
611 lines
19 KiB

/// Copyright 2023 Michael Feil, text-generation-inference contributors
/// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
/// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
/// You may obtain a copy of the License at
/// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
/// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
/// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
/// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
/// limitations under the License.
/// Converting generate to completions and chat/completions protocol
use crate::{
default_max_new_tokens, FinishReason, GenerateParameters, GenerateRequest, GenerateResponse,
Info, OpenaiStreamType, StreamDetails, Token,
use axum::extract::Extension;
use axum::response::sse::Event;
use axum::Json;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use utoipa::ToSchema;
use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, ToSchema)]
pub(crate) struct CompatCompletionRequest {
#[schema(example = "My name is Michael and I")]
pub prompt: String,
#[schema(exclusive_minimum = 0, nullable = true, default = "null", example = 1)]
pub best_of: Option<usize>,
exclusive_minimum = 0.0,
nullable = true,
default = "null",
example = 0.5
pub temperature: Option<f32>,
exclusive_minimum = -2.0,
nullable = true,
default = "null",
example = 0.0
pub presence_penalty: Option<f32>,
// #[serde(default)]
// #[schema(exclusive_minimum = 0, nullable = true, default = 1, example = 1)]
// pub n: Option<i32>,
#[schema(exclusive_minimum = 0, nullable = true, default = "null", example = 10)]
pub top_k: Option<i32>,
exclusive_minimum = 0.0,
maximum = 1.0,
nullable = true,
default = "null",
example = 0.95
pub top_p: Option<f32>,
exclusive_minimum = 0.0,
maximum = 1.0,
nullable = true,
default = "null",
example = 0.95
pub typical_p: Option<f32>,
#[schema(default = "false", example = true)]
pub do_sample: bool,
#[serde(default = "default_max_new_tokens")]
#[schema(exclusive_minimum = 0, exclusive_maximum = 512, default = "20")]
pub max_tokens: u32,
#[schema(nullable = true, default = "null", example = false)]
pub echo: Option<bool>,
#[schema(inline, max_items = 4, example = json ! (["photographer"]))]
pub stop: Vec<String>,
#[schema(nullable = true, default = "null", example = "null")]
pub truncate: Option<usize>,
#[schema(default = "false", example = true)]
pub watermark: bool,
#[schema(default = "false")]
pub decoder_input_details: bool,
exclusive_minimum = 0,
nullable = true,
default = "null",
example = "null"
pub seed: Option<u64>,
#[schema(default = "false")]
pub stream: bool,
impl From<CompatCompletionRequest> for GenerateRequest {
fn from(req: CompatCompletionRequest) -> Self {
let presence_penalty = req.presence_penalty;
let presence_penalty = match presence_penalty {
Some(presence_penalty) => Some((presence_penalty + 2.0) / 2.0),
None => None,
Self {
inputs: req.prompt,
parameters: GenerateParameters {
best_of: req.best_of,
temperature: req.temperature,
repetition_penalty: presence_penalty,
top_k: req.top_k,
top_p: req.top_p,
typical_p: req.typical_p,
do_sample: req.do_sample,
max_new_tokens: req.max_tokens,
return_full_text: req.echo,
stop: req.stop,
truncate: req.truncate,
watermark: req.watermark,
details: true,
decoder_input_details: req.decoder_input_details,
seed: req.seed,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, ToSchema, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub(crate) enum ChatRole {
#[serde(rename = "user")]
#[serde(rename = "assistant")]
#[serde(rename = "system")]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, ToSchema)]
pub(crate) struct ChatFormatterPrePost {
pre: String,
post: String,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, ToSchema)]
pub(crate) struct ChatFormatter {
user_template: ChatFormatterPrePost,
assistant_template: ChatFormatterPrePost,
system_template: ChatFormatterPrePost,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, ToSchema)]
pub(crate) struct ChatMessage {
#[schema(example = "user")]
role: ChatRole,
#[schema(example = "What is the capital of Bavaria?")]
content: String,
// user: Option<String>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, ToSchema)]
pub(crate) struct ChatDeltaStreamMessage {
#[schema(example = "user")]
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub role: Option<ChatRole>,
#[schema(example = "What is the capital of Bavaria?")]
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub content: Option<String>,
// user: Option<String>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, ToSchema)]
pub(crate) struct CompatChatCompletionRequest {
pub messages: Vec<ChatMessage>,
#[schema(exclusive_minimum = 0, nullable = true, default = "null", example = 1)]
pub best_of: Option<usize>,
exclusive_minimum = 0.0,
nullable = true,
default = "null",
example = 0.5
pub temperature: Option<f32>,
exclusive_minimum = -2.0,
nullable = true,
default = "null",
example = 0.0
pub presence_penalty: Option<f32>,
// #[serde(default)]
// #[schema(exclusive_minimum = 0, nullable = true, default = 1, example = 1)]
// pub n: Option<u32>,
#[schema(exclusive_minimum = 0, nullable = true, default = "null", example = 10)]
pub top_k: Option<i32>,
exclusive_minimum = 0.0,
maximum = 1.0,
nullable = true,
default = "null",
example = 0.95
pub top_p: Option<f32>,
exclusive_minimum = 0.0,
maximum = 1.0,
nullable = true,
default = "null",
example = 0.95
pub typical_p: Option<f32>,
#[schema(default = "false", example = true)]
pub do_sample: bool,
#[serde(default = "default_max_new_tokens")]
#[schema(exclusive_minimum = 0, exclusive_maximum = 512, default = "20")]
pub max_tokens: u32,
#[schema(nullable = true, default = "null", example = false)]
pub echo: Option<bool>,
#[schema(inline, max_items = 4, example = json ! (["photographer"]))]
pub stop: Vec<String>,
#[schema(nullable = true, default = "null", example = "null")]
pub truncate: Option<usize>,
#[schema(default = "false", example = true)]
pub watermark: bool,
#[schema(default = "false")]
pub decoder_input_details: bool,
exclusive_minimum = 0,
nullable = true,
default = "null",
example = "null"
pub seed: Option<u64>,
#[schema(default = "false")]
pub stream: bool,
// #[serde(default)]
// #[schema(nullable = true, default = "null", example = "null")]
// pub user: Option<String>,
pub(crate) fn chat_to_generate_request(
req: CompatChatCompletionRequest,
formatter: ChatFormatter,
) -> GenerateRequest {
let mut prompt = String::from("");
for m in req.messages {
// let role = m.role
let template = match m.role {
ChatRole::Assistant => &formatter.assistant_template,
ChatRole::System => &formatter.system_template,
ChatRole::User => &formatter.user_template,
let presence_penalty = req.presence_penalty;
let presence_penalty = match presence_penalty {
Some(presence_penalty) => Some((presence_penalty + 2.0) / 2.0),
None => None,
GenerateRequest {
inputs: prompt,
parameters: GenerateParameters {
best_of: req.best_of,
temperature: req.temperature,
repetition_penalty: presence_penalty,
top_k: req.top_k,
top_p: req.top_p,
typical_p: req.typical_p,
do_sample: req.do_sample,
max_new_tokens: req.max_tokens,
return_full_text: req.echo,
stop: req.stop,
truncate: req.truncate,
watermark: req.watermark,
details: true,
decoder_input_details: req.decoder_input_details,
seed: req.seed,
#[derive(Serialize, ToSchema)]
pub(crate) struct Usage {
#[schema(example = 1)]
pub total_tokens: u32,
#[schema(example = 1)]
pub completion_tokens: u32,
#[schema(example = 1)]
pub prompt_tokens: u32,
#[derive(Serialize, ToSchema)]
pub(crate) struct CompletionChoices {
#[schema(example = "test")]
pub text: String,
#[schema(example = "length")]
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub finish_reason: Option<FinishReason>,
// pub generated_tokens: u32,
// logprobs is not implemented, send None
pub logprobs: Option<Vec<u32>>,
#[schema(example = 0)]
pub index: u32,
#[derive(Serialize, ToSchema)]
pub(crate) struct CompletionsResponse {
#[schema(example = "cmpl-abcdefgehij1234")]
pub id: String,
#[schema(example = "text_completion")]
pub object: String,
#[schema(example = 1589478379)]
pub created: u64,
#[schema(example = "tgi")]
pub model: String,
pub choices: Vec<CompletionChoices>,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub usage: Option<Usage>,
#[derive(Serialize, ToSchema)]
pub(crate) struct ChatCompletionChoices {
#[schema(example = "test")]
pub message: ChatMessage,
#[schema(example = "length")]
pub finish_reason: Option<FinishReason>,
// pub generated_tokens: u32,
#[schema(example = 0)]
pub index: u32,
#[derive(Serialize, ToSchema)]
pub(crate) struct ChatCompletionDeltaStreamChoices {
#[schema(example = "test")]
pub delta: ChatDeltaStreamMessage,
#[schema(example = "length")]
pub finish_reason: Option<FinishReason>,
// pub generated_tokens: u32,
#[schema(example = 0)]
pub index: u32,
#[derive(Serialize, ToSchema)]
pub(crate) struct ChatCompletionsResponse {
#[schema(example = "chatcmpl-abcdefgehij1234")]
pub id: String,
#[schema(example = "chat.completion")]
pub object: String,
#[schema(example = 1589478380)]
pub created: u64,
#[schema(example = "tgi")]
pub model: String,
pub choices: Vec<ChatCompletionChoices>,
pub usage: Usage,
#[derive(Serialize, ToSchema)]
pub(crate) struct ChatCompletionsStreamResponse {
#[schema(example = "chatcmpl-abcdefgehij1234")]
pub id: String,
#[schema(example = "chat.completion.chunk")]
pub object: String,
#[schema(example = 1589478380)]
pub created: u64,
#[schema(example = "tgi")]
pub model: String,
pub choices: Vec<ChatCompletionDeltaStreamChoices>,
pub(crate) fn get_chatformatter() -> ChatFormatter {
// TODO: improve reading this, e.g. at startup once from a chat_config.json
let chat_user_pre: String = match std::env::var_os("TGICHAT_USER_PRE") {
Some(v) => v.into_string().unwrap(),
None => String::from(""),
let chat_user_post: String = match std::env::var_os("TGICHAT_USER_POST") {
Some(v) => v.into_string().unwrap(),
None => String::from(""),
let chat_ass_pre: String = match std::env::var_os("TGICHAT_ASS_PRE") {
Some(v) => v.into_string().unwrap(),
None => String::from(""),
let chat_ass_post: String = match std::env::var_os("TGICHAT_ASS_POST") {
Some(v) => v.into_string().unwrap(),
None => String::from(""),
let chat_sys_pre: String = match std::env::var_os("TGICHAT_SYS_PRE") {
Some(v) => v.into_string().unwrap(),
None => String::from(""),
let chat_sys_post: String = match std::env::var_os("TGICHAT_SYS_POST") {
Some(v) => v.into_string().unwrap(),
None => String::from(""),
ChatFormatter {
user_template: ChatFormatterPrePost {
pre: chat_user_pre,
post: chat_user_post,
assistant_template: ChatFormatterPrePost {
pre: chat_ass_pre,
post: chat_ass_post,
system_template: ChatFormatterPrePost {
pre: chat_sys_pre,
post: chat_sys_post,
pub(crate) async fn generate_to_completions(
resp: Json<GenerateResponse>,
info: Extension<Info>,
) -> Json<CompletionsResponse> {
// let details = resp.details.as_ref().ok_or("details missing"); //;
let details = resp.details.as_ref();
let gen_tokens = match details {
Some(details) => details.generated_tokens,
None => 0,
let finish_reason = match details {
Some(details) => Some(details.finish_reason.clone()),
None => None,
let prefill_len = match details {
Some(details) => details.prefill.len() as u32,
None => 0,
let choices = CompletionChoices {
text: resp.generated_text.clone(),
finish_reason: finish_reason,
logprobs: None,
index: 0,
let usage = Some(Usage {
completion_tokens: gen_tokens,
total_tokens: gen_tokens + prefill_len,
prompt_tokens: prefill_len,
let created_time = create_timestamp();
let model = info.0.model_id;
let resp: CompletionsResponse = CompletionsResponse {
choices: vec![choices],
created: created_time,
id: String::from(format!("cmpl-{}", created_time)),
object: String::from("text_completion"),
pub(crate) async fn generate_to_chatcompletions(
resp: Json<GenerateResponse>,
info: Extension<Info>,
) -> Json<ChatCompletionsResponse> {
// let details = resp.details.as_ref().ok_or("details missing"); //;
let details = resp.details.as_ref();
let gen_tokens = match details {
Some(details) => details.generated_tokens,
None => 0,
let finish_reason = match details {
Some(details) => Some(details.finish_reason.clone()),
None => None,
let prefill_len = match details {
Some(details) => details.prefill.len() as u32,
None => 0,
let choices = ChatCompletionChoices {
message: ChatMessage {
role: ChatRole::Assistant,
content: resp.generated_text.clone(),
finish_reason: finish_reason,
index: 0,
let usage = Usage {
completion_tokens: gen_tokens,
total_tokens: gen_tokens + prefill_len,
prompt_tokens: prefill_len,
let created_time = create_timestamp();
let model = info.0.model_id;
let resp = ChatCompletionsResponse {
choices: vec![choices],
created: created_time,
id: String::from(format!("chatcmpl-{}", created_time)),
object: String::from("chat.completion"),
pub (crate) fn create_timestamp() -> u64 {
.expect("time went backwards")
.as_secs() as u64
pub(crate) fn chat_start_message(
created_time: u64,
model_name: &String,
) -> ChatCompletionsStreamResponse {
let choices: ChatCompletionDeltaStreamChoices = ChatCompletionDeltaStreamChoices {
delta: ChatDeltaStreamMessage {
content: None,
role: Some(ChatRole::Assistant),
finish_reason: None,
index: 0,
ChatCompletionsStreamResponse {
choices: vec![choices],
created: created_time,
id: String::from(format!("chatcmpl-{}", created_time)),
object: String::from("chat.completion.chunk"),
model: model_name.to_owned(),
pub(crate) fn create_streaming_event(
// st: StreamResponse,
stream_type: &OpenaiStreamType,
created_time: u64,
details: Option<StreamDetails>,
token: Token,
model_name: &String,
) -> Event {
match stream_type {
&OpenaiStreamType::ChatCompletionsStreamResponse => {
let choices: ChatCompletionDeltaStreamChoices = ChatCompletionDeltaStreamChoices {
delta: ChatDeltaStreamMessage {
content: Some(token.text),
role: None,
finish_reason: match details {
Some(i) => Some(i.finish_reason),
None => None,
index: 0,
let response = ChatCompletionsStreamResponse {
choices: vec![choices],
created: created_time,
id: String::from(format!("chatcmpl-{}", created_time)),
object: String::from("chat.completion.chunk"),
model: model_name.to_owned(),
Event::default().json_data(response).expect("cannot parse ChatCompletionsStreamResponse")
&OpenaiStreamType::CompletionsResponse => {
let choices = CompletionChoices {
text: token.text,
finish_reason: match details {
Some(i) => Some(i.finish_reason),
None => None,
logprobs: None,
index: 0,
let response = CompletionsResponse {
choices: vec![choices],
created: created_time,
id: String::from(format!("cmpl-{}", created_time)),
object: String::from("text_completion"),
model: model_name.to_owned(),
usage: None,
Event::default().json_data(response).expect("cannot parse streamed CompletionsResponse")