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2014-09-05 10:42:54 -06:00
Signing JSON
JSON is signed by encoding the JSON object without ``signatures`` or ``meta``
keys using a canonical encoding. The JSON bytes are then signed using the
signature algorithm and the signature encoded using base64 with the padding
2014-09-05 11:22:24 -06:00
stripped. The resulting base64 signature is added to an object under the
2014-09-05 10:42:54 -06:00
*signing key identifier* which is added to the ``signatures`` object under the
name of the server signing it which is added back to the original JSON object
along with the ``meta`` object.
The *signing key identifier* is the concatenation of the *signing algorithm*
and a *key version*. The *signing algorithm* identifies the algorithm used to
sign the JSON. The currently support value for *signing algorithm* is
``ed25519`` as implemented by NACL ( The *key version*
is used to distinguish between different signing keys used by the same entity.
The ``meta`` object and the ``signatures`` object are not covered by the
signature. Therefore intermediate servers can add metadata such as time stamps
and additional signatures.
"name": "",
"signing_keys": {
"ed25519:1": "XSl0kuyvrXNj6A+7/tkrB9sxSbRi08Of5uRhxOqZtEQ"
"meta": {
"retrieved_ts_ms": 922834800000
"signatures": {
"": {
"ed25519:1": "s76RUgajp8w172am0zQb/iPTHsRnb4SkrzGoeCOSFfcBY2V/1c8QfrmdXHpvnc2jK5BD1WiJIxiMW95fMjK7Bw"
def sign_json(value, signing_key, signing_name):
signatures = value.pop("signatures", {})
signatures_for_name = signatures.pop(signing_name, {})
meta = value.pop("meta", None)
signature = signing_key.sign(canonical_json(value))
key_identifier = "%s:%s" % (signing_key.algorithm, signing_key.version)
signatures_for_name[key_identifier] = encode_base64(signature.signature)
signatures[signing_name] = signatures_for_name
value["signatures"] = signatures
if meta is not None:
value["meta"] = meta
return value
Canonical JSON
The canonical JSON encoding for a value is the shortest UTF-8 JSON encoding
with dictionary keys lexicographically sorted by unicode codepoint. Numbers in
the JSON value must be integers in the range [-(2**53)+1, (2**53)-1].
import json
def canonical_json(value):
return json.dumps(
Adapted from the grammar in removing
insignificant whitespace, fractions, exponents and redundant character escapes
value = false / null / true / object / array / number / string
false = %x66.61.6c.73.65
null = %x6e.75.6c.6c
true = %x74.72.75.65
object = %x7B [ member *( %x2C member ) ] %7D
member = string %x3A value
array = %x5B [ value *( %x2C value ) ] %5B
number = [ %x2D ] int
int = %x30 / ( %x31-39 *digit )
digit = %x30-39
string = %x22 *char %x22
char = unescaped / %x5C escaped
unescaped = %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-10FFFF
escaped = %x22 ; " quotation mark U+0022
/ %x5C ; \ reverse solidus U+005C
/ %x62 ; b backspace U+0008
/ %x66 ; f form feed U+000C
/ %x6E ; n line feed U+000A
/ %x72 ; r carriage return U+000D
/ %x74 ; t tab U+0009
/ %x75.30.30.30 (%x30-37 / %x62 / %x65-66) ; u000X
/ %x75.30.30.31 (%x30-39 / %x61-66) ; u001X