export interface PromptInput { prompt: string; seed?: number; denoising?: number; guidance?: number; // promptsInput is assigned a transitionCounter equal to the result.counter upon first being played transitionCounter?: number; } export interface InferenceInput { alpha: number; num_inference_steps?: number; seed_image_id?: string; mask_image_id?: string; start: PromptInput; end: PromptInput; } export interface InferenceResult { input: InferenceInput; counter: number; // Binary played status (true = played or playing, false = not played) played: boolean; // URL of the image image: string; // URL of the audio audio: string; // Duration of the audio in seconds duration_s: number; } // High-level state of the app's inference call export enum AppState { UNINITIALIZED = "UNINITIALIZED", SAME_PROMPT = "SAME_PROMPT", TRANSITION = "TRANSITION", } // High-level state of the actively playing audio export enum PlayingState { UNINITIALIZED = "UNINITIALIZED", SAME_PROMPT = "SAME_PROMPT", TRANSITION = "TRANSITION", }