OPENAI_IMAGE_COMPLETION_ENDPOINT = "/v1/images/generations";
export function isTextGenerationRequest(req: Request) {
return (
req.method === "POST" &&
].some((endpoint) => req.path.startsWith(endpoint))
export function isImageGenerationRequest(req: Request) {
return (
req.method === "POST" &&
export function isEmbeddingsRequest(req: Request) {
return (
req.method === "POST" && req.path.startsWith(OPENAI_EMBEDDINGS_ENDPOINT)
export function writeErrorResponse(
req: Request,
res: Response,
statusCode: number,
errorPayload: Record<string, any>
) {
const errorSource = errorPayload.error?.type?.startsWith("proxy")
? "proxy"
: "upstream";
// If we're mid-SSE stream, send a data event with the error payload and end
// the stream. Otherwise just send a normal error response.
if (
res.headersSent ||
) {
const errorTitle = `${errorSource} error (${statusCode})`;
const errorContent = JSON.stringify(errorPayload, null, 2);
const msg = buildFakeSse(errorTitle, errorContent, req);
res.write(`data: [DONE]\n\n`);
} else {
if (req.tokenizerInfo && typeof errorPayload.error === "object") {
errorPayload.error.proxy_tokenizer = req.tokenizerInfo;
export const handleProxyError: httpProxy.ErrorCallback = (err, req, res) => {
req.log.error(err, `Error during http-proxy-middleware request`);
classifyErrorAndSend(err, req as Request, res as Response);
export const classifyErrorAndSend = (
err: Error,
req: Request,
res: Response
) => {
try {
const { status, userMessage, ...errorDetails } = classifyError(err);
writeErrorResponse(req, res, status, {
error: { message: userMessage, ...errorDetails },
} catch (error) {
req.log.error(error, `Error writing error response headers, giving up.`);
function classifyError(err: Error): {
/** HTTP status code returned to the client. */
status: number;
/** Message displayed to the user. */
userMessage: string;
/** Short error type, e.g. "proxy_validation_error". */
type: string;
} & Record<string, any> {
const defaultError = {
status: 500,
userMessage: `Reverse proxy error: ${err.message}`,
type: "proxy_internal_error",
stack: err.stack,
switch (err.constructor.name) {
case "ZodError":
const userMessage = generateErrorMessage((err as ZodError).issues, {
prefix: "Request validation failed. ",
path: { enabled: true, label: null, type: "breadcrumbs" },
code: { enabled: false },
maxErrors: 3,
transform: ({ issue, ...rest }) => {
return `At '${rest.pathComponent}': ${issue.message}`;
return { status: 400, userMessage, type: "proxy_validation_error" };
case "ForbiddenError":
// Mimics a ban notice from OpenAI, thrown when blockZoomerOrigins blocks
// a request.
return {
status: 403,
userMessage: `Your account has been disabled for violating our terms of service.`,
type: "organization_account_disabled",
code: "policy_violation",
case "QuotaExceededError":
return {
status: 429,
userMessage: `You've exceeded your token quota for this model type.`,
type: "proxy_quota_exceeded",
info: (err as QuotaExceededError).quotaInfo,
case "Error":
if ("code" in err) {
switch (err.code) {
return {
status: 502,
userMessage: `Reverse proxy encountered a DNS error while trying to connect to the upstream service.`,
type: "proxy_network_error",
code: err.code,
return {
status: 502,
userMessage: `Reverse proxy couldn't connect to the upstream service.`,
type: "proxy_network_error",
code: err.code,
return {
status: 504,
userMessage: `Reverse proxy timed out while waiting for the upstream service to respond.`,
type: "proxy_network_error",
code: err.code,
return defaultError;
return defaultError;
export function getCompletionFromBody(req: Request, body: Record<string, any>) {
const format = req.outboundApi;
switch (format) {
case "openai":
return body.choices[0].message.content;
case "openai-text":
return body.choices[0].text;
case "anthropic":
if (!body.completion) {
{ body: JSON.stringify(body) },
"Received empty Anthropic completion"
return "";
return body.completion.trim();
case "google-palm":
return body.candidates[0].output;
case "openai-image":
return body.data?.map((item: any) => item.url).join("\n");
export function getModelFromBody(req: Request, body: Record<string, any>) {
const format = req.outboundApi;
switch (format) {
case "openai":
case "openai-text":
return body.model;
case "openai-image":
return req.body.model;
case "anthropic":
// Anthropic confirms the model in the response, but AWS Claude doesn't.
return body.model || req.body.model;
case "google-palm":
// Google doesn't confirm the model in the response.
return req.body.model;