import csv import dataclasses import json import html import os import platform import sys import gradio as gr import subprocess as sp from modules import call_queue, shared, ui_tempdir from modules.infotext_utils import image_from_url_text import modules.images from modules.ui_components import ToolButton import modules.infotext_utils as parameters_copypaste folder_symbol = '\U0001f4c2' # 📂 refresh_symbol = '\U0001f504' # 🔄 def update_generation_info(generation_info, html_info, img_index): try: generation_info = json.loads(generation_info) if img_index < 0 or img_index >= len(generation_info["infotexts"]): return html_info, gr.update() return plaintext_to_html(generation_info["infotexts"][img_index]), gr.update() except Exception: pass # if the json parse or anything else fails, just return the old html_info return html_info, gr.update() def plaintext_to_html(text, classname=None): content = "
\n".join(html.escape(x) for x in text.split('\n')) return f"


" if classname else f"


" def update_logfile(logfile_path, fields): """Update a logfile from old format to new format to maintain CSV integrity.""" with open(logfile_path, "r", encoding="utf8", newline="") as file: reader = csv.reader(file) rows = list(reader) # blank file: leave it as is if not rows: return # file is already synced, do nothing if len(rows[0]) == len(fields): return rows[0] = fields # append new fields to each row as empty values for row in rows[1:]: while len(row) < len(fields): row.append("") with open(logfile_path, "w", encoding="utf8", newline="") as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerows(rows) def save_files(js_data, images, do_make_zip, index): filenames = [] fullfns = [] parsed_infotexts = [] # quick dictionary to class object conversion. Its necessary due apply_filename_pattern requiring it class MyObject: def __init__(self, d=None): if d is not None: for key, value in d.items(): setattr(self, key, value) data = json.loads(js_data) p = MyObject(data) path = shared.opts.outdir_save save_to_dirs = shared.opts.use_save_to_dirs_for_ui extension: str = shared.opts.samples_format start_index = 0 if index > -1 and shared.opts.save_selected_only and (index >= data["index_of_first_image"]): # ensures we are looking at a specific non-grid picture, and we have save_selected_only images = [images[index]] start_index = index os.makedirs(shared.opts.outdir_save, exist_ok=True) fields = [ "prompt", "seed", "width", "height", "sampler", "cfgs", "steps", "filename", "negative_prompt", "sd_model_name", "sd_model_hash", ] logfile_path = os.path.join(shared.opts.outdir_save, "log.csv") # NOTE: ensure csv integrity when fields are added by # updating headers and padding with delimiters where needed if os.path.exists(logfile_path): update_logfile(logfile_path, fields) with open(logfile_path, "a", encoding="utf8", newline='') as file: at_start = file.tell() == 0 writer = csv.writer(file) if at_start: writer.writerow(fields) for image_index, filedata in enumerate(images, start_index): image = image_from_url_text(filedata) is_grid = image_index < p.index_of_first_image p.batch_index = image_index-1 parameters = parameters_copypaste.parse_generation_parameters(data["infotexts"][image_index], []) parsed_infotexts.append(parameters) fullfn, txt_fullfn = modules.images.save_image(image, path, "", seed=parameters['Seed'], prompt=parameters['Prompt'], extension=extension, info=p.infotexts[image_index], grid=is_grid, p=p, save_to_dirs=save_to_dirs) filename = os.path.relpath(fullfn, path) filenames.append(filename) fullfns.append(fullfn) if txt_fullfn: filenames.append(os.path.basename(txt_fullfn)) fullfns.append(txt_fullfn) writer.writerow([parsed_infotexts[0]['Prompt'], parsed_infotexts[0]['Seed'], data["width"], data["height"], data["sampler_name"], data["cfg_scale"], data["steps"], filenames[0], parsed_infotexts[0]['Negative prompt'], data["sd_model_name"], data["sd_model_hash"]]) # Make Zip if do_make_zip: p.all_seeds = [parameters['Seed'] for parameters in parsed_infotexts] namegen = modules.images.FilenameGenerator(p, parsed_infotexts[0]['Seed'], parsed_infotexts[0]['Prompt'], image, True) zip_filename = namegen.apply(shared.opts.grid_zip_filename_pattern or "[datetime]_[[model_name]]_[seed]-[seed_last]") zip_filepath = os.path.join(path, f"{zip_filename}.zip") from zipfile import ZipFile with ZipFile(zip_filepath, "w") as zip_file: for i in range(len(fullfns)): with open(fullfns[i], mode="rb") as f: zip_file.writestr(filenames[i], fullfns.insert(0, zip_filepath) return gr.File.update(value=fullfns, visible=True), plaintext_to_html(f"Saved: {filenames[0]}") @dataclasses.dataclass class OutputPanel: gallery = None generation_info = None infotext = None html_log = None button_upscale = None def create_output_panel(tabname, outdir, toprow=None): res = OutputPanel() def open_folder(f, images=None, index=None): if shared.cmd_opts.hide_ui_dir_config: return try: if 'Sub' in shared.opts.open_dir_button_choice: image_dir = os.path.split(images[index]["name"].rsplit('?', 1)[0])[0] if 'temp' in shared.opts.open_dir_button_choice or not ui_tempdir.is_gradio_temp_path(image_dir): f = image_dir except Exception: pass if not os.path.exists(f): msg = f'Folder "{f}" does not exist. After you create an image, the folder will be created.' print(msg) gr.Info(msg) return elif not os.path.isdir(f): msg = f""" WARNING An open_folder request was made with an argument that is not a folder. This could be an error or a malicious attempt to run code on your computer. Requested path was: {f} """ print(msg, file=sys.stderr) gr.Warning(msg) return path = os.path.normpath(f) if platform.system() == "Windows": os.startfile(path) elif platform.system() == "Darwin": sp.Popen(["open", path]) elif "microsoft-standard-WSL2" in platform.uname().release: sp.Popen(["wsl-open", path]) else: sp.Popen(["xdg-open", path]) with gr.Column(elem_id=f"{tabname}_results"): if toprow: toprow.create_inline_toprow_image() with gr.Column(variant='panel', elem_id=f"{tabname}_results_panel"): with gr.Group(elem_id=f"{tabname}_gallery_container"): = gr.Gallery(label='Output', show_label=False, elem_id=f"{tabname}_gallery", columns=4, preview=True, height=shared.opts.gallery_height or None) with gr.Row(elem_id=f"image_buttons_{tabname}", elem_classes="image-buttons"): open_folder_button = ToolButton(folder_symbol, elem_id=f'{tabname}_open_folder', visible=not shared.cmd_opts.hide_ui_dir_config, tooltip="Open images output directory.") if tabname != "extras": save = ToolButton('💾', elem_id=f'save_{tabname}', tooltip=f"Save the image to a dedicated directory ({shared.opts.outdir_save}).") save_zip = ToolButton('🗃️', elem_id=f'save_zip_{tabname}', tooltip=f"Save zip archive with images to a dedicated directory ({shared.opts.outdir_save})") buttons = { 'img2img': ToolButton('🖼️', elem_id=f'{tabname}_send_to_img2img', tooltip="Send image and generation parameters to img2img tab."), 'inpaint': ToolButton('🎨️', elem_id=f'{tabname}_send_to_inpaint', tooltip="Send image and generation parameters to img2img inpaint tab."), 'extras': ToolButton('📐', elem_id=f'{tabname}_send_to_extras', tooltip="Send image and generation parameters to extras tab.") } if tabname == 'txt2img': res.button_upscale = ToolButton('✨', elem_id=f'{tabname}_upscale', tooltip="Create an upscaled version of the current image using hires fix settings.") fn=lambda images, index: open_folder(shared.opts.outdir_samples or outdir, images, index), _js="(y, w) => [y, selected_gallery_index()]", inputs=[, open_folder_button, # placeholder for index ], outputs=[], ) if tabname != "extras": download_files = gr.File(None, file_count="multiple", interactive=False, show_label=False, visible=False, elem_id=f'download_files_{tabname}') with gr.Group(): res.infotext = gr.HTML(elem_id=f'html_info_{tabname}', elem_classes="infotext") res.html_log = gr.HTML(elem_id=f'html_log_{tabname}', elem_classes="html-log") res.generation_info = gr.Textbox(visible=False, elem_id=f'generation_info_{tabname}') if tabname == 'txt2img' or tabname == 'img2img': generation_info_button = gr.Button(visible=False, elem_id=f"{tabname}_generation_info_button") fn=update_generation_info, _js="function(x, y, z){ return [x, y, selected_gallery_index()] }", inputs=[res.generation_info, res.infotext, res.infotext], outputs=[res.infotext, res.infotext], show_progress=False, ) fn=call_queue.wrap_gradio_call(save_files), _js="(x, y, z, w) => [x, y, false, selected_gallery_index()]", inputs=[ res.generation_info,, res.infotext, res.infotext, ], outputs=[ download_files, res.html_log, ], show_progress=False, ) fn=call_queue.wrap_gradio_call(save_files), _js="(x, y, z, w) => [x, y, true, selected_gallery_index()]", inputs=[ res.generation_info,, res.infotext, res.infotext, ], outputs=[ download_files, res.html_log, ] ) else: res.generation_info = gr.HTML(elem_id=f'html_info_x_{tabname}') res.infotext = gr.HTML(elem_id=f'html_info_{tabname}', elem_classes="infotext") res.html_log = gr.HTML(elem_id=f'html_log_{tabname}') paste_field_names = [] if tabname == "txt2img": paste_field_names = modules.scripts.scripts_txt2img.paste_field_names elif tabname == "img2img": paste_field_names = modules.scripts.scripts_img2img.paste_field_names for paste_tabname, paste_button in buttons.items(): parameters_copypaste.register_paste_params_button(parameters_copypaste.ParamBinding( paste_button=paste_button, tabname=paste_tabname, source_tabname="txt2img" if tabname == "txt2img" else None,, paste_field_names=paste_field_names )) return res def create_refresh_button(refresh_component, refresh_method, refreshed_args, elem_id): refresh_components = refresh_component if isinstance(refresh_component, list) else [refresh_component] label = None for comp in refresh_components: label = getattr(comp, 'label', None) if label is not None: break def refresh(): refresh_method() args = refreshed_args() if callable(refreshed_args) else refreshed_args for k, v in args.items(): for comp in refresh_components: setattr(comp, k, v) return [gr.update(**(args or {})) for _ in refresh_components] if len(refresh_components) > 1 else gr.update(**(args or {})) refresh_button = ToolButton(value=refresh_symbol, elem_id=elem_id, tooltip=f"{label}: refresh" if label else "Refresh") fn=refresh, inputs=[], outputs=refresh_components ) return refresh_button def setup_dialog(button_show, dialog, *, button_close=None): """Sets up the UI so that the dialog (gr.Box) is invisible, and is only shown when buttons_show is clicked, in a fullscreen modal window.""" dialog.visible = False fn=lambda: gr.update(visible=True), inputs=[], outputs=[dialog], ).then(fn=None, _js="function(){ popupId('" + dialog.elem_id + "'); }") if button_close:, _js="closePopup")