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# Copyright 2019 The Foundation C.I.C.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import logging
import re
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from urllib.request import ( # type: ignore[attr-defined]
from zope.interface import implementer
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.internet.endpoints import HostnameEndpoint, wrapClientTLS
from twisted.internet.interfaces import IReactorCore, IStreamClientEndpoint
from twisted.python.failure import Failure
from twisted.web.client import (
from twisted.web.error import SchemeNotSupported
from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers
from twisted.web.iweb import IAgent, IBodyProducer, IPolicyForHTTPS
from synapse.http import redact_uri
from synapse.http.connectproxyclient import HTTPConnectProxyEndpoint, ProxyCredentials
from synapse.types import ISynapseReactor
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_VALID_URI = re.compile(rb"\A[\x21-\x7e]+\Z")
class ProxyAgent(_AgentBase):
"""An Agent implementation which will use an HTTP proxy if one was requested
reactor: twisted reactor to place outgoing
proxy_reactor: twisted reactor to use for connections to the proxy server
reactor might have some blacklisting applied (i.e. for DNS queries),
but we need unblocked access to the proxy.
contextFactory: A factory for TLS contexts, to control the
verification parameters of OpenSSL. The default is to use a
`BrowserLikePolicyForHTTPS`, so unless you have special
requirements you can leave this as-is.
connectTimeout: The amount of time that this Agent will wait
for the peer to accept a connection, in seconds. If 'None',
HostnameEndpoint's default (30s) will be used.
This is used for connections to both proxies and destination servers.
bindAddress: The local address for client sockets to bind to.
pool: connection pool to be used. If None, a
non-persistent pool instance will be created.
use_proxy: Whether proxy settings should be discovered and used
from conventional environment variables.
ValueError if use_proxy is set and the environment variables
contain an invalid proxy specification.
RuntimeError if no tls_options_factory is given for a https connection
def __init__(
reactor: IReactorCore,
proxy_reactor: Optional[ISynapseReactor] = None,
contextFactory: Optional[IPolicyForHTTPS] = None,
connectTimeout: Optional[float] = None,
bindAddress: Optional[bytes] = None,
pool: Optional[HTTPConnectionPool] = None,
use_proxy: bool = False,
contextFactory = contextFactory or BrowserLikePolicyForHTTPS()
_AgentBase.__init__(self, reactor, pool)
if proxy_reactor is None:
self.proxy_reactor = reactor
self.proxy_reactor = proxy_reactor
self._endpoint_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}
if connectTimeout is not None:
self._endpoint_kwargs["timeout"] = connectTimeout
if bindAddress is not None:
self._endpoint_kwargs["bindAddress"] = bindAddress
http_proxy = None
https_proxy = None
no_proxy = None
if use_proxy:
proxies = getproxies_environment()
http_proxy = proxies["http"].encode() if "http" in proxies else None
https_proxy = proxies["https"].encode() if "https" in proxies else None
no_proxy = proxies["no"] if "no" in proxies else None
self.http_proxy_endpoint, self.http_proxy_creds = http_proxy_endpoint(
http_proxy, self.proxy_reactor, contextFactory, **self._endpoint_kwargs
self.https_proxy_endpoint, self.https_proxy_creds = http_proxy_endpoint(
https_proxy, self.proxy_reactor, contextFactory, **self._endpoint_kwargs
self.no_proxy = no_proxy
self._policy_for_https = contextFactory
self._reactor = reactor
def request(
method: bytes,
uri: bytes,
headers: Optional[Headers] = None,
bodyProducer: Optional[IBodyProducer] = None,
) -> defer.Deferred:
Issue a request to the server indicated by the given uri.
Supports `http` and `https` schemes.
An existing connection from the connection pool may be used or a new one may be
See also: twisted.web.iweb.IAgent.request
method: The request method to use, such as `GET`, `POST`, etc
uri: The location of the resource to request.
headers: Extra headers to send with the request
bodyProducer: An object which can generate bytes to make up the body of
this request (for example, the properly encoded contents of a file for
a file upload). Or, None if the request is to have no body.
Deferred[IResponse]: completes when the header of the response has
been received (regardless of the response status code).
Can fail with:
SchemeNotSupported: if the uri is not http or https
twisted.internet.error.TimeoutError if the server we are connecting
to (proxy or destination) does not accept a connection before
... other things too.
uri = uri.strip()
if not _VALID_URI.match(uri):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid URI {uri!r}")
parsed_uri = URI.fromBytes(uri)
pool_key = f"{parsed_uri.scheme!r}{!r}{parsed_uri.port}"
request_path = parsed_uri.originForm
should_skip_proxy = False
if self.no_proxy is not None:
should_skip_proxy = proxy_bypass_environment(,
proxies={"no": self.no_proxy},
if (
parsed_uri.scheme == b"http"
and self.http_proxy_endpoint
and not should_skip_proxy
# Determine whether we need to set Proxy-Authorization headers
if self.http_proxy_creds:
# Set a Proxy-Authorization header
if headers is None:
headers = Headers()
# Cache *all* connections under the same key, since we are only
# connecting to a single destination, the proxy:
pool_key = "http-proxy"
endpoint = self.http_proxy_endpoint
request_path = uri
elif (
parsed_uri.scheme == b"https"
and self.https_proxy_endpoint
and not should_skip_proxy
endpoint = HTTPConnectProxyEndpoint(
# not using a proxy
endpoint = HostnameEndpoint(
self._reactor,, parsed_uri.port, **self._endpoint_kwargs
"Requesting %s via %s",
redact_uri(uri.decode("ascii", errors="replace")),
if parsed_uri.scheme == b"https":
tls_connection_creator = self._policy_for_https.creatorForNetloc(, parsed_uri.port
endpoint = wrapClientTLS(tls_connection_creator, endpoint)
elif parsed_uri.scheme == b"http":
SchemeNotSupported("Unsupported scheme: %r" % (parsed_uri.scheme,))
return self._requestWithEndpoint(
pool_key, endpoint, method, parsed_uri, headers, bodyProducer, request_path
def http_proxy_endpoint(
proxy: Optional[bytes],
reactor: IReactorCore,
tls_options_factory: Optional[IPolicyForHTTPS],
**kwargs: object,
) -> Tuple[Optional[IStreamClientEndpoint], Optional[ProxyCredentials]]:
"""Parses an http proxy setting and returns an endpoint for the proxy
proxy: the proxy setting in the form: [scheme://][<username>:<password>@]<host>[:<port>]
This currently supports http:// and https:// proxies.
A hostname without scheme is assumed to be http.
reactor: reactor to be used to connect to the proxy
tls_options_factory: the TLS options to use when connecting through a https proxy
kwargs: other args to be passed to HostnameEndpoint
a tuple of
endpoint to use to connect to the proxy, or None
ProxyCredentials or if no credentials were found, or None
ValueError if proxy has no hostname or unsupported scheme.
RuntimeError if no tls_options_factory is given for a https connection
if proxy is None:
return None, None
# Note: urlsplit/urlparse cannot be used here as that does not work (for Python
# 3.9+) on scheme-less proxies, e.g. host:port.
scheme, host, port, credentials = parse_proxy(proxy)
proxy_endpoint = HostnameEndpoint(reactor, host, port, **kwargs)
if scheme == b"https":
if tls_options_factory:
tls_options = tls_options_factory.creatorForNetloc(host, port)
proxy_endpoint = wrapClientTLS(tls_options, proxy_endpoint)
raise RuntimeError(
f"No TLS options for a https connection via proxy {proxy!s}"
return proxy_endpoint, credentials
def parse_proxy(
proxy: bytes, default_scheme: bytes = b"http", default_port: int = 1080
) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes, int, Optional[ProxyCredentials]]:
Parse a proxy connection string.
Given a HTTP proxy URL, breaks it down into components and checks that it
has a hostname (otherwise it is not useful to us when trying to find a
proxy) and asserts that the URL has a scheme we support.
proxy: The proxy connection string. Must be in the form '[scheme://][<username>:<password>@]host[:port]'.
default_scheme: The default scheme to return if one is not found in `proxy`. Defaults to http
default_port: The default port to return if one is not found in `proxy`. Defaults to 1080
A tuple containing the scheme, hostname, port and ProxyCredentials.
If no credentials were found, the ProxyCredentials instance is replaced with None.
ValueError if proxy has no hostname or unsupported scheme.
# First check if we have a scheme present
# Note: urlsplit/urlparse cannot be used (for Python # 3.9+) on scheme-less proxies, e.g. host:port.
if b"://" not in proxy:
proxy = b"".join([default_scheme, b"://", proxy])
url = urlparse(proxy)
if not url.hostname:
raise ValueError("Proxy URL did not contain a hostname! Please specify one.")
if url.scheme not in (b"http", b"https"):
raise ValueError(
f"Unknown proxy scheme {url.scheme!s}; only 'http' and 'https' is supported."
credentials = None
if url.username and url.password:
credentials = ProxyCredentials(b"".join([url.username, b":", url.password]))
return url.scheme, url.hostname, url.port or default_port, credentials