
290 lines
9.1 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015, 2016 OpenMarket Ltd
# Copyright 2017 New Vector Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import logging
import re
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Pattern, Tuple, Union
from import EventBase
from synapse.types import UserID
from synapse.util.caches.lrucache import LruCache
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
GLOB_REGEX = re.compile(r"\\\[(\\\!|)(.*)\\\]")
IS_GLOB = re.compile(r"[\?\*\[\]]")
INEQUALITY_EXPR = re.compile("^([=<>]*)([0-9]*)$")
def _room_member_count(
ev: EventBase, condition: Dict[str, Any], room_member_count: int
) -> bool:
return _test_ineq_condition(condition, room_member_count)
def _sender_notification_permission(
ev: EventBase,
condition: Dict[str, Any],
sender_power_level: int,
power_levels: Dict[str, Union[int, Dict[str, int]]],
) -> bool:
notif_level_key = condition.get("key")
if notif_level_key is None:
return False
notif_levels = power_levels.get("notifications", {})
assert isinstance(notif_levels, dict)
room_notif_level = notif_levels.get(notif_level_key, 50)
return sender_power_level >= room_notif_level
def _test_ineq_condition(condition: Dict[str, Any], number: int) -> bool:
if "is" not in condition:
return False
m = INEQUALITY_EXPR.match(condition["is"])
if not m:
return False
ineq =
rhs =
if not rhs.isdigit():
return False
rhs_int = int(rhs)
if ineq == "" or ineq == "==":
return number == rhs_int
elif ineq == "<":
return number < rhs_int
elif ineq == ">":
return number > rhs_int
elif ineq == ">=":
return number >= rhs_int
elif ineq == "<=":
return number <= rhs_int
return False
def tweaks_for_actions(actions: List[Union[str, Dict]]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Converts a list of actions into a `tweaks` dict (which can then be passed to
the push gateway).
This function ignores all actions other than `set_tweak` actions, and treats
absent `value`s as `True`, which agrees with the only spec-defined treatment
of absent `value`s (namely, for `highlight` tweaks).
actions: list of actions
e.g. [
{"set_tweak": "a", "value": "AAA"},
{"set_tweak": "b", "value": "BBB"},
{"set_tweak": "highlight"},
dictionary of tweaks for those actions
e.g. {"a": "AAA", "b": "BBB", "highlight": True}
tweaks = {}
for a in actions:
if not isinstance(a, dict):
if "set_tweak" in a:
# value is allowed to be absent in which case the value assumed
# should be True.
tweaks[a["set_tweak"]] = a.get("value", True)
return tweaks
class PushRuleEvaluatorForEvent:
def __init__(
event: EventBase,
room_member_count: int,
sender_power_level: int,
power_levels: Dict[str, Union[int, Dict[str, int]]],
self._event = event
self._room_member_count = room_member_count
self._sender_power_level = sender_power_level
self._power_levels = power_levels
# Maps strings of e.g. 'content.body' -> event["content"]["body"]
self._value_cache = _flatten_dict(event)
def matches(
self, condition: Dict[str, Any], user_id: str, display_name: str
) -> bool:
if condition["kind"] == "event_match":
return self._event_match(condition, user_id)
elif condition["kind"] == "contains_display_name":
return self._contains_display_name(display_name)
elif condition["kind"] == "room_member_count":
return _room_member_count(self._event, condition, self._room_member_count)
elif condition["kind"] == "sender_notification_permission":
return _sender_notification_permission(
self._event, condition, self._sender_power_level, self._power_levels
return True
def _event_match(self, condition: dict, user_id: str) -> bool:
pattern = condition.get("pattern", None)
if not pattern:
pattern_type = condition.get("pattern_type", None)
if pattern_type == "user_id":
pattern = user_id
elif pattern_type == "user_localpart":
pattern = UserID.from_string(user_id).localpart
if not pattern:
logger.warning("event_match condition with no pattern")
return False
# XXX: optimisation: cache our pattern regexps
if condition["key"] == "content.body":
body = self._event.content.get("body", None)
if not body or not isinstance(body, str):
return False
return _glob_matches(pattern, body, word_boundary=True)
haystack = self._get_value(condition["key"])
if haystack is None:
return False
return _glob_matches(pattern, haystack)
def _contains_display_name(self, display_name: str) -> bool:
if not display_name:
return False
body = self._event.content.get("body", None)
if not body or not isinstance(body, str):
return False
# Similar to _glob_matches, but do not treat display_name as a glob.
r = regex_cache.get((display_name, False, True), None)
if not r:
r1 = re.escape(display_name)
r1 = _re_word_boundary(r1)
r = re.compile(r1, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
regex_cache[(display_name, False, True)] = r
return bool(
def _get_value(self, dotted_key: str) -> Optional[str]:
return self._value_cache.get(dotted_key, None)
# Caches (string, is_glob, word_boundary) -> regex for push. See _glob_matches
regex_cache = LruCache(
50000, "regex_push_cache"
) # type: LruCache[Tuple[str, bool, bool], Pattern]
def _glob_matches(glob: str, value: str, word_boundary: bool = False) -> bool:
"""Tests if value matches glob.
value: String to test against glob.
word_boundary: Whether to match against word boundaries or entire
string. Defaults to False.
r = regex_cache.get((glob, True, word_boundary), None)
if not r:
r = _glob_to_re(glob, word_boundary)
regex_cache[(glob, True, word_boundary)] = r
return bool(
except re.error:
logger.warning("Failed to parse glob to regex: %r", glob)
return False
def _glob_to_re(glob: str, word_boundary: bool) -> Pattern:
"""Generates regex for a given glob.
word_boundary: Whether to match against word boundaries or entire string.
r = re.escape(glob)
r = r.replace(r"\*", ".*?")
r = r.replace(r"\?", ".")
# handle [abc], [a-z] and [!a-z] style ranges.
r = GLOB_REGEX.sub(
lambda x: (
"[%s%s]" % ( and "^" or "","\\\-", "-"))
if word_boundary:
r = _re_word_boundary(r)
return re.compile(r, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
r = "^" + r + "$"
return re.compile(r, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
elif word_boundary:
r = re.escape(glob)
r = _re_word_boundary(r)
return re.compile(r, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
r = "^" + re.escape(glob) + "$"
return re.compile(r, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
def _re_word_boundary(r: str) -> str:
Adds word boundary characters to the start and end of an
expression to require that the match occur as a whole word,
but do so respecting the fact that strings starting or ending
with non-word characters will change word boundaries.
# we can't use \b as it chokes on unicode. however \W seems to be okay
# as shorthand for [^0-9A-Za-z_].
return r"(^|\W)%s(\W|$)" % (r,)
def _flatten_dict(
d: Union[EventBase, dict],
prefix: Optional[List[str]] = None,
result: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
) -> Dict[str, str]:
if prefix is None:
prefix = []
if result is None:
result = {}
for key, value in d.items():
if isinstance(value, str):
result[".".join(prefix + [key])] = value.lower()
elif hasattr(value, "items"):
_flatten_dict(value, prefix=(prefix + [key]), result=result)
return result