function gradioApp() { const elems = document.getElementsByTagName('gradio-app'); const elem = elems.length == 0 ? document : elems[0]; if (elem !== document) { elem.getElementById = function(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }; } return elem.shadowRoot ? elem.shadowRoot : elem; } /** * Get the currently selected top-level UI tab button (e.g. the button that says "Extras"). */ function get_uiCurrentTab() { return gradioApp().querySelector('#tabs > .tab-nav > button.selected'); } /** * Get the first currently visible top-level UI tab content (e.g. the div hosting the "txt2img" UI). */ function get_uiCurrentTabContent() { return gradioApp().querySelector('#tabs > .tabitem[id^=tab_]:not([style*="display: none"])'); } var uiUpdateCallbacks = []; var uiAfterUpdateCallbacks = []; var uiLoadedCallbacks = []; var uiTabChangeCallbacks = []; var optionsChangedCallbacks = []; var optionsAvailableCallbacks = []; var uiAfterUpdateTimeout = null; var uiCurrentTab = null; /** * Register callback to be called at each UI update. * The callback receives an array of MutationRecords as an argument. */ function onUiUpdate(callback) { uiUpdateCallbacks.push(callback); } /** * Register callback to be called soon after UI updates. * The callback receives no arguments. * * This is preferred over `onUiUpdate` if you don't need * access to the MutationRecords, as your function will * not be called quite as often. */ function onAfterUiUpdate(callback) { uiAfterUpdateCallbacks.push(callback); } /** * Register callback to be called when the UI is loaded. * The callback receives no arguments. */ function onUiLoaded(callback) { uiLoadedCallbacks.push(callback); } /** * Register callback to be called when the UI tab is changed. * The callback receives no arguments. */ function onUiTabChange(callback) { uiTabChangeCallbacks.push(callback); } /** * Register callback to be called when the options are changed. * The callback receives no arguments. * @param callback */ function onOptionsChanged(callback) { optionsChangedCallbacks.push(callback); } /** * Register callback to be called when the options (in opts global variable) are available. * The callback receives no arguments. * If you register the callback after the options are available, it's just immediately called. */ function onOptionsAvailable(callback) { if (Object.keys(opts).length != 0) { callback(); return; } optionsAvailableCallbacks.push(callback); } function executeCallbacks(queue, arg) { for (const callback of queue) { try { callback(arg); } catch (e) { console.error("error running callback", callback, ":", e); } } } /** * Schedule the execution of the callbacks registered with onAfterUiUpdate. * The callbacks are executed after a short while, unless another call to this function * is made before that time. IOW, the callbacks are executed only once, even * when there are multiple mutations observed. */ function scheduleAfterUiUpdateCallbacks() { clearTimeout(uiAfterUpdateTimeout); uiAfterUpdateTimeout = setTimeout(function() { executeCallbacks(uiAfterUpdateCallbacks); }, 200); } var executedOnLoaded = false; document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { var mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function(m) { if (!executedOnLoaded && gradioApp().querySelector('#txt2img_prompt')) { executedOnLoaded = true; executeCallbacks(uiLoadedCallbacks); } executeCallbacks(uiUpdateCallbacks, m); scheduleAfterUiUpdateCallbacks(); const newTab = get_uiCurrentTab(); if (newTab && (newTab !== uiCurrentTab)) { uiCurrentTab = newTab; executeCallbacks(uiTabChangeCallbacks); } }); mutationObserver.observe(gradioApp(), {childList: true, subtree: true}); }); /** * Add keyboard shortcuts: * Ctrl+Enter to start/restart a generation * Alt/Option+Enter to skip a generation * Esc to interrupt a generation */ document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { const isEnter = e.key === 'Enter' || e.keyCode === 13; const isCtrlKey = e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey; const isAltKey = e.altKey; const isEsc = e.key === 'Escape'; const generateButton = get_uiCurrentTabContent().querySelector('button[id$=_generate]'); const interruptButton = get_uiCurrentTabContent().querySelector('button[id$=_interrupt]'); const skipButton = get_uiCurrentTabContent().querySelector('button[id$=_skip]'); if (isCtrlKey && isEnter) { if ( === 'block') {; const callback = (mutationList) => { for (const mutation of mutationList) { if (mutation.type === 'attributes' && mutation.attributeName === 'style') { if ( === 'none') {; observer.disconnect(); } } } }; const observer = new MutationObserver(callback); observer.observe(interruptButton, {attributes: true}); } else {; } e.preventDefault(); } if (isAltKey && isEnter) {; e.preventDefault(); } if (isEsc) { const globalPopup = document.querySelector('.global-popup'); const lightboxModal = document.querySelector('#lightboxModal'); if (!globalPopup || === 'none') { if (document.activeElement === lightboxModal) return; if ( === 'block') {; e.preventDefault(); } } } }); /** * checks that a UI element is not in another hidden element or tab content */ function uiElementIsVisible(el) { if (el === document) { return true; } const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(el); const isVisible = computedStyle.display !== 'none'; if (!isVisible) return false; return uiElementIsVisible(el.parentNode); } function uiElementInSight(el) { const clRect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); const windowHeight = window.innerHeight; const isOnScreen = clRect.bottom > 0 && < windowHeight; return isOnScreen; }