import warnings import numpy as np import pydub import torch import torchaudio from riffusion.spectrogram_params import SpectrogramParams from riffusion.util import audio_util, torch_util class SpectrogramConverter: """ Convert between audio segments and spectrogram tensors using torchaudio. In this class a "spectrogram" is defined as a (batch, time, frequency) tensor with float values that represent the amplitude of the frequency at that time bucket (in the frequency domain). Frequencies are given in the perceptul Mel scale defined by the params. A more specific term used in some functions is "mel amplitudes". The spectrogram computed from `spectrogram_from_audio` is complex valued, but it only returns the amplitude, because the phase is chaotic and hard to learn. The function `audio_from_spectrogram` is an approximate inverse of `spectrogram_from_audio`, which approximates the phase information using the Griffin-Lim algorithm. Each channel in the audio is treated independently, and the spectrogram has a batch dimension equal to the number of channels in the input audio segment. Both the Griffin Lim algorithm and the Mel scaling process are lossy. For more information, see """ def __init__(self, params: SpectrogramParams, device: str = "cuda"): self.p = params self.device = torch_util.check_device(device) if device.lower().startswith("mps"): warnings.warn( "WARNING: MPS does not support audio operations, falling back to CPU for them", stacklevel=2, ) self.device = "cpu" # self.spectrogram_func = torchaudio.transforms.Spectrogram( n_fft=params.n_fft, hop_length=params.hop_length, win_length=params.win_length, pad=0, window_fn=torch.hann_window, power=None, normalized=False, wkwargs=None, center=True, pad_mode="reflect", onesided=True, ).to(self.device) # self.inverse_spectrogram_func = torchaudio.transforms.GriffinLim( n_fft=params.n_fft, n_iter=params.num_griffin_lim_iters, win_length=params.win_length, hop_length=params.hop_length, window_fn=torch.hann_window, power=1.0, wkwargs=None, momentum=0.99, length=None, rand_init=True, ).to(self.device) # self.mel_scaler = torchaudio.transforms.MelScale( n_mels=params.num_frequencies, sample_rate=params.sample_rate, f_min=params.min_frequency, f_max=params.max_frequency, n_stft=params.n_fft // 2 + 1, norm=params.mel_scale_norm, mel_scale=params.mel_scale_type, ).to(self.device) # self.inverse_mel_scaler = torchaudio.transforms.InverseMelScale( n_stft=params.n_fft // 2 + 1, n_mels=params.num_frequencies, sample_rate=params.sample_rate, f_min=params.min_frequency, f_max=params.max_frequency, max_iter=params.max_mel_iters, tolerance_loss=1e-5, tolerance_change=1e-8, sgdargs=None, norm=params.mel_scale_norm, mel_scale=params.mel_scale_type, ).to(self.device) def spectrogram_from_audio( self, audio: pydub.AudioSegment, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute a spectrogram from an audio segment. Args: audio: Audio segment which must match the sample rate of the params Returns: spectrogram: (channel, frequency, time) """ assert int(audio.frame_rate) == self.p.sample_rate, "Audio sample rate must match params" # Get the samples as a numpy array in (batch, samples) shape waveform = np.array([c.get_array_of_samples() for c in audio.split_to_mono()]) # Convert to floats if necessary if waveform.dtype != np.float32: waveform = waveform.astype(np.float32) waveform_tensor = torch.from_numpy(waveform).to(self.device) amplitudes_mel = self.mel_amplitudes_from_waveform(waveform_tensor) return amplitudes_mel.cpu().numpy() def audio_from_spectrogram( self, spectrogram: np.ndarray, apply_filters: bool = True, ) -> pydub.AudioSegment: """ Reconstruct an audio segment from a spectrogram. Args: spectrogram: (batch, frequency, time) apply_filters: Post-process with normalization and compression Returns: audio: Audio segment with channels equal to the batch dimension """ # Move to device amplitudes_mel = torch.from_numpy(spectrogram).to(self.device) # Reconstruct the waveform waveform = self.waveform_from_mel_amplitudes(amplitudes_mel) # Convert to audio segment segment = audio_util.audio_from_waveform( samples=waveform.cpu().numpy(), sample_rate=self.p.sample_rate, # Normalize the waveform to the range [-1, 1] normalize=True, ) # Optionally apply post-processing filters if apply_filters: segment = audio_util.apply_filters( segment, compression=False, ) return segment def mel_amplitudes_from_waveform( self, waveform: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Torch-only function to compute Mel-scale amplitudes from a waveform. Args: waveform: (batch, samples) Returns: amplitudes_mel: (batch, frequency, time) """ # Compute the complex-valued spectrogram spectrogram_complex = self.spectrogram_func(waveform) # Take the magnitude amplitudes = torch.abs(spectrogram_complex) # Convert to mel scale return self.mel_scaler(amplitudes) def waveform_from_mel_amplitudes( self, amplitudes_mel: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Torch-only function to approximately reconstruct a waveform from Mel-scale amplitudes. Args: amplitudes_mel: (batch, frequency, time) Returns: waveform: (batch, samples) """ # Convert from mel scale to linear amplitudes_linear = self.inverse_mel_scaler(amplitudes_mel) # Run the approximate algorithm to compute the phase and recover the waveform return self.inverse_spectrogram_func(amplitudes_linear)