add files
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
name: Generate Static HTML
branches: [ "main" ]
branches: [ "main" ]
- cron: '0 0,12 * * *' # 00:00 and 12:00 UTC
contents: write
pages: write
id-token: write
# Allow one concurrent deployment
group: "pages"
cancel-in-progress: true
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Setup
uses: BSFishy/pip-action@v1
packages: |
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
repository: ${{ github.repository }}
- name: Generate Models Webpage
run: python ${{ github.workspace }}/ ${{ github.workspace }}/site/index.html
shell: sh
- name: Commit Changes
uses: devops-infra/action-commit-push@master
github_token: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
add_timestamp: false
commit_prefix: "[AUTO] "
commit_message: "Update static page"
force: false
needs: generate
name: github-pages
url: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.page_url }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
# Need this to force it to get the latest commit (always the one created by the generate job above).
# Otherwise it will always publish the previous job's output.
ref: 'main'
# Alternative solution to the previous job issue?
# - name: Pull latest changes
# run: git pull --no-rebase
- name: Upload artifact
uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@v1
path: 'site'
- name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
id: deployment
uses: actions/deploy-pages@v1
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
name: Delete old workflow runs
description: 'Number of days.'
required: true
default: "20"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Delete workflow runs
uses: Mattraks/delete-workflow-runs@main
token: ${{ secrets.TOKEN_GITHUB }}
repository: ${{ github.repository }}
retain_days: ${{ github.event.inputs.days }}
keep_minimum_runs: 3
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# stable-diffusion-textual-inversion-models
_Automated list of Stable Diffusion textual inversion models from sd-concepts-library._
[![Generate and Publish GitHub Pages](](
Using GitHub Actions, every 12 hours the entire [sd-concepts-library]( is scraped and a list of all textual inversion models is generated and published to GitHub Pages.
View it here: [](
@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
import argparse
import datetime
import os
import shutil
import sys
from urllib import request as ulreq
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
from huggingface_hub import HfApi
from PIL import ImageFile
def getsizes(uri):
# get file size *and* image size (None if not known)
file = ulreq.urlopen(uri)
size = file.headers.get("content-length")
if size:
size = int(size)
p = ImageFile.Parser()
while True:
data =
if not data:
if p.image:
return size, p.image.size
return (size, None)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('out_file', nargs='?', help='file to save to', default='stable-diffusion-textual-inversion-models.html')
args = parser.parse_args()
print('Will save to file:', args.out_file)
# Get list of models under the sd-concepts-library organization
api = HfApi()
models_list = []
for model in api.list_models(author="sd-concepts-library"):
models_list.append(model.modelId.replace('sd-concepts-library/', ''))
dt =
tz = dt.astimezone().tzname()
html_struct = f"""
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Stable Diffusion Texual Inversion Models</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
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.thumbnail {{
max-width: 185px;
display: block;
padding-top: 5px;
padding-bottom: 5px;
.model-title {{
margin-top: 100px;
<div class="container" style="margin-bottom: 180px;">
<div class="jumbotron text-center" style="margin-top: 45px;margin-right: 45px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 45px;">
<h1>Stable Diffusion Texual Inversion Models</h1>
<p style="margin-bottom: 45px;font-size: 8pt;">
<i>Page updates automatically daily. Last updated <a class="btn-link" style="cursor: pointer;text-decoration: none;" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="{dt.strftime(f"%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S {tz}")}">{"%A %B %d, %Y")}</a>.</i>
Generated from <a href=""></a>
Models are downloaded straight from the HuggingFace repositories. There are currently {len(models_list)} textual inversion models in sd-concepts-library. The images displayed are the inputs, not the outputs.
Want to quickly test concepts? Try the <a href="">Stable Diffusion Conceptualizer</a> on HuggingFace.
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
const downloadAs = (url, name) => {{
axios.get(url, {{
headers: {{
"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream"
responseType: "blob"
.then(response => {{
const a = document.createElement("a");
const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(;
a.href = url;
| = name;
.catch(err => {{
console.log("error", err);
_paq.push(['trackLink', url, 'download']);
<noscript><p><img src="" style="border:0;" alt="" /></p></noscript>
i = 1
for model_name in models_list:
# For testing
# if i == 4:
# break
print(f'{i}/{len(models_list)} -> {model_name}')
# Images can be in a few different formats, figure out which one it's in
restricted = False
files = api.list_repo_files(
concept_images = [i for i in files if i.startswith('concept_images/')]
# sometimes an author will require you to share your contact info to gain access.
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
restricted = True
if restricted:
html_struct = html_struct + f"""
<h3 class="model-title">{model_name}</h3>
{model_name} is restricted and you must share your contact information to view this repository.
<a type="button" class="btn btn-link" href="{model_name}/">View Repository</a>
html_struct = html_struct + f"""
<h3 class="model-title">{model_name}</h3>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="downloadAs('{model_name}/resolve/main/learned_embeds.bin', '{model_name}.pt')">Download {model_name}.pt</button>
<a type="button" class="btn btn-link" href="{model_name}/">View Repository</a>
<div class="row">
# Some repos don't have 3 images
img_count = 3
if len(concept_images) < 3:
img_count = len(concept_images)
for x in range(img_count):
html_struct = html_struct + f"""
<div class="col-sm">
<img class="thumbnail mx-auto lazy-load img-fluid" data-src="{model_name}/resolve/main/{concept_images[x]}">
html_struct = html_struct + '</div>'
i = i + 1
html_struct = html_struct + """
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# Load the HTML into bs4 so we can format it
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_struct, "html.parser")
f = open(args.out_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
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24 12 37 25 22 23 23 27 19 151 -3 70 -2 137 2 147 3 12 32 31 69 48 34 15 69
37 77 48 13 20 15 19 49 -23 83 -102 266 -300 405 -439 524 -524 1008 -805
1654 -961 110 -26 370 -75 430 -80 19 -2 51 -6 70 -9 52 -8 129 -17 185 -21
28 -2 73 -6 100 -9 67 -7 224 -16 369 -21 65 -2 120 -5 121 -7 1 -2 -4 -28
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50 -37 73 -25 11 6 22 6 28 0 13 -13 54 -3 71 17 8 9 22 45 31 81 8 36 54 223
101 415 47 193 92 377 100 410 9 33 17 69 20 80 2 11 11 47 19 80 21 83 66
266 71 288 2 10 7 28 11 39 3 11 8 30 9 41 2 12 9 42 16 67 6 25 13 52 14 60
1 8 5 22 8 30 4 13 128 522 142 585 2 11 22 92 44 180 44 177 90 362 96 385
36 157 185 767 194 795 5 17 13 48 17 70 4 22 8 45 10 50 1 6 12 48 24 95 12
47 26 101 31 120 9 29 4 61 -26 185 -125 521 -148 614 -160 652 -17 53 -11 58
75 68 82 9 98 12 135 19 17 4 49 9 72 11 103 12 384 79 548 132 194 62 508
201 596 264 15 10 30 19 34 19 13 0 251 163 350 240 207 161 478 422 700 675
39 44 72 82 75 85 5 5 189 225 221 265 68 82 66 81 86 64 10 -9 38 -25 63 -36
75 -33 76 -37 68 -213 -7 -147 5 -159 173 -162 117 -3 139 5 139 51 0 34 14
55 33 48 24 -9 37 14 37 65 0 113 83 181 260 214 64 11 232 10 318 -2 231 -34
303 -86 452 -324 19 -30 37 -57 40 -60 3 -3 26 -28 52 -55 l47 -50 -13 -39
c-19 -54 -6 -103 38 -143 20 -18 46 -33 58 -34 45 -2 73 3 96 17 27 18 22 29
68 -156 2 -8 8 -33 14 -55 6 -22 13 -51 16 -65 13 -62 43 -160 58 -188 9 -17
30 -40 47 -52 29 -21 111 -52 126 -47 6 2 26 -56 223 -663 56 -173 117 -360
135 -415 142 -430 259 -794 261 -815 5 -41 23 -286 29 -396 3 -47 5 -84 21
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20 14 15 70 -3 35 -8 113 -11 173 -3 61 -7 146 -10 190 -2 44 -7 139 -11 210
-3 72 -7 159 -9 195 -2 36 -6 117 -9 180 -4 63 -9 151 -12 195 -2 44 -7 132
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200 -3 44 -7 125 -10 180 -12 276 -18 342 -32 370 -15 30 -147 256 -253 435
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-95 11 -41 19 -76 17 -77 -1 -1 -24 4 -51 13 -28 8 -66 19 -85 24 -32 9 -35
13 -38 52 -3 43 -37 128 -51 128 -4 0 -8 17 -8 38 -1 67 -3 73 -29 97 -25 23
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1 81 c1 55 -3 88 -13 107 -15 26 -50 48 -77 48 -10 0 9 38 52 107 76 124 89
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-29 3 -63 7 -77 9 -24 4 -124 15 -199 21 -19 2 -67 6 -105 9 -82 8 -162 14
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