import { useRef } from "react"; import { useFrame, useThree } from "@react-three/fiber"; import { Box } from "@react-three/drei"; import { InferenceResult } from "../types"; import HeightMapImage from "./HeightMapImage"; import ImagePlane from "./ImagePlane"; // import { Effects } from "@react-three/drei"; // import { ShaderPass, VerticalTiltShiftShader} from "three-stdlib"; // extend({ ShaderPass }); // Fun shaders: // RGBShiftShader // VerticalBlurShader // VerticalTiltShiftShader interface SpectrogramViewerProps { paused: boolean; inferenceResults: InferenceResult[]; getTime: () => number; use_height_map?: boolean; } /** * Spectrogram drawing code. */ export default function SpectrogramViewer({ paused, inferenceResults, getTime, use_height_map = true, }: SpectrogramViewerProps) { const { camera } = useThree(); const playheadRef = useRef(null); // Move the camera based on the clock useFrame(() => { const time = getTime(); const velocity = -1.0; // [m/s] const position = velocity * time; // [m] camera.position.y = position; playheadRef.current.position.y = camera.position.y; }); const playbarShift = 3.6; // [m] // NOTE: this is a hacky way to constrict image and box width to fit in the window for responsiveness // if window is between 768px and 1350px, this scales the image to fit using a scaler const imageScaler = window.innerHeight / 3.40; const boxScaler = window.innerHeight / 3.76; const spectrogramImageScale = window.innerWidth > 767 && window.innerWidth < 1350 ? window.innerWidth / imageScaler : 5; const spectrogramBoxScale = window.innerWidth > 767 && window.innerWidth < 1350 ? window.innerWidth / boxScaler : 5.5; return ( {/* */} { InferenceResult, index: number) => { const duration_s = result.duration_s; const position = duration_s * (-0.55 - result.counter) + playbarShift; if (use_height_map) { return ( ); } else { return ( ); } })} {/* Playhead as as transparent red box. */} {/* TODO(hayk): Synchronize this better with the audio. */} ); }