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Hypertile module for splitting attention layers in SD-1.5 U-Net and SD-1.5 VAE
Warn: The patch works well only if the input image has a width and height that are multiples of 128
Original author: @tfernd Github:
from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Callable
from functools import wraps, cache
import math
import torch.nn as nn
import random
from einops import rearrange
class HypertileParams:
depth = 0
layer_name = ""
tile_size: int = 0
swap_size: int = 0
aspect_ratio: float = 1.0
forward = None
enabled = False
# TODO add SD-XL layers
0: [
# SD 1.5 U-Net (diffusers)
# SD 1.5 U-Net (ldm)
# SD 1.5 VAE
2023-11-14 23:15:14 -07:00
1: [
# SD 1.5 U-Net (diffusers)
# SD 1.5 U-Net (ldm)
2: [
# SD 1.5 U-Net (diffusers)
# SD 1.5 U-Net (ldm)
3: [
# SD 1.5 U-Net (diffusers)
# SD 1.5 U-Net (ldm)
# XL layers, thanks for GitHub@gel-crabs for the help
0: [
# SD 1.5 U-Net (diffusers)
# SD 1.5 U-Net (ldm)
# SD 1.5 VAE
1: [
# SD 1.5 U-Net (diffusers)
# SD 1.5 U-Net (ldm)
2: [
# SD 1.5 U-Net (diffusers)
# SD 1.5 U-Net (ldm)
2023-11-16 17:54:33 -07:00
3 : [] # TODO - separate layers for SD-XL
RNG_INSTANCE = random.Random()
2023-11-27 06:10:31 -07:00
def get_divisors(value: int, min_value: int, /, max_options: int = 1) -> list[int]:
2023-11-27 06:10:31 -07:00
Returns divisors of value that
x * min_value <= value
2023-11-27 06:10:31 -07:00
in big -> small order, amount of divisors is limited by max_options
2023-11-27 06:10:31 -07:00
max_options = max(1, max_options) # at least 1 option should be returned
min_value = min(min_value, value)
divisors = [i for i in range(min_value, value + 1) if value % i == 0] # divisors in small -> big order
ns = [value // i for i in divisors[:max_options]] # has at least 1 element # big -> small order
2023-11-27 06:10:31 -07:00
return ns
2023-11-27 06:10:31 -07:00
def random_divisor(value: int, min_value: int, /, max_options: int = 1) -> int:
Returns a random divisor of value that
x * min_value <= value
if max_options is 1, the behavior is deterministic
ns = get_divisors(value, min_value, max_options=max_options) # get cached divisors
idx = RNG_INSTANCE.randint(0, len(ns) - 1)
return ns[idx]
def set_hypertile_seed(seed: int) -> None:
2023-11-27 06:10:31 -07:00
def largest_tile_size_available(width: int, height: int) -> int:
Calculates the largest tile size available for a given width and height
Tile size is always a power of 2
gcd = math.gcd(width, height)
largest_tile_size_available = 1
while gcd % (largest_tile_size_available * 2) == 0:
largest_tile_size_available *= 2
return largest_tile_size_available
def iterative_closest_divisors(hw:int, aspect_ratio:float) -> tuple[int, int]:
Finds h and w such that h*w = hw and h/w = aspect_ratio
We check all possible divisors of hw and return the closest to the aspect ratio
divisors = [i for i in range(2, hw + 1) if hw % i == 0] # all divisors of hw
pairs = [(i, hw // i) for i in divisors] # all pairs of divisors of hw
ratios = [w/h for h, w in pairs] # all ratios of pairs of divisors of hw
closest_ratio = min(ratios, key=lambda x: abs(x - aspect_ratio)) # closest ratio to aspect_ratio
closest_pair = pairs[ratios.index(closest_ratio)] # closest pair of divisors to aspect_ratio
return closest_pair
def find_hw_candidates(hw:int, aspect_ratio:float) -> tuple[int, int]:
Finds h and w such that h*w = hw and h/w = aspect_ratio
h, w = round(math.sqrt(hw * aspect_ratio)), round(math.sqrt(hw / aspect_ratio))
# find h and w such that h*w = hw and h/w = aspect_ratio
if h * w != hw:
w_candidate = hw / h
# check if w is an integer
if not w_candidate.is_integer():
h_candidate = hw / w
# check if h is an integer
if not h_candidate.is_integer():
return iterative_closest_divisors(hw, aspect_ratio)
h = int(h_candidate)
w = int(w_candidate)
return h, w
def self_attn_forward(params: HypertileParams, scale_depth=True) -> Callable:
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
if not params.enabled:
return params.forward(*args, **kwargs)
latent_tile_size = max(128, params.tile_size) // 8
x = args[0]
if x.ndim == 4:
b, c, h, w = x.shape
nh = random_divisor(h, latent_tile_size, params.swap_size)
nw = random_divisor(w, latent_tile_size, params.swap_size)
if nh * nw > 1:
x = rearrange(x, "b c (nh h) (nw w) -> (b nh nw) c h w", nh=nh, nw=nw) # split into nh * nw tiles
out = params.forward(x, *args[1:], **kwargs)
if nh * nw > 1:
out = rearrange(out, "(b nh nw) c h w -> b c (nh h) (nw w)", nh=nh, nw=nw)
# U-Net
hw: int = x.size(1)
h, w = find_hw_candidates(hw, params.aspect_ratio)
assert h * w == hw, f"Invalid aspect ratio {params.aspect_ratio} for input of shape {x.shape}, hw={hw}, h={h}, w={w}"
factor = 2 ** params.depth if scale_depth else 1
nh = random_divisor(h, latent_tile_size * factor, params.swap_size)
nw = random_divisor(w, latent_tile_size * factor, params.swap_size)
if nh * nw > 1:
x = rearrange(x, "b (nh h nw w) c -> (b nh nw) (h w) c", h=h // nh, w=w // nw, nh=nh, nw=nw)
out = params.forward(x, *args[1:], **kwargs)
if nh * nw > 1:
out = rearrange(out, "(b nh nw) hw c -> b nh nw hw c", nh=nh, nw=nw)
out = rearrange(out, "b nh nw (h w) c -> b (nh h nw w) c", h=h // nh, w=w // nw)
return out
return wrapper
def hypertile_hook_model(model: nn.Module, width, height, *, enable=False, tile_size_max=128, swap_size=1, max_depth=3, is_sdxl=False):
hypertile_layers = getattr(model, "__webui_hypertile_layers", None)
if hypertile_layers is None:
if not enable:
hypertile_layers = {}
layers = DEPTH_LAYERS_XL if is_sdxl else DEPTH_LAYERS
for depth in range(4):
for layer_name, module in model.named_modules():
if any(layer_name.endswith(try_name) for try_name in layers[depth]):
params = HypertileParams()
module.__webui_hypertile_params = params
params.forward = module.forward
params.depth = depth
params.layer_name = layer_name
module.forward = self_attn_forward(params)
hypertile_layers[layer_name] = 1
model.__webui_hypertile_layers = hypertile_layers
aspect_ratio = width / height
tile_size = min(largest_tile_size_available(width, height), tile_size_max)
for layer_name, module in model.named_modules():
if layer_name in hypertile_layers:
params = module.__webui_hypertile_params
params.tile_size = tile_size
params.swap_size = swap_size
params.aspect_ratio = aspect_ratio
params.enabled = enable and params.depth <= max_depth