# :guitar: Riffusion (hobby) :no_entry: This project is no longer actively maintained. CI status Python 3.9 | 3.10 MIT License Riffusion is a library for real-time music and audio generation with stable diffusion. Read about it at https://www.riffusion.com/about and try it at https://www.riffusion.com/. This is the core repository for riffusion image and audio processing code. * Diffusion pipeline that performs prompt interpolation combined with image conditioning * Conversions between spectrogram images and audio clips * Command-line interface for common tasks * Interactive app using streamlit * Flask server to provide model inference via API * Various third party integrations Related repositories: * Web app: https://github.com/riffusion/riffusion-app * Model checkpoint: https://huggingface.co/riffusion/riffusion-model-v1 ## Citation If you build on this work, please cite it as follows: ``` @article{Forsgren_Martiros_2022, author = {Forsgren, Seth* and Martiros, Hayk*}, title = {{Riffusion - Stable diffusion for real-time music generation}}, url = {https://riffusion.com/about}, year = {2022} } ``` ## Install Tested in CI with Python 3.9 and 3.10. It's highly recommended to set up a virtual Python environment with `conda` or `virtualenv`: ``` conda create --name riffusion python=3.9 conda activate riffusion ``` Install Python dependencies: ``` python -m pip install -r requirements.txt ``` In order to use audio formats other than WAV, [ffmpeg](https://ffmpeg.org/download.html) is required. ``` sudo apt-get install ffmpeg # linux brew install ffmpeg # mac conda install -c conda-forge ffmpeg # conda ``` If torchaudio has no backend, you may need to install `libsndfile`. See [this issue](https://github.com/riffusion/riffusion/issues/12). If you have an issue, try upgrading [diffusers](https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers). Tested with 0.9 - 0.11. Guides: * [Simple Install Guide for Windows](https://www.reddit.com/r/riffusion/comments/zrubc9/installation_guide_for_riffusion_app_inference/) ## Backends ### CPU `cpu` is supported but is quite slow. ### CUDA `cuda` is the recommended and most performant backend. To use with CUDA, make sure you have torch and torchaudio installed with CUDA support. See the [install guide](https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/) or [stable wheels](https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html). To generate audio in real-time, you need a GPU that can run stable diffusion with approximately 50 steps in under five seconds, such as a 3090 or A10G. Test availability with: ```python3 import torch torch.cuda.is_available() ``` ### MPS The `mps` backend on Apple Silicon is supported for inference but some operations fall back to CPU, particularly for audio processing. You may need to set `PYTORCH_ENABLE_MPS_FALLBACK=1`. In addition, this backend is not deterministic. Test availability with: ```python3 import torch torch.backends.mps.is_available() ``` ## Command-line interface Riffusion comes with a command line interface for performing common tasks. See available commands: ``` python -m riffusion.cli -h ``` Get help for a specific command: ``` python -m riffusion.cli image-to-audio -h ``` Execute: ``` python -m riffusion.cli image-to-audio --image spectrogram_image.png --audio clip.wav ``` ## Riffusion Playground Riffusion contains a [streamlit](https://streamlit.io/) app for interactive use and exploration. Run with: ``` python -m riffusion.streamlit.playground ``` And access at Riffusion Playground ## Run the model server Riffusion can be run as a flask server that provides inference via API. This server enables the [web app](https://github.com/riffusion/riffusion-app) to run locally. Run with: ``` python -m riffusion.server --host --port 3013 ``` You can specify `--checkpoint` with your own directory or huggingface ID in diffusers format. Use the `--device` argument to specify the torch device to use. The model endpoint is now available at `` via POST request. Example input (see [InferenceInput](https://github.com/hmartiro/riffusion-inference/blob/main/riffusion/datatypes.py#L28) for the API): ``` { "alpha": 0.75, "num_inference_steps": 50, "seed_image_id": "og_beat", "start": { "prompt": "church bells on sunday", "seed": 42, "denoising": 0.75, "guidance": 7.0 }, "end": { "prompt": "jazz with piano", "seed": 123, "denoising": 0.75, "guidance": 7.0 } } ``` Example output (see [InferenceOutput](https://github.com/hmartiro/riffusion-inference/blob/main/riffusion/datatypes.py#L54) for the API): ``` { "image": "< base64 encoded JPEG image >", "audio": "< base64 encoded MP3 clip >" } ``` ## Tests Tests live in the `test/` directory and are implemented with `unittest`. To run all tests: ``` python -m unittest test/*_test.py ``` To run a single test: ``` python -m unittest test.audio_to_image_test ``` To preserve temporary outputs for debugging, set `RIFFUSION_TEST_DEBUG`: ``` RIFFUSION_TEST_DEBUG=1 python -m unittest test.audio_to_image_test ``` To run a single test case within a test: ``` python -m unittest test.audio_to_image_test -k AudioToImageTest.test_stereo ``` To run tests using a specific torch device, set `RIFFUSION_TEST_DEVICE`. Tests should pass with `cpu`, `cuda`, and `mps` backends. ## Development Guide Install additional packages for dev with `python -m pip install -r requirements_dev.txt`. * Linter: `ruff` * Formatter: `black` * Type checker: `mypy` These are configured in `pyproject.toml`. The results of `mypy .`, `black .`, and `ruff .` *must* be clean to accept a PR. CI is run through GitHub Actions from `.github/workflows/ci.yml`. Contributions are welcome through pull requests.