
150 lines
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import axios, { AxiosError } from "axios";
import { KeyCheckerBase } from "../key-checker-base";
import type { AzureOpenAIKey, AzureOpenAIKeyProvider } from "./provider";
import { getAzureOpenAIModelFamily } from "../../models";
const MIN_CHECK_INTERVAL = 3 * 1000; // 3 seconds
const KEY_CHECK_PERIOD = 3 * 60 * 1000; // 3 minutes
const AZURE_HOST = process.env.AZURE_HOST || "%RESOURCE_NAME%.openai.azure.com";
const POST_CHAT_COMPLETIONS = (resourceName: string, deploymentId: string) =>
type AzureError = {
error: {
message: string;
type: string | null;
param: string;
code: string;
status: number;
type UpdateFn = typeof AzureOpenAIKeyProvider.prototype.update;
export class AzureOpenAIKeyChecker extends KeyCheckerBase<AzureOpenAIKey> {
constructor(keys: AzureOpenAIKey[], updateKey: UpdateFn) {
super(keys, {
service: "azure",
keyCheckPeriod: KEY_CHECK_PERIOD,
minCheckInterval: MIN_CHECK_INTERVAL,
recurringChecksEnabled: false,
protected async testKeyOrFail(key: AzureOpenAIKey) {
const model = await this.testModel(key);
{ key: key.hash, deploymentModel: model },
"Checked key."
this.updateKey(key.hash, { modelFamilies: [model] });
// provided api-key header isn't valid (401)
// {
// "error": {
// "code": "401",
// "message": "Access denied due to invalid subscription key or wrong API endpoint. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription and use a correct regional API endpoint for your resource."
// }
// }
// api key correct but deployment id is wrong (404)
// {
// "error": {
// "code": "DeploymentNotFound",
// "message": "The API deployment for this resource does not exist. If you created the deployment within the last 5 minutes, please wait a moment and try again."
// }
// }
// resource name is wrong (node will throw ENOTFOUND)
// rate limited (429)
// TODO: try to reproduce this
protected handleAxiosError(key: AzureOpenAIKey, error: AxiosError) {
if (error.response && AzureOpenAIKeyChecker.errorIsAzureError(error)) {
const data = error.response.data;
const status = data.error.status;
const errorType = data.error.code || data.error.type;
switch (errorType) {
case "DeploymentNotFound":
{ key: key.hash, errorType, error: error.response.data },
"Key is revoked or deployment ID is incorrect. Disabling key."
return this.updateKey(key.hash, {
isDisabled: true,
isRevoked: true,
case "401":
{ key: key.hash, errorType, error: error.response.data },
"Key is disabled or incorrect. Disabling key."
return this.updateKey(key.hash, {
isDisabled: true,
isRevoked: true,
{ key: key.hash, errorType, error: error.response.data, status },
"Unknown Azure API error while checking key. Please report this."
return this.updateKey(key.hash, { lastChecked: Date.now() });
const { response, code } = error;
if (code === "ENOTFOUND") {
{ key: key.hash, error: error.message },
"Resource name is probably incorrect. Disabling key."
return this.updateKey(key.hash, { isDisabled: true, isRevoked: true });
const { headers, status, data } = response ?? {};
{ key: key.hash, status, headers, data, error: error.message },
"Network error while checking key; trying this key again in a minute."
const oneMinute = 60 * 1000;
const next = Date.now() - (KEY_CHECK_PERIOD - oneMinute);
this.updateKey(key.hash, { lastChecked: next });
private async testModel(key: AzureOpenAIKey) {
const { apiKey, deploymentId, resourceName } =
const url = POST_CHAT_COMPLETIONS(resourceName, deploymentId);
const testRequest = {
max_tokens: 1,
stream: false,
messages: [{ role: "user", content: "" }],
const { data } = await axios.post(url, testRequest, {
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "api-key": apiKey },
return getAzureOpenAIModelFamily(data.model);
static errorIsAzureError(error: AxiosError): error is AxiosError<AzureError> {
const data = error.response?.data as any;
return data?.error?.code || data?.error?.type;
static getCredentialsFromKey(key: AzureOpenAIKey) {
const [resourceName, deploymentId, apiKey] = key.key.split(":");
if (!resourceName || !deploymentId || !apiKey) {
throw new Error(
"Invalid Azure credential format. Refer to .env.example and ensure your credentials are in the format RESOURCE_NAME:DEPLOYMENT_ID:API_KEY with commas between each credential set."
return { resourceName, deploymentId, apiKey };