diff --git a/dist/chromium-mv3/log.txt b/dist/chromium-mv3/log.txt index c5094f659..5a4943360 100644 --- a/dist/chromium-mv3/log.txt +++ b/dist/chromium-mv3/log.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -Version: +Version: ============================ Listset for 'default': Fetching remote https://ublockorigin.pages.dev/filters/filters.txt @@ -13,25 +13,27 @@ Listset for 'default': Fetching remote https://ublockorigin.pages.dev/filters/filters-2020.txt Fetching remote https://ublockorigin.pages.dev/filters/filters-2021.txt Fetching remote https://ublockorigin.pages.dev/filters/filters-2022.txt -Input filter count: 79107 - Accepted filter count: 76707 - Rejected filter count: 152 -Output rule count: 20998 - Good: 20197 - Maybe good (regexes): 126 - redirect-rule= (discarded): 437 +Input filter count: 79245 + Accepted filter count: 76846 + Rejected filter count: 151 +Output rule count: 21030 + Good: 20225 + Maybe good (regexes): 127 + redirect-rule= (discarded): 434 csp= (discarded): 61 removeparams= (discarded): 22 - Unsupported: 155 + Unsupported: 161 Entity not supported: booru.* Entity not supported: silkengirl.* Entity not supported: megalink.* + Entity not supported: gmx.* Entity not supported: samehadaku.* Entity not supported: ads.shopee.* Entity not supported: komikcast.* Entity not supported: movs4u.* Entity not supported: silkengirl.* Entity not supported: silkengirl.* + Entity not supported: gmx.* Entity not supported: hydracdn.* Entity not supported: ouo.* Entity not supported: vinaurl.* @@ -67,6 +69,7 @@ Output rule count: 20998 Entity not supported: databasegdriveplayer.* Entity not supported: 10starhd.* Entity not supported: earnload.* + Entity not supported: vipleague.* Entity not supported: sxyprn.* Entity not supported: palimas.* Entity not supported: vjav.* @@ -116,9 +119,9 @@ Output rule count: 20998 Entity not supported: hdmovieplus.* Entity not supported: elitetorrent.* Entity not supported: adcorto.* + Entity not supported: 720pstream.* Entity not supported: toonanime.* Entity not supported: quickclaims.* - Entity not supported: vipboxtv.* Entity not supported: buffstreams.* Entity not supported: hog.* Entity not supported: samehadaku.* @@ -160,12 +163,14 @@ Output rule count: 20998 Entity not supported: guardaserie.* Unsupported regex-based removeParam: /utm_source|utm_campaign|utm_content/ Entity not supported: silkengirl.* + Entity not supported: gmx.* Entity not supported: arabseed.* Entity not supported: streamzz.* Entity not supported: streamingcommunity.* Entity not supported: 1movies.* Unsupported regex-based removeParam: /^ad/ Unsupported regex-based removeParam: /^ad/ + Entity not supported: discoveryplus.* Entity not supported: carousell.* Entity not supported: streamingcommunity.* Unsupported regex-based removeParam: /^(?:correlator|f[cr-w]|p[e-sv]|[abdeg-or-x])/ @@ -178,12 +183,1403 @@ Output rule count: 20998 Unhandled modifier exception Unhandled modifier exception Unhandled modifier exception -CSS-related distinct filters: 4898 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 1dv3cf6, 1lmh94u, 0nubaja, 1v4ecpu, 03tfst6, 1ais604, 03qhcu2, 0ud798c, 0k3a1tq, 0eh9ddm, 1cgrt9m, 1rf69hg, 17n287g, 1dtehm4, 1u2m81u, 00i4f60 -Scriptlet-related distinct filters: 1246 + Entity not supported: gmx.* +CSS-related distinct filters: 4952 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 0s6i5ao, 1q5pup8, 0nsfu6o, 1kd0mn0, 05c5j7s, 1q2ramg, 0ch24hg, 1fli5i8, 1rrv5fg, 0ha90k8, 05rmo3s, 0q6tkgs +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 593 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 1nl0lna, 0qggvjm, 1t6ti6u, 0v8ione +Rejected cosmetic filters: 1386 + Entity not supported: google.*###atvcap + #tvcap > .mnr-c > .commercial-unit-mobile-top + Entity not supported: google.*###center_col > #\5f Emc + Entity not supported: google.*###center_col > #main > .dfrd > .mnr-c > .c._oc._zs + Entity not supported: google.*###center_col > #res > #topstuff + #search > div > #ires > #rso > #flun + Entity not supported: google.*###center_col > #resultStats + #tads + Entity not supported: google.*###center_col > #resultStats + #tads + #res + #tads + Entity not supported: google.*###center_col > #resultStats + div + #res + #tads + Entity not supported: google.*###center_col > #resultStats + div[style="border:1px solid #dedede;margin-bottom:11px;padding:5px 7px 5px 6px"] + Entity not supported: google.*###center_col > #taw > #tvcap > .commercial-unit-desktop-top + Entity not supported: google.*###center_col > #taw > #tvcap > .cu-container > .commercial-unit-desktop-top + Entity not supported: google.*###center_col > #taw > #tvcap > .rscontainer + Entity not supported: google.*###center_col > div[style="font-size:14px;margin-right:0;min-height:5px"] > div[style="font-size:14px;margin:0 4px;padding:1px 5px;background:#fff8e7"] + Entity not supported: google.*###cnt #center_col > #res > #topstuff > .ts + Entity not supported: google.*###cnt #center_col > #taw > #tvcap > .c._oc._Lp + Entity not supported: google.*###main_col > #center_col div[style="font-size:14px;margin:0 4px;padding:1px 5px;background:#fff7ed"] + Entity not supported: google.*###mbEnd[cellspacing="0"][cellpadding="0"] + Entity not supported: google.*###mclip_container:last-child + Entity not supported: google.*###mn #center_col > div > h2.spon:first-child + Entity not supported: google.*###mn #center_col > div > h2.spon:first-child + ol:last-child + Entity not supported: google.*###mn div[style="position:relative"] > #center_col > ._Ak + Entity not supported: google.*###mn div[style="position:relative"] > #center_col > div > ._dPg + Entity not supported: google.*###resultspanel > #topads + Entity not supported: google.*###rhs_block .mod > .gws-local-hotels__booking-module + Entity not supported: google.*###rhs_block .mod > .luhb-div > div[data-async-type="updateHotelBookingModule"] + Entity not supported: google.*###rhs_block .xpdopen > ._OKe > div > .mod > ._yYf + Entity not supported: google.*###rhs_block > #mbEnd + Entity not supported: google.*###rhs_block > .ts[cellspacing="0"][cellpadding="0"][style="padding:0"] + Entity not supported: google.*###rhs_block > ol > .rhsvw > .kp-blk > .xpdopen > ._OKe > ol > ._DJe > .luhb-div + Entity not supported: google.*###rhs_block > script + .c._oc._Ve.rhsvw + Entity not supported: google.*###rhswrapper > #rhssection[border="0"][bgcolor="#ffffff"] + Entity not supported: google.*###ssmiwdiv[jsdisplay] + Entity not supported: google.*###tads + div + .c + Entity not supported: google.*###tads.c + Entity not supported: google.*###tadsb.c + Entity not supported: google.*###tadsto.c + Entity not supported: google.*###taw > .med + div > #tvcap > .mnr-c:not(.qs-ic) > .commercial-unit-mobile-top + Entity not supported: google.*###topstuff > #tads + Entity not supported: google.*##.GB3L-QEDGY .GB3L-QEDF- > .GB3L-QEDE- + Entity not supported: google.*##.GFYY1SVD2 > .GFYY1SVC2 > .GFYY1SVF5 + Entity not supported: google.*##.GFYY1SVE2 > .GFYY1SVD2 > .GFYY1SVG5 + Entity not supported: google.*##.GHOFUQ5BG2 > .GHOFUQ5BF2 > .GHOFUQ5BG5 + Entity not supported: google.*##.GJJKPX2N1 > .GJJKPX2M1 > .GJJKPX2P4 + Entity not supported: google.*##.GKJYXHBF2 > .GKJYXHBE2 > .GKJYXHBH5 + Entity not supported: google.*##.GPMV2XEDA2 > .GPMV2XEDP1 > .GPMV2XEDJBB + Entity not supported: google.*##.ch[onclick="ga(this,event)"] + Entity not supported: google.*##.commercial-unit-desktop-rhs > .iKidV > .Ee92ae + .P2mpm + .hp3sk + Entity not supported: google.*##.commercial-unit-desktop-rhs:not(.mnr-c) + Entity not supported: google.*##.commercial-unit-mobile-bottom + Entity not supported: google.*##.commercial-unit-mobile-top .jackpot-main-content-container > .UpgKEd + .nZZLFc > .vci + Entity not supported: google.*##.commercial-unit-mobile-top .jackpot-main-content-container > .UpgKEd + .nZZLFc > div > .vci + Entity not supported: google.*##.commercial-unit-tiles-immersive + Entity not supported: google.*##.gws-flights-book__ads-wrapper + Entity not supported: google.*##.lads[width="100%"][style="background:#FFF8DD"] + Entity not supported: google.*##.mod > ._jH + .rscontainer + Entity not supported: google.*##.mod > .gws-local-promotions__border + Entity not supported: google.*##.mw > #rcnt > #center_col > #taw > #tvcap > .c + Entity not supported: google.*##.mw > #rcnt > #center_col > #taw > .c + Entity not supported: google.*##.ra[align="left"][width="30%"] + Entity not supported: google.*##.ra[align="right"][width="30%"] + Entity not supported: google.*##.ra[width="30%"][align="right"] + table[width="70%"][cellpadding="0"] + Entity not supported: google.*##.rhsvw[style="background-color:#fff;margin:0 0 14px;padding-bottom:1px;padding-top:1px;"] + Entity not supported: google.*##.rscontainer > .ellip + Entity not supported: google.*##.section-result[data-result-ad-type] + Entity not supported: google.*##.widget-pane-section-result[data-result-ad-type] + Entity not supported: google.*##c-wiz[jsrenderer="YnuqN"] > div > div > .Rn1jbe + Entity not supported: google.*##div[data-crl="true"][data-id^="CarouselPLA-"] + Entity not supported: google.*###atvcap > div:has(h3[role="heading"] > span:has-text(/^Ads/)) + Entity not supported: google.*##div[data-ismultirow="true"][data-id^="CarouselPLA-"] + Entity not supported: google.*##div[data-flt-ve="sponsored_search_ads"] + Entity not supported: google.*##div[jscontroller="U835zd"] + c-wiz[jsrenderer="YnuqN"] + Entity not supported: google.*##div[role="navigation"] + c-wiz > div > .kxhcC + Entity not supported: google.*##div[role="navigation"] + c-wiz > script + div > .kxhcC + Entity not supported: google.*##.ads-ad + Entity not supported: google.*###sqh + Entity not supported: www.google.*##div.ellip > span:has-text(/^Ads?$/):upward(2) + Entity not supported: www.google.*##[href^="https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?"][href$="adurl="]:upward(3) + Entity not supported: www.google.*##:not(:matches-path(/^/search\?.*tbm=shop|^/shopping/)) *:not([class^="sh-sr__shop-result-group"]) [href^="/aclk"][href$="adurl="]:upward(3) + Entity not supported: www.google.*##.sh-sr__shop-result-group[data-hveid] .sh-sp__btn:matches-css(font-size: 13px):upward(.sh-sr__shop-result-group):has(a[href^="/aclk"][href$="adurl="]) + Entity not supported: www.google.*##c-wiz div[data-hveid] > div > div > ul:has(> li[style="max-width:200px;"] > div > div[data-hveid] > a[href*="/aclk"]):upward(3) + Entity not supported: www.google.*##div[data-section-id] > a[href^="/aclk"][href*="placesheetAdFix="][href*="adurl="]:upward(1) + Entity not supported: www.google.*##:matches-path(/travel/hotels/) div[data-is-promoted="true"] + Entity not supported: transfermarkt.*##.noscript + Entity not supported: kisscartoon.*###upgrade_pop + Entity not supported: redtube.*###paid_tabs_list + Entity not supported: pornhub.*##div[id^="customSkin"] + Entity not supported: pornhub.*##div.container:style(margin-top: 0px !important) + Invalid filter: timesofindia.indiatimes.com##:xpath(//p[contains(text(),"Ad ")]/../..) + Invalid filter: timesofindia.indiatimes.com##[onclick] .btxt:matches-css-before(content:/Ad/):xpath(../../..) + Invalid filter: indiatimes.com##[onclick] .btxt:has-text(/Ad/):xpath(../../..) + Invalid filter: indiatimes.com##[onclick] p:has-text(/Ad/):xpath(../../..) + Invalid filter: indiatimes.com##[onclick] p:matches-css-before(content:/Ad /):xpath(../..):not(p:has-text(/MAHA/i)):not(p:has-text(/Times/i)) + Invalid filter: samayam.com##[onclick] p:matches-css-before(content:/Ad /):xpath(../..):not(p:has-text(/MAHA/i)):not(p:has-text(/Times/i)) + Invalid filter: samayam.com##:xpath(//span[(text()='Ad')]/../../..) + Invalid filter: indiatimes.com##[onclick] h5:has-text(/Ad/):xpath(../../..) + Invalid filter: m.timesofindia.com##.brand_ctn:has-text(/Ad:/):xpath(../..) + Invalid filter: m.timesofindia.com##span:has-text(/Ad:/):xpath(../..) + Invalid filter: m.timesofindia.com##p:has-text(/Ad:/):xpath(../../..) + Invalid filter: indiatimes.com##p:matches-css(background-image: /colombia-icon/):xpath(../..) + Invalid filter: indiatimes.com##div:matches-css(background-image: /colombia_/):xpath(../..) + Invalid filter: economictimes.indiatimes.com##:xpath(//span[contains(text(),"More from ")]/../preceding-sibling::div) + Invalid filter: economictimes.indiatimes.com##:xpath(//span[contains(text(),"Around The")]) + Invalid filter: economictimes.indiatimes.com##:xpath(//p[contains(text(),"Ad:")]/../..) + Entity not supported: wetteronline.*###topcontainer + Entity not supported: finanzen.*###adup1 + Entity not supported: finanzen.*###bs_abstand + Entity not supported: finanzen.*##[id^="sas_"]:style(height: 1px !important) + Invalid filter: finanzen.net##:xpath(//*[contains(text(),"Werbung")]) + [class] + Entity not supported: amazon.*###s-results-list-atf > .s-result-item:has(> .s-item-container h5.s-sponsored-list-header) + Entity not supported: amazon.*###s-results-list-atf > .s-result-item:has(.s-item-container h5.s-sponsored-header) + Entity not supported: amazon.*##.s-result-item:has(> .s-item-container > h5 .s-sponsored-info-icon) + Entity not supported: amazon.*##.s-widget > [data-cel-widget^="MAIN"] > [data-cel-widget^="tetris"] > div[id^="CardInstance"][class^="_tetris-"]:upward(3) + Entity not supported: amazon.*##.a-carousel-card > div > div[cel_widget_id^="adplacements:"]:upward(2):remove() + Entity not supported: amazon.*##.AdHolder + Entity not supported: amazon.*###similarities_feature_div span[id^="ad-feedback-text"]:upward(#similarities_feature_div) + Entity not supported: amazon.*##div[cel_widget_id="sims-consolidated-5_csm_instrumentation_wrapper"] + Entity not supported: 1337x.*##.stream-torrent + Entity not supported: x1337x.*##.stream-torrent + Entity not supported: 1337x.*##.link-info-stream + Entity not supported: x1337x.*##.link-info-stream + Entity not supported: 1337x.*##.download-links-dontblock > LI:has-text(Anon) + Entity not supported: 1337x.*##.download-links-dontblock > LI:has-text(Stream) + Entity not supported: 1337x.*##a[href^="/redirectmusic.php"] + Entity not supported: 1337x.*##a[href^="/spyoff"] + Entity not supported: 1337x.*##a[href*="//steepto.com/"] + Entity not supported: 1337x.*##[href*="vpn"] + Entity not supported: 1337x.*##.no-top-radius div > a[href]:has-text(VPN) + Entity not supported: x1337x.*##.no-top-radius div > a[href]:has-text(VPN) + Entity not supported: gmx.*##.main [data-ac]:empty + Invalid filter: quora.com##:xpath(//div[not(@class="ui_qtext_para") and contains(text(), 'ad by')]/parent::div/parent::div/parent::div[@id]) + Invalid filter: quora.com##:xpath(//div[not(@class="ui_qtext_para") and contains(text(), 'promoted') and contains(text(), 'by')]/parent::a/parent::div/parent::div/parent::div[@id]) + Invalid filter: quora.com##:xpath(//div[not(@class="ui_qtext_para") and contains(text(), 'Quora') and contains(text(), 'by') and contains(text(), 'Business')]/parent::a/parent::div/parent::div/parent::div[@id]) + Invalid filter: quora.com##:xpath(//span[contains(text(), 'by')]/ancestor::*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' external_link ')]/../../..) + Invalid filter: quora.com##:xpath(//p[(text()='d')]/../../../../..) + Entity not supported: eurogamer.*##.advert + Entity not supported: proxyrarbg.*##.lista > tbody > tr:has-text(/v\s{0,}p\s{0,}n/i) + Entity not supported: rarbgmirror.*##.lista > tbody > tr:has-text(/v\s{0,}p\s{0,}n/i) + Entity not supported: rarbgproxied.*##.lista > tbody > tr:has-text(/v\s{0,}p\s{0,}n/i) + Entity not supported: rarbgproxy.*##.lista > tbody > tr:has-text(/v\s{0,}p\s{0,}n/i) + Entity not supported: rarbgunblock.*##.lista > tbody > tr:has-text(/v\s{0,}p\s{0,}n/i) + Entity not supported: transfermarkt.*##body > div[id]:has(a[href^="/intern/adblock"]) + Entity not supported: transfermarkt.*###werbung_superbanner + Entity not supported: transfermarkt.*##.werbung + Entity not supported: transfermarkt.*##[id^="home-rectangle-"] + Entity not supported: kissasian.*##.ksAds + Entity not supported: kissasian.*##[id*="ScriptRoot"] + Entity not supported: kissasian.*###videoAd + Entity not supported: kissasian.*###hideAds + Entity not supported: kissasian.*##.adsbyvli:upward(div[style$="width: 610px;"]) + Entity not supported: kissasian.*###leftside .adsbyvli:upward(div[style$="height: 90px;"]) + Entity not supported: kissasian.*###overplay + Entity not supported: mma-core.*###tlbrd + Entity not supported: mma-core.*##.rsky + Entity not supported: mma-core.*##.outVidAd + Entity not supported: mma-core.*##.banr + Entity not supported: hamsterix.*##.thumb-list > .video-thumb:style(margin-right: 0px !important;) + Entity not supported: xhamster.*##.thumb-list > .video-thumb:style(margin-right: 0px !important;) + Entity not supported: xhamster1.*##.thumb-list > .video-thumb:style(margin-right: 0px !important;) + Entity not supported: xhamster10.*##.thumb-list > .video-thumb:style(margin-right: 0px !important;) + Entity not supported: xhamster11.*##.thumb-list > .video-thumb:style(margin-right: 0px !important;) + Entity not supported: xhamster12.*##.thumb-list > .video-thumb:style(margin-right: 0px !important;) + Entity not supported: xhamster13.*##.thumb-list > .video-thumb:style(margin-right: 0px !important;) + Entity not supported: xhamster14.*##.thumb-list > .video-thumb:style(margin-right: 0px !important;) + Entity not supported: xhamster15.*##.thumb-list > .video-thumb:style(margin-right: 0px !important;) + Entity not supported: xhamster16.*##.thumb-list > .video-thumb:style(margin-right: 0px !important;) + Entity not supported: xhamster17.*##.thumb-list > .video-thumb:style(margin-right: 0px !important;) + Entity not supported: xhamster18.*##.thumb-list > .video-thumb:style(margin-right: 0px !important;) + Entity not supported: xhamster19.*##.thumb-list > .video-thumb:style(margin-right: 0px !important;) + Entity not supported: xhamster2.*##.thumb-list > .video-thumb:style(margin-right: 0px !important;) + Entity not supported: xhamster3.*##.thumb-list > .video-thumb:style(margin-right: 0px !important;) + Entity not supported: xhamster4.*##.thumb-list > .video-thumb:style(margin-right: 0px !important;) + Entity not supported: xhamster5.*##.thumb-list > .video-thumb:style(margin-right: 0px !important;) + Entity not supported: xhamster7.*##.thumb-list > .video-thumb:style(margin-right: 0px !important;) + Entity not supported: xhamster8.*##.thumb-list > .video-thumb:style(margin-right: 0px !important;) + Entity not supported: hamsterix.*##.recomm-promo-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster.*##.recomm-promo-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster1.*##.recomm-promo-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster10.*##.recomm-promo-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster11.*##.recomm-promo-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster12.*##.recomm-promo-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster13.*##.recomm-promo-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster14.*##.recomm-promo-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster15.*##.recomm-promo-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster16.*##.recomm-promo-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster17.*##.recomm-promo-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster18.*##.recomm-promo-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster19.*##.recomm-promo-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster2.*##.recomm-promo-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster3.*##.recomm-promo-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster4.*##.recomm-promo-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster5.*##.recomm-promo-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster7.*##.recomm-promo-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster8.*##.recomm-promo-banner + Entity not supported: hamsterix.*##.clipstore-bottom + Entity not supported: xhamster.*##.clipstore-bottom + Entity not supported: xhamster1.*##.clipstore-bottom + Entity not supported: xhamster10.*##.clipstore-bottom + Entity not supported: xhamster11.*##.clipstore-bottom + Entity not supported: xhamster12.*##.clipstore-bottom + Entity not supported: xhamster13.*##.clipstore-bottom + Entity not supported: xhamster14.*##.clipstore-bottom + Entity not supported: xhamster15.*##.clipstore-bottom + Entity not supported: xhamster16.*##.clipstore-bottom + Entity not supported: xhamster17.*##.clipstore-bottom + Entity not supported: xhamster18.*##.clipstore-bottom + Entity not supported: xhamster19.*##.clipstore-bottom + Entity not supported: xhamster2.*##.clipstore-bottom + Entity not supported: xhamster3.*##.clipstore-bottom + Entity not supported: xhamster4.*##.clipstore-bottom + Entity not supported: xhamster5.*##.clipstore-bottom + Entity not supported: xhamster7.*##.clipstore-bottom + Entity not supported: xhamster8.*##.clipstore-bottom + Entity not supported: hamsterix.*##.xplayer-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster.*##.xplayer-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster1.*##.xplayer-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster10.*##.xplayer-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster11.*##.xplayer-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster12.*##.xplayer-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster13.*##.xplayer-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster14.*##.xplayer-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster15.*##.xplayer-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster16.*##.xplayer-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster17.*##.xplayer-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster18.*##.xplayer-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster19.*##.xplayer-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster2.*##.xplayer-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster3.*##.xplayer-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster4.*##.xplayer-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster5.*##.xplayer-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster7.*##.xplayer-banner + Entity not supported: xhamster8.*##.xplayer-banner + Entity not supported: hamsterix.*##.wio-d + Entity not supported: xhamster.*##.wio-d + Entity not supported: xhamster1.*##.wio-d + Entity not supported: xhamster10.*##.wio-d + Entity not supported: xhamster11.*##.wio-d + Entity not supported: xhamster12.*##.wio-d + Entity not supported: xhamster13.*##.wio-d + Entity not supported: xhamster14.*##.wio-d + Entity not supported: xhamster15.*##.wio-d + Entity not supported: xhamster16.*##.wio-d + Entity not supported: xhamster17.*##.wio-d + Entity not supported: xhamster18.*##.wio-d + Entity not supported: xhamster19.*##.wio-d + Entity not supported: xhamster2.*##.wio-d + Entity not supported: xhamster3.*##.wio-d + Entity not supported: xhamster4.*##.wio-d + Entity not supported: xhamster5.*##.wio-d + Entity not supported: xhamster7.*##.wio-d + Entity not supported: xhamster8.*##.wio-d + Entity not supported: hamsterix.*##.thumb-list__look-like-item + Entity not supported: xhamster.*##.thumb-list__look-like-item + Entity not supported: xhamster1.*##.thumb-list__look-like-item + Entity not supported: xhamster10.*##.thumb-list__look-like-item + Entity not supported: xhamster11.*##.thumb-list__look-like-item + Entity not supported: xhamster12.*##.thumb-list__look-like-item + Entity not supported: xhamster13.*##.thumb-list__look-like-item + Entity not supported: xhamster14.*##.thumb-list__look-like-item + Entity not supported: xhamster15.*##.thumb-list__look-like-item + Entity not supported: xhamster16.*##.thumb-list__look-like-item + Entity not supported: xhamster17.*##.thumb-list__look-like-item + Entity not supported: xhamster18.*##.thumb-list__look-like-item + Entity not supported: xhamster19.*##.thumb-list__look-like-item + Entity not supported: xhamster2.*##.thumb-list__look-like-item + Entity not supported: xhamster3.*##.thumb-list__look-like-item + Entity not supported: xhamster4.*##.thumb-list__look-like-item + Entity not supported: xhamster5.*##.thumb-list__look-like-item + Entity not supported: xhamster7.*##.thumb-list__look-like-item + Entity not supported: xhamster8.*##.thumb-list__look-like-item + Entity not supported: hamsterix.*##.player-container > div[class*="-"]:not([class*="player"]) + Entity not supported: xhamster.*##.player-container > div[class*="-"]:not([class*="player"]) + Entity not supported: xhamster1.*##.player-container > div[class*="-"]:not([class*="player"]) + Entity not supported: xhamster10.*##.player-container > div[class*="-"]:not([class*="player"]) + Entity not supported: xhamster11.*##.player-container > div[class*="-"]:not([class*="player"]) + Entity not supported: xhamster12.*##.player-container > div[class*="-"]:not([class*="player"]) + Entity not supported: xhamster13.*##.player-container > div[class*="-"]:not([class*="player"]) + Entity not supported: xhamster14.*##.player-container > div[class*="-"]:not([class*="player"]) + Entity not supported: xhamster15.*##.player-container > div[class*="-"]:not([class*="player"]) + Entity not supported: xhamster16.*##.player-container > div[class*="-"]:not([class*="player"]) + Entity not supported: xhamster17.*##.player-container > div[class*="-"]:not([class*="player"]) + Entity not supported: xhamster18.*##.player-container > div[class*="-"]:not([class*="player"]) + Entity not supported: xhamster19.*##.player-container > div[class*="-"]:not([class*="player"]) + Entity not supported: xhamster2.*##.player-container > div[class*="-"]:not([class*="player"]) + Entity not supported: xhamster3.*##.player-container > div[class*="-"]:not([class*="player"]) + Entity not supported: xhamster4.*##.player-container > div[class*="-"]:not([class*="player"]) + Entity not supported: xhamster5.*##.player-container > div[class*="-"]:not([class*="player"]) + Entity not supported: xhamster7.*##.player-container > div[class*="-"]:not([class*="player"]) + Entity not supported: xhamster8.*##.player-container > div[class*="-"]:not([class*="player"]) + Entity not supported: hamsterix.*##div[class*="cams-widget"] + Entity not supported: xhamster.*##div[class*="cams-widget"] + Entity not supported: xhamster1.*##div[class*="cams-widget"] + Entity not supported: xhamster10.*##div[class*="cams-widget"] + Entity not supported: xhamster11.*##div[class*="cams-widget"] + Entity not supported: xhamster12.*##div[class*="cams-widget"] + Entity not supported: xhamster13.*##div[class*="cams-widget"] + Entity not supported: xhamster14.*##div[class*="cams-widget"] + Entity not supported: xhamster15.*##div[class*="cams-widget"] + Entity not supported: xhamster16.*##div[class*="cams-widget"] + Entity not supported: xhamster17.*##div[class*="cams-widget"] + Entity not supported: xhamster18.*##div[class*="cams-widget"] + Entity not supported: xhamster19.*##div[class*="cams-widget"] + Entity not supported: xhamster2.*##div[class*="cams-widget"] + Entity not supported: xhamster3.*##div[class*="cams-widget"] + Entity not supported: xhamster4.*##div[class*="cams-widget"] + Entity not supported: xhamster5.*##div[class*="cams-widget"] + Entity not supported: xhamster7.*##div[class*="cams-widget"] + Entity not supported: xhamster8.*##div[class*="cams-widget"] + Entity not supported: hamsterix.*##[class*="sp-l"] + Entity not supported: xhamster.*##[class*="sp-l"] + Entity not supported: xhamster1.*##[class*="sp-l"] + Entity not supported: xhamster10.*##[class*="sp-l"] + Entity not supported: xhamster11.*##[class*="sp-l"] + Entity not supported: xhamster12.*##[class*="sp-l"] + Entity not supported: xhamster13.*##[class*="sp-l"] + Entity not supported: xhamster14.*##[class*="sp-l"] + Entity not supported: xhamster15.*##[class*="sp-l"] + Entity not supported: xhamster16.*##[class*="sp-l"] + Entity not supported: xhamster17.*##[class*="sp-l"] + Entity not supported: xhamster18.*##[class*="sp-l"] + Entity not supported: xhamster19.*##[class*="sp-l"] + Entity not supported: xhamster2.*##[class*="sp-l"] + Entity not supported: xhamster3.*##[class*="sp-l"] + Entity not supported: xhamster4.*##[class*="sp-l"] + Entity not supported: xhamster5.*##[class*="sp-l"] + Entity not supported: xhamster7.*##[class*="sp-l"] + Entity not supported: xhamster8.*##[class*="sp-l"] + Entity not supported: hamsterix.*##[href*="/faphouse/out"] + Entity not supported: xhamster.*##[href*="/faphouse/out"] + Entity not supported: xhamster1.*##[href*="/faphouse/out"] + Entity not supported: xhamster10.*##[href*="/faphouse/out"] + Entity not supported: xhamster11.*##[href*="/faphouse/out"] + Entity not supported: xhamster12.*##[href*="/faphouse/out"] + Entity not supported: xhamster13.*##[href*="/faphouse/out"] + Entity not supported: xhamster14.*##[href*="/faphouse/out"] + Entity not supported: xhamster15.*##[href*="/faphouse/out"] + Entity not supported: xhamster16.*##[href*="/faphouse/out"] + Entity not supported: xhamster17.*##[href*="/faphouse/out"] + Entity not supported: xhamster18.*##[href*="/faphouse/out"] + Entity not supported: xhamster19.*##[href*="/faphouse/out"] + Entity not supported: xhamster2.*##[href*="/faphouse/out"] + Entity not supported: xhamster3.*##[href*="/faphouse/out"] + Entity not supported: xhamster4.*##[href*="/faphouse/out"] + Entity not supported: xhamster5.*##[href*="/faphouse/out"] + Entity not supported: xhamster7.*##[href*="/faphouse/out"] + Entity not supported: xhamster8.*##[href*="/faphouse/out"] + Entity not supported: hamsterix.*##div[class*="premium-overlay"] + Entity not supported: xhamster.*##div[class*="premium-overlay"] + Entity not supported: xhamster1.*##div[class*="premium-overlay"] + Entity not supported: xhamster10.*##div[class*="premium-overlay"] + Entity not supported: xhamster11.*##div[class*="premium-overlay"] + Entity not supported: xhamster12.*##div[class*="premium-overlay"] + Entity not supported: xhamster13.*##div[class*="premium-overlay"] + Entity not supported: xhamster14.*##div[class*="premium-overlay"] + Entity not supported: xhamster15.*##div[class*="premium-overlay"] + Entity not supported: xhamster16.*##div[class*="premium-overlay"] + Entity not supported: xhamster17.*##div[class*="premium-overlay"] + Entity not supported: xhamster18.*##div[class*="premium-overlay"] + Entity not supported: xhamster19.*##div[class*="premium-overlay"] + Entity not supported: xhamster2.*##div[class*="premium-overlay"] + Entity not supported: xhamster3.*##div[class*="premium-overlay"] + Entity not supported: xhamster4.*##div[class*="premium-overlay"] + Entity not supported: xhamster5.*##div[class*="premium-overlay"] + Entity not supported: xhamster7.*##div[class*="premium-overlay"] + Entity not supported: xhamster8.*##div[class*="premium-overlay"] + Invalid filter: primewire.*##:xpath(//*[contains(text(),"Sponsored")]):upward(2) + Entity not supported: primewire.*##[href="/user/profile/premium-membership"][target="_blank"] + Entity not supported: primewire.*##.ico.close + Entity not supported: steamplay.*##.ad + Entity not supported: steanplay.*##.ad + Entity not supported: streamp1ay.*##.ad + Entity not supported: streanplay.*##.ad + Entity not supported: slreamplay.*###uverlay + Entity not supported: steamplay.*###uverlay + Entity not supported: steanplay.*###uverlay + Entity not supported: stemplay.*###uverlay + Entity not supported: streamp1ay.*###uverlay + Entity not supported: streanplay.*###uverlay + Entity not supported: steanplay.*##div[style*="z-index: 2147483647;"][style*="position: fixed;"] + Entity not supported: streanplay.*##div[style*="z-index: 2147483647;"][style*="position: fixed;"] + Entity not supported: yourbittorrent.*##.grid_4:has(a[href*=".download/torrent/"]) + Entity not supported: yourbittorrent.*##a[href*=".t0r.download/torrent/"] + Entity not supported: yourbittorrent.*##.trtbl:has-text(VPN) + Entity not supported: yourbittorrent.*##[href*=".premium"] + Entity not supported: yourbittorrent.*##.extneed + Entity not supported: yourbittorrent.*##[href*="direct"] + Invalid filter: torrentfunk.com##:xpath(//strong[contains(text(),"VPN")]/../../..) + Entity not supported: torrentz2.*##[class]:not(body):not(html):has-text(/Protect your privacy/i) + Entity not supported: torrentz2.*##[class]:not(body):not(html):has-text(Sponsored) + Entity not supported: torrentz2.*##.xpressa + Invalid filter: torlock.*##:xpath(//strong[contains(text(),"VPN")]/../../..) + Invalid filter: torlock2.*##:xpath(//strong[contains(text(),"VPN")]/../../..) + Entity not supported: torlock.*##.extneed + Entity not supported: torlock2.*##.extneed + Entity not supported: fmovies.*###modalshare + Entity not supported: fmovies.*##.modal-backdrop + Entity not supported: fmovies.*##body.modal-open:style(overflow: auto!important) + Entity not supported: fmovies.*###gift-middle + Entity not supported: fmovies.*###gift-top + Entity not supported: hydracdn.*##div#over:remove() + Entity not supported: 9anime.*##section.sda + Entity not supported: 9anime.*##.mba-block + Entity not supported: 9anime.*##.adx + Entity not supported: vizcloud.*##.xad-wrapper + Entity not supported: vizcloud2.*##.xad-wrapper + Entity not supported: torrentdownloads.*##.download [href^="/td/?"] + Entity not supported: torrentdownload.*##[href^="/bing."] + Entity not supported: torrentdownload.*##[href^="/get.php"] + Entity not supported: torrentdownload.*##[href^="https://goo.gl/"] + Entity not supported: torrentdownload.*##TR:has-text(Stream:) + Entity not supported: torrentdownload.*##.table2:has-text(Sponsored) + Entity not supported: torrentdownload.*##[href^="/td."] + Entity not supported: kimcartoon.*###subcontent > div:has(.adsbyvli) + Entity not supported: kimcartoon.*##div[style*="width: 300px; height: 250px"] + Entity not supported: kimcartoon.*##.kcAds1 + Entity not supported: kimcartoon.*###ads-top-wrap + Entity not supported: vipleague.*##.bg-dark.ratio > .position-absolute + Entity not supported: putlocker.*##[id*="ScriptRoot"] + Entity not supported: putlocker.*##.ep_buttons + Entity not supported: vidsrc.*###pop_asdf + Entity not supported: putlocker.*##[href="/user/profile/premium-membership"] + Entity not supported: radio.*##.topAdSpacer + Entity not supported: mylink.*##a[href^="https://go.nordvpn.net/"], [src^="/nordcode.php"] + Entity not supported: my1ink.*##a[href^="https://go.nordvpn.net/"], [src^="/nordcode.php"] + Entity not supported: myl1nk.*##a[href^="https://go.nordvpn.net/"], [src^="/nordcode.php"] + Entity not supported: myli3k.*##a[href^="https://go.nordvpn.net/"], [src^="/nordcode.php"] + Entity not supported: mylink.*##div[id][style^="width: 970px; height: 250px;"] + Entity not supported: my1ink.*##div[id][style^="width: 970px; height: 250px;"] + Entity not supported: myl1nk.*##div[id][style^="width: 970px; height: 250px;"] + Entity not supported: myli3k.*##div[id][style^="width: 970px; height: 250px;"] + Entity not supported: mylink.*##div[id][style="width: 300px; height: 250px;"] + Entity not supported: my1ink.*##div[id][style="width: 300px; height: 250px;"] + Entity not supported: myl1nk.*##div[id][style="width: 300px; height: 250px;"] + Entity not supported: myli3k.*##div[id][style="width: 300px; height: 250px;"] + Entity not supported: mylink.*##div[id][style="width: 728px; height: 90px;"]:upward(#pub1) + Entity not supported: my1ink.*##div[id][style="width: 728px; height: 90px;"]:upward(#pub1) + Entity not supported: myl1nk.*##div[id][style="width: 728px; height: 90px;"]:upward(#pub1) + Entity not supported: myli3k.*##div[id][style="width: 728px; height: 90px;"]:upward(#pub1) + Entity not supported: mylink.*##html > iframe + Entity not supported: my1ink.*##html > iframe + Entity not supported: myl1nk.*##html > iframe + Entity not supported: myli3k.*##html > iframe + Invalid filter: nytimes.com##:xpath(//div[starts-with(@id, "dfp-ad")]/../..) + Invalid filter: nytimes3xbfgragh.onion##:xpath(//div[starts-with(@id, "dfp-ad")]/../..) + Entity not supported: userupload.*##.btn-danger:has-text(/download/i) + Entity not supported: yts.*##[id*="container"][id^="id"] + Entity not supported: yts.*##html:style(overflow: auto !important;) + Entity not supported: yts.*##.vpn-link:upward(1) + Entity not supported: yts.*##.cborz-bordered + Entity not supported: yts.*##.madikf + Entity not supported: sxyprn.*##.post_el_wrap > .tdn + Entity not supported: sxyprn.*###vid_container_id > .tdn + Entity not supported: magesy.*###adblockplus + Entity not supported: majesy.*##.dark.jquery-adi + Entity not supported: magesy.*##.chw-widget + Entity not supported: magesy.*##.adsbygoogle + Entity not supported: majesy.*##.widget_execphp + Entity not supported: magesypro.*##.adsbygoogle + Entity not supported: hqq.*##[href="https://t.me/Russia_Vs_Ukraine_War3"] + Entity not supported: hqq.*##a[onclick="openAuc();"] + Entity not supported: adbull.*##[href^="https://www.cryptominingfarm.io/"] + Entity not supported: adbull.*##[src^="https://i.imgur.com/"] + Entity not supported: 123link.*##.ads-block-warning + Entity not supported: adshort.*##A[href$=".html"][rel="nofollow norefferer noopener"] + Entity not supported: adshort.*##[id*="frme"] + Entity not supported: adsrt.*##[id*="frme"] + Entity not supported: adsrt.*##div[id^="SC_TBlock"] + Entity not supported: tube8.*##.adsbytrafficjunky + Entity not supported: tube8.*##.js-remove-ads-premium-link + Entity not supported: tube8.*##main.row > aside.col-4 > div[class] + Entity not supported: tube8.*##input + div:has(.adsbytrafficjunky) + Entity not supported: tube8.*##.gridList > [class]:has(.adsbytrafficjunky) + Entity not supported: tube8.*##[href^="https://ads.trafficjunky.net/ads"] + Entity not supported: tube8.*##[style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); display: block;"] + Entity not supported: tube8.*###flvplayer > [style]:has(.js-remove-ads-premium-link) + Entity not supported: tube8.*###result_container_wrapper > [style]:has(.js-remove-ads-premium-link) + Entity not supported: tube8.*###result_container > [class]:not(.video_box) + Entity not supported: txxx.*##.content.page.page-video .video-content > div[class] > div > div[class] > div[class][style^="background-image:"]:style(background-image: none !important;) + Entity not supported: txxx.*##div[style="display:flex !important"] > div + Entity not supported: txxx.*##.page-video > div.video-videos-slider ~ div[class]:matches-css(justify-content: center) + Entity not supported: txxx.*##.video-videos-slider + Entity not supported: txxx.*##.video-content > div + div:last-child + Entity not supported: txxx.*##.video-content > div:first-child > div[class]:has(> div > a[href="#"]) + Entity not supported: txxx.*##.videos-tube-friends + Entity not supported: upornia.*##div[style="display:flex !important"] > div + Entity not supported: upornia.*##.video-content > div[class] > div.text > a[href="#"]:upward(2) + Entity not supported: upornia.*##.videoplayer-wrapper + div > div[class]:only-child + Entity not supported: upornia.*##.video-ad-videos + div.aa_label + Entity not supported: upornia.*##div[class$="related"] + div.aa_label + Entity not supported: upornia.*##.video-videos-slider + Entity not supported: upornia.*##.aa_label + div:not([class]) + Entity not supported: upornia.*##.video-videos-slider + .aa_label + Entity not supported: hotmovs.*##.block_label--last + div[class] + Entity not supported: hotmovs.*##.pagination + div.block_label--last + Entity not supported: hotmovs.*##.underplayer__info > div[class]:first-child + Entity not supported: hotmovs.*##.video-page__content > div.left + div[class]:last-child + Entity not supported: hotmovs.*##div[style="display:flex !important"] > div + Entity not supported: hotmovs.*##.video-page > div.block_label.mt-15 + div[class] + Entity not supported: hotmovs.*##.videos-tube-friends + Entity not supported: vjav.*##.hv-block + Entity not supported: vjav.*##.suggestions + Entity not supported: vjav.*##div[style="display:flex !important"] > div + Entity not supported: vjav.*##.album-page > div.video-page__wrapper + div[class] + Entity not supported: vjav.*##.content > div:not([class]) > div.video-page + div[class] + Entity not supported: vjav.*##.video-page__content > div.left + div[class]:last-child + Entity not supported: vjav.*##.video-page__player + div[class] > div[class] + Entity not supported: thegay.*##.video-page__content > .right + Invalid filter: spankwire.com##:xpath(//*[contains(text(),"Advertisement")]):upward(1) + Entity not supported: bdupload.*##[href*="/dloadbutton.php"] + Entity not supported: arawatch.*##A[href$=".html"][rel="nofollow norefferer noopener"] + Entity not supported: arawatch.*##[id*="ScriptRoot"] + Entity not supported: arawatch.*##a[href="https://vidfast.co"] + Entity not supported: europixhd.*###MyImageId + Entity not supported: hdeuropix.*###MyImageId + Entity not supported: topeuropix.*###MyImageId + Entity not supported: europixhd.*##[id^="MyAdsId"] + Entity not supported: topeuropix.*##[id^="MyAdsId"] + Invalid filter: descargas2020.*##[src*="banner_728x90"]:xpath(..) + Entity not supported: descargas2020.*###idx-1 + Entity not supported: vidlox.*##A[href$=".html"][rel="nofollow norefferer noopener"] + Entity not supported: ouo.*##[style*="width:300px"] > a[href][target="_blank"] > img + Entity not supported: ouo.*##[href^="https://dynamicadx.com/"] + Entity not supported: ouo.*##iframe:not([src]) + Entity not supported: ouo.*##[id*="ScriptRoot"] + Entity not supported: ouo.*##.dlbtns + Entity not supported: x1337x.*##[href*=".php"] + Entity not supported: 1337x.*##ul > li:has-text(/‌/i) + Entity not supported: x1337x.*##ul > li:has-text(/‌/i) + Entity not supported: 1337x.unblocked.*##ul > li:has-text(/‌/i) + Entity not supported: 1337x.unblockit.*##ul > li:has-text(/‌/i) + Invalid filter: 1337x.*##:xpath(//*[contains(text(),"IP Address")]/..) + Invalid filter: x1337x.*##:xpath(//*[contains(text(),"IP Address")]/..) + Invalid filter: 1337x.unblock2.xyz##:xpath(//*[contains(text(),"IP Address")]/..) + Invalid filter: 1337x.unblocked.*##:xpath(//*[contains(text(),"IP Address")]/..) + Invalid filter: 1337x.unblockit.*##:xpath(//*[contains(text(),"IP Address")]/..) + Entity not supported: 1337x.unblocked.*###lb-banner + Entity not supported: seirsanduk.*##[href^="https://www.bybit.com/"] + Entity not supported: seirsanduk.*##.adsbygoogle + Entity not supported: seirsanduk.*##[href^="//bgtop.net/"] + Entity not supported: watch-series.*##.freeEpisode + Entity not supported: watchseries.*##.freeEpisode + Entity not supported: watch-series.*##.sp-leader + Entity not supported: watchseries.*##.sp-leader + Entity not supported: watch-series.*##.shd_button + Entity not supported: watchseries.*##.shd_button + Entity not supported: watch-series.*##.sp-leader-bottom + Entity not supported: watchseries.*##.sp-leader-bottom + Entity not supported: watch-series.*##.category-item-ad + Entity not supported: watchseries.*##.category-item-ad + Entity not supported: watch-series.*###related + Entity not supported: watchseries.*###related + Entity not supported: watch-series.*###rotating-item-wrapper + Entity not supported: watchseries.*###rotating-item-wrapper + Entity not supported: watch-series.*##div.block-left-home-inside[style^="height:252"] + Entity not supported: watchseries.*##div.block-left-home-inside[style^="height:252"] + Entity not supported: watchseries.*##.modal + Entity not supported: watchseries.*##.show.fade.modal-backdrop + Invalid filter: pussyspace.*##:xpath(//span[contains(text(),"PARTNER")]/..) + Entity not supported: pussyspace.*##div[id] > div[class] > *:not(div) > img:only-child + Entity not supported: flashx.*##A[href$=".html"][rel="nofollow norefferer noopener"] + Entity not supported: flashx.*###download_div2 + Entity not supported: flashx.*##[src*="/img/player.png"] + Entity not supported: xvideos.*###video-ad + div[class] + Entity not supported: perfectgirls.*##.advertisement + Entity not supported: perfektdamen.*##.advertisement + Entity not supported: perfectgirls.*##.promo + Entity not supported: perfektdamen.*##.promo + Entity not supported: shrtfly.*##.adsbygoogle + Entity not supported: shrtfly.*##.banner + Entity not supported: gogoanime.*##.banner_center + Entity not supported: gogoanime.*##.anime_video_body_cate > div[style]:has(> div[id] + script[src]) + Entity not supported: gogoanime.*##.adx + Entity not supported: linkshorts.*##.blog-item + Entity not supported: pixhost.*###js + Entity not supported: pixhost.*###web:style(display: block !important;) + Entity not supported: dewimg.*##div[style^="z-index: 999999; background-image: url(\"data:image/gif;base64,"][style$="position: absolute;"] + Entity not supported: imgtown.*##div[style^="z-index: 999999; background-image: url(\"data:image/gif;base64,"][style$="position: absolute;"] + Entity not supported: imgviu.*##div[style^="z-index: 999999; background-image: url(\"data:image/gif;base64,"][style$="position: absolute;"] + Entity not supported: mazpic.*##div[style^="z-index: 999999; background-image: url(\"data:image/gif;base64,"][style$="position: absolute;"] + Entity not supported: outletpic.*##div[style^="z-index: 999999; background-image: url(\"data:image/gif;base64,"][style$="position: absolute;"] + Entity not supported: picrok.*##div[style^="z-index: 999999; background-image: url(\"data:image/gif;base64,"][style$="position: absolute;"] + Entity not supported: dewimg.*##[href^="//"][rel="nofollow norefferer noopener"] + Entity not supported: imgtown.*##[href^="//"][rel="nofollow norefferer noopener"] + Entity not supported: imgviu.*##[href^="//"][rel="nofollow norefferer noopener"] + Entity not supported: mazpic.*##[href^="//"][rel="nofollow norefferer noopener"] + Entity not supported: outletpic.*##[href^="//"][rel="nofollow norefferer noopener"] + Entity not supported: picrok.*##[href^="//"][rel="nofollow norefferer noopener"] + Entity not supported: oploverz.*###overplay + Entity not supported: readcomiconline.*##.adsbyvli:upward(div[style^="width: 300px; height: 250px"]) + Entity not supported: readcomiconline.*##.divCloseBut + Entity not supported: mejortorrento.*##iframe[src^="publi"] + Entity not supported: mejortorrents.*##iframe[src^="publi"] + Entity not supported: mejortorrents1.*##iframe[src^="publi"] + Entity not supported: mejortorrentt.*##iframe[src^="publi"] + Entity not supported: 1movies.*##a[href^="https://vpn-stream.com"] + Entity not supported: stream2watch.*##p[style="color:white;"] + Entity not supported: stream2watch.*##.min-test + Entity not supported: daddylive.*###floatLayer1 + Entity not supported: daddylive.*###html1 + Entity not supported: daddylive.*##div > a.btn-outline-primary.btn + Entity not supported: xmovies8.*###upgrade_pop + Entity not supported: divxtotal.*###banner_publi + Entity not supported: divxtotal1.*###banner_publi + Entity not supported: pelisplus.*##[class^="smartadtags"] + Entity not supported: pelisplus.*##.links > a.btn[class*="fa-"] + Entity not supported: pelisplus2.*##[style^="margin:-30px"] > [href][target="_blank"] + Entity not supported: pouvideo.*##[src^="/ben/mgnat.html?"] + Entity not supported: povvideo.*##[src^="/ben/mgnat.html?"] + Entity not supported: povw1deo.*##[src^="/ben/mgnat.html?"] + Entity not supported: povwideo.*##[src^="/ben/mgnat.html?"] + Entity not supported: powv1deo.*##[src^="/ben/mgnat.html?"] + Entity not supported: powvibeo.*##[src^="/ben/mgnat.html?"] + Entity not supported: powvideo.*##[src^="/ben/mgnat.html?"] + Entity not supported: powvldeo.*##[src^="/ben/mgnat.html?"] + Entity not supported: pouvideo.*###embed + Entity not supported: povvideo.*###embed + Entity not supported: povw1deo.*###embed + Entity not supported: povwideo.*###embed + Entity not supported: powv1deo.*###embed + Entity not supported: powvibeo.*###embed + Entity not supported: powvideo.*###embed + Entity not supported: powvldeo.*###embed + Entity not supported: pouvideo.*###keepFloatin + Entity not supported: povvideo.*###keepFloatin + Entity not supported: povw1deo.*###keepFloatin + Entity not supported: povwideo.*###keepFloatin + Entity not supported: powv1deo.*###keepFloatin + Entity not supported: powvibeo.*###keepFloatin + Entity not supported: powvideo.*###keepFloatin + Entity not supported: powvldeo.*###keepFloatin + Entity not supported: pouvideo.*##iframe:not([src*="recaptcha"]) + Entity not supported: povvideo.*##iframe:not([src*="recaptcha"]) + Entity not supported: povw1deo.*##iframe:not([src*="recaptcha"]) + Entity not supported: povwideo.*##iframe:not([src*="recaptcha"]) + Entity not supported: powv1deo.*##iframe:not([src*="recaptcha"]) + Entity not supported: powvibeo.*##iframe:not([src*="recaptcha"]) + Entity not supported: powvideo.*##iframe:not([src*="recaptcha"]) + Entity not supported: powvldeo.*##iframe:not([src*="recaptcha"]) + Invalid filter: pcbolsa.com##.InfoPcBolsaAdBlock:xpath(..) + Entity not supported: desiupload.*##[href*="desifile.in/404"] + Entity not supported: cinedetodo.*##.alignnone + Entity not supported: cinedetodo.*##.bnr + Entity not supported: cinedetodo.*##[id*="yellow"] + Entity not supported: anime-extremo.*##[href="https://cero.tv/"] + Entity not supported: cliver.*##.btn_pub + Entity not supported: kiss-anime.*###rightside > .clear2 ~ .rightBox + Entity not supported: kiss-anime.*##.episodeList > div > div[style*="text-align: center"] + Entity not supported: tubsexer.*##.sponsored_top + Entity not supported: tubsexer.*##.table + Entity not supported: tubsexer.*##.desktop_link + Entity not supported: tubsexer.*##.advertising + Entity not supported: strikeout.*##.position-absolute:style(opacity: 0 !important;) + Entity not supported: strikeout.*##.d-none.d-lg-block.col-lg-3 + Entity not supported: strikeout.*##.m-1.btn-danger.btn + Entity not supported: strikeout.*##.w-100.position-absolute.h-100 + Entity not supported: vipbox.*##a[href^="https://s3.amazonaws.com/"] + Entity not supported: vipbox.*##button[data-open="_blank"] + Entity not supported: vipbox.*##.btn-lg.btn + Entity not supported: vipbox.*##.position-absolute + Entity not supported: vipboxtv.*##.position-absolute + Entity not supported: vipbox.*##.btn-success.btn + Entity not supported: peliculas-dvdrip.*##[class*="col-"] > p > [href] > img.alignnone + Entity not supported: animedao.*##.gads + Entity not supported: einthusan.*##.adspace-lb + Entity not supported: einthusan.*##.adspace-lr + Entity not supported: pornfay.*##.rmedia + Entity not supported: pornfay.*##.zone + Entity not supported: pornfay.*##.bottom-adv + Entity not supported: grantorrents.*##.myButton + Entity not supported: grantorrents.*##.custom-html-widget.textwidget > [style*="width:300px; height:600px"] + Entity not supported: camwhores.*##.place + Entity not supported: camwhorestv.*##.place + Entity not supported: camwhores.*##[href^="https://go.schjmp.com"] + Entity not supported: camwhorestv.*##[href^="https://go.schjmp.com"] + Entity not supported: camwhores.*##.row-models + Entity not supported: camwhorestv.*##.row-models + Entity not supported: camwhores.*##.topad + Entity not supported: camwhorestv.*##.topad + Entity not supported: camwhores.*###list_videos_friends + Entity not supported: camwhorestv.*###list_videos_friends + Entity not supported: bestialzoo.*##[href^="https://www.skypeis"] + Entity not supported: youporn.*##[data-zone="underplayer_970x90"]:upward(1) + Entity not supported: youporn.*##.ad-bottom-text + Entity not supported: youporn.*##.adLinkText + Entity not supported: youporn.*##.adsbytrafficjunky + Entity not supported: youporn.*##.e8-column + Entity not supported: youporn.*##[data-removelink="removeLink"] + Entity not supported: redtube.*##.abovePlayer + Entity not supported: redtube.*##.adsbytrafficjunky + Entity not supported: redtube.*##.adsbytrafficjunky:upward(li) + Entity not supported: redtube.*##.remove_ads + Entity not supported: mydownloadtube.*##.movie-box > .vert-add + Entity not supported: douploads.*##[href^="https://href.li/"] + Entity not supported: douploads.*##a[rel="nofollow"] + Entity not supported: kickassanime.*##.ka-axx-wr + Entity not supported: nekopoi.*##[href^="http://bit.ly/"] + Entity not supported: vinaurl.*###ads-notice + Entity not supported: vinaurl.*##[href^="https://dembuon.vn"] + Entity not supported: vinaurl.*##.alert-danger + Entity not supported: vinaurl.*##[href^="https://kttm.club/"] + Entity not supported: vinaurl.*##.adsbygoogle:style(max-height: 1px !important;) + Entity not supported: filecrypt.*##div > [href*=".html"]:upward(div) + Entity not supported: filecrypt.*###jvb + Entity not supported: filecrypt.*##li:has-text(100% Anonym) + Entity not supported: filecrypt.*##.bums + Entity not supported: filecrypt.*##.support + Entity not supported: filecrypt.*##[src^="https://filecrypt.cc/images/"] + Entity not supported: filecrypt.*##[src^="../../../images/"] + Entity not supported: filecrypt.*##[href^="/xux/"] + Entity not supported: filecrypt.*##div[class] > i[style*="background:url"][onclick*="openLink"] + Entity not supported: filecrypt.*##div[class] > i[style][onclick] + Entity not supported: filecrypt.*##button[id]:has-text(/High-speed/i) + Invalid filter: ettv.*##:xpath(//*[contains(text(),"VPN")]):upward(2) + Entity not supported: pelisgratis.*##a[href*="look.kfiopkln.com"] + Entity not supported: pelisgratis.*##a[href*="look.opskln.com"] + Entity not supported: peliculas24.*##[href^="http://refpadsm.host/"] + Entity not supported: kissjav.*##.column > .card > .adv:upward(2) + Entity not supported: kissjav.*##.is-12-touch.is-narrow-desktop.has-text-centered + Entity not supported: onlinevideoconverter.*##.music-container > div[style] > a[href][target] > img + Entity not supported: pnd.*##A[href$=".html"][rel="nofollow norefferer noopener"] + Entity not supported: pnd.*##.banner-captcha + Entity not supported: adfloz.*##.banner + Entity not supported: movies123.*##[href^="//himekingrow.com/"] + Entity not supported: movies123.*###list-eps:style(display:block!important) + Entity not supported: movies123.*##.les-title:has-text(HD) + Entity not supported: movies123.*##.vip.server-item.le-server:first-child + Entity not supported: voirfilms.*##.lefermeur + Entity not supported: repelisgoo.*###ads + Entity not supported: repelisgooo.*###ads + Entity not supported: repelisgt.*###ads + Entity not supported: repelisxd.*###ads + Entity not supported: pelisplusgo.*###ads + Entity not supported: pelisplusxd.*###ads + Entity not supported: repelisgoo.*##div[class]:has(> div[class] > iframe[src*="/srv-pv/tag-"]) + Entity not supported: repelisgooo.*##div[class]:has(> div[class] > iframe[src*="/srv-pv/tag-"]) + Entity not supported: repelisgt.*##div[class]:has(> div[class] > iframe[src*="/srv-pv/tag-"]) + Entity not supported: repelisxd.*##div[class]:has(> div[class] > iframe[src*="/srv-pv/tag-"]) + Entity not supported: pelisplusgo.*##div[class]:has(> div[class] > iframe[src*="/srv-pv/tag-"]) + Entity not supported: pelisplusxd.*##div[class]:has(> div[class] > iframe[src*="/srv-pv/tag-"]) + Entity not supported: tornadomovies.*##[href="/user/premiumregistration"] + Entity not supported: sexwebvideo.*##.spot-vertical-wrap + Entity not supported: piratebay.*##[href]:has-text(PLAY) + Entity not supported: pirateproxy.*##[href]:has-text(PLAY) + Entity not supported: pirateproxy.*###content > div > iframe + Entity not supported: vidcloud.*###overlay-center + Entity not supported: icdrama.*###closeADV + Entity not supported: file-upload.*##.adsbygoogle + Entity not supported: file-upload.*##center + Entity not supported: limetorrents.*##[href^="/fast.php"] + Entity not supported: limetorrents.*##tr:has-text(VPN) + Entity not supported: limetorrents.*##[href^="https://affiliate.rusvpn.com/"] + Entity not supported: limetorrents.*##.head:has-text(Adv) + Entity not supported: telerium.*###overlay + Entity not supported: file4go.*##div.banner300b, .lateral + Entity not supported: player.javqd.*###preroll + Entity not supported: player.javwide.*###preroll + Entity not supported: hdvid.*##.video_batman + Entity not supported: onvid.*##.video_batman + Entity not supported: ovid.*##.video_batman + Entity not supported: vidhd.*##.video_batman + Entity not supported: 123short.*###topbar, .banner + Entity not supported: downloadhub.*##.alignnone + Entity not supported: mirrorace.*##[href^="https://fastspeedtest.ml/search/"] + Entity not supported: mirrorace.*##.uk-card-secondary:has-text(VPN) + Entity not supported: mirrorace.*##[href*="search/"] + Entity not supported: prostoporno.*##.spot + Entity not supported: pornid.*##.rsidebar-spots-holder, .spots-bottom + Entity not supported: zbporn.*##.top-spot + Entity not supported: zbporn.*##.view-aside-block + Entity not supported: 0123movies.*##.fake_player, #tab-ad + Entity not supported: 0123movies.*##[href="#tab-ad"] + Entity not supported: 0123movies.*##.les-title:has-text(HD) + Entity not supported: 0123movies.*##.mvic-btn + Entity not supported: ymovies.*###banner_publi + Entity not supported: lindung.*##.adsbygoogle + Entity not supported: cambabe.*##.topad + Entity not supported: cambabe.*##.place + Entity not supported: audiotools.*##.adsbygoogle + Entity not supported: xhardhempus.*##.adsbygoogle:style(max-height: 1px !important;) + Entity not supported: viprow.*##.position-absolute + Entity not supported: uploadrar.*##.btn + Entity not supported: uploadrar.*##[class^="banner"] + Entity not supported: dl.gamecopyworld.*##.t2 > tbody > tr:nth-of-type(1) > td + Entity not supported: dl.gamecopyworld.*##td:nth-of-type(2) + Entity not supported: dl.gamecopyworld.*##tr:nth-of-type(6) > td + Entity not supported: javmost.*##center > div[style^="width:100%; height: 100px"] + Entity not supported: vidmoly.*###mg_vd + Entity not supported: anitube.*###iframeCore____ + Entity not supported: anitube.*##div[style^="pointer-events: none; position: absolute; "] + Entity not supported: mixdrop.*##div[onclick^="$(this).remove"] + Entity not supported: hellporno.*##.bnnrs-player + Entity not supported: yesmovies.*##a.btn-successful + Entity not supported: solarmovie.*##[class="close ico"]:upward(1) + Entity not supported: solarmovie.*##[href="/user/profile/premium-membership"] + Entity not supported: solarmovie.*##.close + Entity not supported: solarmovie.*##[href*="/4k"] + Entity not supported: solarmovie.*##table.movie_version:has-text(Promo) + Entity not supported: solarmovie.*##div.row:has-text(in HD) + Entity not supported: solarmovie.*##.jw-reset.jw-logo-top-left.jw-logo + Entity not supported: mycoolmoviez.*##[href="javascript:void(0);"] + Entity not supported: putlocker9.*##.pframe:has([href^="javascript: void(0);"]) + Entity not supported: bdlive.*###AdDiv + Entity not supported: mangovideo.*##.sponsor + Entity not supported: mangovideo.*##.top + Entity not supported: mangovideo.*##.table + Entity not supported: mangovideo.*##[target="_blank"] + Entity not supported: azsoft.*##div.display ~ h2.text-center + Entity not supported: azsoft.*##div.display ~ p + Entity not supported: megaurl.*##[id*="ScriptRoot"] + Entity not supported: megaurl.*##a[href^="//"] + Entity not supported: bmovies.*###upgrade_pop + Entity not supported: watchfree.*###vpnvpn + Entity not supported: uploadproper.*##.adsbygoogle + Entity not supported: uploadproper.*##.ads_small + Entity not supported: uploadproper.*##.ads_big + Entity not supported: uploadproper.*##[href*=".info/"] + Entity not supported: uploadproper.*##div.small_res + Entity not supported: dramacool.*##h2.widget-title:has-text(Advertisement) + Entity not supported: dramacool.*##[class$="_ads"] + Entity not supported: stadionowioprawcy.*##.adsbygoogle + Entity not supported: bolly4u.*##.code-block + Entity not supported: torrent9.*###vpnvpn + Entity not supported: brainly.*##[class^="BrainlyAdsPlaceholder"] + Entity not supported: brainly.*##.brn-ads-box + Entity not supported: brainly.*##.js-scroll-to-unlock-section.brn-kodiak-answer-redesigned__unlock + Entity not supported: moretvtime.*##.sc-banner + Entity not supported: 4movierulz.*##.ad_btn-white + Entity not supported: 4movierulz1.*##.ad_btn-white + Entity not supported: 7movierulzfree.*##.ad_btn-white + Entity not supported: movierulz4k.*##.ad_btn-white + Entity not supported: movierulzfree.*##.ad_btn-white + Entity not supported: 123movierulz.*##.ad_watch_now + Entity not supported: 4movierulz.*##.ad_watch_now + Entity not supported: 4movierulz1.*##.ad_watch_now + Entity not supported: 7movierulzfree.*##.ad_watch_now + Entity not supported: moviesrulz.*##.ad_watch_now + Entity not supported: movierulz4k.*##.ad_watch_now + Entity not supported: movierulzfree.*##.ad_watch_now + Entity not supported: moviesrulzfree.*##.ad_watch_now + Entity not supported: watchmovierulz.*##.ad_watch_now + Entity not supported: movierulzfree.*##.hd-buttons + Entity not supported: 123movierulz.*##.btn1 + Entity not supported: 4movierulz.*##.btn1 + Entity not supported: 4movierulz1.*##.btn1 + Entity not supported: moviesrulz.*##.btn1 + Entity not supported: movierulz4k.*##.btn1 + Entity not supported: moviesrulzfree.*##.btn1 + Entity not supported: 7movierulzfree.*##.display\:none\;\"hd-buttons\" + Entity not supported: dutchycorp.*##center > .hide-on-med-and-down + Entity not supported: dutchycorp.*##[class^="bmadblock"] + Entity not supported: dutchycorp.*##div[class][style="width:468px;height:60px;display: inline-block;margin: 0 auto"] + Entity not supported: dutchycorp.*##.adsbygoogle + Entity not supported: dutchycorp.*##[class$="-page"] .box-main center center + Entity not supported: dutchycorp.*##[class$="-page"] > .hide-on-small-only + Entity not supported: dutchycorp.*##[class$="-page"] > .container > .row > .col-md-offset-1 .text-left > *:not(.box-main) + Entity not supported: dutchycorp.*##[class$="-page"] center > p + Entity not supported: dutchycorp.*##.box-main > .row > center + Entity not supported: dutchycorp.*##.box-main > center > div + Entity not supported: dutchycorp.*##.nav-ad + Entity not supported: dutchycorp.*##.row [style*="width:728px;height:90px"] + Entity not supported: dutchycorp.*##.sidenav_left + Entity not supported: dutchycorp.*##.sidenav_right + Entity not supported: dutchycorp.*##[id*="ScriptRoot"] + Entity not supported: dutchycorp.*##[style*="width:300px;height:250px"] + Entity not supported: dutchycorp.*###link-view [style^="width:468px"] + Entity not supported: dutchycorp.*###boxes + Entity not supported: dutchycorp.*###link-view > center > br + Entity not supported: hackstore.*##.onp-sl-content:style(display: block !important;) + Entity not supported: hackstore.*##.onp-sl-social-locker + Entity not supported: hdfriday.*##[href*="pop"] + Entity not supported: hdfriday.*##.btn_d:has-text(/high/i) + Entity not supported: extramovies.*##[href^="http://ghoto-12.win/"] + Entity not supported: extramovies.*##[href^="//vennala.pw/"] + Entity not supported: extramovies.*##center + Entity not supported: extramovies.*##[href^="/dlbutton.php"] + Entity not supported: extramovies.*###theme_back + Entity not supported: extralinks.*##[href^="https://t.me/"] + Entity not supported: extramovies.*##[href^="https://t.me/"] + Entity not supported: extralinks.*##[class^="ad_btn"]:upward(center) + Entity not supported: extramovies.*##[class^="ad_btn"]:upward(center) + Entity not supported: atomixhq.*##.ads + Entity not supported: pctfenix.*##.ads + Entity not supported: pctnew.*##.ads + Entity not supported: allfeeds.*###overlay + Entity not supported: teleriumtv.*###overlay + Entity not supported: shortearn.*##.banner + Entity not supported: shortearn.*##.box-main > .blog-item + Entity not supported: pelisplay.*##[data-lang="Publicidad"] + Entity not supported: lookmovie.*##.view-top-ab + Entity not supported: lookmovie.*##.notifyjs-corner + Entity not supported: lookmovie.*##.nord-vpn.home-banner + Entity not supported: lookmovie.*###single.dtsingle > .content > center > a[href] > img + Entity not supported: lookmovie.*###single.dtsingle > .content > .sheader > .poster > .extra > center > a[href] > img + Entity not supported: ver-pelis-online.*##a.lav_btn + Entity not supported: ver-pelis-online.*##[href$="player.html"] + Entity not supported: ver-pelis-online.*##.holder >li:has([href="/pelis/descargar.html"]) + Entity not supported: ver-pelis-online.*##a.eli_lav_btn, .mobile_btn + Entity not supported: thefmovies.*##.mobile-btn + Entity not supported: series9.*##div[style="padding:15px 0;text-align:right;"] + Entity not supported: sk-ip.*##[target="_blank"], .blog-item + Entity not supported: urlty.*##[href^="https://hololinks.com"] + Invalid filter: ndtv.com##.composite-branding.branding:has-text(/sponsored/i):xpath(..) + Invalid filter: ndtv.com##:xpath(//div[contains(text(),"Advert")]) + Entity not supported: egydead.*##.adHolder + Entity not supported: egydead.*##.FooterAds + Entity not supported: okstream.*##[id^="click"] + Invalid filter: extratorrent.*##:xpath(//a[contains(text(),"VPN")]/../../..) + Entity not supported: seulink.*##.banner-inner + Entity not supported: cinetux.*##span.button + Entity not supported: cinetux.*##.links_table > .fix-table > table > tbody > tr:has-text(Patrocinador) + Entity not supported: streameast.*##[id^="Advertisement"] + Entity not supported: pornsexer.*##.bottom-adv1 + Entity not supported: pornsexer.*###pre-1adv + Entity not supported: pornsexer.*##.sponsor + Entity not supported: pornsexer.*##.table + Entity not supported: sexvid.*###banner_video + Entity not supported: sexvid.*##.sponsor.shown + Entity not supported: sexvid.*##.spots_field.spots_thumbs + Entity not supported: sexvid.*##.box_site + Entity not supported: sexvid.*##.download_link + Entity not supported: sexvid.*##.spot-content, .spot-title + Entity not supported: getfreecourses.*##.adsbygoogle + Entity not supported: nsw2u.*##[href^="https://bit.ly/"] + Entity not supported: mlwbd.*##input[value^="http"]:style(width: 70% !important) + Entity not supported: hdfilme.*###fake-player-wrapper + Entity not supported: pornhub.*##.video-wrapper > #player ~ .hd.clear + Entity not supported: pornhub.*##.sniperModeEngaged + Entity not supported: pornhub.*##a[href^="http://ads.trafficjunky.net/"] + Entity not supported: pornhub.*##.realsex + Entity not supported: pornhub.*###pb_template + Entity not supported: pornhub.*##li[data-video-id] > div > div > a > span.bg-ad-badge:upward(4) + Entity not supported: thevidhd.*##.video_batman + Entity not supported: thevidhd.*##h1 + Entity not supported: ebay.*##.sresult:has(.promoted-lv) + Entity not supported: ebay.*##li.s-item:has(span:has-text(/S[^P]*?P[^O]*?O[^N]*?N[^S]*?S[^O]*?O[^R]*?R[^E]*?E[^D]*?D/)) + Entity not supported: ebay.*##.s-item__title-tag:has-text(/^SPONSORED$/):upward(.s-item) + Invalid filter: ebay.*##.s-item:has-text(Sponsored):xpath(//*[string-length(@aria-labelledby) = 8]):upward(.s-item) + Entity not supported: uptomega.*##.ads + Entity not supported: uwatchfree.*##[href*="deceittoured.com"] + Entity not supported: uwatchfree.*##.hd-links + Entity not supported: uwatchfree.*##center + Entity not supported: watch4hd.*##.btn-block.btn + Entity not supported: 5movies.*###cookiedata + Entity not supported: 5movies.*##.btn-lg + Entity not supported: 5movies.*###content-embed:style(display: block!important) + Entity not supported: 5movies.*##.mvi-cover + Entity not supported: 5movies.*##.streamaly + Entity not supported: 5movies.*##.les-title:has-text(HD) + Entity not supported: pandamovie.*###tracking-url + Entity not supported: speedporn.*###tracking-url + Entity not supported: pandamovie.*##.video-block-happy-absolute:upward(.order-1) + Entity not supported: speedporn.*##.video-block-happy-absolute:upward(.order-1) + Entity not supported: pandamovie.*##.happy-player-beside, .happy-section, .widget_execphp:has-text(/Advertisement|ExoLoader/) + Entity not supported: speedporn.*##.happy-player-beside, .happy-section, .widget_execphp:has-text(/Advertisement|ExoLoader/) + Entity not supported: serialy.bombuj.*##.ad_banner + Entity not supported: serialy.bombuj.*##[id*="reklam"] + Invalid filter: washingtonpost.com##:xpath(//*[(text()='AD')]/..) + Entity not supported: watchgameofthrones.*###keeper2 + Entity not supported: vidup.*##.sponsored-container + Entity not supported: vev.*##.vjs-overlay + Entity not supported: vev.*##body > div[style="position: fixed; display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; inset: 0px; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); z-index: 300000;"] + Entity not supported: okanime.*###calque + Entity not supported: rainanime.*##.fake_player + Entity not supported: shrink.*##center + Entity not supported: shrink.*##.banner + Entity not supported: losmovies.*##.aPlaceHolder + Entity not supported: sportlemons.*###happyDog + Entity not supported: sportlemons.*###lazyCat + Entity not supported: multiup.*##.text-center.bg-info + Entity not supported: multiup.*##div.col-md-4:nth-of-type(1):has-text(Usemet) + Entity not supported: multiup.*##.panel-featured-success.panel-featured-bottom.panel-featured-top.panel.text-center:has([alt="Usemet.nl"]):upward(1) + Entity not supported: multiup.*##.mfp-ready + Entity not supported: multiup.*##div.text-center:has(a[class="btn btn-success"][href^="abp:subscribe"]) + Entity not supported: tmearn.*##.banner + Entity not supported: leechall.*###adBanner:style(height:25px !important;left:-3000px !important;position:absolute !important) + Entity not supported: leechall.*##.text-center.alert-info.alert + Entity not supported: cb01.*##[href*="/4k"] + Entity not supported: dpstream.*##.movie-aye + Entity not supported: upclips.*##[id*="ScriptRoot"] + Entity not supported: sports24.*##iframe[src^="//sports24.site/"]:upward(div) + Entity not supported: sports24.*##div[style*="z-index: 30000"] + Entity not supported: sports24.*##div[style^="width:300px;height:250px"]:upward(1) + Entity not supported: sports24.*##.adrespl + Entity not supported: sports24.*##.landscape_ad_pos + Entity not supported: sports24.*##[href*="/vpn"] + Entity not supported: sports24.*##[href^="https://brave.com/"] + Entity not supported: sports24.*##[src^="/tv/ol.php?"] + Entity not supported: sports24.*##div[data-player] > .container:style(max-width: 100% !important;) + Entity not supported: sports24.*###ao + Entity not supported: sports24.*##.sp24 + Entity not supported: sports24.*##a.btn[href*="/a?live="] + Invalid filter: sports24.*##:xpath(//*[contains(text(),"Watch HD")]) + Entity not supported: sports24.*###notice + Entity not supported: sports24.*##.btn-outline-primary:has-text(/HD$/) + Entity not supported: sports24.*##.container > div.col[style^="height: 225px; width: 400px"] + Entity not supported: sports24.*##.container > div.row[style="margin-top: 20px;"] > div.col + Entity not supported: sports24.*###id-custom_banner + Entity not supported: animetake27.*##.gads + Entity not supported: linkvertise.*##lv-msnnewsfeed + Entity not supported: camhub.*##.popunder-opener + Entity not supported: megalink.*##[href^="https://mob1ledev1ces.com/r/"] + Entity not supported: megalink.*###__bgd_link + Entity not supported: moonline.*###clickfakeplayer + Entity not supported: shorten.*###chromepop + Invalid filter: bitcointalk.org##:xpath(//span[contains(text(),"Advert")]/../..) + Entity not supported: turkanime.*##div.col-xs-12:has-text(MMPORG OYUNLAR) + Entity not supported: turkanime.*###sponsored + Entity not supported: turkanime.*##.panel-title:has-text(REKLAM) + Entity not supported: turkanime.*##.AltkisimMenu + Entity not supported: allcalidad.*##.table-hover.table > tbody > tr:has-text(Descargar Premium) + Entity not supported: 123animes.*##div[id][style^="position: fixed; inset: 0px; z-index: 2147483647;"] + Entity not supported: mega1080p.*##.bnr + Entity not supported: hentaihaven.*##.main-sidebar[role="complementary"] + Entity not supported: streamango.*###ad_buts + Entity not supported: arabseed.*##.ads-aa + Entity not supported: bde4.*##a[href*=".yabo816."]:remove() + Invalid filter: trakt.tv##:xpath(//*[(text()='Advertisement')]/..) + Entity not supported: rmcmv.*##[class*="ads"] + Entity not supported: safetxt.*##.adsbygoogle + Entity not supported: evileaks.*##.adsbygoogle + Entity not supported: 9hentai.*###ads + Entity not supported: web2.0calc.*###abmodal, body > .in.modal-backdrop + Entity not supported: web2.0calc.*##body:style(overflow: auto !important) + Entity not supported: web2.0calc.*###nocreditsmodal + Entity not supported: web2.0calc.*##.first + Entity not supported: streamz.*##body > div:nth-of-type(3), [href^="http://deloplen.com"] + Entity not supported: streamzz.*##body > div:nth-of-type(3), [href^="http://deloplen.com"] + Entity not supported: streamz.*##button:has(span:has-text(Skip)) + Entity not supported: streamzz.*##button:has(span:has-text(Skip)) + Entity not supported: mkvcinema.*##[href="https://www.hostire.com"] + Entity not supported: mkvcinemas.*##[href="https://www.hostire.com"] + Entity not supported: pelispedia.*##a.btns + Entity not supported: pelispedia.*##div.mb-5.text-center + Entity not supported: pelispedia.*##.cont.principal > .site-main > .links + Entity not supported: pelispedia.*##.img-responsive + Entity not supported: pelispedia.*##.mvic-btn + Entity not supported: pelispedia.*##[class^="page_speed_"][href] > img[src$="app.png"] + Entity not supported: pelispedia24.*##.button + Entity not supported: pelispedia24.*##.asgdc + Entity not supported: pelispedia24.*##.preplayer + Entity not supported: pelispedia24.*##[href^="/acceso-total-sin-limite"] + Entity not supported: pelis28.*##.buttons-p + Entity not supported: pelis28.*###options-0 + Invalid filter: pelis-gratis.com##.holder > li [href*="/descargar.html"]:xpath(../..) + Entity not supported: pornhat.*##.bns-bl-new.bns-bl + Entity not supported: pornhat.*##div.player-bn + Entity not supported: pornhat.*##.video-block > .show.before-player + Entity not supported: pornhat.*##b + Entity not supported: pornhat.*##.top_spot + Entity not supported: vipracing.*##[href="https://www.tvbarata.club/"] + Entity not supported: vipracing.*###vpp + Entity not supported: btdb.*##.alert-dismissible + Entity not supported: btdb.*##.alert + Entity not supported: atdhe.*##[href^="https://horti.brovada.eu/"] + Entity not supported: atdhe.*###bannerInCenter + Entity not supported: popcornstream.*##.aoa_overlay + Entity not supported: animesvision.*##[href^="https://bit.ly/"] + Entity not supported: miniurl.*##.banner + Entity not supported: miniurl.*##div[style="width:970px;height:90px;display: inline-block;margin: 0 auto"] + Entity not supported: sledujserialy.*##div[id][style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 380px; text-align: center;"] + Entity not supported: sledujserialy.*###super_secret_ad + Entity not supported: imgkia.*##[id*="ScriptRootC"] + Entity not supported: imgkia.*##div[id][style^="position: fixed; display: block; width: 100%;"] + Entity not supported: imgkia.*##div[style="width:100%;height:110px"] + Entity not supported: redecanais.*###guerejo + Entity not supported: redecanais.*###guerejoback + Entity not supported: redecanais.*###iframeCore____ + Entity not supported: allgamesejogos.*##[id="colunas"]:style(display: block !important;) + Entity not supported: bemestarglobal.*##[id="colunas"]:style(display: block !important;) + Entity not supported: gamesgo.*##[id="colunas"]:style(display: block !important;) + Entity not supported: redecanais.*##[id="colunas"]:style(display: block !important;) + Entity not supported: zt-protect.*##.adsbygoogle + Entity not supported: zt-protect.*##main.py-4:style(min-height:0px !important) + Entity not supported: dropgalaxy.*##[href^="https://bit.ly/"] + Entity not supported: dropgalaxy.*###operadata + br + [href][target="_blank"] + Entity not supported: dropgalaxy.*##body > div[style^="position: fixed; display: block"] + Entity not supported: dropgalaxy.*##.adsbygoogle:style(max-height: 1px !important;) + Entity not supported: dropgalaxy.*##[id^="aswift"]:style(display:none!important;) + Entity not supported: dropgalaxy.*##iframe[id*="_mN_main_"] + Entity not supported: dropgalaxy.*##[target="_blank"]:has-text(Download) + Entity not supported: dropgalaxy.*###modalpop + Entity not supported: adblockstreamtape.*##[class*="bn-container"], div[style*="z-index: 300000;"] + Entity not supported: adblockstrtape.*##[class*="bn-container"], div[style*="z-index: 300000;"] + Entity not supported: adblockstrtech.*##[class*="bn-container"], div[style*="z-index: 300000;"] + Entity not supported: shavetape.*##[class*="bn-container"], div[style*="z-index: 300000;"] + Entity not supported: stape.*##[class*="bn-container"], div[style*="z-index: 300000;"] + Entity not supported: strcloud.*##[class*="bn-container"], div[style*="z-index: 300000;"] + Entity not supported: streamtape.*##[class*="bn-container"], div[style*="z-index: 300000;"] + Entity not supported: streamta.*##[class*="bn-container"], div[style*="z-index: 300000;"] + Entity not supported: strtape.*##[class*="bn-container"], div[style*="z-index: 300000;"] + Entity not supported: strtpe.*##[class*="bn-container"], div[style*="z-index: 300000;"] + Entity not supported: strtapeadblock.*##[class*="bn-container"], div[style*="z-index: 300000;"] + Entity not supported: strcloud.*##iframe[src^="data:"] + Entity not supported: streamtape.*##iframe[src^="data:"] + Entity not supported: streamta.*##iframe[src^="data:"] + Entity not supported: strtape.*##iframe[src^="data:"] + Entity not supported: strtpe.*##iframe[src^="data:"] + Entity not supported: strtapeadblock.*##iframe[src^="data:"] + Entity not supported: seriemega.*##.bnr + Entity not supported: anoboy.*##div#judi2, #coloma, [href^="//kokipoker.net"] + Entity not supported: anoboy.*##[href^="https://bit.ly/"] + Entity not supported: anoboy.*##[href^="http://click2go.me/"] + Entity not supported: anoboy.*###popup_box + Entity not supported: anoboy.*###popup_bawah + Entity not supported: 123europix.*##[target="_blank"][onclick] + Entity not supported: animesanka.*##[id*="-ads-"] + Entity not supported: viralfeed.*##.admania-widgettit + Entity not supported: sms24.*##body > div[style^="position: fixed; z-index: 1000"] + Entity not supported: sms24.*##.spinner-border + Entity not supported: sms24.*##.placeholder + Entity not supported: sms24.*##.placeholder-glow + Entity not supported: sms24.*##.placeholder-content:style(display: inline-block !important) + Entity not supported: sms24.*##div[id^="div-ado-ad-"] + Entity not supported: pcprogramasymas.*##.box-main > .blog-item + Entity not supported: fullcinema.*##.mobile-btn + Entity not supported: fullreal.*##.mobile-btn + Entity not supported: fullcinema.*##.mvic-btn + Entity not supported: fullreal.*##.mvic-btn + Entity not supported: fullcinema.*##div.content-kuss + Entity not supported: fullreal.*##div.content-kuss + Entity not supported: drtuber.*###video_list_banner + Entity not supported: drtuber.*##.abtext + Entity not supported: drtuber.*##.drt-spot-box + Entity not supported: drtuber.*##.f_width.footer > .item_box + Entity not supported: drtuber.*##.fh.heading + Entity not supported: drtuber.*##.item_spots + Entity not supported: drtuber.*##.livecams_main + Entity not supported: drtuber.*##.puFloatLine + Entity not supported: drtuber.*##.title-sponsored + Entity not supported: vid4up.*###aoverlay + Entity not supported: link1s.*##.banner-inner + Entity not supported: link1s.*###baolink1s + Entity not supported: youtubetomp3.*##a[href="/button.php"] + Entity not supported: player.javsun.*###preroll + Entity not supported: player.javtc.*###preroll + Entity not supported: javsun.*##[style^="height: 250px;overflow"] + Entity not supported: javtc.*##[style^="height: 250px;overflow"] + Entity not supported: lookcam.*##div.prefix-adlabel + Entity not supported: javmec.*##[style^="height: 250px;overflow"] + Entity not supported: player.javmec.*###preroll + Entity not supported: bfstrms.*###iframe_preview + Entity not supported: bfstrms.*##.in.modal + Entity not supported: bfstrms.*##.in.modal-backdrop + Entity not supported: bfstrms.*###fcnbox + Entity not supported: live.crackstreams.*##.m-1.fw-bold.btn-danger.btn[data-openuri="|BTN_URL|"] + Entity not supported: crackstreams.*###iframe_preview + Entity not supported: shortzzy.*##.banner + Entity not supported: shortzzy.*##.box-main > center > a[href][target="_blank"] + Entity not supported: shortzzy.*##.navbar-right.navbar-nav.nav + Entity not supported: shortzzy.*##.btnlink + Entity not supported: megadede.*###buttonposter, #videoplayer.blue, .purple.play + Entity not supported: camsclips.*##.place + Entity not supported: xtits.*##.adv-title + Entity not supported: xtits.*##.table + Entity not supported: xtits.*##.spot-holder + Entity not supported: shorttey.*##.short + Entity not supported: shorttey.*###link-view > center > [href] + Entity not supported: kissanime.*###upgrade_pop + Entity not supported: filmyzilla.*##[href^="https://ak.hetadinh.com/"] + Entity not supported: proxybit.*##[id*="banner"] + Entity not supported: hdss.*##.homi + Entity not supported: hdss.*##.widget_media_image + Entity not supported: lite-link.*##.banner + Entity not supported: discoveryplus.*##.bmpui-seekbar-markers + Entity not supported: discoveryplus.*##.bmpui-ui-ads-status + Entity not supported: pureshort.*##.banner + Entity not supported: pureshort.*###link-view > br + Entity not supported: pureshort.*###link-view > a[href] > img + Entity not supported: akwams.*##.adsbygoogle + Entity not supported: akwams.*##.ads + Entity not supported: kissmanga.*###myModal + Entity not supported: adcorto.*##.banner + Entity not supported: adcorto.*##.box-main > table + Entity not supported: streamonsport.*###iframe_preview + Entity not supported: dulinks.*###__bgd_link + Entity not supported: dulinks.*##.banner + Entity not supported: dulinks.*##.row > .col-md-offset-1 > .box > .box-body center > a[href] + Entity not supported: dulinks.*###btm_banner + Entity not supported: dulinks.*##.captcha-page center > p > button.button + Entity not supported: dulinks.*##.captcha-page > center h,.box-main h + Entity not supported: dulinks.*##[href^="https://dropmms.com/"] + Entity not supported: newdmn.*###overlay + Entity not supported: hd21.*##.aside_video + Entity not supported: iceporn.*###spot_video_livecams + Entity not supported: iceporn.*##.furtherance + Entity not supported: iceporn.*##.take_place + .take_place + Entity not supported: iceporn.*###spot_video_partner_banner + Entity not supported: iceporn.*###spot_video_partner_banner + span[style] + Entity not supported: nuvid.*##div[style^="height:477px"] + Entity not supported: nuvid.*##footer > .rfix + Entity not supported: nuvid.*##.aside > h2 + Entity not supported: nuvid.*##.download_adv_text_photo + Entity not supported: nuvid.*##.video-options + Entity not supported: nuvid.*##.advertisement + Entity not supported: tubeon.*##.spots + Entity not supported: tubeon.*##.thr-rcol + Entity not supported: vivatube.*##.livecams + Entity not supported: vivatube.*##.clear + .mt15.container[style="margin-top:15px; border-bottom:0;"] + Entity not supported: yeptube.*##.spots + Entity not supported: yeptube.*##.thr-rcol + Entity not supported: wmoviesfree.*##.orange.big-color-btn + Entity not supported: pornhd8k.*###invideo_wrapper + Entity not supported: 1todaypk.*##[href="/watchnow.php"] + Entity not supported: todaypktv.*##.ad_watch_now + Entity not supported: todaypktv.*##.hd-buttons1 + Entity not supported: hd-pornos.*##.vjs-overlayed + Entity not supported: hd-pornos.*###spezial_column + Entity not supported: hd-pornos.*##div[id="wrapper_content"] > aside + Entity not supported: kat.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kickass.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kickass2.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kickasstorrents.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kat2.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kattracker.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: thekat.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: thekickass.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kickassz.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kickasstorrents2.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: topkickass.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kickassgo.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kkickass.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kkat.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kickasst.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kick4ss.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: katbay.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kickasshydra.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kickasskat.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kickassbay.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: torrentkat.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kickassuk.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: torrentskickass.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kickasspk.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kickasstrusty.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: katkickass.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kickassindia.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kickass-usa.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kickassaustralia.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kickassdb.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kathydra.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kickassminds.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kickassunlocked.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kickassmovies.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kickassfull.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: bigkickass.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kickasstracker.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: katfreak.*##[style*="decoration"]:not([style^="width"]) + Entity not supported: kat.*##[href="/k.php?q=q"] + Entity not supported: katbay.*##[href="/k.php?q=q"] + Entity not supported: kickass.*##[href="/k.php?q=q"] + Entity not supported: kickasshydra.*##[href="/k.php?q=q"] + Entity not supported: kickasskat.*##[href="/k.php?q=q"] + Entity not supported: kickass2.*##[href="/k.php?q=q"] + Entity not supported: kickasstorrents.*##[href="/k.php?q=q"] + Entity not supported: kat2.*##[href="/k.php?q=q"] + Entity not supported: kattracker.*##[href="/k.php?q=q"] + Entity not supported: thekat.*##[href="/k.php?q=q"] + Entity not supported: thekickass.*##[href="/k.php?q=q"] + Entity not supported: kickassz.*##[href="/k.php?q=q"] + Entity not supported: kickasstorrents2.*##[href="/k.php?q=q"] + Entity not supported: topkickass.*##[href="/k.php?q=q"] + Entity not supported: kickassgo.*##[href="/k.php?q=q"] + Entity not supported: kkickass.*##[href="/k.php?q=q"] + Entity not supported: kkat.*##[href="/k.php?q=q"] + Entity not supported: kickasst.*##[href="/k.php?q=q"] + Entity not supported: kick4ss.*##[href="/k.php?q=q"] + Invalid filter: akvi.icu##:xpath(//*[contains(text(),"Disable")]) + Entity not supported: 123unblock.*##.alert-dismissible + Entity not supported: 720pstream.*##.bg-dark.position-absolute + Entity not supported: fulltube.*##.mvic-btn + Entity not supported: cine-calidad.*##.links + Entity not supported: hindilinks4u.*##.mvic-btn + Entity not supported: otakudesu.*##.box_item_ads_popup + Entity not supported: otakudesu.*##[href="https://bisnis4d.co/"] + Entity not supported: latesthdmovies.*##[href^="https://bit.ly/"] + Entity not supported: cimanow.*###ad + Entity not supported: thothub.*##.sponsor + Entity not supported: thothub.*##.table + Entity not supported: seriesflv.*##.adx > a[href] + Entity not supported: zshort.*###fafsf2:style(display:block !important) + Entity not supported: zshort.*###showContainer,.textfk + Entity not supported: ebay.*##.s-item__sep:matches-css(display: none):remove() + Invalid filter: ebay.*##:xpath(//span[(text()='S')]):upward(.s-item) + Entity not supported: hds-streaming.*###fakeplayer + Entity not supported: hds-streaming.*##.asgdc + Entity not supported: mrunblock.*###lb-banner + Entity not supported: mrunblock.*##[id^="cookieConsent"]:upward(1) + Entity not supported: mrunblock.*##.alert-dismissible + Entity not supported: akwam.*##.ads + Entity not supported: netpornix.*##div#responseads:style(display:block !important) + Entity not supported: netpornix.*###videoadsid + Entity not supported: netpornix.*##[href^="https://bit.ly/"] + Entity not supported: netpornix.*##.videoads + Entity not supported: streamsb.*##body > div[style*="z-index:"] + Entity not supported: youwatch.*##[href^="https://minilink.id/"] + Entity not supported: youwatch.*##.sgpb-popup-dialog-main-div-wrapper + Entity not supported: youwatch.*##.sgpb-popup-overlay + Entity not supported: youwatch.*###custom_html-65 + Entity not supported: fxstreet.*##.fxs_leaderboard + Entity not supported: xn--stream-oe64e.*###abm + Entity not supported: tripadvisor.*###component_2 > div[class^="_"] > div > div[class^="iab_"][style="min-height:90px"]:upward(2) + Entity not supported: tripadvisor.*##.ui_container > div[class] > div[class^="_"] > .iab_medRec:only-child:upward(1) + Entity not supported: unblocknow.*##.adstg + Entity not supported: unblocknow.*##.alert + Entity not supported: unblocknow.*###cookieConsentVPN666 + Entity not supported: hog.*##.content__info--vis + Entity not supported: hog.*##.player-block__line + Entity not supported: hog.*##.player-block__square + Entity not supported: hog.*##.player__side + Entity not supported: hog.*##.related-view > div.title--sm + Entity not supported: samehadaku.*###playVideo:style(display: block !important; visibility: visible !important;) + Entity not supported: samehadaku.*###player_embed:style(display: block !important; visibility: visible !important;) + Entity not supported: samehadaku.*###skipbtn + Entity not supported: samehadaku.*##.box_item_berlangganan_popup + Entity not supported: userload.*##div[style="position: fixed; display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; inset: 0px; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); z-index: 300000;"] + Entity not supported: userload.*##.adp-underlay + Entity not supported: fapnado.*###list_videos_related_videos > center + Entity not supported: fapnado.*###pause-ads + Entity not supported: fapnado.*##[class^="spot"] + Entity not supported: videovard.*##.jw-reset.jw-wrapper:style(z-index:2147483647 !important) + Entity not supported: videovard.*###nux > div > div > div[id] + Entity not supported: wcofun.*##.anti-ad + Entity not supported: wcofun.*##.reklam_kapat + Entity not supported: myflixer.*###gift-middle + Entity not supported: myflixer.*##.premodal.modal + Entity not supported: myflixer.*##.show.modal-backdrop + Entity not supported: gomoviz.*##.mvic-btn + Entity not supported: gomoviz.*##.mobile-btn + Entity not supported: gomoviz.*##div.content-kuss + Entity not supported: pobre.*###messageModal + Entity not supported: pobre.*##.generalModal + Entity not supported: rp5.*##.adsbygoogle:upward(1) + Entity not supported: stooq.*##div[style="position:relative;width:970px;height:250px"] + Entity not supported: stooq.*##div[style="position:relative;width:300px;height:250px"] + Entity not supported: stooq.*###f13 > table > tbody > tr > td > .f13 + Entity not supported: stooq.*###f13 > b:has-text(Sponsor):upward(4) + Entity not supported: stooq.*##td#f13:nth-of-type(3) > table:nth-of-type(4) > tbody > tr > td:upward(3) + Entity not supported: shinchu.*##.g-recaptcha:upward(form > div):style(display: block !important;) + Entity not supported: cricstream.*##.w-100.position-absolute.h-100 + Entity not supported: ibomma.*##[style="display:none"]:style(display: block !important;) + Entity not supported: ibomma.*###abEnabled-note + Entity not supported: filma24.*###vidad + Entity not supported: filma24.*##[href^="https://bit.ly/"] + Entity not supported: filma24.*##[href="https://codeit.al/services/"] + Entity not supported: pinterest.*##div[data-test-id="pin"] span:not([class]):has-text(Promoted by):upward([data-grid-item="true"]) + Entity not supported: gomoviefree.*##.mobile-btn + Entity not supported: g3g.*##.text-center.alert-danger.alert-dismissible.alert + Entity not supported: pornocomics.*###dclm_modal_screen + Entity not supported: pornocomics.*###dclm_modal_content + Entity not supported: pornocomics.*##*:style(filter: none !important) + Invalid filter: digminecraft.com##:xpath(//*[contains(text(),"Advertisements")]):upward(1) + Invalid filter: masterduelmeta.com##:xpath(//*[contains(text(),"adblock")]):upward(3) + Entity not supported: faselhd.*##.alert-danger.alert + Entity not supported: fashionunited.*##.adunitContainer:upward(3) + Entity not supported: atishmkv.*##.idmuvi-bannerplayer + Entity not supported: atishmkv.*##[href^="https://go.aff.thecasinoaffiliates.com/"] + Entity not supported: jalshamoviezhd.*##[href^="https://usounoul.com/"] + Entity not supported: poki.*##div[class*="_AdvertisementContainer"] + Entity not supported: filmy.*##.btn-dwn:not([href*="filmy."]) + Entity not supported: filmyhit.*##.dwn-btn:not([href*="filmy"]) + Entity not supported: filmy.*##.dwn-btn + Entity not supported: filmyhit.*##.btn-dwn1:not([href*="filmy"]) + Entity not supported: eztv.*##table:has-text(VPN) + Entity not supported: technicalatg.*###wpsafe-generate, #wpsafe-link:style(display: block !important;) + Entity not supported: technicalatg.*##div[id^="wpsafe-wait"] + Entity not supported: moviesjoy.*###fcnbox + Entity not supported: moviesjoy.*##[href*="moviesflix4k"] + Entity not supported: moviesjoy.*##.premodal.modal + Entity not supported: moviesjoy.*##.show.modal-backdrop + Entity not supported: player.tormalayalamhd.*##[href="https://t.me/Russia_Vs_Ukraine_War3"] + Entity not supported: player.tormalayalamhd.*##a[onclick="openAuc();"] + Entity not supported: 90phut2.*##.uk-modal + Entity not supported: 90phut2.*##html:style(overflow: auto !important;) + Entity not supported: voirseries.*##.salidor_inner + Entity not supported: voirseries.*###playerOver + Entity not supported: netu.*###qdiv + Entity not supported: financerites.*##.footerLink.hidden:style(display: block !important;) + Entity not supported: financerites.*##.getlink:others() + Invalid filter: wp.pl##:xpath(//*[string-length(@href) > 1600]) + Invalid filter: money.pl##:xpath(//*[string-length(@href) > 1600]) + Invalid filter: o2.pl##:xpath(//*[string-length(@href) > 1600]) + Invalid filter: parenting.pl##:xpath(//*[string-length(@href) > 1600]) + Invalid filter: pudelek.pl##:xpath(//*[string-length(@href) > 1600]) + Invalid filter: autokult.pl##:xpath(//*[string-length(@href) > 1600]) + Invalid filter: gadzetomania.pl##:xpath(//*[string-length(@href) > 1600]) + Invalid filter: fotoblogia.pl##:xpath(//*[string-length(@href) > 1600]) + Invalid filter: komorkomania.pl##:xpath(//*[string-length(@href) > 1600]) + Invalid filter: polygamia.pl##:xpath(//*[string-length(@href) > 1600]) + Invalid filter: open.fm##:xpath(//*[string-length(@href) > 1600]) +Scriptlet-related distinct filters: 1251 Scriptlet-related injectable files: 4 - 02coe0j, 1i0osht, 1sr9k0t, 0opvtmb + 0t5ui9p, 1lvsmph, 0o34tsl, 0r0cvo1 ============================ Listset for 'alb-0': Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AnXh3L0/blocklist/master/albanian-easylist-addition/Albania.txt @@ -201,25 +1597,37 @@ Output rule count: 26 Entity not supported: www.filma24.* Entity not supported: www.filma24.* Entity not supported: filma24.* -CSS-related distinct filters: 97 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 14 - 1b0tv00, 07gvnng, 0tt37pq, 0qrct3c, 1apgjt0, 0q7sqng, 0oknf44, 03h07es, 1ljeleq, 0t1l9gs, 1im5iv0, 1g1e0jk, 0omb4ts, 0677ano +CSS-related distinct filters: 99 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 11 + 1dl63rg, 1qj43rk, 10fs3ns, 1koh5u4, 1l3tc90, 0d136ms, 02r114g, 0pi0voc, 177kpeo, 0su0vi4, 1f3cs34 +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 11 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 04qaqnm, 1le71ai, 0svji32, 162f2ji +Rejected cosmetic filters: 19 + Entity not supported: www.filma24.*###vidad + Entity not supported: www.filma24.*##.widgets + Entity not supported: www.filma24.*##.bottom.adrek-space > .widget + Entity not supported: www.filma24.*###boost-145 + Entity not supported: www.filma24.*##.njoftim + Entity not supported: www.filma24.*##.watch-movie > center + Entity not supported: www.filma24.*##div.movie-info > center + Entity not supported: www.filma24.*###imgad + Entity not supported: www.filma24.*##center:nth-of-type(2) + Entity not supported: www.filma24.*##center:nth-of-type(4) + Entity not supported: www.filma24.*##center:nth-of-type(5) + Entity not supported: www.filma24.*##div.movie-info:nth-of-type(5) + Entity not supported: filma24.*##div.player:style(width: 100% !important) + Entity not supported: filma24.*##div.movie-info:style(width: 100% !important) + Entity not supported: filma24.*##div.movie-optional:style(width: 100% !important) + Entity not supported: filma24.*##div.watch-links:style(width: 100% !important) + Entity not supported: filma24.*##div.download-links:style(width: 100% !important) + Entity not supported: filma24.*###disqus_thread:style(width: 100% !important) + Entity not supported: filma24.*##div.recommended.related:style(width: 100% !important) ============================ Listset for 'ara-0': Fetching remote https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/Liste_AR.txt No valid content for undefined No filterset found -Input filter count: 0 - Accepted filter count: 0 - Rejected filter count: 0 -Output rule count: 0 - Good: 0 - Maybe good (regexes): 0 - redirect-rule= (discarded): 0 - csp= (discarded): 0 - removeparams= (discarded): 0 - Unsupported: 0 - ============================ Listset for 'bgr-0': Fetching remote https://stanev.org/abp/adblock_bg.txt @@ -235,16 +1643,16 @@ Output rule count: 664 Unsupported: 0 CSS-related distinct filters: 185 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 1rjm2m0, 05l6eoi, 1c5e6pe, 0uf8ro2, 1cdfr28, 0gfii2s, 080j12s, 1182ml0, 0qchbse, 0s5h3rm, 07cnilq, 0ekob8i, 01m2pni, 1jaj83s, 1095s7e, 19tvo82 +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 1bsqshc, 0rl5to4, 1b9l710, 14hs1gk, 00qsf2c, 1ml3b74, 0vhm25k, 1f2bq4k, 06ffgio, 0q2nu7c, 1bnlmuo, 0gtnp9s ============================ Listset for 'chn-0': Fetching remote https://filters.adtidy.org/extension/ublock/filters/224.txt -Input filter count: 18792 - Accepted filter count: 18751 +Input filter count: 18837 + Accepted filter count: 18796 Rejected filter count: 0 -Output rule count: 6744 - Good: 6686 +Output rule count: 6724 + Good: 6666 Maybe good (regexes): 14 redirect-rule= (discarded): 34 csp= (discarded): 6 @@ -254,12 +1662,19 @@ Output rule count: 6744 Invalid network filter in chn-0: @@||ad.alimama.com^$genericblock Invalid network filter in chn-0: @@||cmechina.net^$genericblock Unhandled modifier exception -CSS-related distinct filters: 2613 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 0gh3ere, 1mq4f90, 0im1luk, 0q8d328, 1ovsnvm, 0ah0mv4, 0mo8g18, 1okigmq, 0a4ogu2, 17g2n5k, 08pf05m, 15l948o, 1a47r72, 0ni6fa2, 13g111s, 0o51sjc +CSS-related distinct filters: 2612 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 1m2c4pg, 0tc2m50, 1g364j4, 0aor1sk, 0c0lea8, 1o6jano, 1fr3fk8, 0d5lfjs, 0p97nnc, 0gep2rc, 16s7030, 198df58 +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 166 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 0t6eq9m, 1pgqlfq, 17t0a0u, 13fgt3q +Rejected cosmetic filters: 3 + Entity not supported: 18comic.*##body .bot-per + Entity not supported: 18comic.*##.top-a2db + Entity not supported: 18comic.*##.modal-body > ul.pop-list Scriptlet-related distinct filters: 50 Scriptlet-related injectable files: 4 - 0vq8a0v, 0av3hn9, 0nlf5pp, 04ucsjn + 11fdmil, 1s5m36t, 18v3tj1, 0nc36t1 ============================ Listset for 'cze-0': Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tomasko126/easylistczechandslovak/master/filters.txt @@ -276,44 +1691,39 @@ Output rule count: 120 Unsupported: 0 CSS-related distinct filters: 141 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 10d4iso, 0vfj18e, 0ersaq4, 0l1kd3c, 1i0cad8, 144rjpk, 1inffvi, 14jmg8q, 1iavono, 1uo9vig, 0p5pibo, 1f5bjn0, 1femqpi, 1shjldo, 19jnnm8, 0srle9a +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 1cp2678, 043qs8g, 1k2ou80, 1o4aroo, 1hdvglg, 148a1g0, 09mc980, 0d3h018, 1fmb4ls, 024skd4, 0b7j6vs, 08pd4qg +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 15 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 0b2sgle, 15frpj2, 0htafhi, 1bird52 Scriptlet-related distinct filters: 21 Scriptlet-related injectable files: 3 - 10vgbcj, 1htcfr7, 0eo2b11 + 06j6kv5, 1qojpcd, 0mr3ut9 ============================ Listset for 'deu-0': Fetching remote https://easylist.to/easylistgermany/easylistgermany.txt -Input filter count: 2188 - Accepted filter count: 2188 +Input filter count: 2189 + Accepted filter count: 2189 Rejected filter count: 0 -Output rule count: 1688 - Good: 1684 +Output rule count: 1689 + Good: 1685 Maybe good (regexes): 3 redirect-rule= (discarded): 0 csp= (discarded): 0 removeparams= (discarded): 0 Unsupported: 1 Invalid network filter in deu-0: @@||gofeminin.de^$genericblock -CSS-related distinct filters: 1163 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 1v1sqv2, 0m53cci, 19r7bdm, 0ls5dj4, 1v92822, 0s8osp0, 0afprmq, 0ptqf36, 05olgj2, 0do78l2, 0q0kb7m, 06rc7c4, 13p9gvq, 1rcddju, 1l1mop6, 1ofqdiu +CSS-related distinct filters: 1164 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 1gs34oc, 0346tf4, 0rq2j0o, 18ps85k, 1s1ns1g, 09194h0, 0m64ssk, 00immhk, 07e13ss, 1n1fnno, 1vsom3o, 0anr8h4 +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 83 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 0m5m2gq, 0r966ri, 1nmhdum, 035sfs2 ============================ Listset for 'est-0': Fetching remote https://adblock.ee/list.php No valid content for undefined No filterset found -Input filter count: 0 - Accepted filter count: 0 - Rejected filter count: 0 -Output rule count: 0 - Good: 0 - Maybe good (regexes): 0 - redirect-rule= (discarded): 0 - csp= (discarded): 0 - removeparams= (discarded): 0 - Unsupported: 0 - ============================ Listset for 'fin-0': Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/finnish-easylist-addition/finnish-easylist-addition/master/Finland_adb.txt @@ -331,20 +1741,26 @@ Output rule count: 147 regexFilter is not RE2-compatible: telsu\.fi\/(?![^>]*\.\w{3}$).+ regexFilter is not RE2-compatible: telsu\.fi\/(?![^>].*\.(jpg|png|svg|ico)$).+ regexFilter is not RE2-compatible: telsu\.fi\/img\/(?!cloudcity|mindmax|navibg|prg|tvohjelmat) -CSS-related distinct filters: 366 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 1ed4qfa, 1qs4hhi, 07onc4m, 007o0s2, 0l5i8qm, 1shpbli, 1vdku68, 1ou5oi2, 1n64jao, 1po2m7q, 159efkg, 0cad1g2, 06qiiha, 1020fpa, 13bp9t2, 1opqo4g +CSS-related distinct filters: 352 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 0209ct8, 0ir6ogs, 0147tso, 1cia8b8, 1eplhdg, 0i6lb30, 0f8bn6c, 1cm2rrk, 0lqk74g, 14r0q4k, 0k1d7is, 049s694 +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 187 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 0odhene, 1jq4un2, 1geq55q, 1he9ici +Rejected cosmetic filters: 2 + Invalid filter: fin.afterdawn.com##.header:not(:matches-media((min-width: 750px))) + div[class] + div[class] .mobile-top-ad:-abp-has(+ .boxes):style(margin: unset !important) + Invalid filter: fin.afterdawn.com##.header:not(:matches-media((min-width: 750px))) + div[class] + div[class] .mobile-top-ad:not(+ .boxes):style(margin: -10px auto !important) Scriptlet-related distinct filters: 3 Scriptlet-related injectable files: 2 - 04avqfd, 0p16ng5 + 0g2dphl, 1mlof8d ============================ Listset for 'fra-0': Fetching remote https://filters.adtidy.org/extension/ublock/filters/16.txt -Input filter count: 21545 - Accepted filter count: 21490 +Input filter count: 21551 + Accepted filter count: 21496 Rejected filter count: 49 -Output rule count: 7326 - Good: 7275 +Output rule count: 7331 + Good: 7280 Maybe good (regexes): 10 redirect-rule= (discarded): 28 csp= (discarded): 5 @@ -358,12 +1774,18 @@ Output rule count: 7326 Invalid network filter in fra-0: @@$webrtc,domain=stream4free.live Invalid network filter in fra-0: $webrtc,domain=11anim.com|1337x.st|1337x.to|2ddl.ms|adyou.me|ajplugins.com|allitebooks.com|androidadult.com|animeid.tv|animekb.net|animeland.tv|animezone.pl|avametrie.fr|avgle.com|bdurls.com|bigspeeds.com|bindassbros.com|blizzboygames.net|bonstreams.net|catrumahminimalis.me|centrum-dramy.pl|cestpasbien.pro|chatytvgratis.net|chrt.pw|cineiz.io|cinemahd.co|cinemamkv.net|cinemitas.com|cinestrenostv.tv|clik.pw|cmacapps.com|cocostreaming.com|convertinmp4.com|cpabien.ws|crictime.com|crictime.is|daclips.com|datpiff.com|ddl.to|ddmix.net|ddownload.com|deltabit.co|deportesmax.info|descargas2020.com|djs.sk|dl-protect.info|dl-protect1.com|dompl3.info|doodstream.co|doodstream.com|downlink.top|draculastream.org|drakula.top|dropapk.com|dropapk.to|dualpaste.net|earnwithshortlink.com|ebook-planete.org|ebookdz.com|fileone.tv|filmeserialeonline.org|filmtelecharger.net|flashx.net|flashx.tv|fluvore.com|free-telechargement.org|free-telecharger.com|free-telecharger.net|free-telecharger.org|free-telecharger.xyz|freecardano.com|freenem.com|fullmatchesandshows.com|gamestorrent.co|ganol.ru|ganool.im|ganool123.com|gtaall.com|gum-gum-streaming.com|hdvid.online|healthoptimizer.net|heapfiles.com|hq-porns.com|ianimes.org|iegy.best|imagenesmy.com|imgazure.com|immunicity.st|ithepiratebay.com|javher.com|jheberg.net|jkanime.net|k-streaming.cc|k-streaming.com|kinohabr.net|kinokrad.co|kinoprofi.org|kinostuff.com|kinox.me|kinox.tv|kiss-anime.ws|kissasian.ch|kissasian.sh|kooralive.info|kora-live.tv|kvid.org|lafmacun.net|larati.net|latino-webtv.com|leggendaweb.com|leitor.net|lemondedekevin.fr|lewd.ninja|libertyvf.co|libertyvf.com|libertyvf.net|libertyvf.tv|liketvw.com|likeur.org|limpi.tv|liveflashplayer.org|lordhd.com|love-drama.pl|ma-famille-dabord-streaming.com|mangaku.in|mejortorrent.org|mejortorrent1.com|mimaletamusical.blogspot.com|mkvcage.com|mladipodnikatelia.sk|modsbase.com|monova.org|movie4k.is|movie4k.org|movies123.ac|mp4mania.xyz|multiimg.com|myfeed4u.com|mywatchseries.stream|netiap.com|nicoblog.org|nonpiusolo.com|novom.ru|o2tvseries.com|oasivip.com|oceanoffgames.com|oipeirates.online|onion.ly|onion.pet|openload.cc|openload.ch|openload.fun|opensubtitles.org|ovid.online|ovid.tv|papstream.info|pastehere.xyz|pcgamestorrents.com|pdf-giant.com|peeplink.in|pelislatino3gp.biz|pinoybay.ch|piratebayblocked.com|planet-streaming.net|planet-streaming1.com|planete-bd.org|planetfools.com|povwideo.cc|powvideo.cc|powvideo.net|putload.tv|radiofly.ws|reactor.cc|readmanga.today|regarder-le-bureau-des-legendes-streaming.com|regarder-malcolm-streaming.com|regarder-peaky-blinders-streaming.xyz|regarder-prison-break-streaming.com|rivosport.co|rojadirecta.fr|sawlive.tv|scuseami.net|senmanga.com|sharemods.com|sherlockonline.ru|shippuden.tv|short.pe|short2win.com|shrink-service.it|sintelevisor.com|sleeptimer.org|slyid.com|solarmovie.one|sorteosrd.com|srt.am|starmusiq.one|strdef.world|stream2watch.org|stream4free.live|streambeam.io|streamcdn.to|streamcloud.eu|streamhunter.net|streamhunter.top|streamplay.me|streamplay.to|subswiki.com|subtorrents.tv|supervideo.tv|tamilmv.cz|tarjetarojatvonline.com|telerium.tv|teleriumtv.com|teleriumtv.net|theappguruz.com|thepiratebay.cr|thepiratebay.vip|thevid.net|thevid.tv|thevideo.ch|thevideo.io|thevideo.me|thevideo.us|tomadivx.tv|topsimages.com|torlock.com|torlock2.com|toros.co|tpbprox.com|tubetitties.com|tvpor-internet.com|tvshqiphd.com|uii.io|ukpass.co|unblocked2.fun|unblocked2.vip|unblocksites.co|up-4.net|upbom.com|upbom.net|upload.ee|uploadfiles.eu|uploadocean.com|uppom.live|uptostream.com|upvid.host|vcrypt.net|veehd.com|vergol.com|verliga1.net|vertelevisor.com|vev.io|vev.red|videobin.co|videowood.tv|vidfile.net|vidop.icu|vidoza.co|vidoza.net|vidshare.tv|vidup.io|vidup.tv|viewasian.tv|vup.to|watchonline.to|watchpornfree.ws|wearesaudis.net|wlive.tv|wstream.to|wstream.video|x1337x.eu|x1337x.se|x1337x.ws|xclusivejams.com|xfilesharing.com|xrivonet.info|xvideosharing.com|yify-torrent.org|yifyddl.movie|zenexplayer.com|zeroshare.me|zipansion.com|zone-ebook.com Unhandled modifier exception -CSS-related distinct filters: 1183 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 0qaabdk, 084ei0q, 1jkomc2, 0afh72g, 1jpalf2, 0iuk25k, 1rtt46e, 0l83fku, 140aghg, 1615doi, 04ndvo4, 08d5ovu, 107ngla, 0cj01so, 0scbl6q, 07khh0m +CSS-related distinct filters: 1184 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 0mhmacs, 08h29b0, 0b773ko, 1jt9kt8, 076fnj0, 01q2adc, 0vddij0, 03usk38, 14vopos, 1i61vo4, 11o6fls, 1mvtv78 +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 115 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 0n4jap2, 0jmr14a, 1lhjdvi, 04bt60i +Rejected cosmetic filters: 2 + Entity not supported: torrent911.*###vpnvpn + Entity not supported: oxtorrent.*###vpnvpn Scriptlet-related distinct filters: 43 Scriptlet-related injectable files: 4 - 10neqlh, 1m9jpa7, 1r9762h, 1eh3pj9 + 1oukjkh, 1278sjp, 010aed5, 16l5jd5 ============================ Listset for 'grc-0': Fetching remote https://www.void.gr/kargig/void-gr-filters.txt @@ -378,68 +1800,82 @@ Output rule count: 434 removeparams= (discarded): 0 Unsupported: 0 -CSS-related distinct filters: 165 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 15 - 1fg57gc, 0bh3aea, 17pp2ae, 1rt3qva, 1giirmo, 0iidtjm, 1cq0loi, 135idvo, 1qtpg7e, 0la76k0, 19f513e, 156hjtk, 0hu467s, 0mrm21s, 17srot4 +CSS-related distinct filters: 166 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 1op8418, 0qj3m3g, 1nvuk4g, 0ht99h0, 0fdjnbg, 1qjq8is, 0ns0iks, 0o3hok0, 1jg90os, 0bjh24k, 1lfr6d0, 0dvdo7o +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 7 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 1215fl2, 1ichdcu, 0jaf83i, 1djk456 ============================ Listset for 'hun-0': Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hufilter/hufilter/master/hufilter-ublock.txt -Input filter count: 323 - Accepted filter count: 323 +Input filter count: 325 + Accepted filter count: 325 Rejected filter count: 0 -Output rule count: 200 - Good: 199 +Output rule count: 202 + Good: 201 Maybe good (regexes): 1 redirect-rule= (discarded): 0 csp= (discarded): 0 removeparams= (discarded): 0 Unsupported: 0 -CSS-related distinct filters: 443 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 0u36ksi, 1h23du6, 1sc5e9a, 18rvocq, 09e684e, 0unuc38, 0i2qqfo, 1ppbp64, 07eikr8, 0g8vu8k, 1lora00, 08cde1s, 0j9e2iu, 1nbo4cm, 1uibg6e, 10l91rk +CSS-related distinct filters: 446 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 1cf2490, 0ifqrbo, 1a6c4u4, 0ib0jd4, 15j1jm0, 1q31bok, 0jnagmo, 1uubfec, 1pnifdk, 03j9vdg, 08shb5s, 1hrmmvg +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 47 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 0n3icfa, 1tdstvu, 042hah6, 010uuq2 Scriptlet-related distinct filters: 12 Scriptlet-related injectable files: 3 - 026qbsr, 0jsp015, 12tv1nh + 1crc39l, 09i0qn9, 07lhj8p ============================ Listset for 'idn-0': Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ABPindo/indonesianadblockrules/master/subscriptions/abpindo.txt -Input filter count: 4291 - Accepted filter count: 4288 +Input filter count: 4295 + Accepted filter count: 4292 Rejected filter count: 0 -Output rule count: 3045 - Good: 3045 +Output rule count: 3046 + Good: 3046 Maybe good (regexes): 0 redirect-rule= (discarded): 0 csp= (discarded): 0 removeparams= (discarded): 0 Unsupported: 0 -CSS-related distinct filters: 415 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 1ma3m3q, 0kl442i, 141j3ru, 0at8mfc, 0fedadc, 1k7tlli, 0loqudm, 0r6cqh6, 1fvpbe8, 15i4g1e, 17cus6e, 05tijc8, 11gnohm, 0mji7eq, 1e6fale, 13g1eig +CSS-related distinct filters: 419 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 10knfk0, 0rtupcc, 0686rjc, 1f1nj1g, 179gq7k, 0j5ktvs, 135hjus, 1m4u6jo, 11vt9to, 0ihf6ic, 1sh74ck, 1225q7g +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 2 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 2 + 199pvjm, 1lnj09a +Rejected cosmetic filters: 1 + Invalid filter: neonime.net##[data-src^="https://neonime.net/wp-content/"]:xpath(..) ============================ Listset for 'ind-0': Fetching remote https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/indianlist.txt -Input filter count: 5208 - Accepted filter count: 5208 +Input filter count: 5234 + Accepted filter count: 5234 Rejected filter count: 0 -Output rule count: 5175 - Good: 5175 +Output rule count: 5201 + Good: 5201 Maybe good (regexes): 0 redirect-rule= (discarded): 0 csp= (discarded): 0 removeparams= (discarded): 0 Unsupported: 0 -CSS-related distinct filters: 2208 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 0oe8u42, 04u06ou, 06q63re, 1i7otss, 07p8v0i, 0opjpq6, 1raf9jc, 0i0b3mk, 1f4iiei, 1da6v58, 1flih3o, 09j3mjg, 05o4i42, 15a78a4, 08iirva, 0hpgml2 +CSS-related distinct filters: 2214 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 0fjq6b8, 0kthidk, 1ieh334, 13vjj88, 1oqsdb0, 0dmo31c, 1j9s6b8, 0at7lf8, 0tordgo, 0c8iqdc, 10f3fb8, 02ulenc +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 73 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 05c015m, 1bufjbi, 1tb1mka, 12h5ttm ============================ Listset for 'irn-0': Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MasterKia/PersianBlocker/main/PersianBlocker.txt -Input filter count: 1356 - Accepted filter count: 1356 +Input filter count: 1376 + Accepted filter count: 1376 Rejected filter count: 0 Output rule count: 524 Good: 509 @@ -457,12 +1893,15 @@ Output rule count: 524 Unsupported regex-based removeParam: /^utm_/ Unsupported regex-based removeParam: /^utm_/ Unsupported regex-based removeParam: /^utm_/ -CSS-related distinct filters: 318 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 0qcmiu4, 0b4sfou, 0a7hkhe, 1l2niic, 1p6d0jq, 0e0hdcq, 0lj8lqu, 0bev8h0, 0kff0s4, 0105om4, 1ic3quq, 1g9u7js, 12imgbs, 1c4ata2, 0tl4mdo, 0cb6hji -Scriptlet-related distinct filters: 26 +CSS-related distinct filters: 329 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 1ftbh6o, 0qnv2rs, 0n3ue4k, 0etkg2o, 135opdc, 0tv2q9c, 1cvqj2c, 1t8vgfg, 0akh97s, 01df5e4, 0tksg8o, 180i6bc +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 63 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 1i0oapq, 177t3sa, 17jmk4m, 1hf3aqi +Scriptlet-related distinct filters: 27 Scriptlet-related injectable files: 3 - 1kvheqf, 0ndv0tf, 001e6m5 + 1k5o819, 02lgsfp, 0mb2ba9 ============================ Listset for 'isl-0': Fetching remote https://adblock.gardar.net/is.abp.txt @@ -477,9 +1916,9 @@ Output rule count: 68 removeparams= (discarded): 0 Unsupported: 0 -CSS-related distinct filters: 42 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 14 - 0ih3cq2, 07cq7uc, 1ddd6me, 0als05u, 1c9fjqo, 10ijv8s, 0j2b48a, 0g3i9eg, 1g8hug0, 0c4pl7q, 188h3f4, 0ivtoai, 1q42bmc, 1voj74q +CSS-related distinct filters: 43 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 11 + 0t09shs, 1kb22dc, 0dllqn8, 0t59ci8, 0ru6r2k, 0mk84lg, 0jfcfok, 1pe5k34, 1stvoso, 0p16geo, 1prlc7c ============================ Listset for 'isr-0': Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/easylist/EasyListHebrew/master/EasyListHebrew.txt @@ -512,50 +1951,90 @@ Output rule count: 278 Invalid network filter in isr-0: *$webrtc,domain=globes.co.il Invalid network filter in isr-0: *$webrtc,domain=calcalist.co.il CSS-related distinct filters: 118 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 15 - 0es1io4, 0shrnko, 0a4jc0a, 0argi50, 0b7qmrm, 1dq2154, 0jnkf8g, 1ter93o, 0lfneta, 152sfb6, 00q4t5m, 1lmbc9m, 10j3bg6, 0ocb5iq, 14qdaa2 +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 1c3puc4, 1d68bvc, 1m2rvuc, 0q27ih8, 0goodsc, 12bp3ok, 0emdl18, 0anr1m0, 0k3782c, 1gd6b0g, 1sjqiig, 1ksmpkg +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 3 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 3 + 0c9sfbq, 0e6iugu, 1iuhhh6 +Rejected cosmetic filters: 3 + Invalid filter: haaretz.co.il##span:has([href*="promo"]):xpath(..) + Entity not supported: sdarot.*###afterLoad:style(display: block !important) + Entity not supported: sdarot.*##[href*="channel22.co.il"] Scriptlet-related distinct filters: 7 Scriptlet-related injectable files: 3 - 1k6rjq5, 1as5ntj, 0i8jk91 + 1shqma9, 0028hs5, 1mvji4t ============================ Listset for 'ita-0': Fetching remote https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylistitaly.txt -Input filter count: 5691 - Accepted filter count: 5691 +Input filter count: 5692 + Accepted filter count: 5692 Rejected filter count: 0 -Output rule count: 5421 - Good: 5417 +Output rule count: 5422 + Good: 5418 Maybe good (regexes): 3 redirect-rule= (discarded): 0 csp= (discarded): 0 removeparams= (discarded): 0 Unsupported: 1 Invalid network filter in ita-0: $webrtc,domain=hentaisaturn.com|italydownload.com|mitoitalico.com|semprehawk.com -CSS-related distinct filters: 2065 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 08k0hgs, 1mnf7f2, 0ct63t0, 1hbfp9u, 0mqfl5o, 0u315fg, 1bsoktm, 1fcn78i, 1hch9t0, 1badhsk, 1ovhqqg, 1b445e6, 1ao7k64, 0octeo0, 17pfq96, 0kjni7a +CSS-related distinct filters: 2066 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 1805gi4, 1sv7ksk, 04drfik, 0acht80, 00qf2rk, 0hsfnvs, 0qamju4, 1atv1ec, 0ktmub4, 0efe64g, 006tjg0, 1ockre8 +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 38 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 0sfclp6, 1k1u8nu, 1fbb992, 1mb7322 ============================ Listset for 'jpn-1': Fetching remote https://filters.adtidy.org/extension/ublock/filters/7.txt -Input filter count: 1217 - Accepted filter count: 1216 +Input filter count: 1219 + Accepted filter count: 1218 Rejected filter count: 0 -Output rule count: 805 - Good: 771 +Output rule count: 807 + Good: 774 Maybe good (regexes): 11 redirect-rule= (discarded): 20 csp= (discarded): 0 removeparams= (discarded): 0 - Unsupported: 3 + Unsupported: 2 regexFilter is not RE2-compatible: \/kyodopress_cms\/wp-content\/(themes\/kyodopress\/img_banner\/(?!bn_newspaper\.gif)|banners).* regexFilter is not RE2-compatible: ^(?!.*(bootstrapcdn.com|cdn.ampproject.org|cloudflare.com|disqus.com|disquscdn.com|dmca.com|ebacdn.com|facebook.net|fbcdn.net|fluidplayer.com|fontawesome.com|github.io|google.com|googleapis.com|googletagmanager.com|gstatic.com|jquery.com|jsdelivr.net|jwpcdn.com|jwplatform.com|polyfill.io|recaptcha.net|shrink.pe|twitter.com|ulogin.ru|unpkg.com|userapi.com|vidazoo.com|vk.com|yandex.|yastatic.net|ytimg.com|zencdn.net|player|youtube.com|cackle.me|googleoptimize.com|vuukle.com|chatango.com|twimg.com|google-analytics.com|hcaptcha.com|raincaptcha.com|media-imdb.com|blogger.com|hwcdn.net|instagram.com|wp.com)).*$ - Entity not supported: manga1001.* -CSS-related distinct filters: 2025 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 0eenrp2, 1iqs2ja, 0jgit4u, 0jg0f08, 10aqp2a, 13kbrak, 0ehk5jg, 0jtmvka, 01n27hk, 1ejq62m, 1kp4i38, 14tabds, 1p5mv82, 0lsvqvq, 0ihhqme, 1dk8o4s +CSS-related distinct filters: 2038 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 0ivcvco, 0t0ujjg, 1tehcsg, 0udqa38, 08e3eso, 0fnrrvo, 1ulons0, 12941jc, 1jtiiig, 0cb4qoc, 136s43c, 1f9nf2o +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 521 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 0qrggti, 03lim72, 13g8326, 1hqn2r6 +Rejected cosmetic filters: 27 + Entity not supported: javmix.*##.home-h > h1:contains(ライブチャット) + Entity not supported: javmix.*##.home-h > h3:contains(Stripchat) + Entity not supported: hatenablog.*##.hatena-module-html > div.hatena-module-body > ins.adsbygoogle:upward(2) + Entity not supported: hatenadiary.*##.hatena-module-html > div.hatena-module-body > ins.adsbygoogle:upward(2) + Entity not supported: hatenablog.*##.hatena-module-html > div.hatena-module-body > script[src^="//z-fe.amazon-adsystem.com/"]:upward(2) + Entity not supported: hatenadiary.*##.hatena-module-html > div.hatena-module-body > script[src^="//z-fe.amazon-adsystem.com/"]:upward(2) + Entity not supported: hatenablog.*##.hatena-module-html > div.hatena-module-body > a[href^="https://adf.shinobi.jp/"]:upward(2) + Entity not supported: hatenadiary.*##.hatena-module-html > div.hatena-module-body > a[href^="https://adf.shinobi.jp/"]:upward(2) + Entity not supported: hatenablog.*##.hatena-module-html > div.hatena-module-body > script[src^="//adm.shinobi.jp/"]:upward(2) + Entity not supported: hatenadiary.*##.hatena-module-html > div.hatena-module-body > script[src^="//adm.shinobi.jp/"]:upward(2) + Entity not supported: hatenablog.*##.hatena-module-html > div.hatena-module-body > a[href*="//hb.afl.rakuten.co.jp/hsc/"]:upward(2) + Entity not supported: hatenadiary.*##.hatena-module-html > div.hatena-module-body > a[href*="//hb.afl.rakuten.co.jp/hsc/"]:upward(2) + Entity not supported: hatenablog.*##.hatena-module-html > div.hatena-module-body > a[href^="https://click.linksynergy.com"]:upward(2) + Entity not supported: hatenadiary.*##.hatena-module-html > div.hatena-module-body > a[href^="https://click.linksynergy.com"]:upward(2) + Entity not supported: 48idol.*##.ads-above-single-player + Entity not supported: free-erobooks.*###right-side > div.side-box > div.side-title:first-child + Entity not supported: free-erobooks.*##.open + Entity not supported: 48idol.*###custom_html-2 + Entity not supported: 48idol.*###custom_html-4 + Entity not supported: fc2.*##.AdContainer + Entity not supported: manga.okiba.*##.amazon-ranking-outer + Entity not supported: javmix.*##div[style^="width: 300px; height: 250px"] + Entity not supported: javmix.*##div[style^="max-width: 1000px;"] + Entity not supported: javmix.*##div[style^="width: 728px; height: 90px"] + Entity not supported: 9tsu.*##.ads-system + Entity not supported: 9tsu.*##.cactus-sidebar-content > .widget_text:not(.style-5) + Entity not supported: matome-plus.*##.amazontotalboxtest Scriptlet-related distinct filters: 26 Scriptlet-related injectable files: 3 - 1m6j4qr, 183rjj5, 02ajf6n + 0e83jb9, 1iqeqi1, 054ksed ============================ Listset for 'kor-1': Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/List-KR/List-KR/master/filter-uBO.txt @@ -584,12 +2063,15 @@ Output rule count: 523 removeparams= (discarded): 0 Unsupported: 0 -CSS-related distinct filters: 281 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 0cpgsuk, 06ogqgi, 17i1t52, 19nf8ko, 0o7pk30, 1vubfqg, 1b7bet8, 1kbegoe, 0lgn0pe, 19dfk26, 0ftlmk8, 1flbig2, 17c0r0k, 07jk2ko, 0us4qck, 0skn0rk +CSS-related distinct filters: 282 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 0qrm3os, 1okficg, 16cvj2s, 070ld94, 0j9va7k, 09p04ks, 0bjnn70, 0novqc8, 0rlpiv8, 0em3jr8, 0vjloes, 091tb5s +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 14 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 0ahc0mm, 1fo8ug2, 1qhb8me, 1co6n0m Scriptlet-related distinct filters: 4 Scriptlet-related injectable files: 2 - 1it689d, 12c8aeh + 0pecjvd, 1cal349 ============================ Listset for 'lva-0': Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Latvian-List/adblock-latvian/master/lists/latvian-list.txt @@ -605,8 +2087,8 @@ Output rule count: 144 Unsupported: 0 CSS-related distinct filters: 62 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 0ogjj8a, 19pfeqc, 1bjbkve, 1ou0k78, 0kn27ca, 1h6k62g, 1vkjcdi, 0mjvbnc, 0vt7ij0, 1ot15nq, 121d03s, 0df9sr0, 0lc0m2k, 1b7tnjs, 0s0b6p0, 0p7gcb0 +CSS-related injectable files: 11 + 1lufcek, 0fbo8ag, 1hst71g, 0d7me40, 1foa4k4, 0a6fdno, 09egiuc, 15u6nrc, 05tg8gc, 0ho2p2s, 027soas ============================ Listset for 'nld-0': Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EasyDutch-uBO/EasyDutch/gh-pages/EasyDutch.txt @@ -620,8 +2102,8 @@ Listset for 'nld-0': Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EasyDutch-uBO/EasyDutch/gh-pages/EasyDutch/Hide_Whitelist.txt Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EasyDutch-uBO/EasyDutch/gh-pages/EasyDutch/Anti-Adblock.txt Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EasyDutch-uBO/EasyDutch/gh-pages/EasyDutch/No_uBlock_Filters.txt -Input filter count: 749 - Accepted filter count: 746 +Input filter count: 748 + Accepted filter count: 745 Rejected filter count: 0 Output rule count: 644 Good: 635 @@ -631,12 +2113,17 @@ Output rule count: 644 removeparams= (discarded): 0 Unsupported: 1 Entity not supported: allestoringen.* -CSS-related distinct filters: 499 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 0jvuc90, 1d1g9qi, 1rvj6cs, 1cpfsik, 070sqmu, 08rhfsa, 14knpck, 1thcb8k, 0cufdli, 1sfshoi, 1dtlvr8, 1i34cvu, 1shpn3o, 0dhm920, 1cehnii, 0bvul54 +CSS-related distinct filters: 642 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 0m3j33o, 1959c1g, 1r4596k, 07ragcs, 08q5h9k, 1vb3a4k, 1sb6ta8, 1ntv4ig, 1hqu3bc, 0sfcjhk, 0etbrh0, 0d8vet8 +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 171 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 1l0q1iq, 03q5cta, 0n8e2v6, 0mo8djq +Rejected cosmetic filters: 1 + Entity not supported: morningstar.*###ad_top_page Scriptlet-related distinct filters: 10 Scriptlet-related injectable files: 3 - 192stnb, 1vail5h, 1c3egjj + 00v5r59, 1vul5vl, 0n11qed ============================ Listset for 'nor-0': Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DandelionSprout/adfilt/master/NorwegianList.txt @@ -683,12 +2170,69 @@ Output rule count: 485 Unsupported regex-based removeParam: /^source=partnerads$/ Unsupported regex-based removeParam: /^source=tradedoubler$/ Unsupported regex-based removeParam: /^amp;/ -CSS-related distinct filters: 495 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 0dtc2ri, 1lr1gqi, 0brsg5c, 1ir686e, 1mp82v6, 1v0j6sa, 0hmt0im, 102018m, 1b08t4s, 0jc1oum, 0kapcv8, 0jqdqt6, 0a6ek2i, 05inqh4, 0ou3s2m, 0o0co30 +CSS-related distinct filters: 475 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 0q1pock, 1umsn30, 1kuj568, 0kcepqs, 1j97se8, 0gjkskg, 0haug90, 1fimbcs, 1pgti4g, 147to0c, 043u0pk, 0sklqqs +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 140 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 0egrquq, 1dfdgb6, 075mpj2, 00pda3a +Rejected cosmetic filters: 53 + Entity not supported: costume.*##.teaser__native:upward(4) + Entity not supported: eurosport.*##.AdContainer + Entity not supported: momondo.*##.type-provider.clearfix.flights + Entity not supported: ticketmaster.*##div[id^=ad-slot-] + Entity not supported: viaplay.*##.interaction-block + Entity not supported: 180.*##.ad-min-height + Entity not supported: 180.*##.cc-top-ad-outer + Entity not supported: 180.*##.idle-timeout-outer + Entity not supported: 180.*##td[class^=frame-shadow-] + Entity not supported: 180.*##div[class$=-ad-container] + Entity not supported: google.*###cnsi ~ [jsaction*=dismiss] + Entity not supported: intrafish.*##.text-center.mb-3 + Entity not supported: kimbino.*##.signad + Entity not supported: manuall.*##form + div[style^="border-style:solid; "] + Entity not supported: prisjakt.*###footer_header + Entity not supported: prisjakt.*##.desktop-inline-ad + Entity not supported: prisjakt.*##.outsider-ads + Entity not supported: qxl.*###crosslistingLauritzAdsenseBanner + Entity not supported: qxl.*###GoogleAdsenseFooter + div[style^="width: 100%;"] + Entity not supported: qxl.*###lauritzListingView + Entity not supported: qxl.*###leaderBoardListingviewTop + Entity not supported: qxl.*###whitetop:style(margin-top: 0px !important) + Entity not supported: qxl.*##.n_ListHeader:style(margin-top: 5px !important) + Entity not supported: eurosport.*##div[class$=-top-advert] + Entity not supported: ehandel.*###div-leeadsFullpageAd + Entity not supported: ehandel.*##.article-ad-container + Entity not supported: ehandel.*##.article-content > .code-block + Entity not supported: ehandel.*##.article-sponsored + Entity not supported: ehandel.*##.annons + Entity not supported: ehandel.*##.commercial-row + Entity not supported: ehandel.*##body[data-scrolling] .post-container-sponsored + Entity not supported: ehandel.*##.aside-image-with-link:has([href^="https://www.whatsnxt.io/"]) + Entity not supported: prisjakt.*##.adbox + Entity not supported: gamereactor.*###ad_mobiletopinsidetext + Entity not supported: gamereactor.*###ad_video + Entity not supported: gamereactor.*###bigVideoAd + Entity not supported: gamereactor.*###eventad + Entity not supported: gamereactor.*###pagebackground:style(background-image: none !important) + Entity not supported: gamereactor.*###sky2_1 + Entity not supported: gamereactor.*##.ad_smartphbig + Entity not supported: gamereactor.*##.ad_video + Entity not supported: gamereactor.*##.artistyle3:-abp-has(h4:has-text(/sponsored/i)) + Entity not supported: gamereactor.*##.cocacola + Entity not supported: gamereactor.*##.external_div_bigVideoAd:remove() + Entity not supported: gamereactor.*##.sponsor + Entity not supported: gamereactor.*##.vast_ad_video + Entity not supported: gamereactor.*##.videoContent > .clickTag + Entity not supported: gamereactor.*##a[href*="/adclick.php"] + Entity not supported: gamereactor.*##a[href^="/grtv/"][title*=Sponsored]:upward(1) + Entity not supported: gamereactor.*##article.rwd_row:has(a[href$="/sponsoredcontent/"]) + Entity not supported: gamereactor.*##div[class^=ad300] + Entity not supported: gamereactor.*##div[style*="width:300px;height:600px;"] + Entity not supported: gamereactor.*##div[style="min-height: 600px; margin-bottom: 20px;"] Scriptlet-related distinct filters: 10 Scriptlet-related injectable files: 4 - 13bqcqd, 16dsvap, 08ipeph, 0lit4r5 + 0it1ed1, 1jtq9il, 056p3j1, 12j2l49 ============================ Listset for 'pol-0': Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MajkiIT/polish-ads-filter/master/polish-adblock-filters/adblock.txt @@ -709,9 +2253,14 @@ Output rule count: 807 regexFilter is not RE2-compatible: ^http:\/\/((?!192\.168)(?!10\.)(?!172\.16)(?!172\.17)(?!172\.18)(?!172\.19)(?!172\.2)(?!172\.30)(?!172\.31)([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\/[a-zA-Z0-9]{30,} regexFilter is not RE2-compatible: ^(http|https):\/\/www\.portel\.pl\/(?!pasaz)[-a-z0-9A-Z_%$&+=[\].]{1,200}\/[-a-z0-9A-Z_%$&+=[\]/.]{2,200}.(html|htm) regexFilter is not RE2-compatible: ^(http|https):\/\/(?!www.speedvid)(?!streamcherry.com)(?!vshare)(?!vidoza)(?!openload)(?!www.youtube)[a-zA-Z0-9\W]{5,10}.[a-z]{2,20}\/(?!anime)[\w\W\d]{5,20}\/[a-z]{5,20}\/ -CSS-related distinct filters: 2582 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 0c8suji, 1kamukq, 14d9g28, 0581sv8, 0rj7lpq, 1dci538, 0tlbrs8, 1cg92ju, 11a12pe, 0m30q3e, 1o31gf2, 0ra0ehu, 1k5l8d2, 1bpm5io, 1d617fg, 0vbq6p6 +CSS-related distinct filters: 2592 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 0apnhpc, 1pp10og, 0v9nqug, 18d6teg, 0vpjov8, 1ikburo, 0ehfmts, 1iugeuk, 1fjmi10, 0jhj3lc, 1uhfu7o, 1orsans +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 91 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 1rktjlq, 01f7ci6, 0bpobem, 0c7jub2 +Rejected cosmetic filters: 1 + Invalid filter: www.money.pl###app > div > div:matches-css(background-image: /^url\("https:\/\/v\.wpimg\.pl/) ============================ Listset for 'pol-2': Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/olegwukr/polish-privacy-filters/master/anti-adblock.txt @@ -727,27 +2276,33 @@ Output rule count: 202 Unsupported: 0 CSS-related distinct filters: 134 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 15 - 1u0aj7a, 0a8bceg, 0s95igu, 123c0oi, 0oqquuk, 13rqlek, 0m4cgt0, 03u5m3g, 1t2a728, 1lc487k, 0h7pgkg, 1rf8jum, 0ffas04, 0nm0l8m, 11nanc8 +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 1umh06k, 1begro8, 1drc6v4, 030cbi0, 13ilch4, 13k979s, 0mkk52s, 01adsvc, 085hpe0, 09frk6g, 0q9hd2k, 1n2h87o +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 10 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 1pkn90a, 0l0cf12, 1ib6522, 17dla6m ============================ Listset for 'rou-1': Fetching remote https://road.adblock.ro/lista.txt Fetching remote https://road.adblock.ro/road-ubo.txt No valid content for undefined -Input filter count: 518 - Accepted filter count: 516 +Input filter count: 493 + Accepted filter count: 492 Rejected filter count: 0 -Output rule count: 413 - Good: 410 +Output rule count: 390 + Good: 387 Maybe good (regexes): 3 redirect-rule= (discarded): 0 csp= (discarded): 0 removeparams= (discarded): 0 Unsupported: 0 -CSS-related distinct filters: 191 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 0nmocu6, 1irpeaa, 0i4n3ko, 18jqvp0, 07j29gi, 12htk7e, 174e5vm, 0f52kuu, 1drd20i, 0s5ttoe, 0olm66m, 0q5dug8, 1vp4fbo, 0fd7h5e, 0s39jhc, 0s7qe8i +CSS-related distinct filters: 211 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 1j094k4, 02k4vgs, 051b3eg, 104e1kk, 157fgqs, 0sik3b8, 1mr48g4, 1d4pmjc, 0o9llgk, 1up4108, 0pp3fb0, 1o9o3t4 +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 74 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 07auuvi, 1hagkau, 0vif6h6, 15uhasq ============================ Listset for 'rus-0': Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/easylist/ruadlist/master/RuAdList-uBO.txt @@ -765,8 +2320,8 @@ Listset for 'rus-0': Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/easylist/ruadlist/master/css-fixes-experimental.txt Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/easylist/ruadlist/master/js-fixes-experimental.txt Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/easylist/ruadlist/master/AWRL-non-sync.txt -Input filter count: 18442 - Accepted filter count: 18424 +Input filter count: 18460 + Accepted filter count: 18442 Rejected filter count: 16 Output rule count: 6001 Good: 5909 @@ -779,34 +2334,49 @@ Output rule count: 6001 Entity not supported: m.rp5.* Unhandled modifier exception Unsupported regex-based removeParam: /autostart|skin_name/ -CSS-related distinct filters: 5165 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 08nhg8o, 0vvt8gi, 1r43dqe, 1vg3s04, 1ksekh0, 14cc2ve, 1qj0hbe, 05vq84a, 02tq35o, 0la3cii, 15fdfg8, 1chfooq, 1qa0s4s, 11on91k, 0bkqp84, 1nb3qi0 +CSS-related distinct filters: 5167 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 0qk9duc, 0nhfqt4, 03luuco, 0971vik, 0nm0n9k, 080ekoo, 0lbp2jg, 0l6d3c4, 0s8je1g, 06smdic, 0nja2io, 08me71s +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 948 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 0h70fd2, 1hkm4ba, 1qc3nc2, 0phcq32 +Rejected cosmetic filters: 8 + Invalid filter: mail.ru##.grid__lcol .logo__img--vk[href="//mail.ru"] > .logo__text:matches-media((min-width: 1317px)):style(display: block !important; width: 78px !important; height: 40px !important; opacity: 1 !important; position: absolute !important; right: 0 !important; top: 15px !important; background-color: #005ff9 !important) + Invalid filter: mail.ru##.grid__lcol .logo__img--vk[href="//mail.ru"]:matches-media((min-width: 1317px)):style(background-size: auto 40px !important; background-position: 90px 50% !important) + Invalid filter: mail.ru##.grid__lcol .logo__img--vk[href="//mail.ru"] > .logo__text:matches-media((max-width: 1316px)):style(display: block !important; width: 60px !important; height: 40px !important; opacity: 1 !important; position: absolute !important; right: 0 !important; top: 15px !important; background-color: #005ff9 !important) + Invalid filter: mail.ru##.grid__lcol .logo__img--vk[href="//mail.ru"]:matches-media((max-width: 1316px)):style(background-size: auto 40px !important; background-position: 75px 50% !important) + Invalid filter: mail.ru##.grid__lcol .logo__img--vk[href="//mail.ru"] > .logo__text:matches-media((max-width: 1252px)):style(display: block !important; width: 60px !important; height: 40px !important; opacity: 1 !important; position: absolute !important; right: 0 !important; top: 15px !important; background-color: #005ff9 !important) + Invalid filter: mail.ru##.grid__lcol .logo__img--vk[href="//mail.ru"]:matches-media((max-width: 1252px)):style(background-size: auto 40px !important; background-position: 75px 50% !important) + Invalid filter: mail.ru##.grid__lcol .logo__img--vk[href="//mail.ru"] > .logo__text:matches-media((max-width: 1188px)):style(display: block !important; width: 60px !important; height: 40px !important; opacity: 1 !important; position: absolute !important; right: 0 !important; top: 15px !important; background-color: #005ff9 !important) + Invalid filter: mail.ru##.grid__lcol .logo__img--vk[href="//mail.ru"]:matches-media((max-width: 1188px)):style(background-size: auto 40px !important; background-position: 60px 50% !important) Scriptlet-related distinct filters: 197 Scriptlet-related injectable files: 4 - 1os79nf, 19cm4r5, 1ueqceh, 0u3n18p + 0eh00o9, 1is819d, 04uei6t, 1emf7dd ============================ Listset for 'spa-0': Fetching remote https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylistspanish.txt -Input filter count: 1509 - Accepted filter count: 1509 +Input filter count: 1486 + Accepted filter count: 1486 Rejected filter count: 0 -Output rule count: 815 - Good: 805 +Output rule count: 836 + Good: 826 Maybe good (regexes): 9 redirect-rule= (discarded): 0 csp= (discarded): 0 removeparams= (discarded): 0 Unsupported: 1 Invalid network filter in spa-0: $webrtc,domain=allpeliculas.com|animeid.tv|booksmedicos.org|dompl3.info|gnula.biz|jkanime.net|mejortorrent.com|mejortorrent.org|mejortorrent1.com|pelispedia.tv -CSS-related distinct filters: 755 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 0293jjm, 0fdfvko, 08eh2q8, 0hgb14k, 1n4b7i2, 1c00s66, 0c6c7o6, 0gj4tlo, 0mpeftu, 0q6bmma, 08igf16, 1vcp1ra, 1uvv6uo, 11cafm8, 0t8jqmq, 13pvcf8 +CSS-related distinct filters: 760 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 1s1ntik, 1ao3u5c, 18utqb4, 03rpbr8, 0cjig0c, 1023uog, 0k63ol0, 17cki3c, 1ov27qg, 1u39jho, 0dt018o, 1lovc2o +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 25 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 1m13ltm, 022d57e, 1otk236, 10aj6ei ============================ Listset for 'spa-1': Fetching remote https://filters.adtidy.org/extension/ublock/filters/9.txt -Input filter count: 1416 - Accepted filter count: 1411 +Input filter count: 1417 + Accepted filter count: 1412 Rejected filter count: 0 Output rule count: 944 Good: 909 @@ -820,12 +2390,24 @@ Output rule count: 944 Entity not supported: cuevana3.* regexFilter is not RE2-compatible: ^(?!.*(bootstrapcdn.com|cdn.ampproject.org|cloudflare.com|disqus.com|disquscdn.com|dmca.com|ebacdn.com|facebook.net|fbcdn.net|fluidplayer.com|fontawesome.com|github.io|google.com|googleapis.com|googletagmanager.com|gstatic.com|jquery.com|jsdelivr.net|jwpcdn.com|jwplatform.com|polyfill.io|recaptcha.net|shrink.pe|twitter.com|ulogin.ru|unpkg.com|userapi.com|vidazoo.com|vk.com|yandex.|yastatic.net|ytimg.com|zencdn.net|player|youtube.com|cackle.me|googleoptimize.com|vuukle.com|chatango.com|twimg.com|google-analytics.com|hcaptcha.com|raincaptcha.com|media-imdb.com|blogger.com|hwcdn.net|instagram.com|wp.com)).*$ Entity not supported: anitube.* -CSS-related distinct filters: 1043 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 1067oia, 1cd6c7g, 09os89q, 1unvibu, 0nsorpg, 0a3qoto, 0j88mm8, 10670lo, 1f67l78, 1qp83um, 0ck6v04, 0d3kq4m, 070t3pm, 1ipbr2e, 0pr9le0, 1v2kidc +CSS-related distinct filters: 1047 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 1v9qvng, 14ojhks, 08dmvvo, 005cbt0, 0a5ai50, 1p8v7po, 0sns9l8, 0stem28, 0ke382g, 1eubteo, 1qbtvso, 0adathc +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 167 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 1mehhc6, 08le2o6, 12crtm6, 1oriaka +Rejected cosmetic filters: 8 + Entity not supported: atomixhq.*##.featured-slides > li.slide:not([id]):has(a[href^="https://startgaming.net/"]) + Entity not supported: atomixhq.*##.ads + Entity not supported: cuevana3.*##p[align="center"] > a[target="_blank"] > img + Entity not supported: atomixhq.*##a[href^="https://startgaming.net/"] + Entity not supported: mejortorrents1.*##iframe[src^="publi"] + Entity not supported: lectulandia.*###rightPromo + Entity not supported: lectulandia.*##.perfbtns2 + Entity not supported: lectulandia.*##.bloky > a > img Scriptlet-related distinct filters: 82 Scriptlet-related injectable files: 4 - 00lu22d, 119s3a3, 0k88ef3, 1ht4lt1 + 0teuvil, 1jmhiv1, 1a0l5q9, 1csm9ih ============================ Listset for 'svn-0': Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/betterwebleon/slovenian-list/master/filters.txt @@ -840,20 +2422,23 @@ Output rule count: 103 removeparams= (discarded): 0 Unsupported: 0 -CSS-related distinct filters: 167 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 1tlmjvc, 1fd1noq, 1jnq7ok, 0k71cbc, 1fv29k2, 17kdeu0, 0af5ifk, 0go19j8, 16bbdn0, 0qqk4so, 0c09gps, 0a9h3di, 0162nn6, 03344oc, 1hivnik, 1b4hhfu +CSS-related distinct filters: 169 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 0a76a9s, 1u4mfmc, 0rpvbo4, 0srm5fk, 1ship60, 08avhqc, 1623b94, 03n0jls, 017ooj8, 1safv94, 11em718, 064rt64 +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 2 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 2 + 1h4fmie, 1nm5lk2 ============================ Listset for 'swe-1': Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lassekongo83/Frellwits-filter-lists/master/Frellwits-Swedish-Filter.txt Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lassekongo83/Frellwits-filter-lists/master/Swedish/swe-ubo-filters.txt Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lassekongo83/Frellwits-filter-lists/master/Swedish/chromium.txt Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lassekongo83/Frellwits-filter-lists/master/Swedish/not_mobile.txt -Input filter count: 1504 - Accepted filter count: 1504 +Input filter count: 1510 + Accepted filter count: 1510 Rejected filter count: 0 -Output rule count: 1140 - Good: 1121 +Output rule count: 1145 + Good: 1126 Maybe good (regexes): 2 redirect-rule= (discarded): 9 csp= (discarded): 2 @@ -862,12 +2447,15 @@ Output rule count: 1140 Unsupported regex-based removeParam: /^ap/ Unsupported regex-based removeParam: /^browser/ Unsupported regex-based removeParam: /^utm_/ -CSS-related distinct filters: 588 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 1ht2fa4, 0vqr2bm, 0nqkn06, 0f9cmv6, 0bcqhsq, 0tc09ae, 1kc12ba, 0evj890, 1gjmads, 1f22ddm, 0acj5l6, 1hllts6, 020v2qe, 0tqsnga, 148juoi, 1qevcns +CSS-related distinct filters: 592 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 0r0h3gs, 1emmoic, 1ii5lc8, 0os8tuo, 0j9fu6o, 1fuqhds, 1j9g6io, 0m89s1k, 0brjjp8, 0ickl8o, 1rifdg8, 0ttsjac +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 249 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 06ai8ge, 0oolj2u, 172eq32, 02m5n02 Scriptlet-related distinct filters: 47 Scriptlet-related injectable files: 4 - 0blippt, 0r6pr6v, 1787tof, 0sien3p + 0do8pbl, 0t9gb2p, 1gt1bsh, 1o3pvi1 ============================ Listset for 'tha-0': Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/easylist-thailand/easylist-thailand/master/subscription/easylist-thailand.txt @@ -882,17 +2470,20 @@ Output rule count: 335 removeparams= (discarded): 0 Unsupported: 0 -CSS-related distinct filters: 162 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 15 - 0carepu, 0tmdiqc, 0g0da5o, 0226lr4, 1pe25hs, 1hkbii6, 0a8bhc0, 0kngph8, 1igg8v6, 107rde6, 0g303l4, 1jiln7c, 0t8kjgg, 0tic9nc, 196j53u +CSS-related distinct filters: 178 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 14a4k5s, 0sb3khk, 09f40ac, 1a5qqvs, 0gm05p0, 1r1ieng, 12gbig4, 1fo0r60, 0tvqbqk, 0a2kav8, 18jffeg, 14m5o0s +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 1 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 1 + 08o4r3m ============================ Listset for 'tur-0': Fetching remote https://filters.adtidy.org/extension/ublock/filters/13.txt -Input filter count: 1807 - Accepted filter count: 1807 +Input filter count: 1809 + Accepted filter count: 1809 Rejected filter count: 0 -Output rule count: 1373 - Good: 1330 +Output rule count: 1374 + Good: 1331 Maybe good (regexes): 13 redirect-rule= (discarded): 19 csp= (discarded): 0 @@ -909,37 +2500,188 @@ Output rule count: 1373 Entity not supported: yabancidizi.* Entity not supported: hdfilmcehennemi.* regexFilter is not RE2-compatible: ^(?!.*(bootstrapcdn.com|cdn.ampproject.org|cloudflare.com|disqus.com|disquscdn.com|dmca.com|ebacdn.com|facebook.net|fbcdn.net|fluidplayer.com|fontawesome.com|github.io|google.com|googleapis.com|googletagmanager.com|gstatic.com|jquery.com|jsdelivr.net|jwpcdn.com|jwplatform.com|polyfill.io|recaptcha.net|shrink.pe|twitter.com|ulogin.ru|unpkg.com|userapi.com|vidazoo.com|vk.com|yandex.|yastatic.net|ytimg.com|zencdn.net|player|youtube.com|cackle.me|googleoptimize.com|vuukle.com|chatango.com|twimg.com|google-analytics.com|hcaptcha.com|raincaptcha.com|media-imdb.com|blogger.com|hwcdn.net|instagram.com|wp.com)).*$ -CSS-related distinct filters: 1684 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 0al4ave, 1o69jaq, 1hadjoo, 1kevusa, 17hv278, 1t51rpu, 1tp4376, 16pvu6k, 0cu1iui, 1hg0hd2, 166h21s, 1nl7f8u, 1agi6kg, 1bdno62, 0g3r828, 0pgu0qc -Scriptlet-related distinct filters: 63 +CSS-related distinct filters: 1685 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 099h468, 1h164u0, 0j51n6c, 1fans04, 1ls4vo4, 1jc3s9c, 0m1vpu4, 1pp9jbo, 1k1hbak, 1gj6ce4, 0d45578, 1lhhhks +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 336 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 1j4mkom, 03t8f5i, 0p5kf16, 1bsb3li +Rejected cosmetic filters: 144 + Entity not supported: torrentarsivi.*###wrapfabtest { height: 1px !important; } + Entity not supported: torrentarsivi.*###eazy_ad_unblocker_holder + Entity not supported: vipfilmlerizle.*##.video-content > div[id^="welcomeDiv"] { remove: true; } + Entity not supported: filmizletv.*##.content-container .fw_playerAlti:has(> a[target="_blank"]) + Entity not supported: filmizletv.*##.side-box > .fw_playerYaniKat2Ustu:has(> iframe[src*="filmizletv."][src*="/sidrek.htm"]) + Entity not supported: diziyo.*###contenedor > div[class*="onceki"]:has(> center > iframe[src^="https://www.diziyo."][src*="/rklm/"]) + Entity not supported: webteizle.*###sol > #embed:has(iframe) ~ #video-onu2 { remove: true; } + Entity not supported: dafflix.*##.rek-0 { remove: true; } + Entity not supported: dizitime.*##.col.pr-0 > div[class="bg-dt2"]:has(> a[href][target="_blank"]) + Entity not supported: vipfilmlerizle.*##body { margin-top: 0 !important; } + Entity not supported: vipfilmlerizle.*##header.container { margin-top: 0 !important; } + Entity not supported: hdfilmcehennemi2.*##.money--video { display: none !important; } + Entity not supported: filmmakinesi.*##.wrapper { margin-top: 0 !important; } + Entity not supported: filmmakinesi.*##body { background-image: none !important; } + Entity not supported: fullhdfilmizlesene.*##div.duyuru-izle.duyuru-izle { margin-top: 20px !important; } + Entity not supported: fullhdfilmizlesene.*##div.orta[style^="margin-top:"]:not(.izle) { margin-top: 131px !important; } + Entity not supported: fullhdfilmizlesene.*##div.orta.izle[style^="margin-top:"]:not(#style_important) { margin-top: 180px !important; } + Entity not supported: filmizletv.*###mysite { margin-top: 0 !important; } + Entity not supported: filmzal.*###header { margin-top: 0 !important; } + Entity not supported: dizilla.*##div[style="float: left; width: calc(100% - 300px);"] { width: 100% !important; } + Entity not supported: tranimeizle.*##.previd-link { visibility: hidden!important; } + Entity not supported: vipfilmlerizle.*###cn-content { display: block !important; } + Entity not supported: vipfilmlerizle.*##.video-content > div[id^="welcomeDiv"] { display: none !important; } + Entity not supported: filmizlesene.*##.vidcontainer { display: none !important; } + Entity not supported: filmizlesene.*###episode { height: unset !important; width: unset !important; position: unset !important; overflow: unset !important; } + Entity not supported: elzemfilmizle.*###kendisi { display: block !important; } + Entity not supported: elzemfilmizle.*###reki2 { display: none !important; } + Entity not supported: siyahfilmizle.*###reki1 { display: none !important; } + Entity not supported: siyahfilmizle.*###player { display: block !important; } + Entity not supported: fullhdizle.*###kendisi { display: block !important; } + Entity not supported: fullhdizle.*###vrklm { display: none !important; } + Entity not supported: filmizletv.*###reki1 { display: none !important; } + Entity not supported: filmizletv.*###kendisi { display: block !important; } + Entity not supported: fullhdfilmmodu.*###reki1 { display: none !important; } + Entity not supported: fullhdfilmmodu.*###kendisi { display: block !important; } + Entity not supported: hdfilmcehennemi2.*##div[id^="reki"] { display: none !important; } + Entity not supported: hdfilmcehennemi2.*###kendisi { display: block !important; } + Entity not supported: vipfilmlerizle.*##html > body { background-image: none !important; } + Entity not supported: jetfilmizle.*##body { background-image: none !important; } + Entity not supported: dizilab9.*##body { background-image: none !important; } + Entity not supported: dizilab8.*##body { background-image: none !important; } + Entity not supported: filmizletv.*##body { background-image: none !important; } + Entity not supported: dizilab9.*##body .banner + Entity not supported: dizilab8.*##body .banner + Entity not supported: fullhdizle.*##.footer-sticky + Entity not supported: altyazilifilm.*##.footer-sticky + Entity not supported: vipfilmlerizle.*###iframe-reklam + Entity not supported: hdfilmcehennemi2.*##.money:not(.money--video) + Entity not supported: dafflix.*##.right.floated > div[data-gets] > a[href][target="_blank"] > img + Entity not supported: dafflix.*##.rek-wrap > *:not(b) + Entity not supported: dafflix.*##.rek-0 + Entity not supported: fullhdizle.*###footer-fixed + Entity not supported: jetfilmizle.*###movie-sidebar > a[target="_blank"] + Entity not supported: elzemfilmizle.*##.ust-reklam + Entity not supported: sinepal.*###reki + Entity not supported: sinepal.*##body .ads-skin + Entity not supported: siyahfilmizle.*##.sticky-footer-banner + Entity not supported: filmzal.*##.mst_ad + Entity not supported: jetfilmizle.*##.singleSag + Entity not supported: jetfilmizle.*##.row > div.container > div.table-container + Entity not supported: fullhdizle.*##div[onclick^="event.preventDefault();window.open("] + Entity not supported: dizilab9.*##.close_page_skin + Entity not supported: dizilab8.*##.close_page_skin + Entity not supported: dizilab9.*##div[data-tur^="ads"] + Entity not supported: dizilab8.*##div[data-tur^="ads"] + Entity not supported: setfilmizle.*##.pageskin-top + Entity not supported: setfilmizle.*##.set-pageskin + Entity not supported: setfilmizle.*##.menu_alti_reklam + Entity not supported: setfilmizle.*###footadskpt + Entity not supported: diziyo.*###footadskpt + Entity not supported: filmzal.*##.player-top-ad a + Entity not supported: dizisup.*##.player-top-ad a + Entity not supported: dizibox.*##.pull-right > div.box-sidebar + Entity not supported: dizibox.*##.adv.full-width.pull-left + Entity not supported: dizisup.*##.st_ad + Entity not supported: filmzal.*##.st_ad + Entity not supported: filmizletv.*##.fw_footerFixed + Entity not supported: filmizletv.*##.ustheadreklam + Entity not supported: filmizletv.*##div[style^="min-height:"] + Entity not supported: filmizletv.*##.fw_anaRklm + Entity not supported: filmizletv.*##.fw_headerRklm + Entity not supported: filmizletv.*##.side-box > .fw_playerYaniKat2Ustu:empty + Entity not supported: filmizletv.*##.content-container > .fw_playerAlti[style]:empty + Entity not supported: filmizletv.*##iframe[src*="filmizletv."][src*="/sidrek.htm"] + Entity not supported: filmizletv.*##.footerFixReklam + Entity not supported: filmizletv.*##.footerKapat + Entity not supported: filmizletv.*###mysite > div > a > img + Entity not supported: filmizletv.*##.content-container > div > a > img + Entity not supported: yabancidizi.*##hr[style^="margin: 5px 0;"][style*="border-color: #42e3d0;"] + Entity not supported: webteizle.*##a[href^="https://accounts.binance.me/"] + Entity not supported: hdfilmcehennemi2.*##.card-money + Entity not supported: hdfilmcehennemi.*##.card-money + Entity not supported: hdfilmcehennemi2.*##.money-text + Entity not supported: hdfilmcehennemi.*##.money-text + Entity not supported: hdfilmcehennemi.*##.play-that-video a[target="_blank"] + Entity not supported: filmzal.*##.pgskn + Entity not supported: hdfilmcehennemi.*##.pgskn + Entity not supported: hdfilmcehennemi.*##.money + Entity not supported: filmmakinesi1.*##.malker + Entity not supported: filmmakinesi.*##.malker + Entity not supported: filmmakinesi.*###benzerler + Entity not supported: yabancidizi.*##*:not(.poster) > a[href][target="_blank"] > img + Entity not supported: yabancidizi.*##a[href^="https://accounts.binance.com/tr/register"] + Entity not supported: yabancidizitv.*##.videoalt + Entity not supported: yabancidizitv.*##.videoust + Entity not supported: dizilla.*##img[src^="https://finema-net.cdn.ampproject.org/"] + Entity not supported: yabancidizi.*##center > a[href][target="_blank"] + Entity not supported: 31vakti.*###advid > iframe + div[style^="display: block;"][style*="position: absolute;"][style*="z-index:"] + Entity not supported: radyodinle.*##.ad-right-area + Entity not supported: fullhdizle.*##a[href^="https://bit.ly/"] + Entity not supported: fullhdfilmizlesene.*##a[href^="https://bit.ly/"] + Entity not supported: hdfilmcehennemi2.*##a[href^="https://bit.ly/"] + Entity not supported: filmyani.*##a[href^="https://bit.ly/"] + Entity not supported: yabancidizi.*###rek-container + Entity not supported: filmmakinesi.*##.adbetnetwork + Entity not supported: dizisup.*###footerFixedDiv + Entity not supported: dizilla.*###footerFixedDiv + Entity not supported: webteizle.*##iframe[src^="https://wlearnlounge.adsrv.eacdn.com/"] + Entity not supported: dizimov.*##.rek-wrap + Entity not supported: dizitime.*##.prevideo + Entity not supported: dizitime.*##.col.pr-0 a[href][target="_blank"] > img + Entity not supported: dizibox.*##a[href][target="_blank"] > img + Entity not supported: dizilla.*###preRollBd + Entity not supported: tranimeizle.*##.video-ad-container + Entity not supported: enyenifilmizle.*##.body-clickable + Entity not supported: dizitime.*###melbet + Entity not supported: tranimeizle.*##.add-inner + Entity not supported: fullhdfilmmodu.*###wrap a[target="_blank"] > img + Entity not supported: fullhdfilmmodu.*##.btbg + Entity not supported: fullhdfilmizlesene.*##.btbg + Entity not supported: dizitime.*##.btbg + Entity not supported: filmmakinesi.*###single_1_aciklama_alt + Entity not supported: filmmakinesi.*###film > div[class*="-metin"] + Entity not supported: dizitime.*##a[href][target="_blank"][rel="nofollow"] > img + Entity not supported: filmyani.*##a[href][target="_blank"][rel="nofollow"] > img + Entity not supported: dizilab9.*###sticky + Entity not supported: dizilab8.*###sticky + Entity not supported: filmmakinesi.*###fixedreklam + Entity not supported: hdfilmcehennemi2.*###pageskin + Entity not supported: yabancidizi.*###pageskin + Entity not supported: dizibox.*###pageskin + Entity not supported: fullhdfilmizlesene.*##.psk + Entity not supported: fullhdfilmizlesene.*##.rekgec-div + Entity not supported: webteizle.*##img[alt="reklam"] +Scriptlet-related distinct filters: 64 Scriptlet-related injectable files: 4 - 1k3db3v, 0ih0rel, 0r09e3b, 1nht4ir + 1rbk12h, 1gi1e3d, 1s20hb5, 1cljg09 ============================ Listset for 'vie-1': Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abpvn/abpvn/master/filter/abpvn_ublock.txt -Input filter count: 731 - Accepted filter count: 731 +Input filter count: 734 + Accepted filter count: 734 Rejected filter count: 0 -Output rule count: 559 - Good: 554 +Output rule count: 562 + Good: 557 Maybe good (regexes): 3 redirect-rule= (discarded): 0 csp= (discarded): 2 removeparams= (discarded): 0 Unsupported: 0 -CSS-related distinct filters: 408 distinct combined selectors -CSS-related injectable files: 16 - 0ppgn32, 1eo5ors, 1tfth3u, 10il0u8, 031da8i, 1auuu9s, 03vbn02, 12noet0, 15i6dfe, 1cs0mt6, 0lgq6h4, 0dpuaki, 1thjtoe, 10h74v0, 0p2vdmg, 1scr8k8 +CSS-related distinct filters: 412 distinct combined selectors +CSS-related injectable files: 12 + 1l14pb0, 1c95plc, 0dimib0, 01sprmk, 1uoq30o, 03qm7no, 17vrhpo, 16o6nt0, 19mtua8, 0pfjnfs, 01oll4k, 1vd8tr0 +Pprocedural-related distinct filters: 8 distinct combined selectors +Pprocedural-related injectable files: 4 + 1iaj2cu, 1pn229u, 0bnl076, 1m1rq1i Scriptlet-related distinct filters: 35 Scriptlet-related injectable files: 4 - 0iaijkf, 0biemcl, 020pqtr, 00nk78n + 05spqtd, 0nse42t, 0f6n7l1, 06hqv35 ============================ Listset for 'block-lan': Fetching remote https://ublockorigin.github.io/uAssets/filters/lan-block.txt -Input filter count: 43 - Accepted filter count: 43 +Input filter count: 44 + Accepted filter count: 44 Rejected filter count: 0 Output rule count: 10 Good: 4 @@ -952,8 +2694,8 @@ Output rule count: 10 ============================ Listset for 'dpollock-0': Fetching remote https://someonewhocares.org/hosts/hosts -Input filter count: 11390 - Accepted filter count: 11390 +Input filter count: 11389 + Accepted filter count: 11389 Rejected filter count: 0 Output rule count: 1 Good: 1 @@ -966,8 +2708,8 @@ Output rule count: 1 ============================ Listset for 'stevenblack-hosts': Fetching remote https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts -Input filter count: 140908 - Accepted filter count: 140908 +Input filter count: 148942 + Accepted filter count: 148942 Rejected filter count: 0 Output rule count: 2 Good: 2